Greetings friends of Messiah Yahushua:


Most people are afraid of the wrong things. They fear what man programs into them, and totally side-step the “fear of Yahuweh”, yet it is the fear of Him that will save us. It is those who fear Him who are spared, who receive His protection, His guidance, His wisdom, and His interaction in our lives. The word “fear” in the Scriptures means: “fear, terror, dread--shaking terror, to be terrorized”.

Messiah said: “And do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna” (the lake of fire). (Matthew 10:28)

Isaiah 8:13: “Yahuweh of hosts, Him you shall set apart. Let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread”.

Psalm 111:10: “The fear of Yahuweh is the beginning of wisdom…”

Most of us have heard that so many times that it goes in one ear and out the other. But, the promises of protection go to those who fear Him--examples: Malachi 3:16-4:3 and Psalm 103.

(If you would like to study this subject further, ask for my article: “The Beginning of Wisdom”.)

For the most part, Americans are a bored people. They like excitement and entertainment to divert their minds from the rat race demands of this Greco/Roman/Luciferic culture. When I was a little girl, I went to “slumber parties”, put on by my little friends. One great excitement was to tell ghost stories before going to sleep. Everyone would have “goose bumps”. The more scary the story, the more we giggled and snuggled up under the covers. It was considered fun back in the 1950’s to watch “horror movies”—about Dracula and the Wolf Man, and “The Blob” and all the sci-fi thrillers. We did not know that Satan was programming our minds, even telling us some reality, so that in later years we would have latent fears coming out about horrible reality. Today many believers are buying books, going on internet, and seeking to know the plans of Lucifer, which are scary, so that they might have an unrealistic fear. It does not change their lives, nor does it cause them to get into the Word and seek the Father’s plans and actions. His focus is awesome and wonderful, and is found in hundreds of verses in the Scriptures.

Many people—so called “believers”—are now running from “scary things”, not wanting to hear of anything that disturbs their cushy lifestyle and their plans for their cushy future. But, what the soul (mind, emotions, reasoning, will) calls “scary things” are simply realities of “end time prophecy”.

Those that know Him intimately are not afraid, as in trembling with fear, but are an overcoming victorious remnant of people who know their Elohim, and

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thus do exploits in the days of the world ruler, called the “anti-messiah”. (Daniel 11:32) These exploits are actions by the strong ones in Him that defy the enemies stumbling blocks, and who press forward in patience and endurance to the coming of their Beloved One—Messiah Yahushua.

Most people have an abstract concept, or sentimental religious attachment, to somebody they call “God”, or “Lord”. They do not know Him as the Elohim of

the Scriptures—the Father, Yahuweh, nor do they know His Son as the Jewish Messiah, Yahushua, who came in His Father’s Name. This is because they do not study the Scriptures with Him to learn directly from Him. They are satisfied with the malnutrition diet fed to them by human teachers, who also do not know Him, but were man-taught from seminaries, denominations, books, CDs, DVDs, and conventions, and etcetera. Thus out of starvation most believers, who are sincerely looking for truth, run to one meeting after another trying to get their spirit filled. Sadly enough, they usually come home with a notebook full of notes, but little nutrition to sustain them through the dark days ahead. I have experienced much tribulation, and lived in dangerous countries, and ministered in many situations around the world. But, in my own personal life, He has taught me through much suffering, how to be strong in the face of suffering. Therefore, in my articles, I want to give food that will sustain people—if they will eat. I give you what He has given to me—in the hopes that you will seek Him with all your heart, mind and soul for what He wants to give you!

Most believers, however, want to be left alone to live their lives as usual. They don’t want to think about anything upsetting. They get their “scares” from TV movies, dramas and books—if they want to be scared. But, being scared doesn’t usually change anyone’s life. Thus most end up buying into the great deceptive hoax of an escapist doctrine called the “pre-tribulation rapture”, which was a hoax from the beginning—the real beginning being an invention of the Jesuit Order of the Roman Catholic Church in the 1500’s. Tim LaHaye, founder of The Council on National Policy in 1983 (a mysterious, secretive, one world religious think tank in America), has put out a very popular series called “The Left Behind series”. It is popular even with non-believers. LaHaye has reaped multi-millions of dollars on these deceptive, often lying, fantasies.

His books are certainly NOT Scriptural and his judgment falls in line with Revelation 22:18-19. Know that this “Council on National Policy” is in league with the Korean billionaire Sung Mung Moon, and other one-world religion people. Beverly LaHaye’s organization--Concerned Women of America--is funded in part by this self-styled “messiah”, steeped in eastern occultism, who is in league with the Luciferic elite.

Note Messiah’s words well in Luke 16:15, speaking to religious leaders: “You are those who declare yourselves righteous before men, but Elohim knows your hearts, because WHAT IS HIGHLY THOUGHT OF AMONG MEN IS AN ABOMINATION IN THE SIGHT OF ELOHIM”. My friends—notice who the world

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and worldly ministries, tout as good and righteous and worthy among the religious leadership of Christianity—beware! Those in favor with the world, are not in favor with Yahuweh or Yahushua Messiah.

Ja’cob (James) 4:4: “You adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with Elohim! Whoever therefore who intends to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of Elohim!”

Yet, the “church” is so worldly that it is in favor in many instances in the western world with the Luciferic elite. In the plans for the 1947 partition of Israel by the United Nations, the Pope was given right to the Temple Mount. In 1993, by under-the-table negotiations by Shimon Perez, the Vatican was given right to the Temple Mount with Jordan as the overseer. That’s the Jesuit’s plan—that’s the Vatican’s plan—and the world loves the Vatican. Most of Americas top Evangelical and Charismatic leadership has joined the Vatican, along with Messianic leaders in America and Israel, Muslims, witch doctors and shamans, Hindus, Buddhists, and rabbis of Judaism.

Those whose heart is fixed on escaping the times of purging to come, cannot know the real Elohim of the Bible. The word “tribulation”, which incidentally is only 3 ½ years, is from the Latin word “tribulum”—which is a farm instrument that puts pressure on wheat so that the chaff can break away. It is the love of our Father to put pressure on His set-apart ones, so that they can be free of all sin—blameless before Him.

The Bible was written by Hebrew people about Hebrew people—the people of the tribes of Jacob. It is all centered in the Covenant made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You cannot understand the Bible, or the Elohim of the Bible, from a Greek/Roman western cultural mind-set. Therefore, a lot of truth is hidden from those who only learn from western leaders.

There is a purposed news block to the citizens of America by the world elite, who are planning to eliminate most of the world’s people, and are successfully on their way to doing so right now. We need to know what has been done to totally undermine us, so that we are set up for death. Ignorance is not bliss! To run from reality is what is most scary. To hide in a world of illusion is

absolute insanity now. So many stick their heads in the sand, not realizing that their big bodies are sticking out as targets for the archers.

People are running to the “get happy, get rich” liars and deceivers, because they do not want to hear that we are soon to be slaughtered by the servants of Satan in our own country. Men like Joel Olsteen and his “get happy” conventions are dazzling the weak and cowardly, the fearful--the ones destined to “fall away” under the pressures to come. They are also raking in billions of dollars to line their own coffers. People are hiding from truth because, yes, it is very scary to the natural mind. But, to the mind of the spirit, ruled by the Ruach (Spirit) of Yahuweh, it means our Messiah is coming.

Consider Revelation 21:27, talking about the eternal state when Yahuweh

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brings the New Jerusalem to earth: “And as for the cowardly, and the fearful,

and the abominable, and murderers, and those who whore and drug sorcerers, and idolaters, and all the liars, their part is in the lake, which burns with fire and sulphur, which is the second death”.

Fear is opposite of faith—and you can’t have faith (which includes obedience to His Covenant—the works of corresponding actions) if fear is present. If you panic, you return to soulish animal thinking and acting, if you don’t have a deep relationship with Him through your eternal spirit. It is the Word and our intimate relationship with Him that “anchors the soul” to keep the mind and emotions from going berserk in times of confusion. How pathetic to be so shallow and empty that we fall away to perdition, when we can be victorious, an overcoming person--one who endures to the end, and thus has great eternal reward.

Many people like to be scared and then snuggle up to someone—especially if it is a winter night—storming outside with thunder and lightening. It was/is our diet of movies and TV programming from the 1940’s on. Most people like “horror movies” wizardry, ghost stories, spooky things, and mysteries of all types. Harry Potter is promoting the mind-set of Satan—get for yourself, live for yourself, promote yourself, and let no one stand in your way. This philosophy is in the church’s new “prosperity doctrine”—the “self as god” teaching.

Today, many people are addicted to murder mysteries, scary stories of prowlers that abduct sexy women, stories of aliens and unseen creatures that lurk in the dark, and on and on. Horror and sex are interrelated, because Satanists do their horrible human sacrifices that also involve sexual rituals.

These things that are out in abundance in our society appeal to the soul realm—entice the mind and emotions. But, they do something unseen—far deeper. The murder, horror, sex movies of our culture are being used by demonic forces of Satan and his disguise, Lucifer—the light bearer, the illumined one--to plant seeds into children and adults, to be watered through propaganda by the world media, and then to be used to bring fear that paralyzes one into submission for the purposes of Satan in the days ahead. Satan is literally taking over children and adults from the time of babyhood—onward—through vicious and violent cartoons, supernatural creatures, defiled animals that talk and scare children—and through more “sophisticated” programming for adults. The occult is being taught to little ones via cartoons also—even witchcraft and satanic philosophy. Turn that thing OFF. If you have it on for some program like cooking with Julia Child, and then leave it on—you don’t know what kind of deceptions are coming out into your living room that you don’t hear. Subliminal messages are being put into the air in your house, and your spirit picks them up, even if your mind doesn’t. This is why many believers are experiencing demonic attacks, because they are opening doors into their homes in many ways for demons to enter. Be careful who comes into

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your house, and whom you let your children associate with.

You should be ashamed of yourself if you are wasting time watching such things, or reading books about such things—including listening to or reading about things that produce fear—like ridiculous, time-wasting talk shows, local news broadcasts and pathetic “world news” broadcasts, and things from the medical world, the insurance companies and drug companies, and in the advertising world in general. If you are under the bondage of these things—then you had better get out quick—stop the programming—for the enemy has his mark on your mind already! How can you resist the hypnosis of the Satanic system to come, if you are already hypnotized by the influence of the world’s programming devices? Most of the world’s people have already taken the mark of the beast by aligning with the values and principles of the culture of Lucifer.

It is a fact that America is the biggest drug dealer in the world. We see in Greek that the word for “drugs” in “parmachia”—from where we get “pharmacy”. It’s meaning is “sorcery”. (Revelation 9:21)

Only One knows the unknown, and HE DOES NOTHING UNLESS HE TELLS HIS SECRETS TO HIS SERVANTS THE PROPHETS. (Amos 3:7) It appears that the Torah-guarding, Messiah-loving watchman, gatekeepers, prophets and true intercessors are the ones that are NOT bored, because they have an exciting, vibrant, intimate relationship with the soon-coming King of Kings! They wake up in the morning excited about what He is doing—and all through the day, they are focused on His plans—because there is no more exciting person in the universe than the Creator.

What is heart breaking is that well-meaning people listen to the big name gurus of their religion, and are led astray because they do not remember Matthew 7:13-14, that “few” find the narrow gate into the Kingdom. The remnant will be very, very small, my friends—very small—“FEW”.

I shouldn't be, but I am still amazed that the true believers, just like the world's people, are still falling for the fear propaganda of the news media, and have no concept of hearing from the Father. They heed Lucifer's world and almost all react in some way that is contrary to someone who is a child of Yahuweh.

Proverbs 28:1: “The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion”.

Those who REALLY KNOW Yahuweh shun the propaganda of man, and go to the Word's Truth, for they know the tactics of Lucifer's world and only listen to the Ruach Yahuweh's instructions.

Think! The news media is owned, operated, controlled, and used as the #1 programming device of Lucifer--run by Lucifer's top agents. THINK! ARE THEY GOING TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH? Yet, multi-millions of believers, good people but very gullible and naive people, listen to propaganda

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designed to produce fear, and buy into it as real. Many believe what they read in the newspaper. Will the leadership of Lucifer, the “father of lies, tell you the truth? Please…save your money, and your time!

Why all the murder mysteries, crime programs, sex-oriented dramas and sit-coms? Why debauchery like “American’s Funniest Videos”—making people laugh at people and animals obviously being hurt? This is a sick society! Lonely women watching soap operas, and ingesting demonic spirits by the truckloads every day via talk shoes and sin galore—this is a sick society!

Think! What are these writers and producers after? Who pulls their strings?

Do you realize that most of these writers are New Age believers, many addicted to cocaine, adulterers and adulteresses, homosexuals, abortion advocates, and involved in every sin known to man—yet supposed believers sit there and watch this junk and call it “good entertainment”, or “a good movie”? This is a sick society! His people are sick—in mind, emotions, body, and spirit…sick unto death. Hosea 8:1 is a trumpet call to His people to stop sinning! We are to put a trumpet to our mouths and proclaim the sins of the house of Jacob—and call His people home to Torah and righteousness and to Yahuweh their Elohim!

Isaiah 58:1: “Cry aloud, do not spare. Lift up your voice like a ram’s horn: Declare to My people their transgressions, and the house of Jacob their sins.” The watchmen cry: MAKE T’SHUVAH! REPENT, RETURN TO TORAH AND YAHUWEH. This was also the message of John the baptizer and our Messiah: Matthew 4:17.

The movie makers, TV producers, and even most song writers in the secular world, are all working for the Illuminati elite world rulers. If you enjoy the world—please check to see if you are really going through the narrow gate into the Kingdom.

Matthew 7:13-14: “Enter in through the narrow gate! Because the gate is wide—and the way is broad—that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter in through it. Because the gate is narrow and the way is hard pressed that leads to life, and there ARE FEW WHO FIND IT.”

This warning includes your favorite Christian big-named guru: You cannot be in the public limelight and lauded by the world unless you are part of the whole Luciferic world-take-over plan to bring in utter lawlessness and unrighteousness.

Naïve people believe that what looks good must be good—they do no investigation and ask no questions--that is laziness to the max. Men like T.D. Jakes are multi-millionaires. Is this what Messiah meant when He said: “Unless you forsake all that you possess, you cannot be My disciple”? “Unless you pick up your execution stake and follow Me, you cannot be My disciple”? (See Matthew 10:34-39 and Luke 14:25-33 for examples)

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The false prophets are all popular and rich and have huge followings. Messiah made it hard to follow Him—it being nothing less than death to self! The popular ones in Bible days were the prophets of Baal.

(If you would like my article on how to distinguish a true from a false prophet, and one exposing false prophets, please ask: “The Message of the True Prophet” and “Exposing Kim Clement and Other False Prophets”).

The world is trying to deceive you, lie to you, set you up and program you for total destruction--spirit, mind and body--by the liars who tell you they'll take care of you. They'll take care of you all right... they want you dead, so that they can have all the world's wealth.

The very food you eat and water you drink, unless you are extremely cautious

and have done your homework, is destroying your body and mind daily. Unless you are cautious, they want to take your children from you to make them “world citizens”, to raise them as "children of the world" obedient to anti-messiah. Home school your children as long as you can—teach them in the Torah, and train them to endure, and not give in to the world Luciferics.

Propaganda should not even faze the true set-apart ones who know Him! Fear is opposite of faith. If you base your decisions and beliefs on fear--you'll do exactly what Lucifer and his agents want you to do. You'll end up deceived and overcome, and most likely either dead, or taking the mark of the world ruler (beast). Those who side with the world ruler will damn themselves to the eternal lake of fire--Revelation 14:9-11. (Read chapter 14 carefully)

Get into sincere study of the Word! “Study to show yourselves approved unto Elohim—a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth” (II Timothy 2:15 KJV) For His set-apart ones, the Word is our passion!

Get off the Internet (“net”, “web”—entrapment!) unless there is something the Ruach leads you to check out, and shut down the satanic programming of the TV—only watch what you are led to watch by the Ruach, things that confirms to you what He has been saying to you--get alone with Yahuweh and hear Him. There are times we need to look and listen to the world, for it is becoming overwhelmingly evil.

Revelation 22:11: “He who is wicked, let him do more wickedness; he who is filthy, let him be more filthy; he who is righteous, let him be more righteous; and he who is set-apart, let him be more set-apart”. Remember that He says in Revelation 3:16: “So, because you are neither cold or hot, I am going to vomit you out of My mouth”. He wants us either 100% for Him, or 100% for Satan/Lucifer, for He hates a mixture. We can’t claim that we are “saved” and then live our lives according to our own dictates, or the dictates of our church or group, because only the Word sets the standards for who belongs to Yahuweh and who does not. Those who are “lawless”—without the Torah—are not going to enter the Kingdom (Matthew 7:21-23, as an example).

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No need to run here and there to hear some special speaker in a convention—unless the Ruach gives you His OK to go. So many times conventions and seminars are man-made efforts to promote someone’s ministry. This is not Yahuweh’s way. Only go to hear those whom the Father leads you to hear—then you will receive from the Father’s Ruach (Spirit)—not from man.

Matthew 24:24-26—warnings of false messiahs, and people running around to get “a word” from some big-named guru.

HE IS THE ONLY SOURCE OF PURE TRUTH. If you LOVE TRUTH you won't waste time listening to the world’s propaganda, or sending it on to others. Be careful that you only send information on to others that the Ruach has instigated. There is so much useless chitchat out in the Greek world right now—our culture—that it is making people mentally sick. People are becoming dead and dull zombies watching talk shows and listening to morning and

evening newscasts. Murders are the big thing, child abuse, spouse abuse, burned down houses, and other tragedies are touted as a regular diet on the “local news” in any area of the U.S. If you can stomach it, then question your relationship to Yahuweh because He says that those who endure through the “everlasting burnings” of the end-times are those who refuse to even purposely look at sin and murder and evil of any kind. Think about this: Isaiah 33:14-17.

I know His voice--I've been hearing and learning from Him since I was four years old. I know Him. I know what He likes and what He doesn't. He has taught me. You, too, have Him as your personal trainer, IF you will let Him control you--even your thoughts!

Are you too busy to stop and listen and hear Him? Are you too busy to get alone with Him in the Word and learn what He has to say to you? This is perhaps the greatest of all distractions and deceptions—the rat race of this culture that demands of us things that Yahuweh does not demand of us. Are you ruled by American cultural standards or Yahuweh’s standards? Use this Shabbat to find the answer to that question. (If you do not have the article: “Too Busy to Hear”, please ask for it).

Tragically, statistics tell us that only about 95% of people ever change, once they lock into what is comfortable for them. Are you one of the 95%, or one of the remnant of Yahuweh--set-apart ones of Yahuweh--who will be with Him in the Kingdom?

The Luciferic world government is outwardly headed by the President of the U.S. and the Prime Minister of England, and outwardly run by the G-8 industrial nations (rich nations/power nations), with NATO is the core military. Of course, these are puppets of the hidden elite hierarchy of Satan’s realm—worshippers of the god Lucifer, who is Satan as the illumined one—the light bearer—the “angel of light”. How do I know this? I saw it publicly announced on CNN and BBC Europe in May of 1999, along with others. Look around you--do your homework--it is true...we've already been taken over, undermined, and positioned for destruction. The news media and all the propaganda of

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newspapers, and the opinions and theories of men, are all Lucifer controlled.

There is a purposed news block to the U.S.—you are supposed to remain on your rat wheel, busy, distracted, engrossed in useless things, and not know what is really going on underneath your nose. Yes, there is a secret government—a second government—and in the case of emergency the President has the right to set it in motion—while he escapes—putting in charge a replacement president and cabinet, with all the departments of government ready to take over. It’s called “martial law” and it will be a satanic regime, that will put multi-millions of citizens in concentration camps, gas chambers, into burning ovens, into mental hospitals for “rehabilitation” and “re-programming”, and send many to death by the guillotine. This is fact—hard cold fact.

Therefore, shake the slumber off and realize that the world is controlled by

Lucifer/Satan-worshipping rulers—and they have one enemy: You! You have one enemy: Lazy apathy!

We are at war—it is time we toughened up as good soldiers and got into the thick of the action (II Timothy 2:1-4).


He says in Amos 3:7 that HE DOES NOTHING unless He FIRST tells all of His servants the prophets--all of them--world wide. HE TELLS NO ONE PERSON IN A CORNER. If He gives someone a true prophecy from HIM, He is not going to give it to one person. He will give it to all His servants who are proclaiming His message of return to the Torah and to Him in Covenant--the good news of the coming Kingdom. So many of the false prophets are putting their junk on the Internet and many are falling apart because the false prophets have their following of loyal simpletons. If you are daily studying His Word and being obedient to Him—you will know the counterfeit from the real. If you are lazy and apathetic towards His Word, you will be easily deceived.

The principle demonic hierarchy spirit over America is the anaconda/python spirit, and the spirit of Jezebel and her beguiling and seducing spirits. These are primarily designed to crush the spirit out of you to do anything but watch a re-run of Bart Simpson, and go to bed. The anaconda is the largest snake in the world, getting up to 30 feet long. Its tactics are to knock its victims in the head, and then drag them under the mud to be slowly devoured piece by piece. Isn’t this what a lot of you are feeling like—that you are being knocked out, stunned, overwhelmed, and in the mud being devoured. It is not just an illusion—it is happening to so many of His people. Of course Daniel 7 and Revelation 13 do warn us that the spirit of anti-messiah will “wear out” the set-apart ones, and overcome them if possible.

These spirits are getting stronger and stronger. Unfortunately the church system of Christianity is a depository of the Jezebel spirits and their henchmen, and the heresy of “Ba’al Gawd”—the “Lord God”, which was a demonic god of

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the Canaanites—the god of prosperity, wealth and materialism. Prophecies that cause you to turn inward on “self” and what you can get for yourself, to advance yourself in some way, are surely coming from a false prophet! Yahuweh’s message tells us to put our “self life” to death, and submit to Him—coming alive in our spirit towards Him.

If you are not involved in what is on His heart, then you won't hear anything from Him. He is passionately calling forth a remnant of people to go back to His Land, to His Torah, to His Covenant, as well as positioning all of His remnant for the days ahead, as they obey Him, in different places.

Yahuweh and Yahushua are not a part of religion. You have to come out of religion to be a part of His Covenant and His Truth! (II Corinthians 6:14-7:1)

Don't be naive and gullible, and pulled into fear and "this person says this, and that persons says that" routine. It is all a BIG WASTE OF TIME.

Ephesians 5:14-16: “Awake you that sleep and arise from the dead and

Messiah will give you light. See, then, that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time for the days are evil”. (KJV)

HOW DO YOU REDEEM TIME? You redeem time by downsizing and simplifying your life, so as to have more time with Him. If you must work--do so loosely—

wear your life in the world as a loose-fitting garment. Do not be entangled or ensnared by the glitz and glitter of the world system--it is an illusion. Work for food, shelter and clothing—things that are absolutely necessary for life, but also work to give to others, as the Torah encourages.

If you think that busy-ness in the work of the church or the congregation is OK—think again. ANYTHING that takes you away from QUALITY TIME with the Master, is NOT of Him! Who are you serving—Yahuweh or the dictates and expectations and demands of man—family, church, etc.?

IF YOU HAVE ANY INTENTION IN BEING A PART OF HIS KINGDOM, then you MUST NOT have any influence in your life from the world system (James 4:4; I John 2:15-17).

I advise you strongly to stop reading anything from religious people who do not guard the Torah, or religious people who do guard it and add their own interpretation. There are some wonderful people in Israel who love Yahuweh, guard the Torah and are in Messiah Yahushua, but they are duped by the American glitz and glitter and so cannot understand why their leaders are doing what they are doing—and why America is doing what it is doing. They do not understand the plan of Lucifer from the 1700’s that is well into its final stages.

Be careful what you believe and what you don't. Make sure that your beliefs are all based in the WHOLE OF SCRIPTURE AS TAUGHT TO YOU BY THE RUACH YAHUWEH, AND NOT BASED ON ONE OR TWO VERSES, A CONCEPT, A PICTURE OR AN ALAGORY that you got in church or congregation, or in some conference, or by reading a book, or watching some TV preacher.

Make sure that you do YOUR OWN STUDY -- and do not take what is said or read without checking all out. The Ruach has been given to you to discern the

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spirits. John 4:1 tells us: "Try the spirits..."--test them to see if they be of Elohim. The Ruach wants to give you the “gift” of the “discernment of spirits”, so that you know the difference between the deceptions of man, the spirits of the demonic world, and the Ruach (Spirit) of Elohim. We NEED HIM in order to discern what spirits are in operation.

I never tell anyone to take what I say without reading all the Scriptures and letting the Ruach teach--HE IS THE ONLY VALID TEACHER (I John 2:27; John 14:26; 16:13).

Stay pure... don't become defiled with the world and its religions. There are so many departures from truth now that it is staggering. Your relationship with Him should be so glorious and wonderful that you don’t need anything or anyone else to entertain your bored mind. HE SHOULD BE ENOUGH FOR YOU—SO THAT YOU DON’T STRAY LIKE A SILLY SHEEP, AND GET OFF INTO A DITCH, LOOKING FOR SOMETHING THAT IS NOT OF HIM.

Remember II Thessalonians 2:9-12--those that do not LOVE TRUTH will be

sent "a strong delusion" BY YAHUWEH -- so that they will be damned BECAUSE “THEY LOVE NOT THE TRUTH”.

If you know Him then the propaganda of "Al Qaeda's coming to get you" will make you smirk in disgust. Realize that there are no terrorists except what is created by the world's top government leadership under the Illuminati/Jesuits of the Vatican. Simple homework will tell you that the “Taliban” in Afghanistan was created by the U.S., and that Osama Bin Lauden was set up and funded by the U.S., supposedly to withstand Russian invasion

into Afghanistan. But, also realize that Saddam Hussein was given weapons and funded by the U.S. also. Osama’s family has built many U.S. bases overseas, and was/is a friend of our current President, just as Saddam was a friend of his father—George Sr.

Is He able to tell you what will happen to your world, or is He not capable of instructing you so that you have to go to Lucifer’s world to find out anything? Oh the foolishness of pathetic Americans right now—running to Lucifer (Satan in disguise) to tell them what is about to happen. Is this not “fortune telling” and “occult” practice?

Why do Christians and Messianic people think they have to go to prophecies of modern men and women to get their information—or to some rabbi or preacher on the Internet, when most of them are NOT OF THE FATHER, NOT giving His instructions? So many precious believers are ensnared by witchcraft, occult practices and spooky stuff – thinking the prophecies are by “good Christians” so they must be OK.

It is because man is so lazy and won’t study for himself in the “secret place” with the Ruach Yahuweh, and thus they run to man for their “quick fix” information, and are duped by great deception most of the time. And, yet these same people think they will rule with Messiah in His Kingdom—think again!

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The Muslims that are at the top of their "terrorist" groups are all funded and provided for, given weapons, stirred up, and protected in America and Europe by the heads of the world government--primarily our President and now Mr. Brown--the two proclaimed heads of the world government--May 1999, BBC Europe. The average Muslim terrorists are puppets--enslaved by their own people--stirred up to believe lies and thus act violently because they believe lies. All this killing, remember too, is a part of eliminating the world’s people—to get the population down to about 500 million, hopefully without nuclear holocaust. They use disease, war, and all sorts of experiments on humans, as well as laws, like China’s one child law, abortion and homosexuality, to reduce the population. Who is behind this? Our leaders for one example, but also doctors, pediatricians, scientists, psychiatrics, and their leadership—the Illuminati Satanists, who worship Satan as his “angel of light”—Lucifer.

If you are in Messiah and obeying His Torah--do you believe Psalm 91 is for

you? If you believe it, show it by stopping your ears to ridiculous propaganda that promotes fear. No one is going to do anything in America that the government has not already set up. No Muslim can do anything unless the government helps them. This is a fact--do your homework.

If you read the chapters in the Bible on end-time Babylon (such as Jeremiah 50 and 51, Revelation 18 with Isaiah 47 for examples), which is without doubt America (read in context), then you will see that our destruction comes in ONE HOUR. (I do have a complete study on this—“End Time Babylon”: ask for it if you don't have it).

The destruction of America is set up and orchestrated by the world government

leaders, in cooperation with our government leadership, to destroy the #1 super power so that Mr. Superpower anti-messiah can come to power.

Yes, America's economy is coming down--and you need to prepare QUICKLY. Yes, martial law will be a satanic regime here--and Americans will be disposed of in the most hideous ways. Yes, concentration camps and horrible death devices are now set up for Yahuweh’s people.

BUT, DO NOT FEAR THAT EITHER, for fear cuts the ties between you and Yahuweh, and HE CANNOT HELP YOU. He cannot work in an atmosphere of panic and fear. Hebrews 11:6: "WITHOUT FAITH IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE HIM". Note the word “impossible”!

Faith is built strong by relationship--it takes time to build relationship with anyone. Knowing another's nature is primary to understanding how they think.




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Yes, as He leads, stock up on good drinking water, and get some extra rice and beans (which together form a complete protein)—and get some supplies that will sustain you for at least a month. That’s just wisdom. Get a suitcase packed, and by your door in a closet, ready to grab if and when you have to get out—with passport, and water bottle, first aid kit, good walking shoes, jacket, change of clothes, and a Bible, of course.

I won't accept any reports, I don't care who they come from, unless the Ruach specifically says: "Read and take note". So please do not send me anything unless the Ruach says: “SEND”.

We must get hard of heart against Lucifer's strategies, and totally obedient to our Father Yahuweh. We're in a war. Scared soldiers are useless soldiers. (II Timothy 2:1-4)

Fear is based on logic--soul reasoning--projecting what appears to be. It is usually based on “what could happen”. TRUTH is based on what He has put in His Word and communicates to our eternal spirit. Our soul and spirit are two different parts of us, separated by the Word (Hebrews 4:12)...the soul connects

with the world around us through the five senses and is the seat of the world, flesh and sin nature. It works through the brain and central nervous system. It is our mind, emotions, will, reasoning, logic, and personality—our bent towards whatever of this world. The spirit is the eternal part of us that contacts Elohim, and is not affected by the world. That’s why Paul had such a war within himself in Romans 7—the war is real, between the mind and the spirit. Romans 12:1-2 tells us that we must “transform” our mind by the Spirit in the Word. The spirit resides in your “heart”--the center of your body. It is here that He speaks to us so that His words by-pass the restrictions of the soul. By restrictions, I mean the unbelief caused by rational, logic-reasoning that is often totally attached to this Luciferic world’s thinking. If the “logic” is not Scripture-based, then it is not His wisdom. Study Proverbs—Yahuweh’s wisdom will save your life! The spirit must rule over the flesh--this is a big part of Scriptural teaching.

BEWARE: If you are hearing “voices” or impressions coming from outside your head—into your brain—question seriously who it is coming from. The enemy is now speaking and manifesting more and more to try to trick the naïve believers into the same mind-set that Eve and Adam had in the Garden of Eden! The Ruach Yahuweh speaks to the eternal spirit that is “sealed unto the day of redemption”. Subtle or outright voices coming to the brain—are most likely from Satan. Yahuweh speaks to our spirit that touches eternity. Test all spirits of man also, for he speaks to the mind, for the most part, and can be very deceptive. Test your own thinking! Oftentimes we can deceive ourselves by our supposed “logic”. The outcome of thought relies totally on input!

The way to “try the spirits” is to ask: What is being said? What is the

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nature of whoever is speaking? Is what they are speaking in line with the whole Word of Elohim or is the one speaking using the Bible, but not correctly?

Ask yourself what “fruit” this message is bringing forth. Is it exalting “self”, questioning Yahuweh (as Lucifer did in the Garden of Eden), or instructing you to do something that is questionable? IS IT PROMOTING FEAR? -- If so, it is surely of the enemy. Yahuweh does NOT promote fear. The Ruach leads, convicts, and encourages. He does not push, demand, or cause guilt and condemnation! Be highly discerning! Ask for the Ruach’s gift of the “discernment of spirits” (I Corinthians 12:10). Study the Word--get to know THE NATURE OF THE FATHER--particularly by studying the Prophets.

You can't trust someone you don't know, and you sure can't love someone you don't know. Yet it still amazes me that people want to go to some ethereal “heaven”—some sweet and lovely eternal state—that they have no concept of, and have no interest in finding out about the Savior who saves them, or about the Covenant of the Father who controls the heavenly world. These people have a “belief system”—not a relationship based on reality. Our

eternal life is on this earth, first in the Kingdom of Messiah, and then in the Kingdom of the Father – forever.

"Love" in Hebrew understanding means to submit to, put yourself under the control of. It has nothing to do with Greek-philosophical "feelings". Therefore, to love Him is to obey Him, as He said: “If you love Me, obey My commandments”—John 14:15.

Don't fall for the Elijah List false prophets, the TBN and Daystar false prophets, or waste your time reading stuff from non-Torah-observant people, or people in general who do not walk in the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-24), who are not committed totally to Yahushua. It is by the “fruit” that we know them—the love of the Father, the peace, joy, kindness, faith, gentleness, purity of heart and self-control—Galatians 5:22-24.

Never forget Jeremiah 17:5-9--verse 5: "Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his arm, and whose heart turns away from Yahuweh..."

Do you realize that when you trust man for your security and your protection, for your knowledge and your wisdom, that you are cursed, because you are not listening to Yahuweh or His Ruach?

Jeremiah 9:23-24: "Thus says Yahuweh, `Let not the wise boast of his wisdom, let not the mighty boast in his might, nor let the rich boast n his riches, but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am Yahuweh, doing kindness, right-ruling and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight', says Yahuweh".

Do you see that our Elohim is not running around heaven all fearful of Al Qaeda coming to get Him--wringing His hands in dismay--nor is He afraid that His set-apart ones will be destroyed by man's created terrorist illusion either. HE IS IN

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CONTROL AND HE IS AT PEACE—ENTER INTO HIS PEACE! Is your Elohim strong enough to care for you? If men and women are your gods—they will fail you!

They will dump you as if you were garbage in order to save their own lives!

Fearful times are coming, but we don't have to get caught up in it.

Isaiah 26:3: "You will keep him in PERFECT PEACE whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You".

Get your news from people who are NOT listening to the news media, but who are hearing from truthful sources who are gathering information that is factual. BUT ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS TOO: FACTS ARE WHAT IS, TRUTH IS HIS ETERNAL REALITY.

TRUTH OVERRULES FACT. What is truth? Psalm 119:142, 160, and John 17:17—“YOUR WORD IS TRUTH”. That’s it!

Facts can control your emotions and mentality if you let them. Yes, Satanic people are in control of this earth right now—but under the watchful eye of Yahuweh, who is about to end their rule.

Truth will stabilize your soul, so that you can respond from your eternal spirit--helping you to remain calm in the worst of circumstances. LET HIM CONTROL YOU, NOT THE WORLD OF MAN AND HIS PROPAGANDA, OPINIONS, AND SILLY LOGIC. PLEASE DO NOT HELP THE FEAR PROPAGANDA OF THE


Father wants us to know what Lucifer (Lucifer is Satan, disguised as an angel of light) is doing--it is important that we know. Paul says: “…we are not ignorant of his devices".

I do not promote fear. I promote the Word and getting to know Yahuweh. If you are in fear--you are not in the Word, nor do you have an intimate relationship in faith and trust of Yahuweh. Yes, we all get afraid and scared at times—this is being human, unfortunately, for we’re all programmed into fear by the world system—but sometimes fear can be used to get us to act positively, if we do not stay in fear and let it paralyze us. Remember, that we must above all fear Yahuweh—and this will help us eliminate other kinds of fear. The world will be paralyzed by fear—many committing suicide and/or killing others to protect themselves.

In Luke 21:25-26, Messiah says: “And there shall be signs in the sun, and the moon, and stars, and on the earth anxiety of nations, in bewilderment at the roaring of the seas, and agitation, men fainting from fear and the expectation of what is coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken”.

Now, my friends, I have just saved you a lot of trouble--if you will heed what I’ve written here. Please note: My use of capitol letters is NOT shouting--but emphasis---coming out of my spirit from His Ruach (Spirit). Let the wise heed! We have to get this American Greek satanic culture out of our mind, emotions, personality, and will--for it is controlling most of the people of America. He is

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passionately calling a remnant of people who will detach themselves from the

culture of this demonic world, and enter into His culture and obey Him. This remnant will do “exploits” in the days ahead, because they know Him.

I love you all,



August 10, 2007

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