Item A One function the family performs for society is …

Starter for 10

Item A

Functionalist sociologists view the family as being an integral part of society. They suggest that the family provides a range of functions, both economic and emotional for both society and it's members

Other theorists criticise this view as being outdated and based upon inequality.

Applying material from Item A, analyse two functions the family fulfils for society (10)

One function the family performs for society is

A second function the family performs for society is

Marks Awarded 8-10




Generic Mark Scheme Format

Level Descriptors

Good knowledge and understanding of relevant material on the question

Two developed applications of material from the item

Appropriate analysis and evaluation of two reasons Reasonable knowledge and understanding of one or two changes

Some successful application of material from item

Some analysis/evaluation Limited knowledge and understanding

Limited application to item

No analysis or evaluation

No creditworthy material

Annotations: EV=evaluation AN = Analysis C = Concept Ap=Application IT = Item ST = Study

Starter for 10

Outline and explain two ways in which social policy has reinforced the functions of the family (10)

Planning space Policy 1

Policy 2

One social policy that has reinforced the functions of the family is

A second policy that has reinforced the functions of the family is

Marks Awarded 8-10




Generic Mark Scheme Format

Level Descriptors

Good knowledge and understanding of relevant material on the question Two developed applications of relevant material Appropriate analysis of two reasons Reasonable knowledge and understanding of one or two changes One of two applications of relevant material Some basic analysis Limited knowledge and understanding Limited focus on the question No analysis

No creditworthy material

Annotations: EV=evaluation AN = Analysis C = Concept Ap=Application IT = Item ST = Study

Starter for 10

Outline and explain two ways in which women's work has impacted on the experience of children

Planning space Concept 1

Concept 2

One way that women's involvement in paid work has impacted on childhood experience is


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