Part 1: Topics (3 minutes)

Name: Student #: Health area/s of interest: Date: Reflection Objectives: This assignment is designed to help you to understand a holistic admissions process and develop a well-rounded plan to prepare for application to graduate programs in the health professions. By watching the online information session and by thoughtfully completing this assignment, you will:Understand basic course prerequisites and other common requirements of health graduate programsReflect on your own preparation and devise a plan to demonstrate the required knowledge, skills and abilities that health professions careers and programs requireMake a personal introduction to your prehealth adviserInstructions: Watch the Prehealth Information Session that applies to your field of interest. The online information session, helpful links and handouts are online at: this worksheet to plan and submit your work on the Prehealth website. For each question, write 1 – 3 sentences. If you are unsure about your response, explain why. Upon submission, your reflection and plan will be reviewed by a prehealth adviser. Once it has been approved, you will receive an email confirmation with appointment scheduling information. During busy times, this process may take several weeks. If you feel that you need to meet with someone right away (for example, if you are considering dropping a class), you can always meet with a general adviser in our office. You can schedule an appointment by calling 206-543-2550.Your Academic Plan Write out your course plan for the next three quarters:Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3CourseCreditCourseCreditCourseCreditQuarter TotalQuarter TotalQuarter TotalNote: 4-Year Planning Sheets are available at : What are your challenges? What are your strengths?Do you have faculty members who know you well enough to write a strong letter of recommendation? What is your plan to get to know your faculty better?Goals – or Exposure to Health CareTell us about the exposure that you have already had to health care. Have you shadowed a health care professional in your field of interest? If so, how many hours? No, I have not yet shadowed at allI have shadowed a little bitI have shadowed a lot! Remember to document your hours and contact information and reflect on your experience!Scholarship – Are you developing skills to be a life-long learner?Are you keeping abreast of current health care issue (including current events, health care policy changes and ethics issues)? If so, how? If not, do you have ideas on how to do this?Are you interested in or actively participating in undergraduate research?I am not interested in doing researchI am interested, but have not done any yetI have been doing research. (Tell us about it!) Have you had the opportunity to develop your leadership skills? What is your plan to continue growth in this area? PassionTell us what motivates you to pursue health care. How have you shown that you have these interests? What are you excited about doing next?CaringHave you engaged in activities to explore this side of yourself? If so, what have you done?Identity – Who are you?What do you do for fun, to reduce stress, or to stay balanced? What is something that is unique about you?Cross cultural competency is important in health care! Tell us about your development in this area and what you are doing or have done to learn about people who are different than you.What would you most like to discuss with your Prehealth Adviser?Save your reflection, and bring it with you to your advising appointment! When you have completed this assignment, submit it to: ................

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