'Hello Ajax' - People

"Hello Ajax"! How to Do the Ajax Thing with Oracle JDeveloper

Building an Synchronous Ajax page

1) Open a new application by selecting File->New->New Application

2) Application Name: HelloAjax

3) Application Package Prefix: com.oracle.ajax.sample

4) Application template: No Template [All Technologies]


5) Enter project name: Ajaxprj


6) Expand the HelloAjax Node -> select New for project Ajaxprj


7) Select HTML Page from the Web Tier/HTML section


8) Use the HTML wizard to create an HTML page


9) Enter filename: HelloAjax.html


10) (Optional) Upload background image

(Optional) Change background color and Link color

Finish the Wizard by clicking Finish


11) Creating a text file

Select Simple files->files from general category


12) Enter filename: helloAjax.txt


13) Creating a javascript file

Select javascript file from web tier -> HTML


14) Enter filename: HelloAjax.js


The text and the javascript files created


15) Open the helloAjax.html -> from the component Palette select Script and drop it into the html document -> enter Src: helloAjax.js -> select Type:text/javascript


16) Open the helloAjax.js and copy the code given below in the file

var xmlHttpRequestHandler = new Object();

xmlHttpRequestHandler.createXmlHttpRequest = function(){

var XmlHttpRequestObject;

if (typeof XMLHttpRequest != "undefined"){

XmlHttpRequestObject = new XMLHttpRequest();


else if (window.ActiveXObject){

// look up the highest possible MSXML version

var tryPossibleVersions=["MSXML2.XMLHttp.5.0",





for (i=0; i< tryPossibleVersions.length; i++){


XmlHttpRequestObject = new ActiveXObject(tryPossibleVersions[i]);



catch (xmlHttpRequestObjectError){





return XmlHttpRequestObject;


17) Open helloAjax.txt

type any text e.g “Hi Everyone! Have a nice day!”


18) Open HelloAjax.html -> place cursor between .. -> select Html Common -> Script from the component palette -> copy the following code in the javascript code content in the Content text area.

function doTheAjaxThing(){

var PAGE_SUCCESS = 200;

var requestObject = xmlHttpRequestHandler.createXmlHttpRequest();



if (requestObject.status==PAGE_SUCCESS){

var div_handle = document.getElementById("message");

//check if DIV element is found






alert ("Request failed");




19) Open helloAjax.html source file -> copy the code give below in between ..

Copy the following code between ..

The Html file should look something like this.


20) Run the Html file


Output would look like -> Click Press Me


Enhancing your Ajax application

1) Select New option in the Ajaxprj project -> Choose CSS file from Web Tier -> HTML


2) Enter filename: helloAjax.css (it should be in public_html directory)


3) Delete the default stylesheet

4) Enter the code given below in the stylesheet file

div.message b.red


background-color: gray;

color: RED;

font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;


div.message b.green


background-color: yellow;

color: GREEN;

font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;



5) select New from Web tier -> Servlets -> HTTP Servlet


6) Enter name: HelloAjax


7) Add instance fields

private int counter = 0;

private String name = “”;

8) change servlet doGet method

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException



name = request.getParameter("name") != null?(String)request.getParameter("name"):null;

//init cap

name="From "+name;


PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();

if(counter % 2 == 0)


out.println("Hello Ajax "+name+" ");




out.println("Hello Ajax "+name+" ");





9) Change the body of the html file to

The helloAjax.html will look something like this:


10) Run the HTML

11) Enter any string

12) Click “Press Me”



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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