Skin Scrapings for fungal culture - Eastern Health

Skin Scrapings for Fungal Culture


Sterile container, sterile scalpel blade, adhesive tape and alcohol swab.


• Wash the area of skin to be scraped with an alcohol swab.

• Remove any ointment or residual applications using soap and water.

• Ensure the skin surface is dry before proceeding with the scraping.

Specimen Collection

1. Stretching the skin, scrape the outer periphery of the lesion with the blade perpendicular to the skin surface.

2. Collect all of the skin material into a sterile container.

3. Remove adherent scrapings from the blade by rubbing against the edge of the dish. Do not place the blade in the container with the scrapings. Specimens will not be processed if received in the laboratory with the blade remaining in the sterile container.

4. Secure the top of the sterile container firmly.

5. Label the sterile container with the patient’s full name, date, time and site of collection.

6. Store the specimen at room temperature and deliver to the laboratory on the day of collection.


|Document Name |Skin Scrapings for Fungal Culture |

|Review Responsibility |I.D Physician and Senior Microbiology Scientist |

|Master Location |K:\pathology shares\Spec Colln & Courier\Workinstr\SC-W-022-v2 Skin Scrapings.doc |

|Hard Copy Location(s) |Electronic – Eastern Health Pathology Handbook, Dennis Gration GP rooms as icon on desktop |

|Version |Date |Edits/Comments |Reviewed By |Authorised |

| |22/04/05 |Created |S. Lloyd-Jones |A. Paull |

|V1 | | | | |

| |29/03/09 |Added Nelson Rd, Healesville, Yarra Ranges Community |S. Lloyd Jones |S.Lloyd Jones |

|2 | |Health Services | | |

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Pathology Collection

Box Hill Hospital 9895 4905

Maroondah Hospital 9871 3572

Angliss Hospital 9764 6135

Tecoma Collection Rooms 9754 1441

Nelson Rd Collection Rooms 9899 5067

Healesville Collection Centre 1300 793 622

Yarra Ranges Community Health Services 1300 130 381


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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