Year: III II Branch: ECE Subject: OS Name of the Faculty: swapna.T


Computer System and Operating System Overview: Overview of computer operating systems operating

systems functions protection and security distributed systems special purpose systems operating systems

structures and systems calls operating systems generatior?

1) What are the various objectives and functions of Operating Systems? [Nov2009,set-4,][Nov2008, set-1 ]

2) What are the major activities of an operating system with regard to process management? [Nov2008, set-2 ]

3) Differentiate Distributed systems from Multiprocessor system [Nov2008,set-4,1 ]

4) Explain about the various memories hierarchy. [Nov2009,set-3][Feb-2008,set-2]

5) Explain about protection and security? [nov-2009 set1]

6) Explain about multiprogramming and time-sharing operating system? [8][nov-2010]

7) Explain operating system structure? [8][nov-2010]

8) Explain about system calls?

9)(a) Justify the following statements:

i. OS can be viewed as a resource allocator

ii. OS as a control program.

(b) What constitutes an operating system? Explain. [4+4+8][Dec 2011 Set 1/2/3/4]

10)State and explain the various types of system calls in detail[8].[December 2011 R09]

11.a) Explain the difference between Multiprogramming and Time sharing.

b) Describe the system view of an operating system also give its services. [15] [april-2012 set-1]

12.a) What is an operating system? What are the functions of an operating system?

b) Describe the user view of an operating system.

c) Write a short note on Real-Time systems. [15] [april-2012 set-2]

13.a) Describe various multiprocessor system architectures.

b) What is the purpose of a system call? [april-2012 set-3]


Process Management - Process concepts threads, scheduling-criteria algorithms, their evaluation, thread

scheduling, case studies UNIX, Linux, Windows

1)What is a process ?explain different process states [Feb-2008,set-1,][Nov -2009,set-3,4 ]

2) What is Process Control Block? Explain its structure. [Feb-2008, set-3]

3) Explain about single threaded and multi threaded process models with suitable diagrams.

[Nov-2009,set-2 ]

5) Explain about process scheduling? Explain different types of schedulers? [8][nov-2010]

6) Define Thread and explain advantages of threads?

7) Explain about different multithreading models?

8) Explain about preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling?

8) Explain about FCFS,SJF Scheduling algorithms?[8][nov-2010]

9) Explain about Priority, Round-Robin Scheduling algorithms?

10) Explain about multilevel Queue, multilevel feedback (or) feedback scheduling?

11)(a) Explain any four scheduling algorithms with their merits and demerits. [8+8] [Dec 2011 Set 1/2/3/4]

12) Compare and contrast the FCFS and SJF scheduling algorithms illustrate with Gantt charts whenever necessary.[December 2011 R09]

13) Discuss about the following:

(a) User-level threads

(b) Kernel-level threads

(c) Multi-threadings. [5+5+6] [April 2011]

14. Explain the following transitions:

(a) Blocked ! Blocked/Suspended.

(b) Blocked/Suspended ! Ready/Suspended.

(c) Ready/Suspended ! Ready

15.a) What is meant by context switch? Explain various processes involved in a typical context switch.

b) Compare preemptive and non preemptive scheduling methods and explain in detail the SJF and SRTF scheduling policies[april-2012 set-1]

16)a) Explain what is starvation. When and how starvation occurs(priority scheduling)?

b) Explain Priority and RR Scheduling algorithms with its merits and demerits. [15][april-2012 set-2]

17) 2.a) What is PCB? What are the items stored in it? Explain the role of PCB.

b) Explain FCFS, SSJ, RR, Priority Scheduling algorithms with their merits and demerits. [15][april-2012 set-3]

18) 2.a) What is the criteria based on which the scheduling policies are evaluated?

b) Describe Round Robin and feedback scheduling policies. [15][april-2012 set-4]


Concurrency: Process synchronization, the critical- section problem, Peterson's Solution, synchronization

Hardware, semaphores, classic problems of synchronization, monitors, Synchronization examples, atomic

transactions. Case studies UNIX, Linux, Windows

1) Define monitor. What are its characteristics? [Feb-2008,set-3 ]

2) What is a semaphore? What are the various operations defined on it?[ Nov-2009,set-1 ]

3) What is the difference between weak semaphore and strong semaphore?

4) Give short note about the following: [Nov-2009,set-2 ]

(a) Binary Semaphores.

(b) Bounded Waiting.

5) Explain about Critical section?

6) Explain about ACID Properties?

7) Explain messaging in UNIX?

8) Explain about log based recovery?

9) Explain about deadlocks and Starvation?

10) Explain about Classic problems of Synchronization?

11) Describe the semaphore solution for critical region.[16] [Dec 2011 Set 1/2/3/4]

12) How the problem among dining philosophers can be resolved? Suggest a suitable

algorithm. [8+8]

13) (a) Explain different conditions of process interaction with respect to the degree of awareness, relationship between processes, influence of processes, control problems.

(b) What are the necessary requirements for mutual exclusion? [8+8] [April 2011]


Memory Management : Swapping, contiguous memory allocation, paging, structure of the page table ,

segmentation, virtual memory, demand paging, page-Replacement, algorithms, case studies Windows

1) (a) Discuss LRU-Approximation page Replacement.

(b) Consider LRU, FIFO, Optimal page replacement algorithms.[ Feb2008, set-2 ]

2) What is swapping and what is its purpose? [Feb-2008,set-4 ]

3) Explain paging scheme for memory management, discuss the paging hardware and Paging model.[Nov-2007, set-1 ]

4) Explain about contiguous memory allocation?

5) Explain about first fit, best fit, worst fit, next fit algorithms? [Dec 2011 Set 1/2/3/4]

6) Explain about advantages and disadvantages of paging?

7) Explain difference between paging and segmentation?

8) Explain about the following page replacement algorithms a)FIFO b)OPR, c)LRU

9) Explain about Linux memory management?

10) (a) What elements are typically found in a page table entry? Briefly define each element.

(b) What is the purpose of translation look aside buffer?

(c) What is the difference between resident set management and page replacement policy? [6+5+5] [April 2011]


Principles of deadlock - system model, deadlock characterization, deadlock prevention, detection and

avoidance, recovery form deadlock,

I/O systems, Hardware, application interface, kernel I/O subsystem, Transforming I/O requests Hardware

operation, STREAMS, performance.

1) Write the resource allocation algorithm for dead lock?[16][Feb2008,set-1 ]

2) Explain about Deadlock Prevention. [16][Feb2008, set-4 ]

3) Explain about Deadlock Avoidance.[16][Nov2008,set-4 ]

4) Explain about necessary conditions of deadlock

5) Explain about resource allocation graph(RAG)?

6) Explain about recovery from deadlock?

7) Explain about Streams in detail?

8) Discuss about I/O devices in I/O hardware?

9) Explain about deadlock prevention using resource preemption?

10) Explain about PC bus Architecture?

11)(a) Define a STREAM. Draw and explain the STREAMS Structure along with its benefits.

(b) Distinguish between a STREAM driver and STREAM module. [12+4] [Dec 2011 Set 1/2/3/4]

12) (a) Discuss about direct memory access.

(b) With neat diagram explain I/O organization model. [8+8] [April 2011]


File system Interface- the concept of a file, Access Methods, Directory structure, File system mounting, file

sharing, protection.

File System implementation- File system structure, file system implementation, directory implementation,

Directory implementation, allocation methods, free-space management, efficiency and performance, case studies.

UNIX, Linux, Windows

1) Discuss the criteria for choosing a file organization. [Feb-2008,set-2 ]

2) Describe indexed file, indexed sequential file organization. [Feb-2008,set-2 ]

3) Explain hash files organization. [Nov-2007,set-1 ]

4) Discuss the address information elements of a file directory. [Nov-2007, set-1 ]

5) Discuss the objectives for file management systems. [Nov-2007, set-4 ]

6) Explain the file system Architecture. [Nov-2007, set-4 ]

7) Explain about file attributes, file operations, and file types?

8) Explain about UNIX file management?

9) Explain about single-level, two-level directory structure?

10) Explain about file system mounting, file sharing?

11) Explain different File Access Methods and different File Sharing Modes in file system. [16]

[Dec 2011 Set 1/2/3/4]

12) (a) What do you understand by a file directory?

(b) Explain briefly the information elements of a file directory.

(c) Explain what is tree-structured directory? [5+5+6] [April 2011]


Mass-storage structure: overview of Mass-storage structure, Disk structure, disk attachment disk scheduling,

swap-space management, RAID structure, stable-storage implementation, Tertiary storage structure

1) Suppose the head of a moving- head disk with 200 tracks, numbered 0 to 199, is currently serving a

request at track 143 and has just finished a request at track 125. If the queue of requests is kept in FIFO

order: 86, 147, 91, 177, 94, 150, 102, 175, 130. What is the total head movement to satisfy these

requests for the following

Disk scheduling algorithms.

(a) FCFS (b) Random (d) SCAN (e) SSTF (f) C- SCAN [Nov2007,set-2 ]

2) Discuss about N- step- SCAN policy for disk scheduling[8][Nov2007,set-4 ]

3.) What is FAT? Discuss its role in secondary storage management.

4) Explain various techniques implemented for free space management, discuss with suitable examples.

[Nov2008,set-2 ]

5) Explain about overview of mass-storage structure?

6) Explain about RAID levels?

7) Explain about Tertiary-storage structure?

8) Explain about disk management?

9) Explain about Look and CLook Algorithm?

10) Explain about swap space management?

11) (a) What is a hard disk? Explain the characteristics of a hard disk.

(b) What is disk interleaving? Explain briey with an example. [6+10] [Dec 2011 Set 1/2/3/4]


Protection : Protection, Goals of Protection, Principles of Protection, Domain of protection Access Matrix,

Implementation of Access Matrix, Access control, Revocation of Access Rights, Capability- Based systems,

Language - Based Protection,

Security- The Security problem, program threats, system and network threats cryptography as a security tool,

user authentication, implementing security defenses, fire walling to protect systems and networks, computer -

security classifications, case studies UNIX, Linux, Windows

1) Give the classification of intruders. Explain each class.[ 8][ Feb-2008,set-2 ]

2) a)Explain the flaws in one-way encryption of password strategy. [Feb-2008,set-4 ]

3) Write a brief note on intrusion detection. .[ 8][ Feb-2008,set-4 ]

4) Comparison User-Oriented access control with data-oriented access control. [8][Feb-2008,set-2]

5) Explain the flaws in one-way encryption of password strategy. [8][ Nov-2007,set-2 ]

6) Write a brief note on intrusion detection. [8],[Nov-2007, set-2 ]

7) Explain the various password selection strategies. [8][ Nov-2007, set-4 ]

8) Discuss about UNIX password scheme. [8][ Nov-2007, set-4 ]

9) Explain about protection technique of critical section in LINUX[16],[Nov2007,set-2 ]

10) Give taxonomy of malicious programs. [8]

11) Explain all the threats in detail. [16]

12) What hardware features are needed in a computer system for efficiency capability manipulation? Can these be used for memory protection? Explain. [16] [Dec 2011 Set 1/2/3/4]

13) What do you understand by trusted systems? Draw a figure of reference monitor concept and explain. [5+5+6] [April 2011]


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