Information Poster Activity - THIRTEEN

Landmark Supreme Court Decisions Information Poster Activity

Student Handout

Directions: In your group, choose a Supreme Court case from the list below. You may use the Supreme Court Landmark Case Timeline as a starting point for making your selection (). Using the library and Internet, research the case with the research guide below. Then develop an information poster that summarizes the main points of the case and shows illustrations for further explanation.

Supreme Court cases (select one)

1803, Marbury v. Madison

1819, McCulloch v. Maryland

1831, Cherokee Nation v. Georgia

1857, Dred Scott v. Sanford

1896, Plessy v. Ferguson

1944, Korematsu v. United States

1954, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas

1966, Miranda v. Arizona

1973, Roe v. Wade

2000, Bush v. Gore

Research Guide

• Identify the case by its Court citation (Name v. Name; citation number, and date)

• Summarize the basic facts that originally caused the case to come to court.

• Summarize the position of the petitioner and respondent.

• Summarize the constitutional question being asked.

• Summarize the Court’s decision and which citizens’ rights were affected

Debriefing Questions

1. Which cases involved Constitutional questions surrounding the Bill of Rights or the power of one of the branches of government?

2. Which cases involved judicial review?

3. Which cases involved the executive branch? The legislative branch?

4. Did you agree with the Court’s decision in the case you presented? Why or why not?

5. Did you strongly agree or disagree with any of the other Court decisions presented? Explain why.


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