Assignment: Elevator Speech

Elevator SpeechKeep in mind:The elevator speech is your personal pitch introducing you and describing your work. It should be a 30 second to one minute speech that: 1. Draws and sustains the attention of the audience2. Motivates the audience to act or support your work3. Leaves an indelible impression of your workMake the pitch easy to understand; avoid acronyms or any jargon that your intended audience won’t comprehend.Focus on the opportunity/problem you’ve encountered and why your solution is the most.If possible, mention some statistics.If you’re pitching to a funder, mention their “benefit” and how much funding you’re seeking.Last but not least, make sure it’s only 30 seconds long. Doing so will force you to trim the fat from the pitch and only focus on what’s really at the core of your message.Key Elements of the Elevator Speech 1. Who you are 2. The problem 3. What you are doing 4. The result 5. Restating who you are 6. The AskElevator Speech Template: Keep it Short 1. Hi, my name is____________________ and I work with_____________. 2. Isn’t it wrong that/Did you know that/Have you heard about/Did you hear in the news that ___________________________________________________________? 3. Well, what we are doing is _____________________________________. 4. So that ____________________________________________________. 5. We’re kind of like the… (insert a metaphor)________________________. In restating who you are, use a metaphor that re-emphasizes in a colorful & vivid way who you are and makes something possibly unfamiliar, familiar. Try picking metaphors that are positive, funny, quick to grasp to most listeners because they are popular/contemporary, and are easily repeatable. For example: superheroes, animals, athlete, cooking, weather, etc.6. Can you___________________________________________________?Example:Hi my name is X, I work at the Korean Resource Center, a nonprofit community based organization working for the Korean American community in Los Angeles.Do you know there are more than 1 million Korean Americans in the United States and at least half a million in Southern California? At least 75% are recent immigrants and close to 78% are Limited English Proficient. Many are unfamiliar with the political process, at least 50% are uninsured and a significant percentage is living in poverty. Well, we maintain a number of programs from social service and education to advocacy and organizing. So that more than six thousand people per year are served, better integrated into American society and fully informed of their rights.We’re kind of like the Asian Pacific American Community Center in Los Angeles but we focus on Korean Americans. So, it would be great if you could support us with a donation. ................

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