Kathy Olson’s Educational Web Resource Sites

Kathy Olson’s Educational Web Resource Sites

|Discipline |Grade Level |Web Site Address |Description |

|Reading, Math, Health |Preschool-6 | |Provides educational games, fun stories, and songs for |

| | | |kids. Great resource for teachers and parents. |

|Math |K-6 | |Online math games for kids (and adults) of all ages. |

| | | |Includes tips for parents. |

|Science, History, Geography, |K-6 | |The site provides educational games, fun activities, |

|Language Arts | | |and stories for children. |

|Math, Language Arts, Science, |K-8 | |Provides educational games for kids, which help them |

|History, Geography, PE, Music, | | |with grammar, science and math. The site also provides |

|Art | | |teachers with tips on how to use the activities |

| | | |provided in the classroom. |

|Integrating Technology in the |K-12 | |This site provides teachers with curriculum |

|Classroom | | |developments tools and resources to integrate |

| | | |technology in the classroom. For example teachers can |

| | | |create online quizzes, design a classroom blueprint, |

| | | |and access lesson plans or create their own. |

|Language Arts |Preschool-3 | |This site complements the award-winning television |

| | | |program “Between the Lions.” This program helps |

| | | |children with their reading skills. The web site |

| | | |provides children with stories, and educational games |

| | | |and activities. |

|Math, Science, Technology |K-12 | |This site provides kids with access to other NASA kid |

| | | |web sites. It also provides educational games, fun |

| | | |activities, and stories. |

|U.S. Government |K-12 | |This site provides teachers, parents, and kids with |

| | | |information and games regarding how our government |

| | | |works. It also provides links to other government web |

| | | |sites. |

|Math, Language Arts, Science, |K-6 | |This is a site that produces educational web sites for |

|Geography, Art/Crafts, Music | | |children that has information, ideas, and |

| | | |work-sheets/activities to support all subject areas. |

|Language Arts, Science, Math, |K-8 | |Provides kids with educational games, kid friendly web |

|Health, History, Technology | | |sites where they can look up information on different |

| | | |topics. |


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