M.A. (BUSINESS ECONOMICS): PART-I(SEMESTER SYSTEM)Sessions: 2019-20 & 2020-21SCHEME OF STUDIESNote: Complete M.A. (Business Economics) Course carries 120 credits and each paper carries 4 credits (4 Lectures + 1 Tutorial). SEMESTER-1Core CoursesCreditsMBE-101:Micro Economic Analysis5 (4L+1T)MBE-102:Quantitative Techniques5 (4L+1T)MBE-103: Information Technology5 (4L+1T)MBE-104: Marketing and Operations Management5 (4L+1T)MBE-105: Organization Principles and Behavior5 (4L+1T)MBE-106: Comprehensive Viva-voce5CreditsElective CoursesIn M.A.(BE)-I, all the courses are compulsory courses. Choice based elective courses system will be available in M.A.(BE)-IISEMESTER -IICore CoursesMBE-201:Macro Economic Analysis and Policy5(4L+1T)MBE-202: Operations Research5(4L+1T)MBE-203: Strategic Information Systems5(4L+1T)MBE-204: Industrial Organization5(4L+1T)MBE-205:Project Appraisal and Management5(4L+1T)MBE-206:Comprehensive Viva-Voce5 CreditsElective CoursesIn M.A.(BE)-I, all the courses are compulsory courses. Choice based elective courses system will be available in M.A.(BE)-IIOpen Elective Paper: Principles of Economics(Qualifying paper for other students in second semester)The subjects which the students can opt from MOOC will be notified by the department semester wise time to time.SYLLABUSM.A. (BUSINESS ECONOMICS) PART-I(SEMESTER SYSTEM)Sessions: 2019-20, 2020-21SEMESTER-1MBE-101:Micro Economic AnalysisMBE-102:Quantitative TechniquesMBE-103:Information TechnologyMBE-104: Marketing and Operations ManagementMBE-105: Organization Principles and BehaviorMBE-106: Comprehensive Viva-voce SEMESTER-1IMBE-201:Macro Economic Analysis and PolicyMBE-202: Operations ResearchMBE-203: Strategic Information SystemsMBE-204: Industrial OrganizationMBE-205:Project Appraisal and ManagementMBE-206:Comprehensive Viva-VoceMBE-101: MICRO ECONOMIC ANALYSISMaximum Marks: 100Teaching Hours: 55Internal Assessment: 50Pass Marks: 40External Assessment: 50Time Allowed: 3 HoursINSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTERThe question paper will consist of three sections: A, B and C. Sections A and B will have four questions in each of the sections of the syllabus and will carry 7? marks each. Section C will consist of 10 short-answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 20 marks in all. Each short answer question will carry 2 marks.INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATESCandidates will be required to attempt two questions from each of the sections A and B of the question paper and the entire Section C.SECTION-AConsumer Demand: The concept of Demand type of Demand, the determinants and the law of demand, individual and market demand, consumer equilibrium (in terms of marginal utility and indifference curve technique) elasticity of demand , method of demand forecasting.Equilibrium of the firm: Revenue, costs and production function, laws of returns and optimum factor combination, equilibrium of firm, elasticity of supply.SECTION-BPrice-Output Decision: Different types of market forms, price formation under (a) pure competition (b) monopoly and discriminating monopoly (c) monopolistic competition (d) oligopolyPricing Methods and Factors Pricing: Pricing methods in practice, cost oriented pricing methods, competition oriented pricing methods, other (administered pricing, dual pricing, limit pricing). Theory of Factor pricing. Marginal Productivity Theory.BASIC READINGSKoutsoyannis, A: Modern Micro Electronics, Mecmillan, 1979.Stigler,G.J: Theory of Price, Macmillan,1987.Dean,J: Managerial Economics, PHI,1988.Mote, Y.L., Paul Samuel and Gupta, G.S.: Managerial Economics, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, 1994Henderson, J.M. and Quandt, R.E.: Micro Economic Theory: A Mathematical Approach, McGraw Hill, 1971.MBE-102: QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUESMaximum Marks: 100Teaching Hours: 55Internal Assessment: 50Pass Marks: 40External Assessment: 50Time Allowed: 3 HoursINSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTERThe question paper will consist of three sections: A, B and C. Sections A and B will have four questions in each of the sections of the syllabus and will carry 7? marks each. Section C will consist of 10 short-answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 20 marks in all. Each short answer question will carry 2 marks.INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATESCandidates will be required to attempt two questions from each of the sections A and B of the question paper and the entire Section C.SECTION-AMatrices: Concepts, elementary operations, rank of a matrix adjoin and inverse of matrix, Determinants and solution of simultaneous linear equations (Crammer's Rule) and Quasi-Reduction Method.Differentiation of function of one variable (excluding Trigonometric function).Partial Derivatives: Application of differentiation- Elasticity's of demand, relationship between AR, MR and N Derivation of Marginal and Average Functions, Optimization techniques of one and two variables including constraint functions.SECTION-BMeasures of central tendency, Measures of dispersion, Coefficient of variation , correlation and Regression analysis.Interpolation and Extrapolation.Probability distribution function: Normal, Binomial and Poisson distribution, testing of hypothesis. Tests of significance relating to attributes. Large samples and small samples(including t, F, z and chi-square). Analysis of variance: one way and two way.BASIC READINGS1.Alpha C. Chiang: Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics.2.J.P. Gewis: An Introduction to Mathematics for students of Economics.3.Sancheti & Kapoor: Business Mathematics.4.S.P.Gupta: Statistical Methods.MBE-103: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYMaximum Marks: 100Teaching Hours: 55Internal Assessment: 50Pass Marks: 40External Assessment: 50Time Allowed: 3 HoursINSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTERThe question paper will consist of three sections: A, B and C. Sections A and B will have four questions in each of the sections of the syllabus and will carry 7? marks each. Section C will consist of 10 short-answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 20 marks in all. Each short answer question will carry 2 marks.INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATESCandidates will be required to attempt two questions from each of the sections A and B of the question paper and the entire Section C.SECTION-ASimple Model of a Computer, Basic computer organization, input-output devices: Primary and Secondary storage devices, Computer generations, Binary arithmetic, Operating system and its types and functions.Steps and terminology used in problem solving on a computer.Introduction to C language: Data type, constants and variables; Operators and Expressions; Data Input and output; Control Statements (branching and loops).SECTION-BIntroduction of functions and arrays.Simple programming Applications in C: Mean, Median, Standard Deviation, Simple Correlation, Simple Regression, Matrix manipulation (Read, Write, Addition, Subtraction and Inverse).Database Management Systems: Basic terminology; Data transmission modes and media; network topologies.Spreadsheet System: Terminology, Data and file handling utilities of a spreadsheet system.BASIC READING1.V.Rajaraman: Fundamentals of computer, PHI2.Byron Gotterfield: Programming with C, Tata McGraw-Hill, 20033.C.J.Date: An Introduction to Databases. Addison-Wesley.MBE-104: MARKETING AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENTMaximum Marks: 100Teaching Hours: 55Internal Assessment: 50Pass Marks: 40External Assessment: 50Time Allowed: 3 HoursINSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTERThe question paper will consist of three sections: A, B and C. Sections A and B will have four questions in each of the sections of the syllabus and will carry 7? marks each. Section C will consist of 10 short-answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 20 marks in all. Each short answer question will carry 2 marks.INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATESCandidates will be required to attempt two questions from each of the sections A and B of the question paper and the entire Section C.SECTION-AIntroduction to Marketing: The core concepts of marketing, tasks and philosophies of marketing. Role of marketing, marketing process, marketing planning and marketing strategy.Analyzing Market Opportunities: Analyzing market environment, consumer markets and buying behavior, market segmentation and targeting, market measurement.SECTION-BMarketing Mix-Decision: Product decisions, price decisions, marketing channels decisions, advertising and sales promotion decision.The Operational Function: Managing operations, strategic planning decisions for operations, demand forecasting for operations, capacity planning and facility layout.BASIC READING1.Philips Kotler: Marketing Management, Prentice Hall.2.Edward J.C., Richard R.S and Others: Fundamentals of Modern Marketing, Prentice Hall.3.Buffa E.S: Modern Production/ Operations Management, Wiley Eastern.4.John O. Mc Claim & C. Joseph Thomas: Operations Management, Prentice Hall.5.Richard H. Bus Kirk: Principles of Marketing, Holt, Rinchart and Winston, Inc.MBE-105: ORGANISATION PRINCIPLES AND BEHAVIOURMaximum Marks: 100Teaching Hours: 55Internal Assessment: 50Pass Marks: 40External Assessment: 50Time Allowed: 3 HoursINSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTERThe question paper will consist of three sections: A, B and C. Sections A and B will have four questions in each of the sections of the syllabus and will carry 7? marks each. Section C will consist of 10 short-answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 20 marks in all. Each short answer question will carry 2 marks.INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATESCandidates will be required to attempt two questions from each of the sections A and B of the question paper and the entire Section C.SECTION-ANature of Management: its Principles and Functions Management of Work, Determinants of Organizational behavior: Individual and group behavior. Theory X and Y. Communication System for Organization. Types of communication, Barriers to communication.Motivation, Needs, Drives and Goals, Hierarchy of needs, Hygiene factors, money as motivator, individual and group incentives competence motive, affiliation motive, achievement motivation, employee expectations and motivation.SECTION-BHuman Resources Planning Appraisal, Training and Development, Leadership Styles, Trait and Situational Approaches, Managerial Grid, Leader's anizational Development; Change process and Strategies to resist changes, Intervention Techniques, Transactional Analysis and Management Games. BASIC READING1.Lufthansa, Fred: Organizational Behavior, McGraw Hill. Tokyo. 1977.2.Heray Paul and Blanchard Kenneth: Management of Organizational behavior Prentice Hall, New Delhi.3.Scan, Edgar H. Organizational Psychology, Prentice Hall, New Delhi. 1969.4.Bennot, Dudley T. TA and the Manager. A Division of AMA. New York, 1979.5.Candan. P. Recent Trends in Collective Organizing OCED. 1972.6.Flandors Allen: Management and Unions, Faber& Faber, 1970.7.Mills, D.O: Labour Management Relations, Mc Graw Hill Book Co, New York, 1982.8.SaylesL.S and Stans G.: Managing Human Resources Prentice Hall. 1981.MBE-106: COMPREHENSIVE VIVA VOICEMaximum Marks: 100Internal Assessment: 50 marks Pass marks: 40%External Assessment: 50 Marks Like other paper, the assessment of viva-voce examination will be 50% external and 50% internal. The external component of viva-voce examination will be conducted by the component of the following:1.One external expert.2.One internal examiner to be nominated by the Head of the Department.3.Head of the Department or his nominee.The quorum of the committee meeting would comprise one external examiner and one internal examiner.The internal component of viva-voce examination will be managed by a committee of three teachers to be nominated by Head of the Department.SEMESTER-1IMBE-201:Macro Economic Analysis and PolicyMaximum Marks: 100Teaching Hours: 55Internal Assessment: 50Pass Marks: 40External Assessment: 50Time Allowed: 3 HoursINSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTERThe question paper will consist of three sections: A, B and C. Sections A and B will have four questions in each of the sections of the syllabus and will carry 7? marks each. Section C will consist of 10 short-answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 20 marks in all. Each short answer question will carry 2 marks.INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATESCandidates will be required to attempt two questions from each of the sections A and B of the question paper and the entire Section C.SECTION-ASocial Accounting: Gross National Product-Concept and components, methods of computation, problems and difficulties in computation especially in underdevelopment countries significance and use of national accounts.Determination of Income and Employment: The classical and Keynesian view. Consumption, saving and Investment function. Multiplier, accelerator and multiplier-accelerator interaction.SECTION-BMoney: Its functions. supply and demand for money, value of money, Determination of Interest: classical loan able and liquidity preference theories, determination of interest and income.Inflation, Deflation and Trade Cycles, Stabilization objectives and policies. Monetary policy and fiscal policy. BASIC READING1.Evans. M.K: Macro Economic Activity, Haror and Row, 1969.2.Allen R.G.D: Macro Economics, Macmillan, 1968.3.Branson. W.H: Macro Economic Theory and Policy, Harper& Row, 1972.4.Smith, W.K & Teign, R.L: Readings in Money, National Income and Stabilization Policy (2nd End.) Richard D. Irwin, 1971.5.Stein, J.L: Monetarist Keynesian and New Classical Economics, Oxford Basil Blackwell, 1982.6. Swamy. D.S.: Macro Economic Management & Policy, Macmillan 1980.MBE-202: Operations ResearchMaximum Marks: 100Teaching Hours: 55Internal Assessment: 50Pass Marks: 40External Assessment: 50Time Allowed: 3 HoursINSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTERThe question paper will consist of three sections: A, B and C. Sections A and B will have four questions in each of the sections of the syllabus and will carry 7? marks each. Section C will consist of 10 short-answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 20 marks in all. Each short answer question will carry 2 marks.INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATESCandidates will be required to attempt two questions from each of the sections A and B of the question paper and the entire Section C.Section-AOperations Research: Introduction definition, nature, types, tools and limitations of operation research.Linear Programming Problem: Introduction, definition, basic requirements, standard form of LPP, methods of LPP (Graphic and simple methods), Primal and dual. Transportation Problem: methods and tests of optimality and Assignment problems: meaning, formulation and Hungarian method.Section-BGame Theory: Introduction, definition, features, types of strategies, Games with mixed strategies and limitations.Sequencing problems: Meaning, basic terms and types of sequencing problems up to ‘n’ jobs through three machines.Inventory control: Meaning, types of inventories, objectives, scope, Inventory models; deterministic model (includes with and without discount problems, with shortages) Queuing Theory: Introduction Basic terms and formulas; types of queue models and problems related to single-channel service system.BASIC READINGS1.Srivastava, U.K. Shenoy G.V. Sharma S.C. Quantitative Techniques forManagerial and Decision-making. Wiley Eastern, 1993 (Part II)2.Ackoff, R.L. and Sasieni, M.W.: Fundamentals of Operation Research, John John Wiley, 1968.3.Kwak , N.K.: Mathematical Programming with Business Applications, Mc Graw Hill 1973.4.Hillier, F.S. and Liberman, G.J., Operations Research, Holden Day, 1974, Day, 1974 (2nd Edn.)5.Miller, D.W. and Starr, M.K, Executing Decisions and Operation Research, Prentice Hall, 1976. MBE-203: Strategic Information SystemsMaximum Marks: 100Teaching Hours: 55Internal Assessment: 50Pass Marks: 40External Assessment: 50Time Allowed: 3 HoursINSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTERThe question paper will consist of three sections: A, B and C. Sections A and B will have four questions in each of the sections of the syllabus and will carry 7? marks each. Section C will consist of 10 short-answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 20 marks in all. Each short answer question will carry 2 marks.INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATESCandidates will be required to attempt two questions from each of the sections A and B of the question paper and the entire Section C.SECTION-ASystem Concepts: Terminology, The System development life cycle approach and alternative methodologies; Role, duties and training of a system analyst.System Analysis Methods: Planning and Initial Investigation; Information gathering; Tools of structured analysis; Feasibility Analysis.System Design: Design considerations, Activities of system design; Input/output design; Process design and Data base design.SECTION-BSystem Implementation: Activities, Acquisition of hardware/software Evaluation and maintenance. Strategic Information Systems Tool Kit: SWOP, Strategic Importance "Analysis, Benefit level matrix; Business Re-engineering.Decision Support Systems (DSS) Nature role and applications of DSS. Decisions-making process and components of a DSSEnterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems: System architecture: uses and limitations.BASIC READINGSGane and Sarson: Structured Systems Analysis and Design. PHI.Silver and Silver: System and Analysis and Design, Addison Wesley.Murdrick and Ross: Information Systems for Modern Management. PHI.Devis and Olson: Management Information Systems Mc Grew Hill.MBE-204: Industrial OrganizationMaximum Marks: 100Teaching Hours: 55Internal Assessment: 50Pass Marks: 40External Assessment: 50Time Allowed: 3 HoursINSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTERThe question paper will consist of three sections: A, B and C. Sections A and B will have four questions in each of the sections of the syllabus and will carry 7? marks each. Section C will consist of 10 short-answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 20 marks in all. Each short answer question will carry 2 marks.INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATESCandidates will be required to attempt two questions from each of the sections A and B of the question paper and the entire Section C.SECTION-AScope and Methods of Industrial economics. Industrial and Market structure. Structure- Conduct Performance paradigm. The firm and its objectives. Non profit maximizing models of the firm: Baume, Morris, Williamson, Cert. and March.Pricing and Marketing: Economics of advertising. The investment de4cisions and company fiancé: Research and Development; innovation.SECTION-BIndustrialization; rationale, objectives, strategies and policies, Patterns of industrialization, Employment implications of industrialization appropriate technology: Small scale industry, foreign direct investment, trade and collaboration.Infrastructure for industrialization, Location and regional dispersal of industries, Public Sector, role and performance, Wage determination and productivity, Case Studies of selected industries.BASIC READINGS1.Donald A. Hay and Dark J. Morris: Industrial Economics and Organization: Theory and Evidence, Delhi, Oxford University, Press, 1991.2.F.M Scherer and D. Ross: Industrial Market Structure and Economic Performance, 3rd ed. Boston: Houghton Million, 1990.3.R. Schmalensee and R. Willing (eds.): Hand Book of Industrial Organization, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1989.MBE-205: Project Appraisal and ManagementMaximum Marks: 100Teaching Hours: 55Internal Assessment: 50Pass Marks: 40External Assessment: 50Time Allowed: 3 HoursINSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTERThe question paper will consist of three sections: A, B and C. Sections A and B will have four questions in each of the sections of the syllabus and will carry 7? marks each. Section C will consist of 10 short-answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 20 marks in all. Each short answer question will carry 2 marks.INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATESCandidates will be required to attempt two questions from each of the sections A and B of the question paper and the entire Section C.SECTION-AProject Management: Meaning and Scope, Project Manager's Role, Principal of project appraisal and selection; basic conventions of financial accounting relating to project: project; project implementation and control.Project Formulation: Project preliminaries, project definition issues relating to planning of a project; launching of a project, execution of a project; closing of a project: project implementation and control.SECTION-BInvestment Criteria: Aspects and categories of reinvestment studies; preparation of industrial feasibility studies, Social cost benefit analysis.Pricing Issues in Projects: Efficiency pricing and traded goods; pricing of potentially traded and non-traded goods; social pricing, distribution and the public sector.Economics policy of factors of production. Indian plan Models, input-output analysis technique.REFERENCES1.Trever L. Young: Handbook of Management, Kogan Page,1996.2.UNIDO: A Manual for preparation of Industrial Feasibility Studies, Oxford,New Delhi, 1978.3.Chandra, Prasana: Project: Preparation, Appraisal and Implementation, Tata McGraw, 1980.4.Pitale, R.L Project Appraisal Techniques, Oxford and IBH, 1980.MBE-206: Comprehensive Viva-VoceMaximum Marks: 100Internal Assessment: 50 marks Pass marks: 40%External Assessment: 50 Marks Like other papers, the assessment of viva-voce examination will be 50% external and 50% internal. The external components of viva-voce examination will be conducted by the committee consisting of the following.1.One external expert.2.One internal examiner to be nominated by the head of the Department.3.Head of the Department or his nominee.The quorum of the committee meeting would comprise one external examiner and one internal examiner.The internal component of viva-voce examination will be managed by a committee of three teachers to be nominated by Head of the Department. Open Elective SubjectPaper: Principles of EconomicsMaximum Marks: 100 Teaching Periods: 55Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Time Allowed: 3 HoursExternal Assessment: 75 Marks Pass Marks: 40Instructions for the Paper-SetterThe question paper will consist of three sections: A, B and C. Sections A and B will have four questions in each of the sections of the syllabus and will carry 12 marks each. Section C will consist of 9 short-answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 27 marks in all. Each short answer question will carry 3 marks.Instructions for the CandidatesCandidates will be required to attempt two questions from each of the sections A and B of the question paper and the entire Section C.Section-AEconomics: Meaning, Nature and Scope. Basic Concepts: Utility and Satisfaction, Human Wants, Price and Value, Deductive and Inductive Methods, Distinction between Micro and Macro Economics, Positive and Normative Economics.Theory of Demand: Law of Demand and its Exceptions, Elasticity of Demand and its Measurement, Consumer Behavior-Utility Analysis and Indifference Curve Analysis.National Income: Concepts and Measurement, Methods of Accounting. Section-BMoney: Definition, Concepts and Types. Theories of Demand for MoneyPublic Finance: Nature, Scope and its Importance. Public Expenditure: Principles, Effects of Public Expenditure on Production and Distribution.Taxation: Types, Concepts and Canons, Characteristics of a Good Tax System, Incidence and Impact of TaxationBalance of Payments and Exchange Rate: Concepts and Components; Fixed versus flexible Exchange Rate, Determination of Exchange Rate.Basic ReadingsA.K. Koutsoyiannis . Modern Micro Economics, Atlantic Publishers, New Delhi.H.L. Ahuja. Advanced Economics Theory. S Chand& Company New DelhiRichard A Musgrrave and Peggy Musgrave, Public Finance in Theory and Practice, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New DelhiM H Navalur and K K Dewit. Modern Economics Theory. S Chand & Company, New DelhiH L Bhatia. Public Finance, (latest edition), Vikas Publishers, New Delhi ................

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