Ordering in a restaurant – game

Ordering in a restaurant – game

Vocabulary: Dishes (appetizers, soups, salads, main dishes), drinks, desserts…

Materials: Cards with pictures of food, drinks, and desserts. Prepare as many cards as you'd like this game to last. Students work in pairs, one is waiter, the other a guest in a restaurant. You can also prepare menus for ordering or download some from the Internet. Here are some nice examples.

How to play:

Give each student that plays a guest a picture-card or several with different dishes, so he/she knows which dishes to order from the waiter. It might be a good idea to write the words (names of dishes for example) on the board.

A: waiter B: guest


A: Can I help you?

B: Yes. Can I have a hamburger, please?

A: Here you are.

B: Thank you.

A: Can I help you?

B: Yes. Can I have a glass of orange juice, please?

A. Sorry, I haven't got any orange juice.

B: I'll have a beer then.

A: Here you are.

You can add to this dialogue as much as you like, making it longer or more complicated.

A: Good evening.Can I help you?

B: Yes. Can I have the menu, please?

A: Here you are.

B: Thank you.

A: Are you ready to order?

B: Yes, I'd like a shrimp cocktail.

A: Right away, sir. Anything to drink?

B. A bottle of white wine and mineral water, please.

A: Here you are. Enjoy your meal.

B: Thank you.


Good morning / afternoon.

I have a reservation for 8 o'clock.

Can I have your name?

Your table is ready, right this way.

Your table is not ready, give me two minutes.

Would you like anything to drink?

Anything for dessert?

Was everything all right?

Were you satisfied?

I'd like a pop, please.

Could you bring me some bread?

Yes, I'd like a chocolate cake / ice cream / vanillla pudding…

No, thanks, just a glass of water, please.

Please bring me the bill.

Here's the bill.

Keep the change.

Everything was delicious, thank you.

Can I offer you dessert?

What's the today's speciality?

The fish is really fresh today.

Try our lobster risotto / seafood pasta / grilled vegetables…

If you try our roast pork, you won't be sorry.

Would you like to have a starter?

Our salads are excellent, madam.

Would you like to hear today's specials?


Have fun!




If you want to spend more than one session on this topic, you can also pair your students and ask them to invent restaurant dialogues, memorise them, and then act them out in front of the class. You can also make it a homework assignment – they can make their own food cards, dialogue cards, menus or anything you can think of!! They usually like to make everything for themselves, but it will save you some time if you download worksheets that have already been prepared, or just browse through the real restaurant menus.


Find the photos you need for your dialogues on the Innternet. Extend your dialogue to a full meal ordering (first course, main dish, dessert, drinks), or concentrate on ordering just fish dishes, just vegetable dishes, just soups…









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