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(with this assignment, there are recommended websites that I want you to use first. However, if you feel you can’t find an answer, feel free to search other reliable websites.)



1. Lipids are ___________________molecules that are insoluble in water.

2. What are fatty acid chains?

3. Define saturated fatty acids

4. What is cholesterol used for in our bodies?


5. What are the two main parts of a lipid?

6. Explain what makes a fat saturated or unsaturated?

7. How does the basic structure of a steroid differ from other macromolecules such as carbohydrates?

8. What is the role of waxes?

9. Compare the energy values of a carbohydrate molecule versus a fat molecule.




1. Proteins comprise what percentage of our body cells? _______

2. What are proteins built from?

3. How many amino acids do we have in our bodies? ______

4. The primary structure of an amino acid is based upon what?




1. Carbohydrates are what kind of molecules?

2. What elements are found in carbohydrates? ______________

3. What is the ratio of Carbon to Hydrogen to Oxygen? ________

4. Carbohydrates comprise what percentage of our body cells? ________

5. List 4 monosaccharide

6. What is the smallest carbohydrate called?

7. Disaccharides include what sugar molecules?

8. Polysaccharides include what molecules?

9. Sugars are mainly providing living things with ________.


1. What are nucleic acids?

2. What is the monomer unit of a Nucleic Acid?

3. What is a double helix?

4. What are the three parts to a nucleotide?

5. What is the full name of DNA?

6. What part of DNA provides the code for proteins?

7. Genetic variation is based on the

A. Sugars B. Hydrogen Bonds C. Phosphate groups D. Nitrogen Bases


Or you can use

1. What are enzymes?

2. Without enzymes, would most chemical reaction still occur?

3. Without enzymes, what would happen to the rate of chemical reactions?

4. Enzymes are (choose one)

a. Lipids c. Proteins

b. Carbohydrates d. Nucleic acids

16. Enzymes act as catalysts – what does that mean?

17. Describe this picture of enzyme function in your own words


Part A:

Go to

• Click through the tutorial until you have covered all concepts 1-6.

• This is an excellent tutorial. Allow yourself to make the most of it and let it “tutor” you on macromolecules!! So that actually means…go through every page and read it.

• Take the “self-quiz” at the end.

On back page of handout, write a reflection about this website and explain three specific things that you learned.

Title this “Internet A Reflection”

Part B:

Go to

Click on “Go to Activity” (the computer may ask to “allow” access, if so…”allow” it)

Read first general prompt and then click “next”

Read prompt about polymers and then click “next”

“Zoom” (by clicking) on ALL organisms in/around Tree of LIfe.

• Leaves

• Parrot

• Bee

• Spider web

• Monkey

• Iguana

• Syrup

• Frog

• Worm

• Bacteria

• Human

You will do this “zoom” many times on each organism. You will click on actual icon on tree, then again to cellular level, and then click on the blue highlighted in molecular level, and still even further. JUST KEEP CLICKING until you can’t go any further. Read the tutorials about each one.

Now, test yourself! Go answer all the questions in part a, b, c, d, e.

On the back of the handout, write a reflection about this website and explain three specific things that you learned. AND ALSO…in your own words, explain how monomers and polymers are connected.

Title this “Internet B Reflection”.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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