The University of Texas at El Paso School of NursingFall 2018COURSE NUMBER AND TITLE: Nursing 3604 Fundamentals of Nursing Practice COURSE DESCRIPTION/COURSE OVERVIEW: This course provides an introduction to nursing care of the individual, and roles of the nurse in micro- and macrosystems, as well as profession related and patient care concepts. Emphasis is placed on the knowledge and skills needed to provide safe, quality care. The theoretical foundation for basic nursing skills is presented and the student will demonstrate these skills in laboratory and clinical settings. Application of the nursing process provides a decision-making framework to assist students in developing effective clinical judgment skills.COURSE PRE-REQUISITE: NURS-3401 with a minimum grade of “C”CREDIT ALLOCATION: 6 credit hours (3-9-0)FACULTY INFORMATIONCourse Manager: Rachel Goodman-Onopa, MSN, RNOffice: HSSN 306Phone: (915) 747-7231Email: rgoodmanon@utep.eduOffice hours: Mondays, October 8th – December 3rd 1300 to 1630 Tuesdays, November 13th – December 4th 1300 - 1600 Wednesdays, October 10th - November 7th 1300 - 1600 Fridays, October 12th-November 30th 1400 - 1600 (with exception of holidays) Other times by appointment Co-Professor: M. Rosa Hernandez, MSN, RN Office : HSSN 302 Phone: 747-8325 Email: mrhernandez4@utep.edu Office hours:Mondays, November 12th – December 3rd 1000 - 1200Tuesdays, November 13th – December 4th 1000 - 1200Wednesdays,?October 10th – November 7th from 1300 - 1500 Thursdays, October 11th – November 8th 1000-1200Fridays, October 12th – November 30th 1400-1600(with exception of holidays) Other times by appointmentN3604 Teaching Team:Clinical FacultyE-mailAriel Bordelonalmoffeit@utep.eduDolores Cereceres TarangoTBAN3604 Teaching Team (continued):Clinical FacultyOfficeExtensionE-mailAlejandro Duranaduran15@utep.eduKrystal Lopezklopez3@utep.eduJacob MartinezHSSN 3008289jmartinez41@utep.eduYvette Moyaycmoya@utep.eduGerardo Quevedogjquevedo@utep.eduWilliam Roachwaroach@utep.eduMEETING DATES:Lectures: Wednesdays 0900 am – 1150 am in room 217 in HSSN from October 10 to November 7th Fridays 0830-1250 from October 12th to November 30th Total hours 45Simulation Lab: Mondays 0800 to 1200 AM Groups and 1230-1630 PM Groups Tuesdays 0800 to 1630 All Groups From October 8th to November 6th Total hours 56Clinicals: Hospital Orientation in facility 4 hours Wednesdays and Thursdays total 18 hours as scheduled by Clinical Faculty from November 14th to December 6th Total hours 84 REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS:Taylor, C., Lillis, C., & LeMone, P. (2015) Fundamentals of nursing. The art and science of person-centered nursing care (8th ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. (ISBN 9781451185614)Taylor Video Guide to Clinical Nursing Skills – Student’s versionATI (2016) Fundamentals for Nursing Review Module (9th ed.). Assessment Technologies Institute In addition, you will need a current Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions Reference Manual, a Nursing Drug Reference, Laboratory Value Reference Manual, and a currentNCLEX Review Reference Manual, OR a Smart Phone or Electronic device that is pre-programmed with these references. To obtain information use utepsonRecommended Resource(s):Gulanick, M. & Myers, J. (2018). Nursing care plans: Diagnosis, interventions, and Outcomes (9th ed.). St. Louis. Mosby. (ISBN 9780323428187)Required equipment: White lab coat, UTEP Nursing School uniforms and nametag, sphygmomanometer manual blood pressure cuff, a pen with black ink and a watch with a second hand. In addition, dual head stethoscope, bandage scissors, and a penlight are required and available at the UTEP bookstore.COURSE OBJECTIVES:Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:Demonstrate the application of selected concepts related to professionalism as they pertain to providing and directing safe, quality patient care.2. Identify cultural, spiritual, and developmental considerations, interventions, and health promotion recommendations for adult and older adult patients.3. Identify and discuss the various elements of critical thinking, clinical judgment, and clinical decision making as they pertain to providing safe, quality nursing care.4. Discuss verbal and nonverbal communication techniques that promote exchange of information and development of caring, therapeutic relationships.5. Describe the nurse’s role in identifying and supporting physiologic and psychosocial needs of patients taking into account their diverse backgrounds, preferences, and values.6. Discuss the nurse’s role in implementing strategies to promote an environment that is safe for the patient, self, and others.7. Discuss the theoretical basis for providing nursing skills and interventions as they pertain to providing and directing safe, quality patient care.8. Identify members and roles of the interprofessional healthcare team in the provision of safe, quality care.9. Access evidence based nursing databases and discuss nursing research articles as they contribute to the provision of nursing care.10. Apply the various elements of the nursing process to clinical decision-making and care planning for an individual patient.11. Review the role of the nurse and scope of practice, in both macro- and microsystems, and supporting guidelines including standards of nursing practice, code of ethics, nurse practice acts, regulatory and institutional policies, and professional registrations/certifications.CLINICAL OBJECTIVES:Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:Demonstrate basic information and technology skills essential for nursing practice. Describe how leadership and priority-setting skills are used to support delivery of safe, quality patient-centered care.Develop a plan of care for patients across the lifespan from diverse backgrounds that promotes safe practice and is based on a patient’s preferences, values, and needs. Identify best current evidence from scientific and other credible sources as a basis for developing individualized patient-centered plans of care.Identify members of the interprofessional healthcare team and their respective roles.Identify professional standards of practice, regulatory guidelines, and institutional policies that direct the practice of nursing.Identify the components of the quality improvement process.Identify the relationship between microsystems and macrosystems in healthcare.Implement strategies that minimize risk and provide a safe environment for patients, self, and others.Provide health-related information to patients across the lifespan that facilitate their acquisition of new knowledge and skills. Use verbal and nonverbal communication strategies that promote an effective exchange of information with peers, faculty, and patients.PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES, BSN ESSENTIALs, DECs:UTEP SON PLOs (Level 3 Program Outcomes) & QSEN Competencies BSN Essentials (AACN)Differentiated Essential Competencies (DECs) for Baccalaureate Degree (BSN) *version year 2010TEACHING METHODOLOGIESTeaching strategies may include, but are not limited to: lecture, discussion, small group activities, role play, poster presentation, case presentation, question and answer, quizzes, application activities, blackboard, and internet activities.GRADING POLICY AND STRUCTUREA. Students must pass both theory and clinical to pass the course. Achieving less than 75% in the didactic portion of the course or failing to pass clinical results in course failure. There is no rounding of grades and fractional points will be dropped. Extra credit is not permitted.B. All written assignments must be submitted but, grades on these assignments will be factored into the overall course grade only if the student has achieved a minimum of 75% in the didactic portion of the course.C. Clinical performance is evaluated on a Pass or Fail basis. **Pass = 1)Successful demonstration of competency in course designated simulated scenarios AND 2)Demonstrating competency in every area of clinical performance in direct patient care AND3)Successful completion of all required clinical paperwork (achieving 75% or better of all associated paperwork assignments). 4)Attendance at all 135 hours of required clinical experience.Fail = 1)Non-achievement of competency in course designated simulated scenarios OR2)Non-achievement of competency expectations in any one or more areas of direct patient care clinical performance OR3)Any serious infraction involving professionalism and/or safety related issues for assigned patients. 4)Not attending the required 135 hours of clinical experience.5)Not achieving 75% or better of all associated paperwork assignments in clinical area.**Students are required to take and pass the Dosage Calculation exam at a 90% level PRIOR to participating in clinical experiences. Students unable to pass the medication administration and calculation test after three attempts will be required to drop the course based on ineligibility for clinical participation. (See statement under Clinical Policies). GRADING SCALE: Grading scale: 90-100 = A 80-89 = B 75-79 = C 74-60 = D < 60 = FGrading Breakdown: Exams: Clinical written assignments: 10%DidacticConcept Map, History, Exam I 13% Physical, Medication Log,Exam II 13 %Nursing Care Plan, Exam III 13 % Teaching Plan, Case Study Exam IV 13%Quizzes 8% ATI 10 % Final Exam 20 % 90% Dosage calculation exam: Pass with 90% or better (Three attempt maximum prior to clinical placement)Clinical Performance: Pass/Fail(Competency in care setting AND in simulation) ATI Points Below Level – 1Level – 1 Level – 2 Level – 3 64% 70% 88% 100% COURSE POLICIES: MyLearning Reflection: A guided course reflection is required in this course. This reflection assignment will be a mandatory assignment in all Traditional Pre-Licensure and RN-BSN courses. The assignment will be due at the end of the course. Students who do not submit a completed document will receive an Incomplete in the course and not be allowed to progress until the assignment is completed. Academic Regulations: Review in UT El Paso Undergraduate Student Catalog and theSchool of Nursing Student Handbook the following policies: Religious Observance, Clinical Compliance, Ethical and Responsible Use of Social Media, Policy on Academic Integrity, Professional Attire and Uniform Guidance, Progression Policy, and Effective Nursing Practice Policy, Statement on Disability, and Student Injury.ATI: It is a course requirement for all students to take the nationally standardized exam provided by Assessment Technologies Incorporated (ATI). Students not achieving a passing standard will be required to remediate and to submit documentation of this remediation in accordance with Course Manager’s protocol. Students will receive an ‘Incomplete’ in the course until/unless this remediation is accomplished. See the School of Nursing Student Handbook for the ATI Policy and Procedures.Attendance: Students are expected to attend all classes and to arrive on time. Late comers are asked to enter quietly and unobtrusively. Students are responsible for content and/or announcements presented in class or clinical sessions whether present or not. Blackboard: Students are required to subscribe to and access the course Blackboard site. Blackboard is the main source of communication between faculty and students. Students are encouraged to access this site on a daily basis. Course syllabus, calendar, topical outline of scheduled lectures, assigned readings, and clinical assignment criteria are posted on this site. Grades will be made available ONLY through this site. Communication: Communication is the responsibility of both students and faculty. The faculty will keep students informed of progress in both theory and clinical. Students with questions or concerns should: -First go to the appropriate faculty member. -If not resolved, then follow the appropriate chain of command in the sequence as identified below:Course manager Director of Undergraduate EducationAssistant Dean for Undergraduate EducationSchool of Nursing DeanGrievances: Challenges to grades may be pursued only on the basis of malice, bias, arbitrary or capricious grade determination or impermissible discrimination. In no event shall a challenge be pursued only on the basis of the standards employed in setting grades, so long as those standards are employed impartially. Grievances MUST be in WRITING and filed through the faculty member, the SON Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Education and the Dean of the SON. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome after using the chain of command, the student may consult with and/or file a challenge with the Chairperson of the University Student Welfare and Grievance Committee. Policy on Scholastic Dishonesty: Students are expected to be above reproach in all scholastic activities. Students who engage in scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the possibility of failure in the course and dismissal from the School of Nursing and/or university. Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to reproducing test or quiz materials from memory, copy/paste or Xerox, cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit or any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, and any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts. Regents' Rules and Regulations, Part One, Chapter VI, Section 3, Subsection 3.2, Subdivision 3.22.Since scholastic dishonesty harms the individual, all students, and the integrity of the School of Nursing and the university, policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced. See detailed procedure in the Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP) available in the Office of the Dean of Students.Policy relating to Disability / Pregnancy/ CASS: Disability: Nursing is a physically and mentally challenging profession. Nurses are required to think critically and quickly in order to respond to patient care needs. Nurses are also expected to be able to assist patients in transfer, ambulation and in activities of daily living. In order to do this, nurses must be able to lift, bend and be on their feet for extended periods of time. Nursing students are expected to be able to perform these functions. It is therefore the responsibility of the student to inform the course manager of any limitations they may have in completing course expectations. Nursing students with limitations in any of the above abilities are advised to discuss these matters with The Center for Accommodations and Support Services (CASS) to determine if reasonable Policy relating to Disability / Pregnancy/ CASS (continued): accommodations could be provided. Written guidelines r/t accommodations from CASS must be submitted to the course manager PRIOR to the start of the course. If you have a disability and need classroom accommodations, please contact?CASS at 747-5148, or by email to cass@utep.edu, or visit their office located in?UTEP Union East, Room 106.? For additional information, please visit the CASS website at sa.utep.edu/cass.?CASS’ Staff are the only individuals who can validate and if need be, authorize accommodations for students with disabilities.Pregnancy: It is the responsibility of the student to inform the instructor of pregnancy limitations. Written guidelines r/t accommodations from The Center for Accommodations and Support Services (CASS) must be submitted to the course manager PRIOR to the start of the course.Professional Behavior:Students are expected to behave professionally at all times with faculty, peers, preceptors, and clients and in any setting in which the student is a representative of UTEP. Bullying, verbal abuse, insubordination, or personal attacks will not be tolerated in any form. Any behavior deemed inappropriate by faculty and/or preceptors will result in faculty conference(s), and completion of a Student Opting for Success (SOS) plan that addresses the student’s areas of needed improvement. Possible activities available to assist the student in attaining the SOS objectives include stress and/or anger management counseling sessions. Inappropriate behaviors may result in removal from the clinical setting and/or an administrative withdrawal from the course and/or dismissal from the program. The following addresses expectation of infection control, safety, and hygiene applying to classroom and clinical practice settings. Students are expected to be mindful of personal hygiene and cleanliness of clothing and personal baggage. ?Aseptic techniques should be used when coughing, sneezing, and disposing of personal tissues.? Students and faculty must be careful to create an image of cleanliness and health, avoiding personal body odors and excessive use of perfumed chemicals. ?Hair should be clean and neatly kept, skin should be clean and intact. Open wounds with drainage/swelling/ or lacerations should be cleansed/bandaged for the classroom setting; however, a physician note is needed to be allowed into the skills practice lab or into a clinical rotation in the nursing program.Retention: Students Opting for Success (SOS): When a student is not progressing in the course as expected, or is not successful on an examination, or is not meeting clinical expectations, they will be required to meet with the instructor to discuss strategies for success as outline on the SOS form. The SOS plan will identify recommendations for improving the student’s success potential and will specify time lines for completion of these recommendations. The SOS form (with all recommendations completed and all signatures in place) must be submitted to the course manager by due date. Students who are not successful in the course should be aware that non-compliance with SOS recommendations jeopardizes eligibility for the opportunity to repeat the course in the subsequent semester. See respective Blackboard home page for SOS form.UTEP Tobacco Policy: The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) appreciates your cooperation as we are a smoke and tobacco-free campus. The policy is part of the university’s promotion of respect toward our environment and community. The use of tobacco products (including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, water pipes, bidis, kreteks, electronic cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacco or all other tobacco products) is prohibited in university buildings, grounds, sidewalks, walkways, and university-owned property and applies to all students, faculty, staff, contractors, and visitors. For more information, visit: tobaccofree.utep.edu. DIDACTIC POLICIES?Examination and Quiz policies?Statement on preparation of formal assignments ?Other Course specific policiesExams:All exams must be taken at the scheduled time. Make-up exams are rarely given and are only given at the discretion of the instructor and when the student has notified the instructor in advance. Each exam maybe reviewed only once at the announced assigned time/location for the exam review and then only up until the prior week of the next exam. The final exam is reviewed at the discretion of the course manager. Quizzes:Quizzes will be administered through-out the semester. Quiz content will be from lectured material covered on that day. Administration of quizzes will be random and unannounced. *In preparation for the ATI Proctored exam, students will be allowed one attempt for each ATI practice test version A and B. The highest score achieved on the ATI practice tests A and B will be recorded as a quiz grade. Refer to the “Lecture Schedule” for the date that the practice exam(s) will be due.ATI: It is a course requirement for all students to take the nationally standardized exam provided by Assessment Technologies Incorporated (ATI) and to pass the exam at or above the national average (level 2). Students not achieving this passing standard will be required to remediate and to submit documentation of this remediation in accordance with Course Manager’s protocol. Students will receive an ‘Incomplete’ in the course until/unless this remediation is accomplished. *In preparation for the ATI exam students will be allowed one (1) attempt for each ATI practice test version A and B. The highest score achieved on either of the ATI practice tests A and B will be recorded as a quiz grade. Refer to the “Lecture Schedule” for the date that the transcript will be due. Retention-Students Opting for Success (SOS): Academic coaching (tutoring) is available for students who anticipate learning needs. Students are encouraged to access this service. Academic referrals (SOS) are given when students are having difficulty in the course. Students, not complying with these referral strategies, most likely will not be given a faculty recommendation for course repeat, should they not be successful. CLINICAL POLICIESClinical policies specific for the course.Attendance: Punctual attendance for all clinical activities is required and tardiness and/or absenteeism will not be tolerated. The days and times for clinical experiences are clearly posted on the class/clinical schedule and students are expected to be where assigned and to be on time.If a student anticipates absence or tardiness for any clinical experience, the clinical instructor or Course Manager must be notified prior to the absence or tardiness and this will only be tolerated for a single occurrence. Makeup for one incidence of tardiness and/or clinical absence will be at the faculty’s discretion if there are extenuating circumstances. In case of illness, a release from a health care provider will be required to return to clinical with documentation that is signed and on an official letterhead. Students who are tardy and/or absent from any clinical experience will receive a formal verbal and written counseling relating to this lack of professionalism. A second occurrence of tardiness and/or absence from clinical activities will result in failure of clinical, and thus, failure of the course. Required clinical experiences include hospital orientation, clinical orientation, computer orientation as required by the agency, lab demonstrations, practice sessions, simulation hospital days, pre/post conferences and direct patient care.? Clinical Clearance: Before clinical orientation, students are required to have clinical clearances that are valid through the end of the semester. Health clearances should be verified through the Student Health Services. CPR, insurance, background checks, drug screening and city-wide orientation clearances should be verified by the Compliance Office. Students will not be eligible for clinical participation until all clearances are verified.Clinical Preparation: Any student who is not adequately prepared for clinical will not be allowed to care for patients if doing so would violate the departmental safe nursing practice policy (see SON Handbook for the Safe and Effective Nursing Practice Policy). Daily preparation is a major component on the clinical evaluation.Dosage Calculation Exams: Students are required to take and pass the dosage calculation test given in this course. The test must be passed at 90% PRIOR to the start of clinical. If the test is not passed at 90%, students will have the opportunity to remediate and retest before the clinical rotations start. Students unable to pass the medication administration and calculation test after three attempts will be required to drop the course based on ineligibility for clinical participation.HIPAA: HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) is a mandatory federal law that protects patient health information. In keeping with HIPAA guidelines, nursing students shall not, under any circumstance; photocopy, fax, or remove from the agency premises, any component of the patient's medical record.? Failure to comply with HIPAA policies will result in disciplinary action that may include course failure and/or dismissal from the nursing program.? In addition, legal action may be taken against the student.Simulation: Satisfactory achievement of simulation and course related objectives is required to achieve a passing clinical grade in this course. Facilitators are available in the Simulation Lab for additional help as needed. Online Accessibility DocumentComputer RequirementsUse the browser checker?to ensure you have all of the necessary plugins installed on your computer that you will need in order to access all the content in this course. This browser checker will test browser compatibility, cookies, JavaScript, pop-up and other Java features.Browser Performance HintsClear browser cacheAllow pop-upsMake sure your Java is up-to-dateFollow the steps at?Blackboard Learn browser checkerSoftware RequirementsWhen creating documents, slide presentations, spreadsheets, etc., you must use Microsoft Office or a compatible program (see?10 Free MS Word Alternatives). If you are using Windows Vista or Office 2007, you may have compatibility problems and others in the course may not be able to view your work. Go to the UTEP-IT website's "Patches & Updates" area to download a "compatibility toolkit" (it is listed under the "Patches and Updates" column). Also check your course syllabus for specific software instructions from your instructor.Recommended softwareAdobe AcrobatAdobe Flash PlayerJavaQuickTimeWindows Media PlayerSupported Browsers?Learning Resources:UTEP provides a variety of student services and support. Familiarize yourself with the bookmarks on the right-hand side of the Blackboard student portal (visible before entering into a course) as well as the resources below.UTEP Library?- access to a wide range of resources including online, full-text access to thousands of journals and eBooks plus reference service and librarian assistance for enrolled students.RefWorks?- bibliographic citation tool; check out the RefWorks?tutorial?and?Fact Sheet and Quick-Start GuideUniversity Writing Center?(UWC)?- submit papers here for assistance with writing style and formatting, ask a tutor for help and explore other writing resources available hereMath Tutoring Center (MaRCS)?- ask a tutor for help and explore other math resources available hereHistory Tutoring Center (HTC)?- submit papers here for assistance with writing history papers, ask a tutor for help and explore other history resources available hereElluminate?- online virtual classroom/conference room with multiple features including audio, video, instant messaging, interactive whiteboard, application sharing, file transfer, and session recording/playback with synchronized audio/chat/notes.?Recommended Hardware for Elluminate -Headphonespreferred rather than external speakers to avoid audio feedback being picked up by the micMicrophonea webcam microphone will work, but often a separate mic positioned closer to the mouth picks up less background noiseWebcamfor transmitting live video of the session participant(s)Video camerafor transmitting live video of a procedure or demonstrationSafe Assign?- online submission of paper compares your work to published papers and checks for plagiarism Netiquette?- "Netiquette" stands for "Internet Etiquette", and refers to the set of practices developed over the years to make the Internet experience pleasant for everyone. Please review some of the?Netiquete?rules at Virtual Private Network:?UTEP's electronic resources (i.e. Library resources) are available to registered students when working from outside the campus network. In order to access these resources, you will need to set up a Virtual Private Network (VPN) that basically recognizes you are a UTEP student and can look for journals and use subscriptions UTEP/You have paid for. Setting up a VPN is simple, click on the following link to see a visual tutorial:?UTEP VPN.Technical Assistance BlackboardThe online component of this class is hosted by UT El Paso. If you have computer, Blackboard problems, or any other kind of technical questions (not related to ATI), please contact the UTEP Help Desk via email at helpdesk@utep.edu or by phone at (915) 747-5257. The HELP desk hours are: Mon-Fri 7:00am - 8:00pm (Mountain Time), Sat 9:00am - 1:00pm (Mountain Time), Sun CLOSED.Courses with ATI (Assessment Technologies Institute) components:Technical Requirements for ATI use:BrowserVersionGoogle Chrome?41.0 or laterInternet Explorer?11 or laterMozilla Firefox?36.0 or laterSafari?6.2.7 or laterOperating Systems for ATI useDeviceOperating SystemPCWindows 7,8, 8.1, and 10MacMac OS? X 10.9 or lateriPad? 2 or lateriOS 7 or laterAndroidAndroid 4.4 or laterNotes for ATI use: Minimum resolution 1024 x 600Javascript and cookies must both be enabled with browserAndroid’s default browser is not supported, download Chrome for a better experience.Some browsers may require user to enable tabbingSome content may only be made accessible by disabling your browser’s popup rmation under Browser Performance Hints (listed above) apply for this application as well.Technical Assistance ATIUTEP’s ATI Champion is Ms. Carla Ellis at cjellis@utep.edu or at 915-747-8175, Mon – Fri 9a-5p. After hours help or immediate help can be found at the ATI helpdesk at 800-667-7531. Being Successful Using Online LearningOnline learning is not a spectator sport. It is everyone's responsibility to participate as fully as they can so everyone can get the most from the experience. Here are some simple rules to follow to ensure your participation and engagement in the learning process:Ask questions: If you don't know the answer, someone else will. The discussion board is the area for asking questions related to content OR any problems (related to the class) you are having. Make sure that you have clearly indicated the subject of your message. Reach out to others: Offer a fact, article, link, or other item that can help others learn something you can share. Be appropriate: The online classroom is not the place for insulting or insensitive comments, attacks, or venting. Inappropriate behavior can be subject to disciplinary action, as well. Be diplomatic: When sending messages on emotionally charged topics, I recommend that you write the message and then walk away for at least an hour before re-reading the message and then sending it. Re-reading emotionally charged messages ensures that they are constructive instead of destructive. Think of the person at the other end. Stay focused: Stay on topic to increase the efficiency of your learning. Effective Electronic Communication GuidelinesKeep your messages concise and clearly written. Most ideas can be stated in a couple of paragraphs, although sometimes a longer message may be needed to develop your thoughts adequately. Keep in mind that people are more apt to read and digest shorter messages than long ones.Be respectful of other's ideas, opinions, and beliefs. It's fine to disagree with someone, but please respect his or her right to think differently.Avoid posting simple two or three word statements such as "I agree" or "Good point". If you think someone has made an especially strong point and you want to say so, and then explain why by adding a few sentences describing your response or adding to the original point.A message that demonstrates substance contributes to the understanding and application of ideas by doing one or more of the following:Reflection about meaning: Describe thoughtfully what something means or new insights it provides, or raise a question as a seed for clarification or further discussion.Analysis: Discusses relevant themes, concepts, main ideas, components, or relationships among ideas. Or, identifies hidden assumptions or fallacies in reasoning.Elaboration: Builds on ideas of others or ideas found in the readings by adding details, examples, a different viewpoint, or other relevant information.Application: Provides examples of how principles or concepts can be applied to actual classroom situations, or discuss the implications of theory for practice.Synthesis: Integrate multiple views to provide a summary, a new perspective, or a creative refashioning of ideas.Evaluation: Assesses the accuracy, reasonableness, or quality of ideas.N3604 Statement from Syllabus or Clinical Guidelines Competency in skills is the responsibility of each student before caring for patients. The Simulation laboratory staff and faculty are available at designated times and by appointment via Open Lab to assist students to gain required competency. Students are responsible for competency in all skills taught in previous courses and including: bathing, oral care, bed making, transferring, exercise and ambulation,positioning, obtaining and interpreting vital signs, performing I&O's,assisting with elimination, emptying an ostomy appliance, collecting urine and stool specimens, applying oxygen therapy, measuring blood glucose, administering medications (PO, topical, R, IM, SQ),assess wound dressing for drainage, assess wounds for signs of infection, male and female bladder catheterization, inserting a nasogastric tube andmedication administration via gastric tubes.Required Skills ValidationStudent Name: Faculty Name: Semester: _____________ SKILLSFSSKILLSFSPerforms health historyAppropriately transfer patient from bed to chair Performs head to toe assessmentAssist in positioning patient in bedUses therapeutic communicationApplies sequential compression devicesAccurately performs and interprets vital signs and SpO2Applies anti-embolism stockings (Ted hose)Accurately interprets lab valuesApplies comfort and protective devices Appropriately locates patient information in chartAssist with bed to stretcher transfersAccurately verifies physician orders Ambulate patient with cane, walker, crutchesAccurately verifies medications with HCP orders and MARProperly don and remove PPESafely prepares, administer and document oral medicationsPerform and teach airborne, droplet, contact, &Neutropenic precautions Safely prepares, administer and document IM injectionsAssess, apply and remove restraints Safely prepares, administer and document SQ injectionsTeach use of incentive spirometerSafely prepares, administer and document ID injectionsPerform Chest PT, teach cough & deep breathingSafely prepares, administer and document topical medicationsAdminister humidified oxygen Safely prepares, administer and document NG/GT medicationsTeach patient oxygen safetyIdentifies correct IV solutions, rate, volume to be infused and alarms for volume infused, air, and obstructionAdminister oxygen via nasal cannula, simple mask and/or venturi maskAssess for IV infiltration, infection, and thrombusTeach the use of peak flow meterAssist patients with hygiene and ADLsAssist with patient feedingPerforms Bed making both occupied and unoccupied Perform blood glucose testingAssist patient with bedpan and urinalsAssess wound dressing for drainageAccurately assess and records Intake & OutputAssess wounds for signs of infectionInserts indwelling urethral catheter (Foley catheter)Removes sutures and/or staplesDiscontinues indwelling urethral catheter (Foley catheter)Performs ROMApply and manage condom catheterPerforms hot and cold therapyEmpty urine collection bag (Foley bag)Applies seizure precautionsEmpty closed drainage system (Jackson Pratt drain)Accurately completes concept map and care planEmpty closed drainage system (hemovac)EnemasAppropriately operates mechanical transfer equipmentEmptying an Ostomy ApplianceInserting a Nasogastric Tube Teaching isometric and isokinetic exercisesStudents are expected to be competent with the following skills at the end of this course – N3604.At the end of the semester, if a student has not had an opportunity to practice one of the above skills in their clinical setting, it is the student's responsibility to make an apt. to practice in the simulation lab prior to advancing to the next semester. Competency of all the above skills is required prior to entering clinical in 6th semester.Student signature: Date: N-3604 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING PRACTICECOURSE SYLLABUS – FALL 2018STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENTPlease sign the statement below and return to the Course Manager no later than Friday, October 12, 2018I have read the course syllabus for N-3604 and understand my obligations to adhere to the policies described. I have also reviewed and agree to comply with the dress code as noted in the Syllabus and School of Nursing Handbook. ___________________________________________________________________ Student Printed Name Date___________________________________________ Student Signature ................

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