Sociological Perspective Skits

Sociology – Sociology Perspective Skits

Miss Hickey




Sociology – Sociological Perspective Skits

Three Main Sociological Perspectives:

1. Functionalist (macro)

2. Conflict (macro)

3. Interactionist (micro)

Working in groups of three (maybe four), you will be assigned one of the above perspectives. Keep your perspective SECRET! When it is your turn to present, the rest of the class will try to figure out which perspective you are representing—which you should make incredibly easy for them. The skit should be instructional and informative, meaning it both presents your assigned perspective as it relates to education, but clarifies that is NOT to be confused with either of the other two perspectives.

Note to Students: The readings that accompany this assignment apply only to education. However, functionalist, conflict and interactionist perspectives apply to all areas of sociology. Do not categorize your understanding of these three perspectives only under the confines of education. You will be required to know and apply these three perspectives to every unit during the semester.


1. Your skit must be set in a classroom-any age or grade. It can be a preschool; it can be medical school.

2. You must turn in a script including at least 25 lines.

3. Your skit must include dialogue between two or more characters.

4. You must include at least two props. These should be pre-made and not “found” objects..

5. Not counting as one of your props, you need to create a “background” for your skit using PowerPoint or another computer program to be projected. You may create multiple “backgrounds” for scene changes.


• add a soundtrack quietly in background or dramatic music to highlight a scene

• make opening or closing credits on PowerPoint

• wear a costume

• add over-the-top hand movements and facial expressions

• add a dramatic, uber-cheery or creepy narrator

• create signs to hold up like Wile E. Coyote

• be creative…

Brainstorming for Skit:

Group Member Names:

Assigned Sociological Perspective:


| | |Points Earned |Points Possible |

|Perspective |sociological perspective clearly portrayed (show, don’t tell and perspective | |10 |

| |clearly set apart from other perspectives) | | |

|Skit |every person participates in skit | |10 |

| |“background” and two or more spectacular props | | |

| |entertaining, witty and very informative | | |

|Script |neatly written or typed script provided to teacher | |10 |

| |25 or more lines of dialogue | | |

| |content clearly portrayed in written script | | |

|Total | | |30 |


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