
KaleidoSoul Resources



Top Ten Lists


Books: Non-Fiction

Imagery In You, by Jenny Garrison. Mining for Treasure in Your Inner World. I am so glad and deeply grateful that I found this book! I have underlined and highlighted and scribbled notes all over my pages. There is a lot here to do with SoulCollage®, so please take note. The book is all about deep imagery, the practice of calling forth images from inside ourselves. Jenny leads us into our inner worlds and then helps us to call forth teachers and guides who assist us with our fullest growth and truest self-expression. Highly recommend.

I Promise Myself, by Patricia Lynn Reilly. This wonderful, wonderful book offers you step-by-step support to make a vow of faithfulness and love to yourself and your dreams. Reilly draws upon the 8 parts of a traditional wedding ceremony to help you create your own vows to yourself, culminating in a sacred ritual that you can perform with yourself or with a circle of friends.

The Renaissance Soul: Life Design for People with Too Many Passions to Pick Just One[pic], by Margaret Lobenstine. This book really helped me deal with the part of me who has many interests and who delights in focusing on a multitude of projects instead of just one. I'm still looking for just the right image to create a SoulCollage® card for my own "Renaissance Soul," but this book helped me get to know this part of myself much better. Visit Margaret's site here. 

A Daily Dose of Sanity, by Alan Cohen. A Five-Minute Soul Recharge for Every Day of the Year. Another set of daily readings by one of my favorite body/mind/spirit authors. Each day's reading consists of a quotation, a short real-life story to illustrate the concept, a few questions for personal inner work/journaling, and an affirmation or two. I've been using Alan's A Deep Breath of Life[pic] for a few years now, and am so happy to add this one to my personal collection as well. His writings almost always hit home to me, and have taught me much about living in the present moment.

Women, Food and God, by Geneen Roth. This is Geneen's newest book and in my humble opinion, her very best work. If you have every struggled with compulsive eating, or any other kind of eating disorder, this book will be a light in your darkness. There is a whole lot of good stuff here about how (and I mean, specifically how) to be in our bodies. I have read this all the way through once and plan to read it again and again and again.

A Call to Power: the Grandmothers Speak[pic], by Sharon McErlane. In September 1996 a group of elderly women who call themselves "The Great Council of the Grandmothers" appeared to the author as she walked her dog. These wise women who represent all cultures and races of humanity revealed to her their mission. "It is time to return to balance, and for this, women must lead. Women must be empowered. This is why we have come." The Grandmothers have come to awaken the presence of the deep feminine, to bring men and women and all life back into harmony. A Call to Power is the story of the author's encounters with these wise women and the powerful and important message they bring.

The Happiness Project, by Gretchen Rubin. Gotta love this subtitle: Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun. I didn't expect to be inspired by this book as much as I was. I love Gretchen's style. Lots of good ideas here, and she backs them all up with wonderful stories from her own life.

Transitions: Prayers and Declarations for a Changing Life[pic], by Julia Cameron. This is a small book full of short readings about what to “do” and how to “be” when life interrupts our everyday normalcy with challenges that seem too difficult to face. I love, love, love this book! It has been a catalyst for my own inner healing many times.

Chi and Creativity: Vital Energy and Your Inner Artist[pic], by Elise Dirham Ching and Kaleo Ching. The authors share a wide range of ideas and strategies to harness the power of Chi and cultivate our inner artist's sweet urge to create. They give us here an integrative process that includes exercises in Chi awareness, Chi Kung, art, journaling, guided imagery, and meditation, all of which are designed to build in us inspiration, awe, and increased energy for living a creative life.

The Joy of Visualization, by Valerie Wells. One of my favorite books of guided imageries by a wonderfully creative author. Contains 75 short visualizations that you can use for yourself or if you're leading a group. Divided into categories such as: Personal Problem Solving, Physical Health, Goal Getting, Emotional/Mental Health, and Image Shining.

The Mythic Path[pic], by David Feinstein and Stanly Krippner. Discovering the Guiding Stories of Your Past- Creating a Vision for Your Future. Through a series of detailed exercises using ritual, dreams and imagination, we learn to develop the skills to become less bound by the mythologies of our childhood and of our culture, while learning to influence personal patterns that once seemed beyond our control. David Feinstein is the husband of Donna Eden, who is well known for her Energy Medicine work.

Dancing in the Dragon's Den, by Rosanne Bane. Rekindling the Creative Fire in Your Shadow. I am going through this one very, very slowly as it is rich and deep and I find I can't breathe in too much of it at once. When we explore our creativity, we open the treasure chest of our unconscious. There is energy and joy buried there. But there is also the dragon (our shadow self) there who guards the treasure. Since creativity is intimately tied to shadow, we must learn to dance with our inner dragon so we can live the creative life we long for. This book is helping me discover what my shadow is, how it is connected to my creativity, and how I can use it to rekindle my creative fire. Encouraging, inspiring, down-to-earth

The Feminine Face of God, by Sherry Ruth Anderson and Patricia Hopkins. The Unfolding of the Sacred in Women. I read this in the early 90's when it first came out and it was one of the books that really helped me follow a new spiritual path for my life. I think it's a huge testimony to the richness of wisdom here that this book is still in print. Shows how many women have redefined traditional beliefs and rediscovered their own unique spiritual heritage. Explores: childhood, leaving home, relationships, spiritual practice, sexuality, and more. Highly recommend.

The Exquisite Risk: Daring to Live an Authentic Life[pic], by Mark Nepo. Mark is a poet and teacher who, in this book, encourages us to become quiet and open enough to listen to what truly matters- our own hearts, our loved ones, and the wonders of nature. The purpose of this opening and this listening is to live a life with nothing held back. A beautiful book, rich and deep.

Ten Zen Seconds[pic], by Eric Maisel. Twelve Incantations for Purpose, Power and Calm. A powerful antidote to stress that can be used anytime and anywhere. This exercise is easy to learn and very simple to use. It's a blend of Eastern breath awareness and Western positive psychology. I have read and re-read this book several times and find it extremely enlightening and useful.

A God Who Looks Like Me[pic], by Patricia Lynn Reilly. Discovering a Woman-Affirming Spirituality. This is another book I read in the 90's that really helped to shape the spiritual path that I am still on today. Patricia does a wonderful thing by weaving the personal stories of women of all ages and lifestyles with the collective stories of women buried in the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian Bible. She explores the lost wisdom and glory of Eve, Lilith and Mary. She helps us to explore the depths of our relationships with our mothers, our bodies, ourselves, our sexuality and vulnerability, and our journey into old age. Includes a rich tapestry of poetry, ritual, story and meditation.

Creative Is a Verb, by Patti Digh. If You're Alive, You're Creative is the subtitle of this colorful, inspiring book about creative joy. Part One is all about "Art Fear" and Part Three is all about "Art Yearning," and in between are the Six Creative Commitments (Be Ordinary, See More, Get Present, Catch Fire, Clear Ground, Let Go).

Traveling with Pomegranates: A Mother-Daughter Story, by Sue Monk Kidd and Ann Kidd Taylor. The 50-something author of The Secret Life of Bees[pic] writes this starkly beautiful story with her 20-something daughter. Join them as they travel through Greece and France. Explore in depth their own relationship as well as the famous mother-daughter story of Demeter and Persephone. Highly recommend.

Books: Fiction

Linden's Last Life, by Alan Cohen. If you follow my writings, you know that I quote Alan Cohen often. I am a huge fan of his nonfiction writings on mindfulness, wisdom, and inner authenticity. This is his first novel and I loved every page! It tells the story of Linden, a young man in his 30's, who has reached the end of his rope. Feeling he has nothing to live for, he is ready to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge. A mysterious monk rescues him and gives him refuge for a few nights. Linden then decides to escape the pain of the world forever, and makes a mystical deal (in a secret cave in the wilds of Tibet) to never be reborn again (his last life). Then a strange and unexpected turn of events happens and Linden has second thoughts about this "deal." Can he reverse it? I'm not going to tell! I found this book to be entertaining as well as insightful. I laughed out loud many times, and it also gave me pause to think many times.

Sing Them Home, by Stephanie Kallos. This new novel by the author of Broken for You[pic]is immense in heart, body and soul. I immediately was drawn into the lives of the main characters: two sisters and a brother in eastern Nebraska. Their mother was whisked away by a tornado in 1978, her body never found. The story opens 25 years later as the children (now in their 30's and 40's) gather together for their father's funeral. Also figuring into the equation is their stepmother, who was their mother's best friend. The author goes deep into each person's life and relationships, and she beautifully weaves the lives of the dead in with the living.

Lost and Found, by Carolyn Parkhurst. This amazing novel follows several pairs of partners who are part of an exciting around-the-world adventure reality television show called "Lost and Found" (kind of like "Amazing Race" meets "Jeopardy.") But it goes much deeper than that. Each pair is holding a secret, and the story lines merge and cross as their secrets impact the outcome of the game. Carolyn has a beautiful way of creating character development that immediately drew me in. There is much in this beautiful book about authenticity and living one’s own inner truth no matter what is happening on the outside. Highly recommend.

Spirits in the Wires, by Charles de Lint. An absolutely brilliant novel, full of myth and magic, as de Lint's books usually are. But this one is different, because this one focuses on magical beings who live in cyberspace, directly connected to the Internet. One of the main characters was "born" in a web site. Another is the central character's "Shadow." Intrigued? Go ahead and read it! May your imagination soar as much as mine did while reading this one!

One Good Dog[pic], by Susan Wilson. Whether you love dogs or not, I think you'll love this novel. It touched my heart and engaged my passion for a really good story. The best part about this one is that it's told from two points of view. The major voice is Adam who is in his 40's, unemployed, divorced, and volunteering at a men's homeless shelter as part of his community service agreement with the judge. The other voice is Chance, a wise and lovable pit bull who spent a good part of his youth fighting. This book is the powerful story of how they come together, and how each life changes because of the love of the other. Highly recommend.

The Leisure Seeker: A Novel[pic], by Michael Zadoorian. By far the favorite novel I've read this year. I absolutely fell in love with the two main characters, John and Ella Robina, who are in their 80's. She has late stage cancer and he has beginning signs of Alzheimer's. Instead of checking into a nursing home or the hospital, they take their old RV (aka the "leisure seeker") and head on a cross country journey that will have you alternately laughing and holding your breath. "Ultimately it is the story of Ella and John: the people they encounter, the problems they overcome, the experiences they have lived, the love they share, and their courage to take back the end of their own lives.

Every Last One, by Anna Quindlen. I can't remember when a novel has so deeply touched me emotionally. This is a brilliant work, highly relatable story, of a mother who suffers the hardest loss imaginable. I have loved all of Anna's books, but this one is by far the most mesmerizing, the most dramatic, the most real.

Hearts on a String, by Kris Radish. This is the newest novel from another one of my very favorite authors. Imagine five (very different) women, from 24-64, coming together completely by chance, then choosing to weather out a spring storm in a luxury Florida hotel together for several days. This book is funny, wise, and a sweet testament to the inner power that all women possess.

The God of Animals, by Aryn Kyle. This is a moving, beautifully crafted novel about family, horses, love, death, class in America, and the many different journeys people choose to take or not take. Even though it's narrated by 12 year old Alice, it still contains a full measure of adult secrets, betrayals, longings and joy. Even if you've never been drawn to horses (like me), this novel will touch your soul in many places.

Lost & Found[pic], by Jacqueline Sheehan. If you've ever loved a dog, or if you've ever lost someone you loved, then this novel will touch deep places in your heart. It's the story of a lost, grieving woman (Rocky) and a wounded black Lab (Lloyd) who reaches her wounded soul with his own being. Very grounded in reality, this story is also partly a mystery, as Rocky seeks to discover how Lloyd was wounded. Lost and Found is told from several points of view- Rocky's, Lloyd's (yes, the dog tells part of the story!), and a few characters (also wounded in their own particular ways) they meet along the journey.

Stay[pic], by Allie Larkin. This is absolutely one of the best novels I've read this year! I couldn't stop reading it, and a few important projects had to be put on hold while I finished it. Smart, funny, very observant... a relevant story about friendship, love and healing. At its heart is the story of a heartbroken woman named Savannah who "accidentally" purchases a German Shepherd "puppy" off of the internet. This puppy turns out to be 70 pounds of pure dog. There are a couple of love stories going on here. Woman + dog. Dog + vet. Woman + vet. Woman + friend. Etc.

Such A Pretty Face[pic], by Cathy Lamb. This is one of those novels that I didn't want to end, and will probably read again soon. Powerful, soul-full women's modern fiction at its very very best. I have recommended other Cathy Lamb books and this one is extra-ordinary. Follows the story of Stevie Barrett who has lost 170 pounds after a heart attack at the age of 32. She is now "half the woman she used to be and about to find herself for the first time." But it's not really about the weight. It's about living authentically no matter what size you are; it's also about following your creative passion, letting go of the past and finding forgiveness. The characters are all recognizable, relatable and wildly individual.


Canyon Trilogy, by R. Carlos Nakai - Native American flute music, also referred to as jazz fusion. Carlos Nakai creates the sound of the cedar flute echoing in the canyons and valleys of the vast Southwest, and believe me, it is just gorgeous! Recommended by Kindred Spirit Kat in California.

Eckhart Tolle's Music to Quiet the Mind: Compilation[pic], Selected by Eckhart Tolle. This beautiful CD is comprised of the bestselling author's favorite pieces of music. Chosen specifically to help us "move out of thinking and into Presence."

Sacred[pic], by Kevin Wood. Gregorian Chant and various ancient voices are artfully woven to channel the wisdom of the ages. Perfectly blended with beautiful piano and string melodies guided by energizing rhythms, Wood's music will take you to a place that is, above all . . . Sacred.

Meditation Moment[pic], by Dudley Evenson. A collection of 52 high-powered guided affirmations that can be used weekly for a year. Evenson’s soothing voice guides the listener in visualizing his or her highest self, while beautiful flute and harp music creates a soothing background. Designed so that you can begin the year anytime, focusing on a new meditation each week. Or, you can listen to the whole album and let the ideals and affirmations reach deep into the subconscious. The positive affirmations are effective even while sleeping.

Goddess Relaxation and Meditations - Includes a 30 minute relaxation track, plus an 18 minute grounding meditation, and a 15 minute inner sanctuary meditation. 

Following the Call[pic], by Ann Licater. Wood and clay flute music for meditation and inspiration, in the Native American tradition. Original songs, beautiful and mysterious.  

One Incredible Life, by Kathy Zavada. Brand new collection of songs from a much-loved singer and songwriter. Her music is deeply inspired and insightful, and her voice is clear and constant. Each piece resonates deeply within me. Can be sung in groups also as part of opening/closing rituals. The songs here reflect the deep reflections of an expanded consciousness, as well as glorious celebration in gratitude for life.

Atmospheres, by Deuter. Mystical and inviting, this music gently envelopes and embraces you in a blanket of musical color.

Twilight Ceremony[pic], by Steve Skudler. Uniquely elegant music, this music moved me straight into my heart center, inspiring tender loving thoughts towards myself and others. Sensual piano instrumentals create a peaceful, positive feeling. Soul-soothing and nurturing.


Brothers - featuring Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyllenhaal, Natalie Portman. Excellent drama about the relationship between two brothers, one who serves his time in Iraq, and the other, an ex-con trying to find his way. Also makes a powerful, emotional statement about what it's like for a soldier to return home.

The Blind Side, featuring Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw. I saw this movie a few weeks ago. The theatre was packed, and when it was over, not one person got up to leave during the ending credits. I consider that a compliment in and of itself (personally, I've never seen that happen before, ever). For me, I just wanted to sit still and absorb the powerful story for a few more moments before going back out into the real world. One person can change another's life, with the power of love and compassion. This is based on the true story of Leigh Anne and Sean Touhey, who took in Michael Oher, a homeless and traumatized boy who became an All American football player and first round NFL draft pick. Highly recommend.

Baraka. Recommended by Seena Frost herself! (This is her review.) Produced in 1992 by Ron Fricke, Baraka is a film with no words and no plot, just a river of magnificent images and music filmed in 24 countries. Many shots are like SoulCollage® cards. There is no verbal interruption at all; you aren't told where the shots are taken, which is the point as he says in the extra blurb on the CD. The hope is to delve into the essence of the subject, into the inner workings of the images. As I watched, somewhat in a trance, everything seemed alive to me, not just the humans. Everything was full of divine essence. I found myself identifying with every image as though I were doing the "I Am One Who..." process, and it was a truly a spiritual experience. By the way, the name Baraka means "a blessing" and comes originally from the Sufi tradition.

Outsourced[pic], featuring Josh Hamilton. Absolutely charming story (fictional) of an American customer call center manager who travels to India to train his replacement because his department has been outsourced. It's a little bit love story, and a little bit about cultures merging and clashing. Highly recommend.

Women & Spirituality – featuring Starhawk, Merlin Stone, and Luisah Teish. This DVD set explores the power of the sacred feminine in mythological, historical and cultural contexts. It examines goddess-based pre-historic societies, the witch-hunts of the Middle Ages and the continuing popularity of contemporary women's spirituality movements. An award-winning series never before released on DVD, Women and Spirituality is a stunning and poetic work comprised of three one-hour films (Goddess Remembered, The Burning Times and Full Circle) and is the definitive series on feminine spirituality.

Adam[pic], featuring Hugh Dancy, Rose Byrne, Peter Gallagher, Amy Irving. Tells the story of a moving romance between beautiful teacher Beth and awkward Adam who has Asperger's syndrome. As they overcome the obstacles to intimacy in this unusual courtship, they learn how to face life's other challenges too.

Phoebe in Wonderland[pic], featuring Elle Fanning, Patricia Clarkson, Felicity Huffman, Bill Pullman. Whether at home or at school, 9 year old Phoebe always seems to get in trouble for breaking the rules. When her drama teacher casts her as Alice in the school play, Alice in Wonderland, Phoebe begins to receive personal advice from the play’s characters. Fantastic, touching story about inspiration and overcoming adversity. PG-13. More for adults than children, though!

The Greatest[pic], featuring Susan Sarandon, Pierce Brosnan, Carey Mulligan. Husband and wife Allen and Grace are still mourning the accidental death of their teenage son, when his girlfriend (whom they've never met) reveals that she is carrying his baby. Now their family must find a way to make room for this new life. This is a powerful, authentic and emotional drama about the many ways of grieving. Bring a tissue with you, but be prepared to be lifted up into a soft hopeful place at the end.

Sabah: A Love Story[pic], featuring Arsinee Khanjian, Shawn Doyle. Dutiful 40-something daughter Sabah shocks her conservative Arab family by falling in love with Stephen, a non-Muslim, in this romantic comedy set in Toronto. The relationship sparks a culture clash in Sabah's tight-knit, religious family. At times fierce, at times joyous, and always liberating, I loved every second of this fresh movie!

What's Eating Gilbert Grape, featuring Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio, Juliette Lewis, Mary Steenburgen. Love in the family context is the theme of this film. Gilbert Grape (Depp) is a diligent young man who works at a grocery store in a small Midwest town but spends most of his time looking after his hyperactive and mentally retarded 17-year-old brother (DiCaprio). His 500 pound mother hasn't left the house for seven years, since the suicide of his father. When Gilbert falls in love with Becky, who is traveling through the area with her grandmother, she helps him to see his mother and brother in fresh ways. ---from Spiritual Rx, Prescriptions for Living a Meaningful Life, by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

Mad Hot Ballroom[pic] - 6000 Kids, 60 Schools, 10 Weeks, 1 Dream. An award-winning film that follows NYC fourth and fifth graders as they journey into the world of competitive ballroom dance. Told from their candid perspectives, they learn that dance is not just about a few steps- it's about life. Delightful, inspiring, fun!

An Unfinished Life[pic], featuring Robert Redford, Jennifer Lopez, Morgan Freeman. A down-on-her-luck-woman, desperate to provide care for her daughter, moves in with her father-in-law from whom she is estranged. This is a warm, very present, story of forgiveness on many levels.


(Okay, so we couldn't help ourselves! This list is the top ______ Websites of 2010.

It was just too hard to settle on 10.)

Jamie Ridler Studios -  I really urge you to delve into this absolutely amazing and creatively inspiring website/blog. If you don't know where to start, check out her page of workshops/activities. I haven't seen anything this creatively inspiring (and fr*ee) for a long time!  Recommended byKindred Spirit Cheryl in Illinois.

Gaian Tarot - from Joanna Powell Colbert. The Gaian Tarot celebrates the living Earth and those who seek to live in harmony with Her. It is an evocative and powerful tool for accessing inner guidance. The imagery of the deck combines multicultural Goddesses and other numinous beings with the mysteries of the natural world. Each image features birds, animals, plants, trees, rocks, constellations and other aspects of nature that amplify the meaning of the card. With its structure rooted in Tarot tradition, the Gaian Tarot is the perfect deck for those who honor Gaia, the earth, as a living, sentient being and who practice an earth-centered spirituality. 

The Spiritual Network - This site is highly recommended by Seena Frost. Lots of fr*ee info on all things spiritual, including: animal totems, meditation, Native American spirituality, crystals, stones, chakras, channeling, astrology and art.

A Rainbow of Archetypes - Excellent, and a lot of fun! Click on a name of an archetype (there are 120 listed) and you're led to a page with a detailed description as well as examples in mythology, religion, literature and so forth. Sometimes you'll be led to another web page just on that archetype! Fascinating stuff here. 

SoulCollage® with Suzie Wolfer - Suzie is a SoulCollage® Facilitator and Facilitator Trainer in Oregon. If you'd like a really short (about one hour) description of the SoulCollage® process, check out this video of Suzie being interviewed about it. She talks about all of the suits showing examples from her deck, PLUS she talks the interviewer through making a card, and helps her to do the I Am The One Who... exercise with her card. And yes, it's all packed perfectly into one hour! 

True North Arts - Need a little creative direction? You'll find it here, at the home of Kindred Spirit Kathryn. Her online workshops are affordable, inspiring and fun.

Live a Joyful Life - Wonderful and recent issue of Aspire Magazine- by, for and about women. Give yourself some time to look at this brilliant online magazine!

Daily Oasis - Receive one SoulCollage® card in your email every day and take a moment to drink deeply from the well of images. Includes name/location of person who made the card. Fr*ee service from facilitators Johnny and Mili (Ballard) Dillard in North Carolina.

The Artist's Creed - If you're feeling stuck or not worthy of giving yourself time to create, take a listen to this short YouTube video presentation by Jan Phillips.

Divine Spark Astrology - home of astrologer Cindy Morris. Her weekly newsletter about what's going on in the skies is very enlightening to me. If you schedule a session with her to read your astrological chart with you over the phone, mention my name and she'll give you a $50 discount!

Copyright Fr*ee Image Galleries - for SoulCollagers. With many thanks to Facilitator Colleen Benelli for these amazing photos that we can use in our card making. 

SoulCollage® TV - Did you know that SoulCollage® now has its own YouTube channel? Take a look at some of our one-minute videos that begin with "I love SoulCollage..." and end with the official SoulCollage® slogan "Discover Your Wisdom, Change Your World." And why not make your own one-minute SoulCollage® video? You can do what I did and film it yourself with your computer's webcam, or you can have someone use a camcorder. Go ahead and join us by sharing your love of SoulCollage® with the world!

Spiritual Geography - This is the first—and only—mystical system that translates the universal experiences of heartbreak, separation, or divorce into a meaningful, spiritual-healing pilgrimage. The seven countries on the map correspond to the seven phases of healing your broken heart.  

Dream Moods - This wonderfully comprehensive site helps you make sense of your dreams and achieve a better understanding of them. They are dedicated to helping you find the key to unlocking and interpreting the meanings to your dreams. Just type in a word for a symbol that appeared in one of your dreams, and see what the meanings are. Remember, though, that there are no “right answers” here. Continue to use your own intuition as you work with your dream images, the same way you use it to work with your SoulCollage® images.  


For last year's words belong to last year's language

And next year's words await another voice.

And to make an end is to make a beginning.

~T.S. Eliot, "Little Gidding"

We all have the extraordinary

coded within us,

waiting to be released.

--- Jean Houston

Surely the greatest work of art any of us can ever create is our own soul. In the slow, delicate layering, there are necessary places of waiting, incubation, and integration. Within these things lies the holiness of nondoing.

--- Sue Monk Kidd

If we look at the path, we do not see the sky. We are earth people on a spiritual journey to the stars. Our quest, our earth walk, is to look within, to know who we are, to see that we are connected to all things, that there is no separation, only in the mind.

--- Native American, Source Unknown

I don't believe in aging. I believe in forever altering one's aspect to the sun. Hence my optimism.

---Virginia Woolf


For whom?

Why, for myself, of course.


A human being

has so many skins inside, covering the depths

of the heart.

We know so many things,

we don't know ourselves!

Why, 30 or 40 skins or hides,

as thick and hard

as an ox's or bear's,

cover the soul.

Go into your own ground

and learn to know

yourself there.

Meister Eckhart

Let yourself be silently drawn

by the stronger pull

of what you really love.

It will not lead you astray.


Sometimes when we aren't looking,

the holiness comes breaking through like a rainbow.

---Madeleine L'Engle

Ordinary riches can be stolen; real riches cannot.

In your soul are infinitely precious things

that cannot be taken from you.

--- Oscar Wilde

Sometimes I go around pitying myself,

and all the while I'm being carried

by great winds across the sky.

---Ojibway Indian Saying

If your everyday practice is to open to all your emotions, to all the people you meet, to all the situations you encounter, without closing down, trusting that you can do that- then that will take you as far as you can go. And then you will understand all the teachings that anyone has ever taught.

--- Pema Chodron   

Ring the bells that still can ring

Forget your perfect offering

There is a crack, a crack in everything

That's how the light gets in.

---Leonard Cohen

Human beings are vitally connected with each other, and with all other living beings. These connections need to be honored, enjoyed, and used.

--- Seena Frost

Sometimes it takes darkness

and the sweet confinement of your aloneness

to learn anything or anyone

that does not bring you alive

is too small for you.

                    --- David Whyte


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