Things to Do Over the Summer: - Mrs. Tollas' Panda Pals

Things to Do Over the Summer:

❑ Plant a seed.

❑ Eat a Popsicle.

❑ Read for AT LEAST 20 minutes every day!

❑ Drink from the hose.

❑ Send Mrs. Tollas an email at Amanda.tollas@. (

❑ Play a game of tag.

❑ Build a sand castle.

❑ Eat a picnic in your backyard.

❑ Run through the sprinkler.

❑ Race a family member or friend across the yard.

❑ Fly a kite.

❑ Play a game of Tens Go Fish.

❑ Make a paper airplane.

❑ Sleep outside in a tent

❑ Read in the dark with a flashlight.

❑ Sing a song.

❑ Play a game of Penny, Nickel, Dime, Quarter Exchange.

❑ Draw a dinosaur.

❑ Count a pile of coins.


❑ Visit the library!

❑ Tell someone a funny joke.

❑ Go fishing.

❑ Write a fairy tale.

❑ Draw a picture.

❑ Write your tens facts.

❑ Make up a dance.

❑ Blow a bubble with your gum.

❑ Make a mud pie. (Outside of course!) (

❑ Make up a tongue twister.

❑ Make up a row of subtraction problems and solve them.

❑ Help your family set the table.

❑ Blow bubbles outside.

❑ Go for a bike ride.

❑ Take a picture.

❑ Catch fireflies.

❑ Go for a walk around the block.

❑ Clean your room.

❑ Make a flip book.

❑ Have a water balloon fight.

❑ Put together a puzzle.

❑ Go to the zoo.


❑ Bead a noodle necklace.

❑ Make a bracelet made of paper beads.

❑ Play hopscotch.

❑ Play a card game.

❑ Make fresh lemonade and sell it through your own lemonade stand.

❑ Make up a story problem and solve it.

❑ Go for a swim.

❑ Eat an ice cream cone.

❑ Wash the car.

❑ Give a hug.

❑ Go to a baseball game.

❑ Start a rock collection.

❑ Make a treasure box and bury it.

❑ Practice your subtraction facts.

❑ Play miniature golf.

❑ Draw on the sidewalk with sidewalk chalk.

❑ Look for a fossil.

❑ Practice your doubles facts.

❑ Keep a Summer Fun Journal and write down your thoughts, feelings, and summer fun adventures.

❑ Visit the park.

❑ Catch a butterfly or any other fun insect.

❑ Eat a bowl of fresh fruit.

❑ Take your dog (if you have one!) for a walk.

❑ Play hide-and-seek.

❑ Make a list of the top ten things you want to learn about in 3rd grade.

❑ Watch the birds outside.

❑ Write a story.

❑ Practice writing your spelling words and putting them in sentences.

❑ Have a scavenger hunt.

❑ Make a special trip to a museum.

❑ Set up a blanket outside and read.

❑ Practice your addition facts.

❑ Shoot some hoops.

❑ Visit the library again!

❑ Make a fort.

❑ Write a poem.

❑ Make a picture book.

❑ Write in your writing journal about a great summer adventure.

❑ Bake cookies.

❑ Make up a row of double-digit addition problems and solve them.

❑ Throw a Frisbee.

❑ Write your own Reader’s Theater and perform it for your family.

❑ Have a watermelon seed-spitting contest.

❑ Go on a make-believe adventure to another time period.

❑ Call a friend.

❑ Play a game of soccer.

❑ Jump rope.

❑ Make your own word search.

❑ Be a bird and sing their songs.

❑ Make a list of the top ten things you miss most about school.

❑ Draw a self-portrait.

❑ Water the grass.

❑ Make up a game.

❑ Make a paper fan to cool yourself off.

❑ Eat a big slice of watermelon.

❑ Write down as many words that you can think of how to spell.

❑ Write a paragraph about your favorite book and explain why you love it so much.

❑ Pretend you own your own store and make change for your pretend customers.

❑ Make friendship jewelry.

❑ Create a food sculpture and then eat it.

❑ Plan a sleepover.

❑ Make a Thank You card for your parents.

❑ Watch a movie.

❑ Play a board game.

❑ Have a puppet show.



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