Speech Therapy Center of Excellence, Inc.


Jil M. Gertz, MA/CCC-SLP Word of Mouth Newsletter Shelley Paulson, MS/CCC-SLP

Volume 3, Issue 4 May 2012

MAY is Better Hearing and Speech Month. This annual event provides opportunities to raise awareness about communication disorders and to promote treatment that can improve the quality of life for those who experience problems with speaking, understanding, or hearing.

Bi-lingual Speech-Language Pathologists ready to help..

Riah Ellis has a gift for languages. Her ability to speak Spanish fluently has provided our Hispanic community with the opportunity to have a comprehensive speech and language evaluation for their family member in their natural language. As the multi-cultural needs of Las Vegas grow, so does the need for competent Speech Pathologists with bi-lingual capabilities. Jeannine Wilmot is fluent in French. Riah is also fluent in French and familiar with Mandarin Chinese and Farsi.

Extensive Oral Placement and Feeding Therapy Education…

Our staff has received training to update skills with Oral Placement Therapy and Complex Feeding Disorders. World renowned therapists, Diane Bahr, Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson, Lori Overland, and Mary Cameron Tarbell have recently provided courses to assist us with designing effective treatments for Feeding Disorders, Articulation, and Impaired Oral Sensory systems. Speech Pathologists at Speech Therapy Center of Excellence, Inc. strive to keep abreast of the most current, evidenced–based treatment to incorporate in intervention plans for our patients.

Help for Tongue Thrust…

Tongue thrust is defined as “an incorrect resting posture and swallowing pattern”. Our therapists are skilled at assessing the oral muscle patterns and habits involving the tongue, lips, and jaw. Tongue thrust pattern and incorrect lingual resting posture may adversely effect of the development of dentition. Exercises to retract the tongue, stabilize the jaw, and attain correct tongue rest posture are essential elements of a treatment program.

Social Skills Classes…

All summer, we will provide social skills group classes for pre-school and school age children and teens. These groups will promote communication with peers, to recognize and use facial expressions and body language, and to repair communication break-down.

Introducing the Lunch Bunch…

This summer, a new group program will address the needs of resistive feeders. Some of our little clients have oral-sensory aversions that interfere with their ability to eat a variety of foods. This program will focus on having fun with food!

Interactive Metronome…

The Interactive Metronome is a therapeutic assessment and training program that improves attention, concentration, motor planning and sequencing. Improvements in those areas result in stronger motor control as well as improved language and cognition. ADHD Study…A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 9-12 year old boys diagnosed with ADHD found those who completed the Interactive Metronome program showed statistically significant improvement in attention, coordination, control of aggression/impulsivity, reading and language processing. The article, Effect of Interactive Metronome rhythmicity training on children with ADHD is available upon request. Interactive Metronome has been found to be an effective treatment for children or adults with Sensory Integration Disorder, ADD/ADHD, Traumatic Brain Injury, Cerebral Vascular Accident, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, Non-verbal Learning Disorder, or Parkinson's.

Augmentative, alternative communication (AAC) and Speech Generating Devices (SGD)…

Some of our clients, both children and adults, struggle greatly with verbal communication. In some cases, another means of communication may be necessary to speak with family and friends. With so many devices on the market, choices can be difficult to make. Low tech and high tech devices can be explored with our therapists who specialize in this area.

Voice Therapy…

Our speech pathologists will help patients obtain their optimal voice. Vocal Cord Dysfunction –Our goal is to teach the patient a series of maneuvers that facilitate glottic relaxation. Once mastered, these techniques provide patients with a sense of control that allows them to interrupt symptomatic episodes. Parkinson’s Disease – The Lee Silverman Voice Treatment approach has been successful in improving speech intelligibility and loudness. Vocal Fold Paralysis – We use a computerized vocal analysis program for objective measurement of vocal parameters including pitch, quality and respiration. Voice therapy by a speech-language pathologist may be the only treatment required for this disorder or it may fill the gap until medical intervention is feasible.

Cognitive Rehabilitation therapy…

Our therapists have experience in the treatment of adults and children who have sustained traumatic brain injury. Cognitive therapy includes therapeutic strategies focusing on memory, attention, word finding, auditory processing and verbal/thought formulation. Shelley Paulson recently provided on-site cognitive classes for patients suffering from Multiple Sclerosis at the Lou Ruvo Center. Classes focused on compensatory strategies to assist in memory function as well as word finding. Group interactions allowed for role playing in functional situations.

Swallowing therapy…

Many of our patients suffer from head and neck cancer. Our trained therapists offer pharyngeal exercises, neuromuscular retraining with electrical stimulation and oral muscle exercises to improve swallowing safety and function, following MBS study.

We thank you for the confidence expressed in our ability to treat your patients. Should you need to speak with any of our therapists regarding treatment options, please call 641-8255. Your referrals will be carefully screened to match the therapist who can best meet your patients’ needs.


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