Health Hints, Fun Facts and Quick Tips

Health Hints, Fun Facts and Quick Tips

The Monthly Newsletter Designed To Brighten Your Day, Enhance Your Body and Enliven Your Spirit

Page 1: What's New?

Page 2: May Goofs, Riddle,

Fun Facts, Quotes and New Client


Page 3: The Cause of

Every Bodily Injury and The Muscle of the Month

Page 4: The Game of the Month and

Client Highlights

What's New? By Chris Vercelli MATcms, RTS, CPT

Greetings my friends! I hope you've had a great month! It's been an incredible month for me! This time of year is always bittersweet because although I hate having to say goodbye to all my snowbird clients, I always look forward to a couple weeks of respite in my schedule so I can recharge and take a little bit of time off. This year though, I don't think that's going to happen. My last new client consultation was scheduled for just under 5 weeks from the day I scheduled it and I expect this to continue through most of the summer. Some of that is because I had an amazing response to my local ABC television coverage. The anchor who reported the story did a fantastic job and really helped present MAT very well. I was overhwlemed with all the calls afterward from people in Sarasota, Venice and even Northport who saw the show and felt I could help give them answers about their physical situation. Since then the 9-10 hour days have continued, which has resulted in me being a little behind in getting this newsletter out. But, April was not all work and no play. We had some great weekend fun to help blow off steam. Thankfully, the waterpark at Adventure Island is open again so we started going back and my little brave man is now riding all the waterslides he can. I love it! That pales in comparison to something else he did which was to ride his first big boy rollercoaster! This ride went 65 miles an hour and went upside down and everything. Despite his initial hesitation, he got off saying "that was awesome!" I'm so proud of my little man! We also took a fun trip up to the Museum of Science and Industry where we got to learn some cool stuff and I got to have a neat machine take my picture and electronically "age" me to 70 years old. I thought you'd get a kick out of it so I put the picture below. Ha-ha. I hope you have a great month! God bless you!

Russell Martin and I while being filmed for ABC Channel 7

Christians first rollercoaster

Me at 70???

Health Hints, Fun Facts and Quick Tips

May 2014

May Goofs


"Energy and persistence conquer all things" Benjamin Franklin

"One thing I do, forgetting what lies behind and pressing forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God"

A Warm Welcome to My Newest Clients

Philippians 3:13-14

Ginny Debuys (returning client) Jerry Johnson (returning client)

Wendy Annuinziata Tony Kenworthy


Barbara Bernier (returning client)

Lennie Lawrence

Malcolm Hay (returning client)

Susan Purser

Jason Suzor (returning client)

Nancy Wissner

Bonnie Gilpin (referred by Denny Gilpin)

Judy Timke (referred by Julie Phalen)

"I sincerely thank all of you who have put your trust in me. I am very grateful for the opportunity to make a positive difference in your life. It is an honor and a privilege. Thank you also to those who refer people

to me, which is the highest compliment I can get. -Chris Vercelli

In England in the 1880's "pants" was considered a dirty word

Obsessive nose picking is called Rhinotillexomania

Wearing headphones for an hour increases the bacteria in your ear 700 times

In medieval Italy, if a man was caught kissing a woman in public, he had to marry her whether he liked it or not

May Riddle

Be one of the first 5 to tell me the right answer and be entered to win a prize- Chris@

"What can travel around the world but still stay in one spot?"

Every year your body replaces 98% of your atoms

The lifespan of a taste bud is ten days

Answer to last month's riddle- "45"

In Quitman, Georgia it is illegal for a chicken to cross the road.

Congratulations to Marv Green and Susan Purser for solving last month's riddle

Congratulations to Marv Green, Carr Purser, Susan Purser and Marty Mork for solving last month's brain game questions

Health Hints, Fun Facts and Quick Tips

May 2014

The Cause of Every Bodily Injury

Injuries are no fun. They hurt, they are annoying and they limit our life in many ways. Some injuries happen suddenly, like a broken bone, a sprained ankle or a pulled muscle and others happen gradually over time like disk bulges, most muscle tears, arthritis and other chronic repetitive stress injuries. Regardless of which category they fall into, where in the body they are, what tissue was specifically damaged or any other variable, there is one common denominator that causes all of them. This common denominator is force.

You may remember in physics class learning about force. Force is somewhat mysterious to most people simply because we cannot see it and therefore it cannot be perceived well. But think about this, if you wanted to physically hurt someone what would you have to do? Whatever you just thought of requires force. Hitting, pushing, smacking, kicking, or anything else that could hurt someone requires force to inflict that injury.

This same principle is true inside our body. Inside our body we have forces that are travelling all around from gravity (the force we can never fully escape unless we're in space) and from activities like exercise, sports, housework, and anything else that requires movement. These forces can wreak havoc on our bodies if we don't absorb them properly. Many people have this force malabsorption problem, which is why they get hurt or have pain when they do some type of activity. This can severely limit the enjoyment of their life.

Inside our body we have hundreds of organs that are designed to absorb force. These organs are constantly working to absorb force from gravity and from our daily activities. Not having these organs working as well as possible will create a potentially VERY dangerous situation. What organs am I talking about? Muscles. Your muscles have to absorb the force that comes into your body and protect other tissues from absorbing too much of it. If they don't all work well then many other body tissues can break down, become injured and cause pain.

Many people mistakenly believe that what I do for a living is "fix" peoples injuries or relieve them of their pain. This is a misconception. What I actually do is help their body absorb force properly so that the tissue inside doesn't get beat up and broken down. If this is done when someone is already in that state, it can take enough force off the injured area to help it heal and return to normal. In someone who isn't beat up and broken down, it can allow their body to prevent many of those injuries that would sideline them from normal life. A win-win no matter who you are. If you want to see how your body is absorbing force, do yourself a favor and get your muscles checked.

Muscle of the Month: Quadratus Lumborum (QL)

If you have ever had any kind of lower back problem you could likely look at where the muscle on the right is and remember some not so fond memories of that area feeling tight or painful. The QL muscle itself plays some very important roles in not only maintenance of lower back health, but also of the entire lower body. Let me explain why.

The QL is one of the primary muscles that helps hold up the hip bones and create alignment to the hip girdle. When the QL is inactive it can cause the pelvis and lower spine to be misaligned which leads to excessive stress on the lower back and can lead to deterioration of the disks, stenosis and other painful spinal conditions.

When the pelvis is not aligned properly, this causes one side to drop and one leg to hang a bit lower than the other. In response to this change our body creates a compensation pattern in order to allow us to stand and walk normally despite our legs not being even. This causes us to throw excessive stress to certain parts of our lower body and can lead to hip, knee and foot injuries and ailments. As you can see, the QL is not a muscle that you'd ever want to quit working properly.

Curious if your QL or any other muscle is inactive? Call or email me to be placed on my waiting list for a free consultationChris@ 941-735-6223

Health Hints, Fun Facts and Quick Tips

May 2014

The Game of the Month

Answer this and win a copy of my new book (which currently sells for $8.97 on )"Improve Muscles-Improve Life: A Comprehensive Expos? on How Optimizing Muscle Function May be the Missing Link To

Getting What You Want From Your Body"

Follow these instructions carefully, ONE LINE AT A TIME. Be sure to do exactly what it says before moving to the next instruction. You can keep track of your answers by writing them into the spaces provided beside each instruction. Sharpen

your pencils -- some of this math cannot be done in your head probably! Email me at Chris@ and tellme what is funny about your answer.

1) Write down the number of the month you were born 2) Multiply it by 4 3) Add 13 4) Multiply the result by 25 5) Subtract 200 6) Add the day of the month on which you were born 7) Multiply by 2 8) Subtract 40 9) Multiply the result by 50 10) Add the last two digits of the year of your birth 11) Finally, subtract 10,500

________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

Client Highlights

"I just want to know whats going on with my body and I've been very happy working with Chris. I've already seen some really good results. My muscles weren't working correctly, they were getting stronger but not in the places they needed to be. I feel like now my muscles are finally starting to

work where they need to work."

Neil Walker- 2nd Baseman for the Pittsburgh Pirates (quotes taken from the newspaper article written about me and MAT)

"When I first came in to see Chris, we ran through a series of tests and realized how weak my hip was. Like Chris said `not all my players were playing'. I'm all for MAT, it's a no brainer. It's

something you can do in a short period of time and get results with. It is something special that I just learned about this year and I'll probably be doing this for the rest of my life.

Russell Martin- Catcher for the Pittsburgh Pirates, Gold Glove winner and 3 time All Star (quotes taken from the ABC Channel 7 News interview with Russell and I)

You can see both the TV news story video and the newspaper article by going to my website:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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