Welcome to 5th Grade

381000-41910Parent Reference Guide38100030480Park Side Elementary 1400 East Lyon Street Marshall, MN 56258 537-6948Welcome to 2nd GradePark Side Elementary School1400 E. Lyon St.537-6948Contact informationEmily NueseRoom125Phone ext. 7045emily.nuese@marshall.k12.mn.usCheryl HoffRoom 126Phone ext. 7046cheryl.hoff@marshall.k12.mn.usJodie HollandRoom129Phone ext. 7047jodie.holland@marshall.k12.mn.usDani SemlerRoom 130Phone ext. 7048danielle.semler@marshall.k12.mn.usBrenda DeutzRoom105Phone ext. 7036brenda.deutz@marshall.k12.mn.usKarissa JiskootRoom ILCPhone ext. 7037karissa.jiskoot@marshall.k12.mn.usTheresa LeekRoom107Phone ext. 7038theresa.leek@marshall.k12.mn.usEsther CaronRoom 106 Phone ext. 7037esther.caron@marshall.k12.mn.usWe are available to take phone calls from 7:45-8:00 and from 3:00-3:45.The Marshall Public Schools develops the potential of each learner for success in a changing world. 171450209550We are at Park Side to learn and have fun by doing our best.-10033049530Conference Schedule Conferences will be held from 3:45-7:45 p.m. on the following dates:October 23rdOctober 27thJanuary 12thMarch 19th Each child will conference in October. You will have a conference in either January or March, look for more information to come.00Conference Schedule Conferences will be held from 3:45-7:45 p.m. on the following dates:October 23rdOctober 27thJanuary 12thMarch 19th Each child will conference in October. You will have a conference in either January or March, look for more information to come.Early DismissalsThis year students will be dismissed at 2:20 p.m. every Wednesday except October 15th (noon dismissal), February 11th (all day), and May 13th (all day). Students will be dismissed on Friday, February 13th and Thursday, May 14th at 12p.m. Please be sure to read the weekly newsletters as we will post reminders and any potential changes.Daily 5Once again this year we will be using the Daily Five structure during our reading time. Daily Five allows students to be independently engaged in meaningful literacy tasks. These research based tasks are ones that will have the biggest impact on student reading and writing achievement, as well as help foster children who love to read and write. Students receive explicit whole group instruction and then are given independent practice time to read and write independently while I provide focused, intense instruction to individuals and small groups of students.When it is up and running smoothly, students will be engaged in the Daily Five, which are comprised of:Read to SelfWork on WritingRead to SomeoneListen to ReadingWord WorkThere are very specific behavior expectations that go with each Daily 5 component. We will spend our first weeks working intensely on building our reading and writing stamina, learning the behaviors of the Daily 5 and fostering our classroom community. I will also spend time learning about your child’s strengths and greatest needs as a reader in order to best plan for each student’s instruction. Your child will be taught to select “Good Fit Books” or books they can read, understand and are interested in, which they will read during Daily 5. They will be spending most of their time actually reading, which research supports as the number one way to improve reading. Reading MinutesYou will record the number of minutes your child read nightly on the bottom of their behavior chart which is located in the plastic pocket in their S.T.A.R. Folder. As part of their homework, we would like him or her to read at least 15 minutes each night. Please total the number of minutes read at the end of the week. Research tells us that the amount of reading practice your child has directly correlates with his or her success in school. We hope you use this chart as a way to help your child become the best reader they can be.HomeworkYour child will have homework in second grade. Math homework will come home weekly. Homework should be returned to school within two school days. We try to print homework on yellow paper. Assignments will be listed on the behavior/homework chart each week. There will not be formal spelling homework; however, it is strongly encouraged that you practice at home daily. Ideas are listed on the beginning of the year spelling letter. If you have questions about an assignment contact your child’s teacher. How can I help my child at home? Ask your child daily about their day. Ask them what they learned and who they played with. Set up a quiet comfortable area to complete homework assignments and assist your child as needed.Read to your child every day. They love being read to and it’s good for them to see and hear you being a model.Listen to your child read every day.Pick up a book yourself and read. Children learn from example. Student Day/AbsencesStudents need to be in school by 8:00 am each day. School is dismissed at 3:00 each day. When illness or family obligations necessitate a student’s absence, parents are asked to telephone Park Side Elementary School at 537-6948 between 7:30 and 8:00 am, or leave a message on the school’s voice mail to inform the office personnel of the student’s absence. If parents do not phone, school personnel will phone the parent at home or their place of employment.Child Pick UpIf you have a need to have your child released from school early or he/she needs to leave school for an appointment we ask that you contact the office or your child’s teacher with this information. Please sign your child out of school in the office. This way the office staff is aware of the release from school.Go Green Behavior PlanWe use a program called Go Green as our behavior plan. The purpose of the program is to provide educators with a way to address behaviors in a proactive way. It is done through providing frequent reinforcement of positive behaviors to encourage a positive environment. Your child has a card in which they will start the day on Green. There are four levels: green, yellow, orange, and red. If they move a level, they will stay there for 10 minutes. Once the time is up, it will be up to the student to ask the teacher to move back to green after explaining their misbehavior. We will have Go Green celebrations randomly throughout the day; the students whose cards are on green will be able to participate in the celebration. Here are the 6 rules that we will follow:I will listen and follow directions.I will raise my hand to share ideas.I will use a soft voice. I will walk in school to stay safe.I will use my hands for helping, not hurting.I will use kind words. SciencePhysical ScienceSink or Float- Matter *Student predicts, observes, and records objects as sinkers and floaters.*Student designs a “floater” from clay and tries to improve each design.*Student predicts how much weight each design will hold.*Students classify solids, liquids, and gases.Motion*Students will observe how objects move in a variety of ways.*Students will observe push and pull forces.Life SciencePlants and their Life Cycle*Students describe the life cycle of plants.*Students will sort plants according to their common characteristics.*Recognize plants have the same needs (air, sun, soil, etc.) but fulfill those needs in different ways. Science of Nature and Engineering*Students will identify a need or problem and construct an object that helps to meet the need or solve the problem.*Students will describe how some materials are better than others.*Students will explain how engineering benefits people and everyday life.Earth ScienceEnvironment*Environment project shows how personal use of materials, energy, and water affects the environment.Weather*Students study cycles in nature- (water, seasons). *Students will measure, record, and describe weather conditions and recognize that different seasons bring different weather.2nd Grade Curriculum Outline Enclosed is an outline of what your child will learn during their 2nd grade school year. If you have questions, please ask your child’s classroom teacher. Thank you! 2nd Grade Staff16446557785PhonicsAlphabetBlendsSpecial vowel combinationsDigraphsPhonetic skillsDecoding SkillsReadingReading Comprehension Skills:Making connectionsInferenceCreate ImagesAsk Questions Determine ImportanceMonitor UnderstandingFix-Up StrategiesGrammar:Simple Sentences: Beginning/Ending Punctuation, Word Order, Complete Thought, Subject: Naming Part of a Sentence, Predicate: Telling Part of a Sentence, Subject-Verb Agreement, Telling and Asking Sentences with Ending Punctuation, Commands and Expressive SentencesNouns: Common, Proper, Possessive Pronouns: Personal, Singular, PluralVerbs: Action, Linking, Past and Present, Helping, IrregularContractions and AdjectivesWriting Activities throughout 2nd Grade:The children will be prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing for a variety of purposes. The writing traits we will focus on are conventions, ideas, organization, presentation, sentence fluency, voice, and word choice.Handwriting: Zaner-BloserMathNumber and OperationsAddition Facts and StrategiesNumber Concepts and Patterns Subtraction Facts and Strategies Place Value to 1002-Digit Addition and Subtraction Explore 2-digit Addition Explore 2-digit SubtractionData, Probability, Money, and TimeData and Graphs Probability Counting MoneyUsing money Telling TimeGeometry, Patterns, and MeasurementSolid Figures Plane Figures and Spatial SensePatternsLength, Perimeter, and Area Weight, Mass, and TemperatureGreater Numbers Place Value to 1,000 Compare and Order Greater Numbers3-Digit Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division 3-Digit Addition and Subtraction Multiplication and Division ConceptsHealthHeart, Nutrition, Germs, Personal and Home Safety, Drugs, and Personal HygieneSocial StudiesGoverning the PeopleStudents will learn how Americans choose leaders and make laws The World Around UsStudents will learn about the geography of the land, how the climate and seasons affect how we live and how the regions in the U.S. compare to other regions around the world.People Long AgoStudents will learn how life is the same, yet different, from long ago. We will study what Marshall was like 200 years ago and compare it to today.A World of Many PeopleMany different people and cultures are a part of our country. The children will learn about different world cultures and how groups share their traditions and customs with others.People in the Market PlaceWe depend on many different workers to help us live. Students will learn about the jobs people do to earn money and how they choose to spend their money. ................

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