University of Novi Sad

|UDC: |Анали Економског факултетa у Суботици – The Annals of the Faculty of |

| |Economics in Subotica |

|DOI: |Vol. XX, No. XX, pp. XX-XXX |

|Type (Original scientific |Received: XX/XX/XXX |

|article/Review) | |

| |Accepted: XX/XX/XXXX |

| |

|Title of the manuscript in English (Tahoma 18pt Bold) |

|Title of the manuscript in Serbian Cyrilic (Tahoma 14pt Normal) |

|Name and Surname of the first author (Arial 9pt Bold) |

|Affiliation (University, Faculty, City, State, e-mail address (Arial Narrow 9pt Normal) |

|Name and Surname of the second author ( |

|Affiliation (University, Faculty, City, State, e-mail address (Arial Narrow 9pt Normal) |

|Name and Surname of the third author |

|Affiliation (University, Faculty, City, State, e-mail address (Arial Narrow 9pt Normal) |

| |

|Abstract: The abstract should include the main problem, aim of the research, and methodology used. It should |

|not exceed 200 words.. (Arial Narrow 9pt Normal) |

|Keywords: keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, maximum 5 keywords... (Arial Narrow 9pt Normal) |

|JEL classification: |

Сажетак: Сажетак треба да представи истраживачки проблем, циљ истраживања и коришћену методологију (Arial Narrow 9pt Normal)

Кључне речи: кључна реч1, кључна реч2,... максимум 5 кључних речи. (Arial Narrow 9pt Normal)

ЈЕЛ класификација:

| |

Introduction (Arial Black 11pt Bold)

The first paragraph should start from the beginning of the page, without indentation. The introduction presents the scientific problem of the article, its novelty, exploration of the problem, aim, objective, research methods). The text is written in English, font: Times New Roman 10 pt Normal, Justify, line spacing Single, with interval spacing of 6pt between paragraphs.

Each other paragraph should be started on a new line (1 cm). Text of the paper, in English, should not exceed 15 pages.

For titles of the chapters please use interval spacing 12pt before and 6pt after the title. For subtitles in the chapters please use interval spacing 6pt before and 6pt after the subtitle. Each title and subtitle of the chapters must be numbered, except Introduction and Conclusion.

1. Title of the chapter (Arial Black 11pt Bold)

The first paragraph. (Times New Roman 10 pt Normal)

The second paragraph.

For tables, use Times New Roman 8pt Normal/Italic for Title of the table, and Times New Roman 9pt Normal for the text in tables:

Table 1: Title of the table (Times New Roman 8pt Italic)

|Factors |Value |% |Mean |

|Factor 1 |63 |4,6 |3.88 |

|Factor 2 |100 |15,9 |2.94 |

|Factor 3 |29 |79,4 |4.21 |

Source: for example Authors research (Times New Roman 8pt Italic)

For pictures, graphs, figures, use font Arial 9pt Normal/Italic:

Figure1: Title of the figure 1(Times New Roman 8pt Italic)


Source: (Times New Roman 8pt Italic)

Figures, illustrations and schemes should be enclosed in the .jpg format (resolution 300*300 dpi) or in the vector form (.wmf or cdr) with enclosed fonts or fonts transformed in curves. Figures, illustrations and schemes should be black-and-white (grayscale). For the texts included in figures, illustrations and schemes font Arial, size 9 pt is preferred.

1.2. Subtitle – first level (Arial Black 11pt Bold)

The first paragraph. (Times New Roman 10 pt Normal).

The second paragraph.

2. Title of the second chapter (Arial Black 11pt Bold)

The first paragraph. (Times New Roman 10 pt Normal)

The second paragraph.

Conclusion (Arial Black 11pt Bold)

The first paragraph. (Times New Roman 10 pt Normal)

The second paragraph.

References (Arial Black 11pt Bold)

For references in the text and in the list of the references please use APA style:

Where available, provide URLs and/or DOIs for the references.


Mayrhofer, W., Gooderham, P. N., & Brewster, C. (2019). Context and HRM: theory, evidence, and proposals. International Studies of Management & Organization, 49(4), 355-371. Doi:

Balog, K. (2020). The concept and competitiveness of agile organization in the fourth industrial revolution's drift. Strategic Management, 25(3), 14-27. Doi:

Brigham, E. F., & Houston, J. F. (2018). Fundamentals of Financial Management. Boston: Cengage Learning Inc.

( Corresponding author – please add this flag after the name of your corresponding author.


Анали Економског факултета у Суботици – The Annals of the Faculty of Economics in Subotica, Vol. XX, No. XX, pp. XX-XXX

Анали Економског факултета у Суботици – The Annals of the Faculty of Economics in Subotica, Vol. XX, No. XX, pp. XX-XXX


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