The unconscious curriculum | what is really learnt in school?

Y13 SociologyTheory and Methods – Past Paper Questions.Paper 1 (SAM1)Paper 1 (SAM 2)Paper 3 (SAM1)Paper 3 (SAM2)10-markers - Theory & Method QuestionsCould be outline and explain or analyse – different markschemeOutline and explain two functionalist concepts. (10 marks)Outline and explain two criticisms of Marxist views of society. (10 marks)Outline and explain two feminist views on the position of women in society. (10 marks)Outline and explain two concepts that symbolic interactionists use to understand social life. (10 marks)Outline and explain two reasons for globalisation. (10 marks)Outline and explain two views of the role of social policy. (10 marks)Outline and explain two criticisms of postmodernism. (10 marks)Outline and explain two problems with using documents in sociological research. (10 marks)Outline and explain two reasons why positivists prefer to use quantitative research methods. (10 marks)Outline and explain two ethical problems often associated with research methods. (10 marks)Outline and explain two reasons why some people argue that sociology cannot be a science. (10 marks)Outline and explain two criticism of the claim that sociologists can keep values out of research. (10 marks)20-Markers - Theory & Method QuestionsEvaluate the claim that quantitative methods may have many advantages but tell us little about what people really think.(20 marks)Evaluate the claim that qualitative methods are the most appropriate ones for the study of society. (20 marks)Evaluate the claim that whether sociology can be a science depends on what we mean by science in the first place. (20 marks)Evaluate the view that sociologists should take the side of the underdog and be committed to changing society. (20 marks)Evaluate the claim that functionalism underestimates both the extent of conflict in society and the ability of social actors to create society through interaction. (20 marks)Evaluate the contribution of different Marxist theorists to an understanding of society. (20 marks)Evaluate the contribution of feminists to our understanding of society. (20 marks)Evaluate the contribution of action approaches to our understanding of social behaviour (20 marks)Evaluate the claim that we are now living in the postmodern age. (20 marks)Evaluate different sociological perspectives’ views of the relationship between sociology and social policy. (20 marks)Evaluate the usefulness of questionnaires in sociological research. (20 marks)Theory and Methods - Legacy Questions 2009 - 2016Paper 1:Methods in Context:Assess the strengths and limitations of one of the following methods for investigating the effects of streaming:EITHER field experiments?OR unstructured interviews. (20 marks) June 122.Assess the strengths and limitations of using one of the following methods for investigating applications and admissions to secondary schools:EITHER documents?OR official statistics. (20 marks) Jan 123.Assess the strengths and limitations of one of the following methods for investigating truancy from school:EITHER official statistics?OR participant observation. (20 marks) June 114.Assess the strengths and limitations of one of the following methods for investigating the role of parents in pupils’ achievement:EITHER questionnaires?OR unstructured interviews. (20 marks) Jan 115.Assess the strengths and limitations of one of the following methods for investigating anti-school subcultures:EITHER group interviews?OR non-participant observation. (20 marks) Jun 106.Assess the strengths and limitations of one of the following methods for investigating the effect of material deprivation on educational achievement:EITHER (i) unstructured OR (ii) official statistics. (20 marks) Jan 107.Assess the strengths and limitations of one of the following methods for investigating teachers’ attitudes towards minority ethnic group pupils:EITHER participant observation?OR questionnaires. (20 marks) Jun 098.Assess the strengths and limitations of one of the following methods for investigating boys’ underachievement:EITHER (i) official statistics OR (ii) unstructured interviews. (20 marks) Jan 09Sociological TheoryAssess the view that interpretivist methods are the most appropriate methods for researching society. (33 marks) Jun 12.Assess the contribution of functionalist and New Right theories and research to our understanding of society today. (33 marks) Jan 12Identify and briefly explain two problems of using experiments to investigate the relationship between the mass media and juvenile delinquency. (6 marks) Jun 11‘Sociology can be value-free and should be value-free.’?To what extent do sociological arguments and evidence support this claim? (33 marks) Jun 11.\Identify and briefly explain one problem of using official statistics to measure the extent of green crime. (3 marks) Jan 11Identify and briefly explain two advantages of using covert observation to study criminal gangs. (6 marks) Jan 11Assess the view that positivist methods are inappropriate for investigating society. (33 marks) Jan 11.Assess the strengths and limitations of?overt participant observation as a means of investigating police attitudes. (15 marks) Jun 10Assess the relative importance of the different factors that affect sociologists’ choice of research methods and of topics to investigate. (33 marks) Jun 10Identify and briefly explain three problems of using qualitative methods and/or sources of data to study suicide. (9 marks) Jan 10Assess the strengths and limitations of unstructured interviews as a means of investigating victims of crime. (15 marks) Jan 10Feminism has revolutionised sociology by placing women at the centre of its analysis of society. However, while all feminists share this starting point, there are now many different ‘feminisms’ within sociology.”Assess the contribution of feminist theorists and researchers to an understanding of society today. (33 marks) Jan 10Assess the strengths and limitations of using covert participant observation as a means of investigating ‘edge work as a motivation for crime’ (Item C, line 10). (15 marks) Specimen‘Sociology cannot and should not be a science.’?To what extent do sociological arguments and evidence support this view? (33 marks) Specimen. ................

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