Tossups - Trash


1. Its brain was approximately the size of a banana, but it did show signs of a well-developed olfactory region, indicating that this creature may have had a good sense of smell. It was discovered with Titanosaurid fossils found near it,* indicating that it may have hunted those behemoths. It was named for the amateur fossil-hunter who discovered it in Patagonia in 1993. FTP, what is this large dinosaur, which, at 14.3 meters in length, may have been the largest theropod to have ever lived?

ANSWER: Giganotosaurus carolinii

2. Some depictions show its chief deity bearing a rock on his back, like Atlas, or wearing a cape with the heavens on the inside, while there is also evidence to suggest that he was associated with the Orphic creator-god, Phanes,* who brought the world into existence when he emerged from the cosmic egg. Its temples were adapted natural caves, usually with a previous religious significance, or buildings designed to imitate caves, and it is thought to have originated in Persia, though its appearance in Rome and the nature of its primary deity remain mysteries today. FTP, what is this religion, which was practiced mostly by Roman soldiers?

ANSWER: Mithraism

3. Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari argue that it is a result of the schizophrenic capitalist system and psychoanalysis, as its tool, which combine to create the image of a father which is more powerful than an individual and of his phallus, an unattainable symbol of his power.* Jacques Lacan expanded it to define the father as an ideal he termed the Name-of-the-Father and he saw the desire not as sexual, but as seeking an undifferentiated state of togetherness. FTP, these two arguments are used against what psychological theory posited by Freud and named for a mythical Theban king?

ANSWER: Oedipus Complex or Oedipus Conflict

4. Spain was forced to grant the Asiento, the profitable West African slave trade, to Britain, as well as ceding Gibraltar and Minorca to them. The Duchy of Milan was split between Savoy and Emperor Charles IV and Savoy also received Sicily, while the Spanish Netherlands, Naples, and Sardinia were ceded to Charles IV.* It was followed by the Treaties of Rastatt, Baden, and Madrid, and it did not go as far as British Whigs would have liked, because they had been replaced by the pro-French Tories. FTP, what is this 1713 peace agreement which ended the War of Spanish Succession between France and Spain on the one hand and Great Britain, the United Provinces, and Savoy on the other?

ANSWER: Peace of Utrecht or Treaty of Utrecht

5. The author of this poem is undisputed, because he credits himself with composing it both in the Retraction to The Canterbury Tales and in The Legend of Good Women.* The date of its authorship, however, is in dispute, as many have looked at the mating dispute as allegorically referring to a regal wedding arrangement from Chaucer’s own time. Astronomical evidence, if lines 117-118 can be trusted, argues that the poem was written in 1382, as does the allegorical argument. FTP, what is this poem by Chaucer which sees the narrator fall asleep after reading Somnium Scipionis and come upon a congregation of birds determining their mates for the upcoming year?

ANSWER: The Parlement of Foules or The Assembly of Foules

6. They are thought to have hunted a species of dwarf Stegodon and they show evidence of advanced behaviors, such as using fire for cooking and using the stone tools of the Upper Paleolithic, which are associated with modern humans.* Its discoverers have hypothesized that it had language and that they arrived on isolated islands during the Wisconsin glaciation via reed rafts. FTP, what is this newly discovered hominid, which appears as a smaller version of Homo erectus and which has been dubbed “hobbits” by some scientists, including its discoverers?

ANSWER: Homo floresiensis

7. Serbia received Ohrid, Monastir, Istib, Kotchana, and Kosovo; Crete’s claims for unification with Greece were recognized* and Greece received territory in Kavala, Epirus, southern Macedonia, and Salonika; Romania received nearly all of the territory of the Dobruja. This conflict saw Serbia, Romania, Greece, Montenegro, and the Ottoman Empire side against Bulgaria after it attempted to take more of Macedonia than Serbia was prepared to grant it. FTP, what is this war which lasted from June 29 to July 31, 1913, and which was the last war on the Balkan Peninsula until World War I?

ANSWER: Second Balkan War (accept Treaty of Bucharest until the word “conflict”)

8. According to legend, while still an infant, a swarm of bees landed on his face, leaving behind a drop of honey,* which his father interpreted as a sign of his future eloquence. He began to study theology in earnest under Simplician after his election to a bishopric and he presided over the synod at Aquileia, which removed Palladius and Secundianus from office for Arianism. FTP, name this early church leader, who is a Doctor of the Church and who baptized Augustine of Hippo.

ANSWER: St. Ambrose of Milan or Sanctus Ambrosius or Sant’Ambrogio

9. “We laid rubber on the Georgia asphalt,*/ Gotta a little crazy, but we never got caught./ Down by the river on a Friday night,/ Staring at the cans in the pale moonlight;/ Talking ‘bout cars and dreaming ‘bout women,/ Never had a plan, just a-living for the minute”. FTP, so goes what hit song off of the album A Lot About Livin’ (And a Little About Love) by country music star Alan Jackson?

ANSWER: “Chattahoochee”

10. Empire Pictures went bankrupt during the filming of this movie, its most expensive ever, and its rights were purchased by Epic Productions, who finished it nearly 2 years after filming began.* The story centers on a battle for control of Alaska, which is disputed by the Confederation and the Market. Alexander, a demented Russian, has defeated everyone from the Market he has faced and will win control of Alaska for the Confederation if he is not stopped. FTP, what is this 1990 movie starring Gary Graham as Achilles, the last hope for the Market?

ANSWER: Robot Jox

11. The original intro proclaimed that the title character fought criminals that “even the G-Men couldn’t reach”, prompting J. Edgar Hoover to request that it be removed, because of its implications toward the FBI.* During World War II, the ethnicity of the title character’s sidekick was downplayed, prompting some to believe that he was changed from Japanese to Filipino. Though it existed as a radio program, two movie serials, and a comic book, the 1966-67 television series is most famous. FTP, name this series which starred Van Williams as the title character and Bruce Lee as Kato.

ANSWER: The Green Hornet

12. The Screaming Eagles, Barra Brava, and Le Norte are all supporters clubs of this team. 1998 was one of their best seasons, as they won the CONCACAF Champions Cup and Interamerican Cup, as well as 1 of their 3 division championships and 1 of their 5 conference championships.* 1996 saw them win the first “double” in modern US history, when they defeated the Richmond Raging Rhinos for the US Open Cup and the LA Galaxy for the MLS Cup. FTP, name this soccer team, which plays its home games in RFK Memorial Stadium and whose nickname is “Black-and-Red”.

ANSWER: D.C. United (prompt on D.C. or United)

13. In the early hours of Monday mourning, a commercial airliner TransPacific Airlines Flight 545, en route from Hong Kong to Denver, experienced an extreme accident which resulted in the deaths of several people.* At first, it is thought that the incident was caused by turbulence or possibly by a malfunction or design flaw in the Norton Aircraft N-22, but chief investigator, Quality Assurance Vice President Casey Singleton discovers that all was the result of violent pitching caused by the pilot allowing his son to fly the airplane. FTP, so goes the plot of what 1996 Michael Crichton thriller?

ANSWER: Airframe

14. The principle love interest was originally to be played by Isabella Rossellini, but, because of delays in shooting, she was replaced by Maruschka Detmers, who had to stop because of back problems.* Eventually, Andie McDowell was chosen for the role. Her character, Sister Anna Baragli, works for a counter-espionage branch of the Vatican. She initially sides with the CIA, but only to foil their attempts to steal priceless works of art by Leonardo da Vinci for the Mayflower Corporation. FTP, name this movie starring Bruce Willis and Danny Aiello as the thieves who pull off the heists for the Mayflowers.

ANSWER: Hudson Hawk

15. He first appeared in a penny dreadful called The People’s Periodical, in a story entitled A String of Pearls: A Romance, which was probably written by Thomas Prest, who is noted for having created similar characters.* The story was turned in a popular play which spread tale of him throughout London and a song about him was recorded in 1956 by Stanley Holloway. FTP, name this character who is best known from a musical by Steven Sondheim and who is often called “The Demon Barber of Fleet Street”.

ANSWER Sweeny Todd

16. They are sold year round in the UK, with the slogan, “How do you eat yours?”, leading to competitions to find the funniest way.* In Australia, where they can also be found year round, their slogan is “Don’t get caught with egg on your face!”. They come individually, or in packs of 3, 6, 12, 15 or 24 and are only produced during the first few months of the year in the US. FTP, what is this confectionery, the product of Cadbury-Schweppes, which is only sold in the US at Easter?

ANSWER: Cadbury Cream Egg


1. Few philosophers make a name for themselves without debating against or with someone else. F15PE, identify the following from a description of how they did just that, or F10P, if you need an easier clue.

A. 10) He studied under William of Champeaux, who was himself a student of St. Anslem, at Notre-Dame de Paris, where he became so gifted in debate that he managed to bring about the end of Realism, which was replaced by his Conceptualism or with the older idea of Nominalism.

5) His love of Heloise is now infamous and resulted in his being castrated by her uncle Fulbert after it was thought that he wanted to be rid of her, when his secret marriage to her was discovered by the Church. At his jealous bidding, she became a nun so as to never again share physical love with a man.

ANSWER: Pierre Abélard or Peter Abailard

B. 10) During his house arrest in Avignon while his works were investigated for heresy, he was charged by Michael of Cesena to solve the long-standing problem between the Church and the Franciscan order about apostolic poverty. In his studies, he came to the conclusion that Pope John XXII was a heretic, which resulted in his fleeing to Louis IV of Bavaria.

5) A famed logician in his day and afterwards, he is best known as the namesake for the law of economy or principle of parsimony, which states that one should make no more assumptions than needed or that when multiple explanations are possible, the simplest is preferred.

ANSWER: William of Occam

2. Identify the following rulers of the Achaemenid dynasty from a brief description FTSNOP.

A. 5) This Achaemene is considered the founder of the Persian Empire, in large part, because he conquered Media, when he took his grandfather’s capital, Ecbatana, Babylon after defeating Nabonidus at Opis, and Lydia when he defeated and captured Croesus at Pterium.

ANSWER: Cyrus II or Cyrus the Great or Koroush II or Khorvash II

B. 15) Most of what is known about him comes from the writings of Ctesias and he ruled during a brief period of chaos following the death of his father, Artaxerxes I. He had his brother Xerxes II killed by Pharnacyas and Menostanes and he himself was killed after only 6 months by his brother, Darius II.

ANSWER: Sogdianus of Persia

C. 10) He fended off a revolt by his satraps from 366 to 358 and forced the Greek city-states to sign the Treaty of Antalcidas. He is best known, however, for the revolt led by his brother Cyrus the Younger which resulted in 10,000 Greek mercenaries defeating him at Cunaxa in 401. Their escape from Persia was described in Xenophon’s Anabasis.

ANSWER: Artaxerxes II Mnemon or Artakhshathra II or Adeshir II

3. FTSNOP, identify the following works of the Roman poet Publius Ovidius Naso from a brief description.

A. 10) Only 6 books of this work survive, which is an important resource on Roman religion and the celebration of Roman rites. Some have argued that it was composed by Ovid to show religious and patriotic themes that might improve his reputation.

ANSWER: Fasti or Festivals

B. 10) Book 3 of this work includes a detailed tour given by Ovid to the poem itself, because he is unable to go to Rome himself. In this work, Ovid laments his exile to Tomis and begs his friends to beg Augustus to end it.

ANSWER: Tristia or Sorrows

C. 5) Often regarded as an early sex manual, it is believed that this poem was at least partly responsible for Ovid’s exile from Rome to Tomis. The first two books were written between 1 BCE and 1 CE and the third was written much later.

ANSWER: Ars Amatoria or The Art of Love

D. 5) Ovid’s most popular work, as well as his best according to many scholars, it traces the history of the world from the creation up until Ovid’s own time. It often focuses on myths and historical traditions which include various kinds of transformations, including Julius Caesar’s deification and the myth of Niobe, who became a weeping statue.

ANSWER: Metamorphoses

4. Numerous numbered symphonies have nicknames; F5PE, identify the nickname of each of the following numbered symphonies.

A. Sergei Prokofiev’s Symphony No. 1

ANSWER: The Classical

B. Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 1 in D major

ANSWER: Der Titan or The Titan

C. Joseph Hayden’s Symphony No. 22 in E flat major

ANSWER: Philosopher

D. Pyotr Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 6 in B minor

ANSWER: Pathétique

E. Havergal Brian’s Symphony No. 1 in D minor

ANSWER: The Gothic

F. Ludwig van Beethoven’s Symphony No. 3 in E flat major

ANSWER: Eroica or Heroic

5. Identify the following primary types of lava flow F10PE.

A. Typically formed when lava exudes from underwater volcanic vents or when a lava flow enters the water, this type of flow is characterized by several large blobs which are connected. Because the lava cools upon touching the water, it hardens, forming a thin crust, which then cracks and produces other blobs of lava, which continue the cycle.

ANSWER: Pillow Lava

B. This type of lava flow has a smooth surface and is characterized by “toes” of molten lava breaking through a cooler, hardened surface. Often, the flowing lava results in odd shapes and textures known as lava sculpture.

ANSWER: Pāhoehoe

C. It is characterized by a rough and rubbly surface composed of broken blocks of lava called clinker. As the lava flows, pieces of clinker at the tip fall down in front of the lava and are covered, depositing clinker on both the top and the bottom of the lava flow.


6. Which do you know more about, South American politicians and leaders or their European counterparts? [Moderator: await answer and read the corresponding bonus]

I. Identify the country which is headed by each of the following South American leaders F10PE.

A. Álvaro Uribe

ANSWER: Columbia

B. Alberto Toledo


C. Néstor Kirchner

ANSWER: Argentina

II. Identify the following European heads of state F6PE.

A. Austria

ANSWER: Heinz Fischer

B. Slovenia

ANSWER: Janez Drnovšek

C. Poland

ANSWER: Aleksander Kwaśniewski

D. Ireland

ANSWER: Mary McAleese

E. Czechia

ANSWER: Václav Klaus

7. Identify the following early programming languages F15PE.

A. Developed for engineering purposes by Konrad Zuse between 1942 and 1946, it was not published until 1972 and a compiler was not developed for it until 2000. Zuse claimed that it was the first high-level non-Von Neumann programming language and it was marred by the idiosyncratic notation of using multiple lines.

ANSWER: Plankalkül or Plan Calculus

B. One standard joke about this language, which was first developed between 1954 and 1957 for the IBM 704 is “GOD is REAL (unless declared INTEGER)”. It is extremely well-suited for numerical work and it was one of the first widely used high level programming languages.

ANSWER: Fortran

8. FTSNOP, identify the following terms from Shinto.

A. 10) This word is usually said by many Japanese before eating to show proper respect to the preparer of the food and to all living creatures who lost their lives in its production.

ANSWER: Itadakimasu

B. 5) These are the gods or higher spirits in Shinto. They are not omnipotent or omnipresent and at one time included the emperor.


C. 5) Originally benevolent spirits who warded off evil, they eventually came to be harbingers of evil or calamity. They are often depicted as demons or ogres.


D. 10) This term refers to small pictures on wooden placards of horses, snakes, and other animals or objects, placed at shrines by those seeking favor from the kami.


9. We’ve all heard ‘em; some of us believe ‘em; and some of ‘em are based on some truth. F10PE, identify the result or causes of each of the following as told in old wives’ tails.

A. Smelling dandelions

ANSWER: Wetting the bed (accept obvious equivalents)

B. Eating the crust of bread

ANSWER: Makes your hair curl (accept obvious equivalents)

C. Having a pimple on your tongue

ANSWER: Telling a lie (accept obvious equivalents)

10. Identify the following minor leagues from a brief description F10PE.

A. This independent A league was formed in 2004 and began operations on May 26, 2005. There are currently 8 teams in California and Arizona, but there are plans to expand into Oregon and Mexico. The biggest news for this league came when Rickey Henderson, MLB’s all-time leader in steals and lead-off homeruns signed with the San Diego Surf Dawgs.

ANSWER: Golden Baseball League or GBL

B. This High A league began in 1945 and consisted of teams from Virginia and North Carolina. It was made famous, however, as the league in which the now AAA Durham Bulls played in the movie Bull Durham. Currently there are 8 teams stretching from Delaware to South Carolina.

ANSWER: Carolina League

C. This AA league with 10 teams stretching from Raleigh, North Carolina, to Jackson, Tennessee, has been in existence in one form or another since 1885. It is most famous as the league of the Birmingham Barons, the Chicago White Sox affiliate for which Michael Jordan played in 1994.

ANSWER: Southern League

11. Identify the following heroes and villains from Todd McFarlane’s comic series, Spawn, F10PE.

A. Employed by the agency known as the Star Chamber, these warriors are called upon by heaven to battle against Hellspawn whenever they appear on Earth. Jason Wynn was recruited as one, but was replaced by Phil Timper

ANSWER: The Redeemer

B. Formerly a sergeant with “The Agency” this man was turned into a half-robot, half-ape. He is unable to control himself when he becomes angry. His original name was Stephen Smith and he blames Al Simmons for his new body.


C. At 100,000 years old, she is beautiful and deadly and comes from the Elysium, the first level of the Seven Heavens. She fought Spawn once, but did not kill him and he came to her defense when she was put on trial in Heaven for treason.

ANSWER: Angela

12. F10PE, identify each of the following about that classic Disney live-action film, Flight of the Navigator.

A. This is the nickname David gives to the robot pilot of the alien spacecraft of which he becomes the navigator. His voice was provided by Paul Reubens.


B. This is the name of Max’s home planet, to which David had been taken in 1978 after it was discovered that humans only use 10% of their brains.

ANSWER: Phaellon

C. This man, the movie’s director, was also the director of the TV series Starsky and Hutch and the film-version of Grease, both of which are referenced in Flight of the Navigator.

ANSWER: Randal Kleiser

13. F5PE, identify the artists who produced each of the following disco hits during the ‘70s.

A. “Jive Talkin’”; “More Than a Woman”; “You Should Be Dancing”

ANSWER: The BeeGees

B. “Everybody Dance”; “I Want Your Love”; “Le Freak”


C. “Thinking of You”; “He’s the Greatest Dancer”; “Got to Love Somebody”

ANSWER: Sister Sledge

D. “Love Is the Message”; “Let’s Go Disco”; “T.S.O.P. (The Sound of Philadelphia)”

ANSWER: MFSB or Mother, Father, Sister, Brother

E. “Honeybee”; “Casanova Brown”; “Never Can Say Goodbye”

ANSWER: Gloria Gaynor

F. “Last Train to London”; “Shine a Little Love”; “All Over the World”

ANSWER: ELO or The Electric Light Orchestra

14. Over the course of its short history, the WNBA has seen 8 expansion franchises. FTSNOP, identify those franchises from clues.

A. 5-10) Three former WNBA teams are now defunct. 5 for 1, 10 for both, name the two expansion franchises, which share that distinction with the Cleveland Rockers, one of the original eight, despite only joining the league in 2000.

ANSWER: Miami Sol and Portland Fire (in either order and accept either city or nickname for both)

B. 5) Name the first expansion team to win a WNBA title, taking the 2003 title from the Los Angeles Sparks in 3 games.

ANSWER: Detroit Shock (accept either)

C. 5-10) The 2004 WNBA Finals saw two former expansion teams playing for the title. 5 for 1, 10 for both, name those teams, one, which joined in 2000, and the other, which joined in 1999.

ANSWER: Seattle Storm and Connecticut Sun (in either order and accept either city or nickname for both)

D. 10) Two teams have moved and changed mascots; one was the Utah Starzz, an original member, and the other was this expansion franchise who became the Connecticut Sun.

ANSWER: Orlando Miracle (accept eitheri)

15. Identify the following regarding late night televisions forgotten son, The Late Late Show FTSNOP.

A. 5-10-15) Identify the three permanent hosts of the series, one from 1995 to 1999, on from 1999 to 2004, and one from 2005 until the present.

ANSWER: Tom Snyder, Craig Kilborn, and Craig Ferguson (in any order)

B. 5) The Late Late Show is produced by this company owned by David Letterman.

ANSWER: Worldwide Pants, Inc.

C. 10) Prior to hosting The Late Late Show, Tom Snyder had worked on this late night television series which followed The Tonight Show from 1973 to 1982. It was noted for its hard-hitting questions, but was pulled in favor of Late Night with David Letterman.

ANSWER: The Tomorrow Show

16. Identify the following Hanna-Barbera creations from a brief description F6PE.

A. Jake Clawson and Chance Furlong were members of Megakat City’s paramilitary force, The Enforcers, until they crashed a jet into their base. After being discharged, they found work in a salvage yard where they have managed to build a jet and other tools to help them patrol the city and hunt down Dark Cat.

ANSWER: SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron

B. The planet Mer is under attack and Ren and his crew of misfits, including Ioz, Tula, and Niddler, are trying to collect the 13 Treasures of Rule so that they can stop the Dark Dweller. Opposing them are a group of pirates led by Bloth under the employ of the Dark Dweller and the Dark Dweller’s worshippers, the Dark Disciples, led by Morpho.

ANSWER: The Pirates of Dark Water

C. This cartoon, based on a Belgian comic book, featured a community of roughly 100 small, blue creatures who were chased and tormented by the evil wizard, Gargamel, and his pet cat Azrael, both of which plan on eating the creatures.

ANSWER: The Smurfs

D. Also based on a Belgian work, this series focused on another group of small creatures. The main characters were All-Star Seaworthy and his girlfriend Casey Kelp. Some of their friends include Dimmy, Tooter, and Daffney, while the primary antagonists were Mayor Wetworth and his son, Junior.

ANSWER: The Snorks

E. Based on a Tonka toy-line, this series featured two opposing forces of transforming robots, the Guardians, led by Leader-1, and the Renegades, led by Cy-Kill. The Renegades were insurrectionists on the robots’ home planet and it was the job of the loyal Guardians to put an end to their uprising.

ANSWER: The Challenge of the Go-Bots

Extra Boni

TRASH. Identify the following countries from their national sport or pastime, F6PE. Note, some of these are official, some are traditional, and some are co-national pastimes.

A. Buzkashi

ANSWER: Afghanistan

B. Pesäpallo

ANSWER: Finland

C. Oina

ANSWER: Romania

D. Bocce


E. Hurling

ANSWER: Ireland

Academic. The names of each of the movements in Gustav von Holst’s orchestral suite, The Planets, consists of the name of a planet and a description of the associated Roman deity. F6PE, identify the sobriquet applied to each of the following planets from that suite.

A. Venus

ANSWER: Venus, the Bringer of Peace

B. Saturn

ANSWER: Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age

C. Neptune

ANSWER: Neptune, the Mystic

D. Jupiter

ANSWER: Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity

E. Uranus

ANSWER: Uranus, the Magician


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