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Easy Riddles


Try to solve these easy riddles to warm up your brain. They are easier than the others brain teasers but they can entertain you for a while.

1. One strand dangles. Two strands twist.

Three or more can fashion this.

2. Precious stones in a pack of cards. 3. What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs? 4. Can you think of a crime that is punishable if attempted but not

punishable if actually committed?

5. What can travel around the world while staying in a corner? 6. What word looks the same upside down and backwards? 7. What can be measured but has no length, width or height? 8. What 11-letter English word is always pronounced incorrectly? 9. Your reflection can be seen here, as long as you're not moving. 10. Handy when you need to measure something or run a kingdom. 11. Travel a mile and I will change, travel a million and I will end as I

started. What am I?

12. I have eighty-eight keys but cannot open a single door.

What am I?

13. Lighter than what I'm made of, more of me is hidden than is seen.

What am I?

14. Guided, I am scraping along, leaving behind my snow-white dust

against that which I am scraping, for when I am scraping, I must. What am i?

15. There is a clerk at the butcher shop, he is five feet ten inches tall, and

he wears size 13 sneakers. What does he weigh?


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16. I have an eye but cannot see.

I'm faster than any man alive and have no limbs. What am I?

17. I can be dropped from the tallest of buildings and survive, but drop me

from the smallest ship and I won't. What am I?

18. What has black spots and a white face, is fat not thin, and helps you to

win, but tumbles all over the place?

19. He has one and a person has two, a citizen has three and a human

being has four, a personality has five and an inhabitant of earth has six. What am I?

20. I am seen in the water and in the sky. I am in the rainbow and a jay's

feather. What am I?

21. What word of five letters has only one left when two letters are


22. What type of dress can never be worn? 23. I can be as thin as a picture frame but my insides have many things

you can see.

24. What's that 7 letter word with thousands of letters in it? 25. What five-letter word, no matter how you pronounce it, is always

pronounced wrong?

26. What is something you will never see again? 27. What time is spelled the same forwards and backwards? 28. He's small but he can climb a tower. 29. What heavy seven letter word can you take two away from and be left

with eight?

30. What seven-letter word becomes longer when the third letter is



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31. I'm where yesterday follows today and tomorrow is in the middle.

What am I?

32. When I point up it's bright, but when I point down it's dark. What am


33. Forwards I am heavy, but backwards I am not.

What am I?

34. Take away my first letter and I remain the same. Take away my last

letter and I remain unchanged. Remove all my letters and I'm still me. What am I?

35. In your fire you hear me scream! Creaking and whining yet I am dead

before you lay me in your hearth.

36. I have joy in bringing two together, but darning my existence!

My life hangs by a thread, filled with ups, downs and resistance!

37. Without a bridle, or a saddle, across a thing I ride a-straddle. And those

I ride, by help of me, though almost blind, are made to see. What am I?

38. I warn you about meetings, and I assist you in your life, I can help you

do most of your work, unless I have a bug. What am I?

39. I can be long, or I can be short.

I can be grown, and I can be bought. I can be painted, or left bare. I can be round, or square. What am I?

40. Never ahead, ever behind, yet flying swiftly past;

For a child I last forever, for adults I'm gone too fast.

41. Tear one off and scratch my head, what once was red is black instead! 42. What has one eye but cannot see? 43. I have a pet, his body is full of coins. 44. A father's child, a mother's child, yet no one's son.


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45. Even if you throw it away, it still comes back. 46. I am the first you ever saw, what greets you every morning and what

goes out in the end.

47. What starts with the letter T, is filled with T and ends in T? 48. What has 4 eyes but can't see? 49. What is all over a house? 50. What has 4 fingers and a thumb, but is not living? 51. Everyone has me but nobody can lose me.

What am I?

52. I have four legs, a back, but no head. What am I? 53. Although I'm far from the point, I'm not a mistake. I fix yours. What

am I?

54. I love to dance and twist and prance,

I shake my tail, as away I sail, wingless I fly into the sky. What am I?

55. A blue house has blue bricks; a yellow house has a yellow bricks.

What is a green house made of?

56. If you have me, you want to tell me.

If you tell me, you don't have me.

57. Though I should be unique, you've made most of us the same. I would

be stronger, if my characters were stranger.

58. What can't you see, hear or feel, until it's too late.

What shadows love, and shopkeepers hate?

59. I defend without weapons, stand without legs, wound without force,

and I am harder to fight than to kill. What am I?


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60. In spring I look gay, Covered in a green array, The warmer it gets the

more clothing I wear, As the cold grows, I throw away my clothes.

61. What kind of cup doesn't hold water?

62. What always goes to bed with its shoes on?

63. What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?

64. Which side of a cat has the most fur?

65. I have eight to spare and am covered with hair.

66. What building has the most stories?

67. What starts with an "e" but only has a single letter in it?

68. What ship has no captain but two mates?

69. What lies in bed, and stands in bed? First white then red. The plumper

it gets the better the old women like it?

70. What has a head yet it never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps, can

run but can not walks, and has a bank but not a cent to its name?

71. I cannot hear or even see,

But sense light and sounds there may be, Sometimes I end up on a hook, I can be combined with a book. What am I?

72. What starts with a P, ends with an E and has a million letters in it?

73. What type of house weighs the least?

74. What kind of room doesn't have physical walls?

75. What kind of room has no doors or windows?

76. What goes up and down without moving?


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77. Which popular cheese is made backwards?

78. What fastens two people yet touches only one? 79. When you do not know what I am, then I am something. But when

you know what I am, then I am nothing. What am I?

80. A red house is made out of red bricks.

A blue house is made out of blue bricks. What is a green house made out of?

81. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?

82. What is so delicate that even mentioning it breaks it?

83. I stare at you, you stare at me.

I have three eyes, yet can't see. Every time I blink, I give you commands. You do as you are told, with your feet and hands. What am I?

84. One simple click, one simple flash.

Preserving a memory, for years I will last. What am I?

85. Always well dressed, but I never fly.

Black and white, sometimes in a tie. I swim and slide, and dance and glide, With one person by my side. What am I?

86. I am a seed, three letters in the name,

Take away two and I sound quite the same. What am I?

87. What is red and smells like blue paint?

88. A cloud was my mother, the wind is my father, my son is the cool

stream, and my daughter is the fruit of the land. A rainbow is my bed, the earth my final resting place, and I'm the torment of man.


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89. This on this.

That on that. Growing tall, But never fat. What am I?

90. I have seven letters and am something you eat. My only anagram can

help your pain. If you remove my first 2 letters I wear things down. Removing my first 3 letters is an adjective and removing my first 4 letters leaves a measure of time. What am I?

91. I cannot be felt, seen or touched;

Yet I can be found in everybody; My existence is always in debate; Yet there is a style of music named after me.

92. What has a coat? Hugs you not in sympathy?

Whose smile you'd rather not see? Whose stance is a terrible thing to see? Who is it that brave men run away from? Whose fingers are clawed? Whose sleep lasts for months? And who's company we shunt?

93. I'm not the sort that's eaten, I'm not the sort you bake,

Don't put me in an oven; I don't taste that great, But when applied correctly, around me you will find, Problems are so simple when my digits come to mind.

94. I am a strange creature, Hovering in the air,

Moving from here to there, with a brilliant flare. Some say I sing, but others say I have no voice. So I just hum - as a matter of choice. What am I?

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95. Made of ten but two we make,

When assembled others quake, Five apart and we are weak, Five together havoc wreak. What are we?

96. I am a tale in children's minds.

I keep their secrets and share them inside. I blur their thoughts into fantasies kept Like a canvas of art or a submarine depth. Though an illusion, it occurs every night; I give them a fantasy, I give them a fright. Nor good or bad, but always nigh' It's interesting to tell. What am I?

97. I love to wake up at noon

And help with the many jobs I prefer the countryside to the city I help produce the things you eat What am I?

98. Poke your fingers in my eyes and I will open wide my jaws.

Linen cloth, quills, or paper, my greedy lust devours them all. What am I?

99. I am two-faced, but bear one head. Men spill their blood for me.

I have no legs but travel widely. I make kings immortal. I am potent when shared; Yet lust for my power keeps me locked away. What am I?


I am the ruler of shovels, I have a double, I am as thin as a knife, I have a wife. What am I?


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