Common computer functions, Microsoft Word functions and ...

Common computer functions, Microsoft Word functions and keyboard shortcuts and their serial commands are as follows:

Function PRC Device command

Bold ←,hold,ctrl.b

Italicize ←,hold,ctrl.i

Underline ←,hold,ctrl.u

Copy ←,hold,ctrl.c

Cut ←,hold,ctrl.x

Paste ←,hold,ctrl.v

Delete ←delete.

Escape ←esc.

Undo ←,hold,ctrl.z

New ←,hold,ctrl.n

Open ←,hold,ctrl.o

Print ←,hold,ctrl.p

Save ←,hold,ctrl.s

Save as ←,hold,alt.fa

Spell check ←f7.

Backspace ←backspace.

Delete word ←hold,ctrl.←backspace.

Enter ←enter.

Click ←,click.

Double click ←,dblclick.

Right click ←,click,right.

Mouse down ←,moulock.

Mouse up ←,mourel.

Minimize ←,combine,alt,space.n

Maximize ←,combine,alt,space.x

Restore ←,combine,alt,space.r

Move along toolbar ←,hold,alt.←escape.

Make text smaller ←,hold,ctrl.[

Make text larger ←,hold,ctrl.]

Page up ← pageup.

Page down ← pagedown.

Back ←,hold,alt.←left.

Forward ←,hold,alt.←right.

Close document ←,hold,ctrl.w

Close program ←,combine,alt,space.c

Move up ←up.

Move down ←down.

Move right ←right.

Move left ←left.

Move right one word ←,hold,ctrl.←right.

Move left one word ←,hold,ctrl.←left.

Move right to end of line ←end.

Move left to end of line ←home.

Select all ←,hold,ctrl.a

Highlight up ←,combine,shift,up.

Highlight down ←,combine,shift,down.

Highlight right ←,combine,shift,right.

Highlight left ←,combine,shift,left.

Highlight right one word ←hold,shift.←,combine,ctrl,right.

Highlight left one word ←hold,shift.←,combine,ctrl,left.

Highlight right end of line ←,hold,shift. ←end.

Cycle through applications

Lock ALT key: ←,lock,alt.

Use TAB to step through items in the dialog box. Hitting TAB after the LOCK command automatically opens this box.

Release ALT: ←,rel.


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