Brandt - Weebly

AP Psychology

Topics covered in 1994, 1999 and 2004 released multiple choice exams

|Topic |1994 |1999 |2004 |2007 |

|Social Psychology |Similarity |Similarity |Discrimination |Self-Serving Bias |

| |Diffusion of responsibility |Cognitive dissonance |Diffusion of responsibility |Conformity |

| |Attribution theory (2) |Diffusion of responsibility |Solomon Asch |Cognitive dissonance |

| |Solomon Asch |Group norms |Deindividuation |Ethnocentrism |

| |Deindividuation |Stanley Milgram |Social loafing |Group polarization |

| |Stanley Milgram |Self-fulfilling prophecy |Cognitive dissonance |Frustration-Aggression model |

| | | |Super ordinate goals |Milgram |

| | | |Self-serving bias |Fundamental Attribution Error |

| | | |Fundamental attribution error |Cultural Attribution |

| | | |Social facilitation |Social Inhibition |

|History/ |Industrial-Organizational |Objections to Skinner |Social psychologists |Behaviorism (2) |

|Careers/ |Behaviorism (2) |Humanism vs. Psychoanalytic |Humanism (2) |Psychoanalytic approach |

|Theories | |Cognitive theory |Psychoanalytic (2) |Cognitive approach |

| | |Behavioral theory |John Watson |Humanism |

| | |Psychophysics |Behaviorism | |

| | | |Neurobiological | |

| | | |Evolutionary | |

|Research/ |Control group |Dependent variables |Cross-Sectional studies |Ethics |

|Stats |Dependent variable |Random sampling |Validity |Mean |

| |Ethical guidelines |Scatter plots |Variance |Experimental Group |

| |Longitudinal studies |Longitudinal studies |Normal distribution |Negative Correlation |

| |Correlation is not causation |Percentile rank |Correlation |Ind Var/ Dep Var (2) |

| |Normal distribution |Experimental method |Experimental method |P-Value |

| |Positive skew |Standardization |Confirmation bias |Correlation coefficients |

| | |Statistical significance |Standard deviation |Validity |

| | |Double-blind study |Reliability |Split-Half Reliability |

| | |Factor analysis |Independent variables |Bell Curve |

| | |Predictive validity |Dependent variables |Standard Deviation |

|Biological Bases |all or nothing response |Cerebral cortex |Corpus collosum |Corpus Callosum |

|Of Behavior |endorphins |Hypothalamus |Occipital/temporal lobes |Pituitary gland |

| |sympathetic nervous system |Dominant genes |Neurons: sodium/potassium |Sympathetic Nervous System |

| |hypothalamus |Speech areas |Limbic system |Vesicles |

| |occipital lobe |Frontal lobe |Neurons |Adrenal Glands |

| |neurotransmitters |MRI |Cerebral cortex |PET Scan |

| |myelin sheath |Sensory neurons |Hypothalamus |Testosterone |

| |CAT scans |Temporal lobe |Acetylcholine (Ach) |Long-Term Potentiation |

| |Right hemisphere |Parasympathetic nervous system | |Hypothalamus |

| |Reticular activating system |Thresholds | | |

| |Optic nerve |Thalamus | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Sensation |inner ear |Cochlea |Adaptation |Roda and Cones |

| |color blindness |Gustation |Selective attention |Sensory Adaptation |

| |dichotic listening |Middle ear |Vestibular sense |Gate Control Theory |

| |accommodation |Dichotic listening |Rods/cones |Semicircular Canals |

| |opponent-process |Bipolar cells |Order of auditory stimuli | |

|Perception |Visual cliff |Depth perception |Discrimination |Depth Perception |

| |Retinal disparity |Gestalt principles |Absolute threshold |Signal Detection Theory |

| |Absolute thresholds |Phi phenomenon |Signal detection theory |Absolute Threshold |

| |Gestalt principles | |Gestalt principles | |

|Consciousness |Withdrawal |Hypnosis |Circadian rhythms |REM Sleep |

| |Depressants |Circadian rhythms |Alcohol as depressant |Withdrawal |

| |hypnosis |Tranquilizers |Psychological affects of alcohol |Sleep cycle |

| | |REM sleep |Sleep spindles | |

|Learning |classical conditioning (3) |Punishment |Stimulus generalization |Spontaneous recovery |

| |social learning theory |Garcia study: taste aversion |Discrimination |Discrimination |

| |punishment |Extinction |Classical conditioning (2) |Extinction |

| |Shaping |Negative reinforcement |Garcia study: taste aversion |Negative reinforcement |

| |Sched’s of reinforcement |Operant conditioning |Observational learning |Classical Conditioning |

| | | |Predisposition for learning |Bandura (Bobo doll) |

| | | |Token economy | |

|Memory |Rehearsal |Encoding |Retrograde amnesia |Recall/Recognition |

| |Episodic memory |Anterograde amnesia |Procedural memories |Encoding |

| |Primacy effect |Serial position effect |Tip of the tongue phenomena |Episodic memory |

| | |Episodic |Proactive interference |Method of Loci |

|Cognition/ |functional fixedness |Syntax |I.Q. correlations |Divergent thinking |

|Language |prototypes |Stanford-Binet |Alfred Binet |Overegularization |

| |I.Q. (2) |Algorithm |Schema |Functional Fixedness |

| |Divergent thinking |Metacognition |Heuristics |Availability Heuristic |

| |Achievement tests |Achievement tests |Language Acquisition |Representative Heuristic |

| |Whorf’s linguistic theory |Super/sub ordinate categories | |Chompsky and LAD |

| |Morphemes |Noam Chompsy | |Terman |

| |Metacognition |Wolfgang Kohler | |Fluid Intelligence |

|Development |Harry Harlow |Natural selection |Maturation |Kohlberg |

| |Authoritative parenting |Object permanence |Self recognition |Gender typing |

| |Reflexes |Androgyny |Mary Ainsworth |Gender discrimination |

| |Kohlberg |Mary Ainsworth |Piaget/conservation |Accommodation |

| |Autism |Elisabeth Kubler-Ross | |Assimilation |

| |Phenylketonuria (PKU) |Erik Erikson | |Maturation |

| |Current themes |Gilligan vs. Kohlberg | |Erikson |

| |Piaget |Fluid intelligence | |Twin studies |

| |Nature vs. Nurture | | | |

| |Continuity vs. discontinuity | | | |

|Motivation |instinct theory |Glucose |Intrinsic motivation (2) |Overjustification |

| |hierarchy of needs |Drive reduction theory |Need for Achievement |Arousal Theory |

| |homeostasis |Instinct theory |Maslow’s Hierarchy |Maslow’s hierarchy |

| |intrinsic/extrinsic | |Projective tests |Incentive theory |

| | | |Set point |Need for achievement |

| | | | |Schacter two factor theory |

|Emotion |Universal facial expressions |Facial expressions |Schachter and Singer |James-Lange Theory |

| | |James-Lange Theory | | |

| | |Catharsis | | |

|Personality |defense mechanisms (3) |Ego |Internal locus of control |TAT test |

| |dream analysis |Trait theory |Temperament |Personality testing |

| |Ego |Projective tests |Fixations |Big-Five Personality |

| |Self-efficacy |Locus of control |Projective tests |Alfred Adler |

| |Psychosexual stages |Transference |Trait theory | |

|Stress |GAS syndrome |Type A personality |GAS syndrome |Predictability of stressors |

| | |GAS Syndrome | |GAS syndrome |

| | |Approach-Approach Conflict | | |

|Disorders |Paranoia |Depression |Post traumatic stress disorder |Bipolar disorder |

| |Schizophrenia |Anxiety disorders |DSM-IVR |OCD |

| |Cognitive theory of depression |Psychotic disorders |Def of abnormal |DSM |

| |Narcissism |Dopamine |Hallucination |Dissociative Fugue |

| |Obsessions |Antisocial personality |Schizophrenia |Schizophrenia |

| |Personality disorders |Def of abnormal |Causes of depression |Anti-Social Personality disorder |

| |Dissociative disorders |Conversion disorders |Behaviorism | |

| |Somatoform disorders | |Somatoform disorders | |

| | | |Antisocial personality | |

|Treatment |systematic desensitization |Deinstitutionalization |Behavioral |Aversion therapy |

| |aversive conditioning |Seasonal Affective Disorder |Rational-Emotive therapy |Carl Rogers |

| |deinstitutionalization |Rational-emotive therapy |Systematic desensitization |Cognitive restructuring |

| |rational-emotive therapy |Behavioral therapy |Prozac |Systematic desensitization |

| |ECT therapy |Cognitive therapy |Aaron Beck |Person centered therapy |

| |Treatment for schizophrenia | | |ECT therapy |

| |Antianxiety drugs | | |Prozac |

| |Client-centered therapy | | | |

| |Behavioral therapy | | | |


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