For the Students

Websites for the Students


is a website that is very interactive in its setup. The students will have fun browsing the pages about human health including topics about body systems, disease and illness, genetics and nutrition. This site also includes other subjects from English to History and Math.

is a website that features articles, animations, games, and resources about kids’ health on a kid’s level. This would be a great website for students to independently browse to learn about health topics and issues in a fun, interactive way.

is a page that features an entire list of government websites about health for younger students to browse. Most website listed are in accordance with a different professional organization and they ranges from interactive to informative pages.

is an interactive activity that allows students to look at the pros and cons of using antibiotics to treat illness. Students get to play the role of a doctor who must treat seven patients and try to keep them from going to the hospital.

features an online activity where students are presented with a body system and a variety of organs. Students drag and drop all the organs that belong in that particular body system to complete the game.

is a website that specifically talks about cancer. This site provides students with information on the illness and explains that it is important to know about cancer because of the many people diagnosed each year.

is a website that teaches kids about HIV AIDS. This site provides students with information about the virus for awareness and protection.

is an interactive website that teaches kids about diabetes. The character, Type 2 Lou, follows through the body and provides information about diabetes from problems to medication.


is linked to the Environmental Protection Agency website for Middle School students and features many pages of games, lists of ways to conserve, how to recycle, and an overall focus on what each student can do for our environment.

is a website that gears students towards being green and helping the environment including games, activities, recipes, and arts and crafts.

is a “site for kids about looking after the planet.” The Greens are an animated family and this website is about them and their desire to be environmentally friendly. This website includes a blog page, episodes of “The Greens,” and ways to get involved with helping with the environment.

is a site that provides fun activities, games and facts about the planet. With the planet pals, which are characters derived from different elements of space and the earth, students can learn about environmental issues that persist each and every day.

is a game that educates students about climate change through engaging and informative game play while encouraging individuals to become part of the solution in their own lives. As an interactive game, it allows students to make their own environmentally friendly, or non-friendly, decisions.


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