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Tuesday 5th May 2020Literacy: Mr Gumpy’s Outing 2Video reading: presentation: can be found alongside the Monday planning.Stop motion animation: StarterReread the story (or watch the animation), ask some questions. What was your favourite part of the story? Why? Because…What was the funniest part? Who got on the boat? What happened after they fell out of the boat? What did they have for tea?Have a look at your map, see if you can retell the story after rereading it.TaskToday we will have a go at creating our own ‘middle’ to the story. By this, we mean the section where Mr Gumpy is on his boat and new characters are boarding it. Our goal is to add some new characters, but we can use some of the ones from the original story if we are stuck for ideas.To do this, you will want to have a think about some characters you may add before you begin writing. You will want to make a word bank of all the tricky words that may come up. Here are some words you might include:decided boat childrenAny of the new characters you are adding will be useful to include here.Here is a structure you could use:One sunny day, Mr Gumpy decided to go out on his boat. The children came with him.“Can I come along Mr Gumpy?” said the ________“Yes, but don’t…”Then once you have at least three new characters on the boat, you can end it with all your characters falling out! Here is an example:One sunny day, Mr Gumpy decided to go out on his red speedboat. The children came with him. “Let me on board!” asked the scary wolf.“Fine, but don’t howl” said Mr Gumpy.“Can I come?” said the rabbit.“Yes but don’t hop.”For a while they all went along happily but then the wolf howled, the rabbit jumped, the goat kicked… and into the water they fell!You can use the structure provided or your own if you are feeling confident, nor are you limited to just 3 new characters. Make sure to change how the character asks to get on the boat so you are not repeating yourself. Use some adjectives to describe your new characters if you can.Remember to start a new line for speech and follow the golden rules! This is a good chance to show off your ! and ? Give this your best go and have some fun with this creative writing task! It does not have to be perfect as we will revisit it tomorrow and see what changes we can make.Maths:Head to BBC bite size: Learning at home. type BBC bite size into your browser. Daily lessons – year 1Step by step guidance is available on the website. The videos do guide you through; and gives time to pause and think / work out the answers. Counting on and back in 5s within 50. Lots of practical counting, you will need 20 – 50 small objects to arrange and count. Or you can draw sets of 5. (You decide / judge the numbers your child should be working with) Online: I have set counting in 5s as a 2do on Purple mash. You should find it in your alerts. If you can’t find it, go Purple mash –mathematics – number – number & place value –counting in 5s Outdoor activity: Leaf printing or texture collageThis one’s great for Autumn, but you’ll find leaves at this time of year too, so gather as many different types as you can find. Paint one side and use them as stamps to create beautiful works of art. If may want to cut them out and make a collage or create a notelet to send to someone. You could do leaf and other texture rubbings rather than using paints – a crayon on its side works well. Place some paper over the area and rub. Try bark, paving, the shed wall. You could also do this with coins for an indoor version. Which is your favourite? ................

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