Week 3 Unit 2 Peace Spring 2017Find the errors1. I have been to Japan last month.2. I have before gone to Busan.3. She have tried that Spanish restaurant. 4. They haven’t never gone skydiving.5. Have you ever boughten something expensive?1. I have been to Japan last month. -- I went to Japan last month. (known time = past simple)2. I have before gone to Busan.—I have gone to Busan before. 3. She have tried that Spanish restaurant. – She has tried that Spanish restaurant. 4. They haven’t never gone skydiving. - - They haven’t ever gone skydiving.(haven’t + never = double negative) 5. Have you ever boughten something expensive? – Have you ever bought something expensive?Videos: True or False1. Ms. Novak is from Chicago. 2. Marie has never driven a taxi in Egypt. 3. Ms. Novak met Marie in Paris. 4. Marie moved from Paris three years ago. 5. Katerina is Ms. Novak’s sister. 6. Ms. Novak has seen Marie in photographs.1. True 2. True 3. False 4. False 5. True 6. TrueMr. Evans: Marie, this is Ms. Novak. She’s fromChicago. Marie is our receptionist.Marie: It’s nice to meet you.Ms. Novak: It’s nice to meet you, too.Mr. Evans: I’ll get your tickets.Ms. Novak: You look very familiar to me, Marie. Have we met before?Marie: I don’t think so. No.Ms. Novak: Well, I never forget a face. I’m sure I know you from somewhere. I don’t lookfamiliar to you?Marie: I’m sorry. No.Ms. Novak: I know! We met in Chicago. You were a waitress in a restaurant near the Art Institute.Marie: I’ve never been to Chicago.Ms. Novak: Have you ever driven a taxi in Egypt?Marie: No.Ms. Novak: Oh, you were the pilot on a small airplane in China. You flew me over the Great Wall.Marie: No.Ms. Novak: Have you ever gone snorkeling in Australia?Marie: No.Ms. Novak: Driven a bus in Peru?Marie: No. Ms. Novak, I’m quite sure we’ve never met before. I came here only a year ago from Paris.Ms. Novak: Paris? My sister, Katerina, lived there for a year.Marie: Katerina? Katerina Novak?! She lived with me!Ms. Novak: Of course! You were in all the pictures she sent home.Marie: What a coincidence!Ms. Novak: You see, I never forget a face.Ask your partner the questions. 1. Have you ever climbed a really high mountain?2. Have you ever been to Gyeongju?3. Have you ever eaten something incredibly disgusting?4. Have you tried Indian food? If so, did you like it?5. Have you ever gone sightseeing in North or South Jeolla province?6. Have you done something thrilling lately?Unit 2 Goals and ObjectivesGrammarVocabulary and ExpressionsYou will be better able to describe your preferences and likes/dislikes.You will be able to describe how long you have done actions. You will learn new vocabulary and expressions for describing movies. Page 16 (for, since...)Page 16 (present perfect)Page 18 (Would like/rather...)Page 15 (Photo story)Page 18 (movie genres) Page 20 (Adjectives)Speaking Warm-up: How do you decide what movies to see?Vocabulary: Page 15 (Photostory) Read and listen.`15DIt’s my treat.FranklyI missedI can’t stand/(I can’t take)a bunch ofI’ve heard15E1. film2. violent, bloody3. spectacularPage 127 Present perfectUnfinished (or continuing) actions that began in the past, continues in the present, and may possibly continue into the future. I’ve lived in Korea for almost 9 years. I’ve taught at HUFS since August of 2015. 127A Which ones are unfinished or continuing actions?1. √2. √3. 4. √5. √6.7. √8.16 Present Perfect + for/sinceI’ve lived in Korea for almost 9 years. (For=length of time/how long?)I’ve taught at HUFS since September of 2015. (Since = starting time)How long have you been at HUFS?I’ve always wanted to see Casablanca. (I’ve wanted to see Casablanca for a long time. I haven’t seen it yet.) (so far – until now)16A1. for2. since3. since4.still5. always 6. always7. lately8. best far10. already16B1. Is there a movie you’ve always wanted to see?I’ve always wanted to see Black Swan. It came out in 2010, but I haven’t seen it yet.2. Have you seen any good movies recently?I saw Logan with my buddy Frazer. We saw it a few weeks ago. 3. Let’s do it later.4. Let’s skip it. 5. How many movies have you seen this month?I’ve only seen two, but I’ve watch lots of TV shows on Netflix.6. Is there a classic movie that you still haven’t seen?I’ve never seen The Sound of Music.7. Think of some movies that are in theater right now. Which ones do you want to see? I’d like to see Moonlight because it won an Academy Award (Oscar) for best picture. 18 (movie genres) The Bottom of the SeaA documentaryTango in Tap ShoesMusicalThe Ant Who Wouldn’t DieHorrorChickens Never Wear ShoesComedyGodlilocks Grows UpAnimatedThe EqualizerAction filmTwelve Angry WomenDramaCity Under the SeaScience fiction (Sci-Fi) Conversation OneA: I saw this great movie on TV last night.B: Really? What was it?A: The Bottom of the Sea.B: What was it about?A: It explored underwater life in the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans. I learned somuch. It’s on again tonight. I don’t mind seeing it again. Want to watch it with me?B: AbsolutelyConversation TwoA: Let’s download a movie to watch. It’s too cold to go out. What do you think?B: I’m game. What are you in the mood for?A: My mom said Tango in Tap Shoes was great.B: Well, I guess if you like to watch a lot of music and dancing.A: I do. Don’t you?B: To tell you the truth, not really. Let’s get something else.A: OK.Conversation ThreeA: Let’s go to the movies.B: OK. You’ve got the newspaper right there. What’s playing?A: Hmmm. Let’s see. … Hey! What about The Ant Who Wouldn’t Die?B: Stop that! You’ve got to be kidding. You know I hate those scary pictures. I’ll be up all night.Conversation FourA: I rented some DVDs. Want to see one?B: That depends. What did you get?A: Let’s see . . . I got Chickens Never Wear Shoes.B: That’s a joke, right?A: I think that’s the point. I’m in the mood for a laugh. This one looks really funny.B: OK. Let’s give it a try.Conversation FiveA: So what should we see?B: Nothing violent, OK? Something we could take the kids to.A: Hmmm. This looks safe: Goldilocks Grows up. It’s based on the children’s book.B: Who’s in it?A: No one’s in it! But three famous actors do the voices of the bears. I think the art was drawn by Disney Studios. It won a prize.B: That sounds perfect.Conversation SixA: Hey! The Equalizer is at the Strand.B: The Equalizer? What’s that?A: You can’t be serious! It’s that new Daniel Craig film. Lots of car crashes and people jumping out of airplanes.B: Count me out. Those kinds of films drive me crazy.A: OK. I’ll see what else is playing.Conversation SevenA: Let’s see Twelve Angry Women.B: No way. It sounds too serious. I’d like to see something light tonight. What about a comedy or a musical?A: Don’t you like a good story that keeps you interested until the end?B: No. When I go to the movies I like to be entertained. When I want a good story,I read a book. What else is there?Conversation EightA: City Under the Sea. What’s that about?B: It’s about these people, well, they’re not really people. They’re some kind of creaturesfrom Mars or Jupiter—I’m not sure. Anyway, they can live in air or water. They come here and build a city under the sea, near India. And then . . .A: So?B: What do you mean so? It sounds terrific to me.A: OK. But you’re buying the popcorn.What are your favorite and least favorite movie genres? We will do this next class20a funny moviea hilarious moviea silly moviea boring moviea weird moviean unforgettable moviea romantic moviea thought-provoking moviea violent movie 21All Time Favorite MovieTitle:Genre:Director:Adjectives: What is it about: E-Zone starts this week. _______________________________________________________________________ ................

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