Vocabulary – grade 4 vocabulary word meanings – fourth ...

Word definitions

Grade 4 Vocabulary Worksheet

Select the best definition for each word.

punish couch surgeon customs omnivore obvious

task tariff ecology bamboo

to suffer for doing something wrong to make good choices a person who leads a sports team a piece of furniture that is made for a few people to sit at the same time a medical doctor who does surgery a type of fish found in the ocean a person who shops at a store a way of acting that is usual for a person or group an animal that eats plants and animals a type of tropical fruit to stop quickly easily seen or understood a job or duty that has to be done a pin that holds something on the wall a tax on goods that come into a country wool cloth the science of flying planes the science of studying the relationship between living things and their environment a tropical grass plant that is hard and has hollow stems a type of drum played in a band

Reading and Math for K-5


Word definitions

Grade 4 Vocabulary Worksheet


punish couch surgeon customs omnivore obvious

task tariff ecology bamboo

to suffer for doing something wrong to make good choices a person who leads a sports team a piece of furniture that is made for a few people to sit at the same time a medical doctor who does surgery a type of fish found in the ocean a person who shops at a store a way of acting that is usual for a person or group an animal that eats plants and animals a type of tropical fruit to stop quickly easily seen or understood a job or duty that has to be done a pin that holds something on the wall a tax on goods that come into a country wool cloth the science of flying planes the science of studying the relationship between living things and their environment a tropical grass plant that is hard and has hollow stems a type of drum played in a band

Reading and Math for K-5



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