Florida Department of Education

|January 26-30, 2015 |

|Bagdad Elementary |

|Ongoing School Events |Classrooms will have guest readers throughout the week to read aloud to students. |

|Monday, |Million Minute Read: Each classroom will set aside 20 minutes for additional reading at some time during the |

|January 26 |day. Also, we will have some of our guest readers read How Much is a Million. |

|Tuesday, | Team Up and Read: Blue Wahoos will perform “Casey at the Bat” for grades 3-5. |

|January 27 |Students will wear their favorite “team” gear as we “Team Up and Read.” We will also have athletes from Milton|

| |High, and Ice Flyers come and read in the classrooms. They will be reading popular children’s books pertaining|

| |to their sport. |

|Wednesday, January 28 |Readers are Leaders: School and community leaders are being invited to read favorite children’s books to |

| |classes. |

|Thursday, |Vocabulary is Fun: The reading coach will read Miss Alaineus: A Vocabulary Disaster to all classrooms in |

|January 29 |preparation for the vocabulary parade on Friday. |

|Friday, |Celebrate Reading Day: Kindergarten students will be participating in a book parade and students in 1-5 will |

|January 30 |be participating in a vocabulary parade. Kazoo the Blue Wahoos mascot will read to Kindergarten through 2nd |

| |grade classes. |

|January 26-30, 2015 |

|Bennett Russell Elementary School |

|Ongoing School Events |*Read a short bio of various authors on the morning show program, and display books by that author in the media|

| |center for students to read and check out. |

| |*Play a variety of books on video for teachers and students to view in their classroom. |

| |*Encourage teachers to read aloud and incorporate literacy activities in the curriculum during the week. |

| |*Book Giveaway – Have daily drawings on the morning show giving away books to students. |

|Monday, |*Million Minute Marathon – encourage teachers and students to do at least 20 minutes of sustained reading. |

|January 26 |*100th day of school celebration – various teachers will be reading books about 100 days of school on DVD. |

| |Students will listen to the stories and try to guess who is reading the story. |

|Tuesday, | *Kick Up Your Heels for Reading – The students will wear silly socks to school. |

|January 27 | |

|Wednesday, January 28 |*Read-a-thon – The students will participate in a read-a-thon in their classroom and are encouraged to wear |

| |pajamas for this day of reading. |

| |*Play the video of Charlotte’s Web. |

|Thursday, |*Be a Good Sport and Read – The students will wear team clothing to school. Show a motivational video to the |

|January 29 |students of Lebron James and his reading habits. |

|Friday, |*Crazy About Reading – The students will wear mismatched clothes to school. |

|January 30 | |

|January 26-30, 2015 |

|Central (K-5) |

|Ongoing School Events |Central School will Celebrate reading with written articles on their favorite successful person. Central sports|

| |team members will share their success with the classes and their favorite books. |

|Monday, |Students will begin research for facts, photos, timelines and written articles about their favorite successful |

|January 26 |person. These reports will be posted in the front hallway. |

|Tuesday, | Students will continue research on their successful person. |

|January 27 | |

|Wednesday, January 28 |Students will complete the written research projects and display their work. |

|Thursday, |Central Sports team members will share with all the classes on how they are a success at their sport and |

|January 29 |school. They will also share their favorite book with the class. |

|Friday, |Flashlight Friday! The students will celebrate their own success by reading with flashlights in the classrooms.|

|January 30 |Bring your pillow and blankets to get comfortable and read! |

|January 26-30, 2015 |

|Central School, grades 6-12 |

|Ongoing School Events |Each day the ITV crew will show an interview clip with teachers, staff, or students where they discuss |

| |their favorite movie or novel related to rockets, space travel, etc. The link between various media and |

| |text literacy will be a focus of the interviews. |

| | |

| |PTO will help create a bulletin board highlighting Young Adult Novels that are recommended by Just Read, |

| |Florida! |

| | |

| | |

| |Michelle Thorpe will also facilitate a Book Club for high school students to read “October Sky”. We |

| |will promote it during CLW and have students sign up to participate. These novels will be borrowed from |

| |MHS. We will purchase rockets for the book study participants to shoot off as a fun, STEM-related |

| |activity as a conclusion to the novel. |

|Monday, |Million Minute Marathon |

|January 26 | |

|January 26-30, 2015 |

|Chumuckla Elementary |

| | |

|Ongoing School Events |Daily reading in classrooms with teachers, students, parents and guest readers. |

| |I Spy A Reader-Students “caught” reading will receive a ticket to be placed in a drawing for prizes at the end of the week |

|Monday, |Million Minute Marathon |

|January 26 |Teachers keep track of the # of minutes students read within the classroom and take the count to Mr. Carnley as he accelerates |

|[pic] |reading in a Race Car. |

|Tuesday, |Kick Up Your Heels and Rev Up Reading… |

|January 27[pic] | |

| |Wear colorful, bright or silly socks to support literacy. |

|Wednesday, January 28 |Electronic Blackout Day! |

|½ Day |Wear black and read hard copy books. |

|Early Release |Guest reader on ITV. |

|Thursday, |Classroom Door Decorating |

|January 29 |Winners receive prizes…books for classroom. |

|[pic] | |

|Friday, |Be a Good Sport and Read! |

|January 30 |I Spy A Reader Prize Drawings |

|[pic] | |

|January 26-30, 2015 |

|East Milton Elementary |

|Ongoing School Events |Parent Night: The Perfect Brainstorm in 3D |

| |Teacher PD for Parental Involvement |

| |Guess the Number of Books in the Library-students will have the opportunity to submit an estimate of the number of books we have in|

| |the library at EME. A primary (PreK-2) and intermediate (3-5) winner will be announced and receive a prize on ITV. |

| |Community Readers-classes will have volunteers from the community come and read a book to the students (We have already lined up |

| |Tony to Tiger and some local celebrities, along with community leaders) |

| |Vocabulary Parade-this magnificent (impressive, splendid), parade of costumed words! We plan to both astound (overwhelm and stun), |

| |and bring delight (enjoyment and joy), while making words memorable (most likely to be remembered)! |

|Monday, |Million Minute Marathon-each class will read an additional 20 minutes and submit minutes to Mandy King by the end of the day |

|January 26 |Guess the Number of Books in the Library-students submit estimates |

| |Community Readers-various classrooms |

|Tuesday, |Poetry Day-Poems will be provided to the classroom and special area teachers to read throughout the day across all content areas |

|January 27 |Guess the Number of Books in the Library-students submit estimates |

| |Community Readers-various classrooms |

|Wednesday, January 28 |Guess the Number of Books in the Library-winners will be announced on ITV |

| |Community Readers-various classrooms |

| |Vocabulary Parade-submissions due (The activity description will be sent home as a family project the week prior. If the child |

| |will complete this activity at home, the word must be submitted to the teacher. Students who do not have parental help, will |

| |design their word “costume” in class with the teacher) |

|Thursday, |Community Readers-various classrooms |

|January 29 |ITV Book Talks-Teachers will be a guest on ITV to share about their favorite children’s books. |

|Friday, |Community Readers-various classrooms |

|January 30 |ITV Book Talks and Vocabulary Parade |

|January 26-30, 2015 |

|Gulf Breeze High School |

|Ongoing School Events |My Little Library is a cooperative effort between GBHS and Shoreline Park. |

| |National English Honor Society students are sponsoring a weatherproof “take a book, leave a book” |

| |box/bookshelf for parents and kids. Donations will include children’s books, adolescent fiction, and |

| |typical commercial fiction/non-fiction. Construction is underway, and placement will follow. |

|Monday, |Million Minute Marathon |

|January 26 |Begin the following week-long initiatives: |

| |Book Drive Competition for 1st period classes – Santa Rosa Kids’ House |

| |ITV - scrolling quotes about reading/books |

| |Classroom doors decorated by students to promote reading or a favorite book |

|Tuesday, | |

|January 27 |Continue book drive, ITV, and classroom door activities all week. |

|Wednesday, January 28 | |

|Thursday, | |

|January 29 | |

|Friday, |Sock It To Reading: wear crazy socks to show your support for Literacy |

|January 30 | |

|January 26-30, 2015 |

|Holley Navarre Intermediate School |

|Ongoing School Events |Book Chats from teachers and admin |

|Monday, |Donna Kirby from the Pensacola Blue Wahoos will be visiting with a presentation of “Casey at Bat” and bringing a special|

|January 26 |guest! Students drop everything and read for an additional 20 minutes for the “Million Minute Marathon”! |

|Tuesday, |Students will have the opportunity to build a shoebox float representing a favorite book they’ve read.  This is |

|January 27 |completely voluntary and something they would do at home.  Students creating a shoebox float will be invited to |

| |participate in a Literacy Parade throughout the H.N.I.S. hallways.  Floats should have the title and author of the book |

| |along with their name somewhere on the shoebox.  The parade will be on Tuesday, January 27th. |

|Wednesday, January 28 |Students will dress up as their favorite book character. |

|Thursday, |Illustrator Michael P. White visits HNIS!  We will have six smaller presentations in the Music Room.  There will be a |

|January 29 |sign up sheet out soon for you to select up for a time.                                          |

|Friday, |Bess the Book Bus, Inc. is a mobile literacy outreach that will be visiting our school to help provide new books to our |

|January 30 |students.  5th grade students will be visiting the Book Bus and 3rd and 4th will be receiving a new book from me!  |

|January 26-30, 2015 |

|Holley Navarre Middle School |

|Ongoing School Events |We have a school-wide reading incentive program for the Sunshine State Young Reader Award novels. There is a|

| |weekly prize drawing for all students who have read at least three of the books. In addition, the top fifty |

| |(50) readers will be taken on a field trip in April to select a book of their choice as a reward (cost |

| |covered by grant funds). |

|Monday, |Each student will be required to bring reading material of their personal choice to school and read for at |

|January 26 |least ten (10) minutes of each class period. Some teachers are choosing to have their students read more |

| |than ten minutes, and those minutes will be calculated into the school’s total. |

|Tuesday, |15 minutes of silent reading in 6th grade Reading classes. |

|January 27 |8th grade—informational text reading. |

|Wednesday, January 28 |15 minutes of silent reading in 6th grade Reading classes. |

| |8th grade—informational text reading. |

|Thursday, |15 minutes of silent reading in 6th grade Reading classes. |

|January 29 |8th grade—informational text reading. |

|Friday, |15 minutes of silent reading in 6th grade Reading classes. |

|January 30 |8th grade—informational text reading. |

| |Completion of 6th grade book project in which students create a newspaper cover article on a book read in |

| |class. |

|January 26-30, 2015 |

|Holley Navarre Primary |

|Ongoing School Events |“Reading Accelerates Success!” – Students will write about their favorite book on stars. Star writings will be displayed down |

| |our Starry Night hallway. |

|Monday, |*Million Minute Marathon-Students will read for an additional 20 minutes during the day in celebration of literacy. |

|January 26 |Daily Theme-“Rock Out with a Good Book!”-Students bring their favorite book and share with someone. |

|Tuesday, |Guest Reader Day-Guest readers from the community visit classrooms to do a read aloud. |

|January 27 |Daily Theme-“Reading Brightens Your Horizon”-Students wear bright colors. |

|Wednesday, January 28 |Daily Theme-“Reading Rocks Wear Funky Socks”-Students wear silly socks to remind them how fun reading can be. |

|Thursday, |Daily Theme-“Hats Off to Reading”-Students wear hats. |

|January 29 |Literacy Night-Reading Under the Stars Family Night, 5-7 PM |

|Friday, |Daily Theme-“Reading Builds Character” -Students may dress up as favorite book character and present a book report on the |

|January 30 |character from their favorite book. |

|January 26-30, 2015 |

|Hobbs Middle |

|Ongoing School Events |Hobbs Middle School will continue to improve its students’ reading comprehension of nonfiction text by using 4th period |

| |mentoring groups to further explore the “7 Habits” and how they can be applied to success in the classroom. PowerPoints, |

| |discussion guides, and book excerpts are provided. This book was selected to support the theme “Reading Accelerates Success” and|

| |to foster healthy lifestyle habits. |

|Monday, |Million Minute Marathon: All 4th period classes will read the introduction to Sean Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective |

|January 26 |Teens” (Get in the Habit). This activity is designed to include 20+ active reading minutes. Individual teachers will report |

| |number of minutes read to the Reading Coach. |

|Tuesday, |Reading classes: Students will access Achieve 3000’s workforce readiness articles and Career Center resources. |

|January 27 |Mentoring groups: Students will utilize “7 Habits” resources (Habits 1 & 2). |

|Wednesday, January 28 |Reading classes: Students will access Achieve 3000’s workforce readiness articles and Career Center resources. |

| |Mentoring groups: Students will utilize “7 Habits” resources (Habits 3 & 4). |

|Thursday, |Reading classes: Students will access Achieve 3000’s workforce readiness articles and Career Center resources. |

|January 29 |Mentoring groups: Students will utilize “7 Habits” resources (Habits 5 & 6). |

|Friday, |Reading classes: Students will access Achieve 3000’s workforce readiness articles and Career Center resources. |

|January 30 |Mentoring groups: Students will utilize “7 Habits” resources (Habit 7). |

|January 26-30, 2015 |

|Jay Elementary School |

|Ongoing School Events |Read alouds about successful people. |

|Monday, |Million Minute Marathon |

|January 26 |Author Visit by Michael White-Successful Authors |

|Tuesday, | Individual classroom literacy activities |

|January 27 | |

|Wednesday, January 28 |Wake Up and Read on Wednesday-Wear pajamas and bring a flashlight to use for reading. |

|Thursday, |Individual classroom literacy activities |

|January 29 | |

|Friday, |BMX Demonstration Team-How reading makes you a success in life. |

|January 30 | |

|January 26-30, 2015 |

|Jay High School |

|Ongoing School Events |SGA chose some book trailers/movie clips from some non-fiction and fiction books that have a |

| |science/technology theme/character, etc. They will show key climatic points of the films, and interview |

| |students, teachers, and staff in order to give a brief talk about it (like a book talk).  (Films/books |

| |include, but not limited to, :  I, Robot; War of the Worlds; Maze Runner;  Maximum Ride; Star Wars.) |

|Monday, |Million Minute Marathon |

|January 26 | |

|January 26-30, 2015 |

|Martin Luther King Middle School |

|Ongoing School Events |Book Commander Club: Once a month, the students read a book and then gather for 40 minutes to discuss it.|

|Monday, |Million Minute Read: Students will read in every class throughout the school day. |

|January 26 | |

|Tuesday, | |

|January 27 | |

|Wednesday, January 28 | |

|Thursday, | |

|January 29 | |

|Friday, |Family Literacy Night. Theme: Ramp Up with Reading and Accelerate to Success. Dialed Action BMX will |

|January 30 |perform stunts and promote Reading Theme, families will watch the movie Divergent and compare it with the|

| |novel, and students will receive book marks and a free Whataburger for attending family night. Also |

| |students will participate in a drawing for the book Divergent. |

| January 26th-30th, 2015 |

|Milton High School |

|Ongoing School Events |Student Bike Give-Away- Students who check out books from the library (limit one per day) will be able to enter their name in a drawing to win |

| |a new bicycle and helmet. Students who dress-up on Literary Character Day, Friday, January, 30th will be able to add their name to the bicycle |

| |drawing entry for participating.  |

| | |

| |Faculty/Staff) Dell 8” Tablet Give-Away- Any faculty or staff that check out an E-Book from the Media Center between the dates of January |

| |12th-30th will be entered into a drawing to win a new Dell 8” Tablet. |

|Monday, |Million Minute Marathon |

|January 26 | |

| |20 minutes of independent reading per period during the school day. Minutes will be reported back to Tracy Murphy from each teacher on the |

|Million Minute Marathon |number of minutes read in each of their class periods.  |

| |If you need Reading materials we will provide them to you.  |

| |Contact Tracy Murphy if you need materials. |

|Tuesday, |What my teacher read in High School |

|January 27 |ITV Clips of Teachers discussing their favorite high school book.  Clips will be run throughout the day on ITV for students. |

| | |

|What my teacher read in High | |

|School | |

|Wednesday, January 28 |Critical Thinking Day- “The Ebola Virus and How It Affects the Human Body” |

| | |

|Critical Thinking Day |Students and teachers will participate in a series of lessons and activities about the Ebola virus. Through a variety of texts and sources, |

| |students will learn facts about the virus, and read about what Ebola does to the human body. |

|Thursday, |Literacy In Social Media- We will encourage students to use social media to promote literacy.  We will highlight those that post literacy |

|January 29 |related pictures to the MHS social media outlets of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. |

| | |

|Literacy In Social Media | |

|Friday, |Literary Character Day- Everyone on campus is encouraged to dress up as a literary character.  The 1st period class that emails Tracy Murphy |

|January 30 |with the highest percentage of students who dressed up, receives a breakfast from Mr. Thorpe. |

| | |

|Literary Character Day | |

|January 26-30, 2015 |

|Navarre High School |

|Ongoing School Events | |

|Monday, |Million Minute Marathon |

|January 26 | |

|Tuesday, |Stop, Drop, and Read (happens every Tuesday for 15 minutes between 4th and 5th periods) |

|January 27 | |

|Wednesday, January 28 |Progressive lesson created by literacy team (Online Safety: A Look at Cyberbullying and Sexting) |

|Thursday, | |

|January 29 | |

|Friday, |Pajamas and a book: students and faculty wear pajamas and bring their favorite books to read and share. |

|January 30 | |

|January 23rd- 30th, 2015 * |

|Oriole Beach Elementary |

|Ongoing Activities |We celebrate literacy every day in the OBE Library! As students reach reading goals or fill up sticker cards, they become American |

| |Readers! Their names are announced, students push a button on a pole activating the U.S. flag to wave as patriotic music plays and all |

| |students clap! Student names are then placed on the American Reader Wall of Fame! |

| |American Readers also celebrate reading success by attending the following parties in the library: Super Bowl |

| |Party (5th graders); Mardi Gras (4th graders); The Adventure (3rd graders); Camp Read a-Lot (2nd graders); Blast Off With Books (1st |

| |graders); Going BUGGY Over Books (kindergarten) |

| |Every Friday afternoon, new Accelerated Reader Millionaires and Multi-Millionaires are featured on ITV. Millionaires have read over |

| |1,000,000 words and Multi-Millionaires have read 2,000,000 words or more during the school year! Students are given $1,000,000 book |

| |bucks: Millionaires may check out 4 books and Multi-Millionaires may check out 5 books when they visit the library! |

| |Every Tuesday is Family Check Out Night in the OBE Library! As holidays near, families are invited to play Book BINGO, BOO Book BINGO, |

| |JINGO, and I Love Book BINGO. BINGO prizes are always BOOKS! |

|Friday, |Author / Illustrator Michael P. White will visit with six grade levels in the library. *Due to a full schedule during CLW, Mr. White |

|January 23rd |had to visit OBE the week before CLW! |

|Monday, |Book Blurbs |

|January 26th |Million Minute Marathon |

|Tuesday, |Book Blurbs |

|January 27th |Family Check Out Night in the Library |

|Wednesday, |Book Blurbs |

|January 28th |First Grade “FROZEN” Fairy Tales |

|Thursday, |Book Blurbs |

|January 29th | |

|Friday, |Book Blurbs 5th Grade Super Bowl Party: 5th graders celebrate reading successes! |

|January 30th |ITV Recognition of Millionaire and Multi-Millionaire Readers |

|January 26-30, 2015 |

|Pace High School |

|Ongoing School Events |CPR—Classes Participating in Reading: Several classes will be reading all week for the first 20 min. of |

| |class. |

| |WPHS (school news) will broadcast student book trailers over ITV daily. |

|Monday, |CPR—Million Minute Marathon (prize patrols) |

|January 26 |Book Trailers (ITV) |

| |Student Book Talks in the media center |

|Tuesday, |CPR—prize patrols |

|January 27 |Book Trailers (ITV) |

| |Media Center Book Match—match the teacher with his or her favorite book |

|Wednesday, January 28 |School-wide Reading Activity centered around veterans-- |

| |Valentines for Veterans |

|Thursday, |CPR—prize patrols |

|January 29 |Book Trailers (ITV) |

| |Book Walk (instead of cake walk) with ESE students |

| |Read aloud with ESE students |

|Friday, |CPR—prize patrols |

|January 30 |Book Trailers (ITV) |

| |Book Club Party |

| January 26-30, 2015 |

|Pea Ridge Elementary |

|Ongoing School Events|Rev Up Your Reading individual student reading logs will be maintained throughout the week and rewards from Scholastic given to those who |

| |turn in their logs at the end of Literacy Week. |

|Monday, |Million Minute Marathon |

|January 26 |20 minutes devoted to independent reading school wide. |

| |Introduction to Literacy Week on the WPRE morning show: Literacy coach will present a Read Across the Day Relay video clip with a |

| |different reading genre/content focus each day. Students view the clip in the morning and complete a short writing response during the |

| |day to extend comprehension skills. |

|Tuesday, |Video clip for Read Across the Day Relay |

|January 27 |Reading Focus: Literature and Fables |

|Wednesday, January 28|Video clip for Read Across the Day Relay |

| |Reading Focus: Science |

|Thursday, |Video clip for Read Across the Day Relay |

|January 29 |Reading Focus: Social Studies |

| |Parent Literacy Night: Reading Accelerates Success |

| |The evening event revolves around a Nascar theme with a “Pit Stop” for dinner, a visit to the “Book Fair Speedway” and a choice of |

| |engaging literacy activities planned and presented by teachers. |

|Friday, |Video clip for Read Across the Day Relay |

|January 30 |Reading Focus: Math |

| |Culminating Activity: “Read Across the Day Relay” |

| |Each grade level will hold relay races at P.E. using clues from Read Across the Day Relay video information. |

|January 26-30, 2015 |

|W. H. Rhodes Elementary |

|Ongoing School Events |Favorite Book Shares, Literature Trivia questions, Poetry Breaks, Classroom Book Recommendations, Reading |

| |Profiles |

|Monday, |Million Minute Marathon |

|January 26 | |

|Tuesday, |Andy the Armadillo Book Reading for students in grades K-2 |

|January 27 |Ice Cream for Books Family Night |

|Wednesday, January 28 |Children’s Illustrator, Michael P. White for students in grades 3-5 |

|Thursday, |Guest Reader Day |

|January 29 | |

|Friday, |Wahoos Grand Slam Reading Program for grades 3-5 |

|January 30 |Fifth grade Newbery Club votes for Newbery 2015 |

|January 26-30, 2015 |

|S.S. Dixon Intermediate School |

|Ongoing School Events |Students, teachers, and staff will participate in the “Million Minute Marathon” each day. |

| | |

| |*Author & Illustrator Michael White will visit SSDI on Thursday, January 22, for a special literacy-related assembly. |

|Monday, |“Bess the Book Bus” – 3rd grade students will get to choose a free book. |

|January 26 |A Guest Reader (retired SSDI teacher) will read aloud The Keeping Quilt on ITV, and students in each class will decorate a |

| |paper quilt square related to a book they have read. Each teacher will connect the squares (using staples or tape) to make a|

| |large class quilt to be displayed in the hall outside the classrooms. |

| |Teachers will explain the “Vocabulary Fashion Show,” which will be held on Friday, to students so that they can choose a word|

| |and prepare their costume in advance. |

|Tuesday, | Students will choose a book (teacher has the option of choosing a book for the whole class) on which they will write a book |

|January 27 |report using a template of either a shooting star, comet, or rocket. Book reports are due on Thursday. |

|Wednesday, January 28 |DEAR – Students, teachers, and all staff will “Drop Everything and Read” at different times throughout the day when the |

| |announcement to DEAR is made over the intercom or by the classroom teacher. |

|Thursday, |Students will make a bookmark related to a book of their choice or a book selected by their teacher. |

|January 29 |Teachers will display book reports and have the option of having students share/read/present their book reports. |

|Friday, |Vocabulary Fashion Show – Students, teachers, and staff will choose a vocabulary word and dress up to illustrate the meaning |

|January 30 |of their chosen word. Students who stand out because of their excellent fashion presentation of their vocabulary word (in |

| |other words, their costume illustration is awesome) will be asked to participate in a “Vocabulary Fashion Show” taping which |

| |will be aired on ITV. |

|January 26-30, 2015 |

|T.R. Jackson Pre-K |

|Ongoing School Events |Reading is “Out of this World!” |

| |Read Space books every day |

|Monday, |Million Minute Marathon Kick Off |

|January 26 |Chart students’ reading time |

|Tuesday, | Name Rocket Space Craft |

|January 27 |Students make a space craft using the letters in their names |

|Wednesday, January 28 |Parent-Child Literacy Activity |

| |Parents come to school and read to their children |

|Thursday, | My Book of Space Words |

|January 29 |Students make a space book |

|Friday, |Moon Painting – Read Good Night Moon |

|January 30 |Wake Up and Read: Students wear their pajamas and bring their favorite stuffed animal to read to during the |

| |day |

|January 26-30, 2015 |

|West Navarre Intermediate |

|Ongoing School Events |Wahoos- Reading contest (they will come Thursday 22 and do an assembly for 3-5 reading contest. One classroom will win a |

| |free trip to the Wahoos game. Pre-k will have a coloring contest. |

|Monday, |Million Minutes Read; We will calculate each student who reads 20 minutes and send to our POC in the county. |

|January 26 | |

|Tuesday, | Guest Illustrator- Michael P. White will do 2 assemblies and an evening presentation. Our evening presentation will have |

|January 27 |another assembly with our guest illustrator, CSI lab, Robotics activity, and a Military Robot demonstration in different |

| |classrooms throughout the school. |

|Wednesday, January 28 |Teachers will read multiple articles and plan for a writing prompt. We have incorporated curriculum standards for 3-5 |

| |grades. Teachers are equipped with the current rubrics for writing. |

|Thursday, |Teachers will begin the writing process- they will receive a prompt, planning sheet, and writing sheet along with all |

|January 29 |articles need to write a successful informational or opinion piece. |

|Friday, |Guest Readers- Our school will have a guest reader for every teacher who signs up for one. |

|January 30 | |

|January 26-30, 2015 |

|West Navarre Primary |

|Ongoing School Events |Guest Readers on ITV and in classes, author studies |

|Monday, |Million Minute Marathon |

|January 26 | |

| |Reading Rocks My Funky Socks (funny socks day) |

|Tuesday, | Reading Makes My Future Bright (sunglasses day) |

|January 27 | |

|Wednesday, January 28 |Hats Off to Literacy (hat day) |

|Thursday, |Cozy Up with a Book (PJ day) |

|January 29 |Reading Under the Stars (Nighttime family literacy event) |

|Friday, |Score Big with Literacy (favorite team apparel) |

|January 30 |Voting on favorite FRA books |


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