(ii) 15.2 A post entitled “Butchers in the Newsroom” dated 13.6.2006:-


I knew Syed Nadzri or Zainul Ariffin, in their widely-read columns in the NST, would not touch on the Dr Mahathir-Pak Lah saga. Syed wrote about the PAS muktamar in his column yesterday and Zainul gave us his shot on the issue of guns re the bullet-ridden National Service.

My guesses are: the two senior editors were told to lay off the subject OR they disqualified themselves from writing. Both are known to have extremely high regards for Dr Mahathir and the greatest of hopes for Pak Lah (and if their columns were to reflect this, they'd certainly upset the tone set in The Sunday Column's crying-daughter editorial, to borrow the phrase used by Free Thinker, a visitor to this blog).

Either way, I am glad they did not have to do anything they did not want to do which might tarnish their integrity and professionalism as journalists.

I'm sure many journalists at NST are glad, too,that they still have editors who do not doctor the facts and who do not butcher their reports to propagate certain issues and who do not tamper with their straight-news reporting to promote their own agenda.

Some of these journalists can't stomach the spin-doctoring any more. They want Hishamuddin Aun, the Group Editor-in-Chief, to put a stop to the practice.

"They are not just butchering our stories, they are butchering our names," one NST journalist told me.

p.s. Brendan Pereira's column was also missing last Monday. What's the story?”

1. The defendant has further published or allowed for publication, to members of the public the following comment to the post entitled “Butchers In the Newsroom” dated 13.6.2006 (bold and highlighted passages being defamatory of the 2nd plaintiff):-

i) A comment by “mustang” at 1.13 p.m.:-

“mustang said...

goodness. my dear bro. no wonder KMH ordered yr blog to be firewalled. (and here, i am sure it is kmh who ordered it. Not hishamudin. hishamudin probably sent a few comments himself and enjoys reading yr postings and the comments. As for kmh .just read below)

just look at the comments. Kmh sure has a lot of people who hate him. Jeez....

The way i see it... most of the comments are from people who are angry at the way kmh has been running the NST. As for his minions (those he brought into the NST), I think they are just doing his bidding. Poor souls..

I think most of the people who spend time going into your blog and posting comments are generally so sad at what has become of the NST, at least at how the NST has been projected by KMH and at how he his using the paper to promote his business and that of his friends and those he is so beholden to.

i know someone said that you should be really worried if you are promoted (by Kmh or under his regime). Because if Kmh thinks you are good, shouldnt believe it. you know he is NOT a journalist by any standard. he stopped being a journalist a very long time ago and decided to take the job as GEIC because it is a very powerful position. KMH, without AAB, KJ, and his position in the NST is really, a nobody. Even the millions (of ringgit) that he has now, cannot make him anymore than just a businessman, without that NST position.

Besides, someone like kmh, clearly not a brave person, cannot qualify to be an editor. Editors go through a lot. they get battered, bruised.. they have fought battles. they get whacked here there and everywhere....

well, kmh.... i dont think so. he hides behind people. he let others take the fall.

so NSTman.... dont fret... dont get so angry. let the buggers get angry. let them write whatever. anyway, rocky bro, so nice.. lets u have your say too.

and anonymous.. who you,aah? so rocky bro... have you moved on? mr anonymous, read lah careflly rocky bro's posting. he just "cucuk" sikit. the thing is.. i sure heard a lot of things about you, rocky bro. one thing people say... you so berani. that is why kmh so damn scared of you. if he fixes you, he will blame someone else. yezzzaaaa?

and brendan leaving NST? what utter rubbush, that nice boy is so so loyal to kmh.. if he is leaving nst, it wld be the editorial dept but not NST. kmh to be chairman and brendan to be deputy chairman. howzzat?

and as bandit be continued

nsidering i have many friends in the nst and also ex-nst.

1:13 PM ”

(iii) 15.3 A post entitled “Open Letter to Dr M” dated 22.6.2006:-


Bandit has left an open letter entitled for Dr Mahathir in response to my recent posting (Good Judge, Poor Judge). A teaser glimpse, especially for you Kaliyuga. Peace. Make Love Not War.

Dear Dr M,

"Oh, the slyness. As promised, Kali resigned as NSTP GEIC, only to surreptitiously and suddenly assume the deputy chairmanship. Nobody saw that coming. And a little later, a hastily conceived Editorial Adviser's title, thus extending his power to not just controlling the NSTP but also his influence over friendly rivals in the Malaysian media. Very soon, Kali may well become the NSTP chairman if Rocky's earlier speculation hatches into a disturbing reality. With that kind of comprehensive control in Kali's hands, I'm afraid that you are virtually on your own ..."”

1. The defendant has further published or allowed for publication, to members of the public the following comments to the post entitled “Open Letter to Dr M” dated 22.6.2006 (bold and highlighted passages being defamatory of the 2nd plaintiff):-

i) A comment by “pasquale” at 2.38 p.m.:-

“pasquale said...


This is how I see it.

In the past any backstabbing, double dealing, or double crossing, or any other Umno chicanery remains with the inter-party problem. What I mean is it is Umno leaders vis-a-vis other Umno leaders but with out outside inteferences. Today, Dr. M may just be alone because the "machineries" today that he may be depending for his voice and grouses to be heard, be it the national newspapers, political parties (Umno and non-Umno parties, NGOs, the Special Branch, or even the Military Intelligence) are all in the hands of foreign interest, I have no doubt in my mind that this is the case. Let me just say it, NSTP is now an extension of Singapore political propaganda machine. The DAP is still an extension of the PAP with S'pore money pouring in DAP coffers everymonth as we speak. So don't be shocked if Dr. M may just be alone and he cannot fight the might of foreign domination from his posh office at Perdana Leadership Foundation because that place is also heavily planted with listening devices.

My only advice for the Malays (reads Morons) is to prepare for them to be dominated and be a second class citizens with a very low sperm count so that they will not propogate as the Morons in Singapore. Sorry, Rocky I know you also have a strong S'pore connection, not an attack on you. But reality is sometimes harsh! Well! Happy Hannukah and Shalom!

2:38 PM”

ii) A comment by “pasquale” at 2.56 p.m.:-

“pasquale said...


Datuk Aziz Shamsuddin said there is no tiff between Dr M and Pak Lah, I am inclined to believe it. He said there might be a third hidden hands trying to manipulate the situation.

Let see. Dr M's politial secretary Malaysians found out was a KGB paid agent. One wonders what damaged has been done. The late Chancellor Willy Brandt of West Germany then had an East German spy working as his aide. MI5 of Grfeat Britain was infilterated by KGB agents. Well, you knew what was coming! It is also safe to assume our highest office can just be manipulated by Singapore (I could have said foreing country but wont be specific) yes Singapore. If you allow me I will write a short story about a rookie reporter in Johore who was recruited by Singapore Intelligence to be where he is now it is a stuff for a great movie, what do you think let me know via your blogspot! Cheers!

2:56 PM ”

iii) A comment by “kalibren” at 7.14 p.m.:-

“kalibren said...

Kali is just a stooge, same like Bren. Kali is still controlling the editorial of nstp. Hisham lacks balls, while Bren is the spin doctor, but he writes with no conviction, perhaps maybe even he knows that Badawi has no spirit, charisma in him. The powers to be, it better if you remove the singapore axis of Kali-Bren-Moses.Their cover is blown, you morons.

7:14 PM”

iv) A comment by “kalibren” at 7.18 p.m.:-

“kalibren said...

To the powers to be. Get smart and get rid of Kali-Bren-Moses, the axis of evil from Singapore. Or perhaps, to hide, the lame, weak, Abdullah administration, its better to keep them, as the punching bag, instead of taking direct hits. Kali-Bren-Moses, their cover is broken on how close they are to Singapore. Abdullah is not a nasionalist.I pity malaysia for having a PM like him. Pity.

7:18 PM”

(iv) 15.4 A post entitled “Ah, Mack Zul!” dated 1.7.2006:-


Mack Zulkifli has called it quits. The Brand New Malaysian blogger says he has lost faith in blogging. He left his last posting today (When does enough get too far? - Brand New Malaysian signs out).

And, believe it or not, all because of Kalimullah Hassan, the former Singapore Straits Times journalist, who, incidentally, also called it quits last Sunday from writing The Sunday Column in the New Sunday Times (only to return two days later in the NST to write a scathing two-pager against A. Kadir Jasin).

It saddens me to hear that Mackzul is quitting. It saddens me more to learn why he's quitting:

Jeff Ooi, the Screenshots blogger, had left a posting depicting an invitation card to a wedding of Kalimullah's daughter, and a one-liner: Shall I add "Inai Di Jari (S.Jibeng) on my i-Pod playlist).

The million-ringgit wedding is no secret, as Mackzul himself admits.

But Mackzul seems to think that Jeff Ooi, in doing the wedding card posting, has crossed the line of blogging decency. Mackzul seems to believe that Jeff Ooi has given blogging a bad name by dragging Kalimullah Hassan's innocent daughter into their feud.

Has Jeff Ooi crossed the line of blogging decency?

Has Jeff Ooi given blogging a bad name?

Or has Mackzul been talking/listening too much to Kalimullah Hassan?”

(v) 15.5 A post entitled “Majulah Singapura Verse 4” dated 14.7.2006:-


Veteran editor censored (and censured) for anti-Singapore views ...

Ahmad Rejal Arbee, former Bernama editor-in-chief, former Business Times editor, former Malaysian Business editor, former Sun group editor, and former Berita Harian group editor, "commented harshly on Singapore re: the bridge and relations with the island republic" in two articles for his weekly column in Berita Harian.

Both articles did not see print.

Because both Singapore-offending articles were spiked, which means they were not used, that they were thrown into the trash bins of the Group Editor or Group Editor-in-Chief's computers.

(And both of them - Manja and Hishamuddin - were probably running around in pampers when Rejal started his long and colourful journalism career in the days when the country's media were supposed to be less free than now).

Bakar Mahmud, a visitor to this blog, has the full story.

"I know for a fact NST do not brook any adverse comments on Singapore," he wrote.”

1. The defendant has further published or allowed for publication, to members of the public the following comment to the post entitled “Majulah Singapura Verse 4” dated 14.7.2006 (bold and highlighted passages being defamatory of the 2nd plaintiff):-

i) A comment by “cherie” at 8.49 a.m.:-

“cherie said...


first -- dont think manja and hisham were wearing pampers then when Rejal was already hot shot journalist in the so-called dark days of journalism. Probably kain batik. offence, but pampers were not in the market then.

secondly--- WHAT DO YOU EXPECT, bro???? OF COURSE, they would spike an "ANTI-SINGAPORE" story.

In the old days, they chop people's heads off for betraying the country. Today, it is a good thing to betray your country.

Why don't you ask any NST editors.. (though this will be difficult... the ones around may not want to say anything out of fear), how does the NST treat "negative" stories on Singapore? Simple. Don't use them.

Yes, I agree with someone -- It is the New Singapore Times.

8:49 AM”

5. A post entitled “Guilty as Charged” dated 15.7.2006:-


FACT: Editors from the New Straits Times Press were, indeed, involved in drafting the Statement to Counter Dr M. (As far as I know, no editors from other Malaysian news organisations, not even Bernama, the national news agency, were privy).

FACT: At least two senior editors currently running the New Straits Times once served The Straits Times.

FACT: The Straits Times is a Singapore government's mouthpiece.

In view of these FACTS, it's only natural for some of us to see things, make out connections and be very, very suspicious.

You see a conflict of interest? How much access to these editors have to Classified documents and other Government secrets? Who authorised these editors to prepare the Statement and go through the Official Secrets of the Malaysian government? Why couldn't the Cabinet handle the response to Dr M's questions without involving these editors?

Was the NST the only one that got the Scoop hours before it was officially issued, or was the Statement also leaked to other parties?

Someone tells me, "The Government is no longer run by the Government".

How worried should I be? A thought for your weekend.”

1. The defendant has further published or allowed for publication, to members of the public the following comments to the post entitled “Guilty as Charged” dated 15.7.2006 (bold and highlighted passages being defamatory of the 2nd plaintiff):-

i) A comment by ‘Kaliyuga’ at 4.08 p.m.:-

“Kaliyuga said...

Also to make sure that Najib carried out Abdullah's orders as pre-determine by the menantu, the spin doctors and the Oxbridge Cabal.

What OSA are you talking about? You must be joking. Wake up Bru, this is the openess era when law and order mean nothing to this guys.

Shame on the Cabinet, the civil servants, the Wisma Putra and the likes of Ahmad Fuzi. You guys are wasting our votes by allowing these usurpers to undermine our country.

Being a journalist myself, I bet every penny I have in my pocket that while drafting the statement for Najib to issue, these NST guys were busily SMSing their counterparts in Singapore.

4:08 PM”

ii) A comment by ‘rockybru’ at 12.18 p.m.:-

“rockybru said...


I wasn't kidding.

Fact 1. Kalimullah Hassan worked with Singapore Straits Times. He was made NSTP's Group Editor-in-chief in 2004 and is now its deputy chairman and Editorial Adviser

Fact 2. Brendan Pereira worked with Singapore Straits Times. He is now the Group Editor of NST.

Fact 3. Ahirudin Attan, this blogger, was also Singapore-trained. He lived there for the first 17 years of his life, completed his secondary school and went to its madrasah. He also worked in some factories in Singapore in the late 70s. But has never worked with any newspaper in the republic.

These are FACTS which are known to enough peole. But these FACTS do not mean that all of us or any of us are still working with Singapore, or parties in Singapore, in some capacity or other.

But as Anonymous put it, " the very least the increasingly anxious population must be convinced beyond reasonable doubt that there are indeed no serious moles who are in the position to compromise Malaysia's sovereignty by virtue of the misplaced trust given to them by the current administration."

12:18 PM”

iii) A comment by ‘mis_tey at 8.20 a.m.:-

“mis_tey said...

Mustang said...

"...Further these editors were not the baruahs of any foreign power.Tan Sri Samad was persona non grata in Singapore and LKY's sworn enemy.

- We all should be very worried. "


Indeed, we should!!

What you said is true!

Didnt Lee Kuan Yew have a hand in putting Pak Samad away under ISA for 5 ½ years taking advantage of the Umno internal struggle following the death of Tun Razak in 1976?

He took King Ghaz,the then ambitious & powerful Home Minister, by his balls to have his long-time enemy, Pak Samad, detained.

LKY has a thick file on King Ghaz escapes in Singapore!!!

That's the danger. And now we have Singapore agents - this is no longer a rumour, but a fact - openly running the country through its proxies in the NST.

No thanks to our pengecut leaders.

This is indeed troubled times for our country, whose sovereignty is being openly sabotaged!

8:20 AM”

(vii) 15.7 A post entitled “Sufi’s Next Letter: Dear Kali…” dated 20.7.2006:-


When Sufi Yusoff returns from London tomorrow, where his boss the former Prime Minister has been handling a schedule too busy to call a holiday, he will start composing a Letter to the Editor of the New Straits Times.

It will be a simple letter asking the newspaper to apologise for a serious factual error (or fabrication or misrepresentation of the truth, as some might have seen it) contained in an article written by the NSTP's editorial adviser and deputy chairman Kalimullah Hassan.

The article was Kalimullah's eager heroic attempt to defend the PM, Abdullah Badawi, against the sharp criticisms against the government levelled by Dr Mahathir just days earlier.

In one of the many passsages running down the former PM, Kalimullah wrote in his column about how Dr M had asked for a meeting with Abdullah when both of them were in Tokyo recently and how Abdullah had agreed.

Yesterday, Abdullah told reporters that he was the one who had asked for the meeting with Dr M, not the other way round. MageP's Lab broke the myth when he spotted the story buried in today's news reports and Screenshots put things in perspective.

For the record, Sufi did write a letter to the NST to point out that Kalimullah had got it wrong. To its credit, the newspaper published the letter but neither Kalimullah nor the Editor of the paper offered an apology to Dr M (or , for that matter, to Abdullah) .

The offending article was never retracted.

(That letter was the last by Sufi to be published by the NST; his subsequent letters to the editor pointing out other errors and misrepresentation of facts in the newspaper's reports on the Dr M-Abdullah spat did not see print).

Experienced and responsible editors readily admit an error and have no qualms about apologising if the mistake is grave. An apology may save a newspaper from being sued.

But, mostly, editors say sorry and admit mistakes to uphold their own and their newspapers' integrity and credibility, lest they are accused of spreading lies.”

(viii) 15.8 A post entitled “Container of Worms” dated 26.7.2006:-


The injunction orders are out but not before Matthias Chang had filed his 55-point affidavit in response to Kalimullah Hassan's RM50 million suit.

If Shahrir Samad, the chairman of PAC, is really going to probe into ECM-Libra's controversial merger with Avenue Capital, the rakyat-owned GLC, he won't ignorePoint No 54 of the affidavit.

It's a container of worms.



CIVIL SUIT NO S1-23-68 2006


Datuk Kalimullah Bin Masheerul Hassan … Plaintiff


Matthias Chang Wen Chieh … Defendant


I, MATTHIAS CHANG WEN CHIEH (I/C No: 500222-10-5571) a Malaysian citizen ..

54. In response to paragraph 15 of the Plaintiff’s Affidavit I verily state that the Plaintiff as Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officer of ECM Libra Berhad has committed financial irregularities in the management of the said company. In the sale of ECM Libra Bhd’s operating subsidiaries to the government controlled company Avenue Capital Resources Berhad, the Plaintiff aided and abetted corrupt practices committed in the course of the said transaction. The particulars are given in paragraph 54 of the Defence and Counterclaim and I repeat the same here:-

Background Facts – Financial Year Ending 31. 3. 2004

1) The Plaintiff was appointed to the Board of ECM Libra Bhd on 2. 4. 2004."

2) The company was previously known as South Peninsular Industries Berhad and on 31. 3. 2004, the name was changed to ECM Libra Bhd.

3) For the financial year ending 31. 3. 2004, its Annual Report stated that the said ECM Libra Bhd group’s revenue deteriorated to RM39.8 million from RM57.7 million the previous year. It recorded a loss before taxation of RM9.8 million against a profit before taxation of RM9.4 million in the previous year. The Group’s loss attributable to shareholders in the reporting year stood at RM10,602,959 compared with a profit of RM8,625,100 in the previous financial year.

4) ECM Libra Bhd on 30. 4. 2004 completed the purchase of the following companies, namely ECM Libra Partners Sdn Bhd, ECM Libra Capital Sdn Bhd, ECM Libra Holdings Ltd (collectively referred to as the “ECM Purchase”) and ECM Libra Securities Sdn Bhd, which was formerly known as BBMB Securities Sdn Bhd (referred to as the “BBMB Purchase”). Hence the change of name and the appointment of the current directors of the said company.

5) The consideration for the “ECM Purchase” was RM330,000,000 and was satisfied by the issuance of 270,000,000 new ordinary shares of RM1.00 each at an issue price of RM1.00 each and an issue of RM60,000,000, five (5) year redeemable convertible unsecured loan stocks at 100% of the nominal value with a coupon rate of 3% per annum.

6) The “BBMB Purchase” was satisfied by cash consideration of RM172,811,479 via a private placement of 100,000,000 new ordinary shares of RM1 each at an issue price of RM2.10 per ordinary share of RM1.00 each.

7) The value of the Goodwill attributed to the companies [i.e. “ECM Purchase” and “BBMB Purchase”] acquired by ECM Libra Bhd was RM360,699,492 million as reported in the Annual Report.

8) Therefore the total consideration for the purchase is RM502,811,479 (being the total of RM330,000,000 and RM172,811,479 and RM60,000,000 RCULS).

9) The nature of the acquired companies are as follows:

i) ECM Libra Partners Sdn Bhd (formerly known as “Libra Partners Sdn Bhd) – nature of business: Licensed Money Lender. The Plaintiff is a director and substantial shareholder;

ii) ECM Libra Capital Sdn Bhd (formerly known as “ECM Capital Sdn Bhd) – nature of business: Management, Advisory & Investment Consulting Services. The Plaintiff is a director and substantial shareholder;

iii) ECM Libra Securities Sdn Bhd (formerly known as “BBMB Securities Sdn Bhd) – nature of business: Stockbroking;

iv) ECM Libra Holdings Ltd (formerly known as “ECM Holdings Ltd”) nature of business: Investment holding & Advisory Services.

10) The authorised share capital of the company was increased from RM50,000,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each to RM1,000,000,000 comprising 1,000,000,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each by the creation of an additional 950,000,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each.

11) During the said financial year, the said company increased its issued and fully paid up ordinary capital from RM42,000,000 to RM433,000,000 by way of the issuance of shares in relation to the “BBMB Purchase” and “ECM Purchase”, Private Placement as stated above and bonus issues.

12) During the said financial year, the company disposed off nearly all existing business of the company and after 1. 4. 2004 the core business of the company as reported in the Chairman’s statement was to be “an integrated boutique investment banking group focusing on advisory services and securities brokering.”

13) In the said Annual Report, revenue from “financial services” as a segment contributing to the group’s income was declared to be only RM2,875,062.00.

14) Loss attributed to the financial services segment was RM3,274,511.00.

15) The Plaintiff has a substantial interest in the said company. He is registered as having 60,000,000 ordinary shares and 18,000,000 redeemable convertible unsecured loan stock (RCULS) representing 13.86% and 30% respectively of his interest in the said company.

16) Datuk Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was appointed the Prime Minister on the 31. 10. 2003.

17) The Plaintiff was appointed a director and the Group Editor-in-Chief of the New Straits Times Press (Malaysia) Bhd on 1. 1. 2004 by the Prime Minister.

Background Facts – Financial Year Ending 31. 3. 2005

18) In the Annual Report of the company for the financial year ending 31. 3. 2005, it was reported that revenue increased by 84.1% to RM73.2 million from RM39.8 million in the preceding year.

19) The company acquired ECM Libra Capital Markets Sdn Bhd (formerly known as Libra Capital Markets Sdn Bhd), a fund management company.

20) Revenue from the financial services segment accounted for 43% and earnings per share improved to 9.32 sen from a loss of 15.6 sen in the preceding year.

21) Group profits for the year was RM40,399,310 as compared to a loss of RM10,602,959 in the preceding year. The Plaintiff, as Chairman stated “the ECM Libra Group posted its maiden profits, achieving a robust turnaround.”

22) On 27. 12. 2005, Khairy Jamaluddin, the son-in-law of the prime minister acquired 13 million ECM Libra Bhd shares equivalent to a 3% stake in the said company valued at RM9 million, based on the purchase price of 71 sen a share. The shares were acquired from the Plaintiff, Lim Kian Onn and Chua Ming Huat who are respectively the Chairman, the CEO and COO of the company.

Background Facts – Year 2006

23) On 19. 1. 2006, the Bernama news agency announced that the government controlled Avenue Capital Resources Bhd and Avenue International Capital Bhd (hereinafter referred to as “Avenue”) signed a conditional share sale agreement with ECM Libra Bhd (for which the Plaintiff is the Chairman and Co-CEO) to fully acquire all the latter’s operating subsidiaries by issuing 442,000,000 fully paid up new ordinary shares of RM1.00 each in Avenue International Capital Bhd, with a proforma market valuation of RM293 million.

24) ECM Libra Bhd’s operating subsidiaries are:

a) ECM Libra Securities Sdn Bhd and its subsidiaries;

b) ECM Libra Partners Sdn Bhd;

c) ECM Libra Capital Sdn Bhd;

d) ECM Libra Capital Markets Sdn Bhd

e) ECM Libra Holdings Ltd and its subsidiaries.

However, the agreed total net tangible assets of the ECM Libra companies were stated to be RM210 million as at the unconditional date of the Share Sale Agreement.

25) Bernama reported that the ECM Libra Bhd /Avenue share sale agreement paved the way for a proposed merger which will enable the merged entity to meet the requirements under new guidelines issued by Bank Negara of having a minimum unimpaired share capital of RM500 million.

26) Prior to the said merger, Malaysia’s Minister of Finance Inc and another government linked company controlled approximately 29.5% stake in the Avenue.

27) Following the merger, the founding partners of ECM Libra Bhd would own and control a combined 20% stake in the merged entity, for which the Plaintiff would own a 6% interest.

28) The share capital of the merged entity would be boosted to approximately RM840 million allowing it to become a full investment bank able to take deposits. Shareholders of ECM Libra Bhd, if they wanted to apply for an investment banking license on its own merit would need inter-alia to inject additional funds as mandated by Bank Negara’s investment banking guidelines which require investment banks to increase their share capital to RM500 million within three years.

29) The Plaintiff in a press statement, as reported by Bernama on the 19. 1. 2006 admitted that, and on being asked what would happened if ECM Libra Bhd was not able to have the merger approved by the authorities said:

“We would have been seriously disadvantaged against the other new investment banks which had the required capital funds and could carry out the full range of investment banking services. At the end of three years, when we would be required to ensure that our capital funds was at least RM500 million, it would have necessitated huge cash injection from our shareholders. By pursuing the merger route, we will emerge a much bigger and stronger entity and not require cash injection from shareholders.”

30) Additionally, if there was no merger, ECM Libra Bhd’s shareholders will have to inject a minimum of RM100 million to satisfy the financial requirements for “discount house” license, over and above the RM500 million unimpaired share capital requirement.

31) Approvals and or license from the Minister of Finance would need to be obtained. The Minister of Finance did grant such approvals, notwithstanding the conflict of interest as Khairy Jamaluddin, is a director and shareholder of ECM Libra and is also the son-in-law of the Prime Minister who is also the Minister for Finance. The Plaintiff as Chairman of ECM Libra Bhd, knew of the aforesaid circumstances and has therefore aided and abetted in the corrupt scheme. The Plaintiff has also benefited substantially from the said scheme.

32) Other relevant approval agencies are directly and or indirectly beholden to the Ministry of Finance.

33) The merger has created so much controversy that on the 13. 4. 2006, the matter was tabled before Parliament, but the Government has to date failed to give any or any adequate explanation for this glaring act of impropriety.

34) On 28.6. 2006, the merged entity, ECM Libra Avenue Bhd (713570-K) was listed in the main board of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (Stock Number 2143) with a paid up share capital of RM830,901,953 comprising of 830,901,953 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each.

35) Taking into account paragraph 5 to 8, and paragraph 23 and 24 above, the sale of the ECM Libra operating subsidiaries and the then “BBMB Securities Sdn Bhd” in 31.3.2004 to South Peninsular Industries Bhd (which was renamed to ECM Libra Bhd after the said acquisition) was valued at RM502,811,479, yet within two years, the same operating subsidiaries were in turn sold pursuant to the aforesaid merger with Avenue Capital Resources Bhd for RM442,000,000 with a total net tangible asset value at RM210,000,000.

36) Therefore, the value of the earlier sale and purchase in 2004 of the said companies was grossly over-valued by attributing to “goodwill” an incredible RM360,000,000, which cannot be justified in any circumstances. Being a public listed company that corporate exercise amounts to a fraud on the public.

37) The Plaintiff, as Chairman in his Annual Report as at 31.3.2005 reported that the said company had obtained its maiden profits of RM40.3 million as compared to a loss of RM10.6 million in the previous year. Yet in the said merger exercise, the very same companies, and an additional company (ECM Libra Capital Markets Sdn Bhd) were sold for lesser value as compared to the original purchase price in 2004 which the company paid for.

Therefore I verily state that my comments are justified and or in the alternative, my comments in the circumstances are fair comments on an issue of public interest.”

(ix) 15.9 A post entitled “Whoa, ZAM!” dated 26.7.2006:-


Zam, the Info Minister, who was a journalist and editor of great standing before his leap into politics, has burnt the Causeway as far as his ties with the editorial gods of NSTP is concerned.

There should be updates on his assault on segelintir wartawan media tertentu yang menjadi alat kepada anasir luar after the weekly Cabinet meeting today.

Whichever way the wind blows, we now know that this bit about ET controlling the puny minds of some media big boys is a question not just the bloggers are asking. Screenshots was merely repeating the question earlier on.”

(x) 15.10 A post entitled “Wow, Kamrul!” dated 2.8.2006:-


My apologies to bros Hamidi, Jahabar, Leslie and Yushaimi.

Kamrul Idris is the new Executive Editor of News, replacing Saiful AzharAbdullah.

Kamrul is currently Executive Editor for Life & Times. His news background is limited, partly because of his inability to handle the pressure of a newsroom. But as an editorial writer, given his powerful command of the language, he excels under the Kalimullah regime.

The two portfolios make him the most powerful Executive Editor in the NSTP.”

(xi)15.11 A post entitled “Brenda and Brendan” dated 9.8.2006:-


The butchered and the butcher in the newsroom ... Brenda Lim is one pissed off journalist. They gave her a byline for this story datelined Tronoh ("Dr M goes for MBs of Perak, Perlis", NST, Aug 8) but she told friends that the passages in bold were not her work.

"Dr Mahathir, whose three sons and other family members controlled or owned substantial shares in a number of listed companies during his tenure as prime minister, questioned who had lent Khairy the RM9 million to buy a minor interest in financial services company ECM Libra Berhad late last year."

The butcher here is Brendan Pereira, the faithful Singapore-trained disciple of Singapore-trained Kalimullah Hassan, both out to malign Dr M and make sure that the former PM and the PM do not patch up.

Dr M mentioned Brenda's name twice yesterday for the article that carried her byline but he was obviously quite aware of Brendan's butchery:

"The PM did not mention my children (during the TV interview) but Brendan Pereira did ... he thought he should add a little bit more to make things more interesting," Dr M told reporters yesterday.

Brenda Lim is no greenhorn, having been a journalist for the past decade. But this is the first time anyone has blatantly altered her newsreport to suit a political agenda. She is hurt and she is distressed.

Brendan is NST group editor courtesy of Kalimullah Hassan, the group's editorial adviser, who wrote the June 11 column in The Sunday Times which blatantly lied about circumstances surrounding a meeting between the PM and Dr M in Tokyo. Kalimullah has refused to apologise to Dr M.”

(xii) 15.12 A post entitled “Iblising the Iblis” dated 11.8.2006:-


This day two months ago, June 11, Kalimullah Hassan wrote in The Sunday Column a piece demonising Dr M. In it, he told readers (me included) the blatant lie about the circumstances leading to a meeting in Tokyo between the PM and Dr Mahathir.

The Prime Minister ... was told that Dr Mahathir wanted to come and see him. Abdullah, in the midst of breakfast with aides and officials, immediately put on his tie and told the ambassador that he would go and see his ex-boss rather than let Dr Mahathir come down and see him. Yet, less than two weeks later, Dr Mahathir invited the foreign Press to his office and lambasted Abdullah and his administration. He accused the current administration and Abdullah of many things - stabbing him in the back, ingratitude, and perhaps, the most provocative suggestion was that while he (Dr Mahathir) had no power to remove Abdullah, he said "it is for his own party (Umno) to remove him".

Kalimullah hasn't apologised for the piece. The newspaper's group editor-in-chief, Hishamuddin Aun, hasn't apologised, either.

They don't just owe Dr M an apology. They owe me the reader an apology, too.”

(xiii) 15.13 A post entitled “Sin Guru to Train NST Editors/Majulah Singapura Bab 9” dated 14.8.2006:-


Revi Veloo, a former reporter for the Singapore Straits Times, has been given the task of retraining, reconditioning and remoulding the bureau chiefs of the New Straits Times.

The Singaporean's job starts with a two-day course later this week. Bureau chiefs are generally experienced journalists with good political connections and leadership qualities.

The Singaporean comes highly recommended by another ex-ST operative, Brendan Pereira, who is now the Group Editor of the New Straits Times.

This is the first time a Singapore Straits Times' former reporter has been brought to directly train senior journalists from the Umno-owned NST. Brendan was brought in by former group editor-in-chief of NSTP and now its Editorial Adviser, Kalimullah Hassan, who was also a Singapore Straits Times reporter.

Both Kalimullah and Brendan are part of the so-called "inner circle" of the Abdullah Administration. Kalimullah was a staunch critic of Dr M even before the ex-PM's current spat with the PM.

Revi and Brendan have known each other for years. They are immortalised digitally on this website (CLICK HERE) on the same page headlined The Unusual Character & Extra Value of Singapore Journalism.

On that page, fugitive Singapore opposition leader inserted a line of caution: Beware if you have to talk to journalists from Singapore!!!

|Beware if you have to talk to journalists from Singapore!!! |

|The following is a list of Singapore journalists who swarmed liked (whatever your imagination fancies) |

|to file numerous Affidavits in support of 13 defamation suits filed by Singapore People's Action Party |

|(PAP) against an opposition politician in Singapore ;- |

|Straits Times |

|11. Brendan Pereira's 1st Affidavit filed on 2nd May 1997. |

|12. Chang Ai-Lien's 1st Affidavit filed on 29th April 1997. |

|13. Eliza Teoh's 1st Affidavit filed on 29th April 1997. |

|14. Eliza Teoh's 2nd Affidavit filed on 30th April 1997. |

|15. Jason Leow's 1st Affidavit filed on 29th April 1997. |

|16. Jason Leow's 2nd Affidavit filed on 29th April 1997. |

|17. Leong Ching Ching's 1st Affidavit filed on 29th April 1997. |

|18. Leong Ching Ching's 2nd Affidavit filed on 30th April 1997. |

|19. Ng Sock Hiang, Serene Marie, Low Sock Eng Jeannie and Simon Tan Thoo Seng's Joint Affidavit filed on|

|30th April 1997. |

|20. Pang Gek Choo's 1st Affidavit filed on 29th April 1997. |

|21. Ravi Veloo's 1st affidavit filed on 29th April 1997. |

|22. Surinder Singh's 1st Affidavit sworn on 30th April 1997. |

Revi Veloo and Brendan Pereira had allegedly filed affidavits in support of 13 defamation suits filed by Lee Kuan Yew's ruling PAP against an Opposition politician in the republic back in 1997.”

1. The defendant has further published or allowed for publication, to members of the public the following comment to the post entitled “Sin Guru to Train NST Editors/Majulah Singapura Bab 9” dated 14.8.2006 (bold and highlighted passages being defamatory of the 2nd plaintiff):-

i) A comment by ‘Pujangga’ at 10.30 a.m.:-

“Pujangga said...


So what is Kalimullah's connection to Singapore? Is it just a fetish for Singaporeans, or is there more to it?

The police Special Branch when making a background check on him when he applied to become the Press Secretary of Tun Ghafar Baba (when he was Deputy Prime Minister), failed him. I wonder if Tan Sri Rahim Noor (the then Special Branch chief) would care to shed some light on this. Rumour has it Kalimullah was "too close" to Singapore and couldnt explain his frequent travels down South.

p.s Heard that One Bangsar (next to Bangsar Village has been sold to a Singaporean. We are almost down to our underwear, everything else has been sold to the Singaporeans. Syabas to Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and his associates, like Kalimullah.

10:30 AM”

(xiv) 15.14 A post entitled “Should the Boy Apologise” dated 26.8.2006:-


Oxbridge needs your advice:

Should Khairy Jamaluddin bow to the MCA Youth's demand that he say sorry for his allegedly racist remarks that hurt the Chinese the other day?

Or should the famous son-in-law be hard-headed and act like a Mat Rempit and tell the MCA Youth to go wheelie its own bike (or go fly kite)?

I hope KJ does not plan to seek counsel from his editorial-cum-financial adviser Kalimullah Hassan because he'll be very confused if he does.

I say that because Kalimullah has been inconsistent in the apology department: 1/ He apologised to NST readers for carrying a cartoon strip in the newspaper seen as belittling the issue of the offensive Prophet Mohamad carricatures (though some would argue about the sincerity of the apology) but 2/ he has refused till today to say sorry to Dr Mahathir and NST readers for passages of untruth in a June 11 column in the New Sunday Times.

An MCA Youth insider told me the movement does not think the boy will apologise but it wanted to put it on the record that the demand for an apology has been made. Politics is about scoring points when you can.”

(xv) 15.15 A post entitled “Hisham’s Cars and Bikes” dated 26.8.2006:-


No, brats, K&M is not short for KaliMullah or Khairy&Maya.

K&M stands for Kereta & Motosikal, Berita Harian's 16-page Saturday special making its debut today on test-drives, the latest models and car ads.

K&M is BH's carbon-copy of the extremely succesful CBT (Cars, Bikes and Trucks) initiated for NST by Yamin Vong, a former Business Times journalist and a renowned 4x4 man, when Ahmad A. Talib was the group editor of the (broadsheet) NST.

This K&M pull-out is the brainchild of Hishamuddin Aun, the NSTP group editor-in-chief. Until early this week, however, even the BH group editor Manja Ismail was said to have not been officially informed of the K&M project.

As this is the age where some editors unabashedly involve themselves (or their wives) in business, the secrecy accorded this project has raised (and will raise) some very obvious questions, especially so when the contract to produce the K&M is beijng awarded to Wave Marketing Sdn Bhd, a virtually unknown firm in the publishing business owned by a pal of Hishamuddin and Kalimullah Hassan's.

A couple of years ago, Yamin's CBT inspired me to create MailMotor, the sexy auto section of the (old) Malay Mail.”

(xvi) 15.16 A post entitled “Sunday Fabricator” dated 27.8.2006:-


Journalism is built on trust. A journalist who fabricates his report commits journalism's biggest sin. In the US, such a journalist is sacked, shamed and shunned.

Here in Malaysia, however, he continues to write about the goodness of his own existence. Today in the Sunday Times, he came out of hiding to write [I was told] about how this goodness of his is somehow related to our Merdeka.

I wonder if you read the column today. I was told that he still hasn't come clean about the sin he committed, the stories he fabricated for his June 11 column.

But even if he owns up and say a thousand apologies would you believe another word he writes, knowing that journalism is built on trust?

[please read related articles on fellow fabricators here and here and here]”

1. The defendant has further published or allowed for publication, to members of the public the following comments to the post entitled “Sunday Fabricator” dated 27.8.2006 (bold and highlighted passages being defamatory of the 2nd plaintiff):-

i) A comment by ‘nstloyalist’ at 10.41 p.m.:-

“nstloyalist said...

kalimulah has no more credibility as a journalist. Not that he ever had before. But since his lack of -- all that's good in journalism -- has been exposed, he should have enough maruah diri to abstain from further tarnishing the NST.

He is a sham and a shame. He is a liar. The Malays call it -- meluat -- when you read his column about the good he had done to and for people when you know that THAT is a bloody lie. Kalimulah knows only how to fix people, stab people in the back (but now he is more transparent, he does it in the front), "aniaya" people. he harbours ill will against people better than him but whom he cannot use or abuse. He is a rat of the first degree. Even his "friends" know him to be so.It makes me want to throw up when Kalimulah so shamelessly writes about love and compassion.

Please lah Kalimullah, stop further embarrassing yourself.

10:41 PM”

ii) A comment by ‘journo’ at 10.48 p.m.:-

“journo said...

Ah brother,

spot on. I don't believe a word Datuk K writes. "The goodness of his own existence" - I like that.

What a damper of a Sunday morning to open the paper (I do read the NST), flip the pages and see his photo, and (ugh!) his nauseatingly, masuk bakul-angkat sendiri column.

Brother, let me tell you. People talk. Si Kali tu memang penipu, you are right.

10:48 PM”

iii) A comment by ‘Anonymous’ at 7.40 a.m.:-

“Anonymous said...

journo said...

his nauseatingly, masuk bakul-angkat sendiri column.

Brother, let me tell you. People talk. Si Kali tu memang penipu, you are right.


Couldnt agree more with you.

Kali is the biggest liar, a coward, a braggart & a shameless person.

Masuk bakul, angkat diri sendiri. Sounds like Pak Lah (It's my idea!!!)


7:40 AM”

(xvii) 15.17 A post entitled “The Malay Kali, Brendan & Guna” dated 12.9.2006:-


Zainon Ahmad's commentary in theSun yesterday ["Best to exit like a statesman"] makes him the first Malay editor of an English-language mainstream newspaper to do what the likes of Kalimullah Hassan, Brendan Pereira and P. Gunasegaram have been doing - demonise the former PM.

"By not being a delegate on Saturday," Zainon writes, "(Dr M) will never be a source of embarassment to the leaders of the party and the assembly this November. Better still for everyone concerned if he did not attend at all - even as a guest."

The former theSun's group editor-in-chief and now its political editor (and scriptwriter for What They Say) was never known to be critical of Dr Mahathir when the Tun was prime minister.

But in yesterday's article, he came out of the woodwork. He quoted an unidentified speaker at a What-They-Say-like gathering in a house in Kubang Pasu a couple of days before the divisional election:

" we want to allow (Dr M) in his old age - when he is probably incapable of making the right decision anymore - to become a delegate and to suffer all manner of indignities? We must protect him and shield him."

The ensuing para was probably meant to be a swipe at some editors from a recent past (Zainon could also be aiming this at himself as he was one of the senior editors of NST during Dr M's era):

"Indeed that had been the role adopted by some newspaper editors occasionally in the days when he was the prime minister: to protect Mahathir from his own excessive vehemence and to make Mahathir look good."

Compare Zainon's piece with veteran Rejal Arbee's blog-commentary here and Zainon's ex-boss' analysis here. In Jakarta, blogger Unspun had an earlier take here.”

(xviii) 15.18 A post entitled “Majulah Singapura BAB11” dated 13.9.2006:-


Reassuring Singapore. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has reassured his Singaporean counterpart during a 1-on-1 meeting in Helsinki that the this-is-my-idea Johor Super Corridor project will benefit the island Republic.

The NST, the English-language daily run by former Singapore Straits Times operatives, decided to bury the story deep in another piece ("PM: Include non-Europeans as peacekeepers").

Sister paper Berita Harian, however, was told to play up the issue on the front page yesterday ("Batal Jambatan tak jejas hubungan: PM").

And the Singapore Straits Times carried a similar story quoting the Malaysian prime minister ["Ties with Spore very good, friendly"]. But this piece, though similar in the "reassuring" theme, was actually taken from the interview Abdullah had with The Edge, published in its latest issue that hit the stands over last weekend.

Ah, what a lovely coincidence!”

(xix) 15.19 A post entitled “Pos Malaysia Poser” dated 15.9.2006:-


Correction A poster pointed out to me that Para 3 of the original posting here is , that ECM-Libra shareholders were NOT entitled to free Pos Malaysia shares. See also comment in KMU.

Khairy was entitled to 12,990,000 shares in Avenue International Capital Berhad (which later changed name to ECM Libra Avenue Bhd after the merger) for the 12,990,000 shares he had bought with Kali-money.

His shares of 12,990,000 shares in ECM Libra, underwent a capital reduction to 1,299,000 shares in ECM LIbra Sdn Bhd, which should be worth ONLY RM1,299,000.

I lose sleep over such errors. My sincere apologies to readers and bloggers. - Rocky

Original posting

Or how a son-in-law can make 5 million ringgit ...

First things first: Why has Khazanah Nasional been accumulating shares of Pos Malaysia for the last 3 months? It now has in excess of 30 per cent stake in Pos Malaysia, news that drove up its shares to a 7-year high of close to RM5.

[Khazanah will not say why, which is another good reason why there should be full disclosure and why an independent Audit should be brought in to look at Khazanah's books!]

Incidentally, ECM-Libra shareholders are entitled to 1 Pos Malaysia share for every 11 ECM shares. If you remember, Khairy Jamaluddin, the Prime Minister's son-in-law, bought 11 million shares with money borrowed from father-in-law's close aide Kalimullah Hassan (which means he could have been entitled to 1 million free Pos Malaysia shares at the time).

KJ later claimed he sold off all 11 million shares after the whole deal blew up in his face, Kalimullah's face and the PM's face.

Khairy said he lost RM200,000 as a result, remember?

Now, thanks to Khananah Nasional, the boy's 1 million Pos Malaysia shares, assuming he got them and has not disposed of them, would be worth close to $5 million!

And who do you think the chairman of Khazanah Nasional is?”

1. The defendant has further published or allowed for publication, to members of the public the following comments to the post entitled “Pos Malaysia Poser” dated 15.9.2006 (bold and highlighted passages being defamatory of the 2nd plaintiff):-

i) A comment by ‘Anonymous’ at 8.32 a.m.:-

“Anonymous said...


Aaah. Kalimullah.Cant even run a Sdn Bhd. The one who lobbied his way to run the Cambodia Times, and then it went BUST. That's Kali for you. Only fools get conned by him. And Pak Lah thought he could run the NST? Kalimullah will go down in the history of the NST to be the one who sold off the NST and killed the Malay Mail.

Nay, (he will go down in) the history of the country.


8:32 AM”

ii) A comment by ‘Anonymous’ at 9.50 a.m.:-

“Anonymous said...

the worst thing is to be labelled a SPY.

you can be greedy, you can make as much money as you want...but if you are selling off the country.. i think you should be condemned.

you should be condemned for being paid by a foreign power to do their bidding.

do you know what is the punishment for spying, for treason?

9:50 AM”

(xx) 15.20 A post entitled “Mahathir, Rape, Siti, Nurhaliza?” dated 22.9.2006:-


update 23 Sept


datuk mahathir police singapore who rape .. (malaysia)?

Did someone tell us to wake up and smell the Web 2.0, that the image below was automatically generated?

See the new image (above). Their Web 2.0 must be reading the blogs!

Original posting 22 Sept:


So, Kali, Hisham and Brendan, you think this is funny?”

(xxi) 15.21 A post entitled “Vintage Wine in a Newsroom” dated 25.9.2006:-


Aeneas. This American hedge fund is currently being investigated by our Securities Commission and its US counterpart for alleged manipulation of stocks in 4 listed Malaysian companies.

But there's another angle to the story that journos won't report. It seems that a business daily within the NSTP group has been churning out article after article on the 4 companies, articles which were overly "positive" - even PR-ish - in nature despite the fact that prospects weren't that rosy.

One Mr K. Lau would alert a top editor of NST about each news release about the 4 companies. At the same time, someone else would send a bottle of vintage wine now and then to a certain Executive Editor to ensure that the stories remained, er, sparkling!”

1. The defendant has further published or allowed for publication, to members of the public the following comment to the post entitled “Vintage Wine in a Newsroom” dated 25.9.2006 (bold and highlighted passages being defamatory of the 2nd plaintiff):-

i) A comment by ‘Anonymous’ at 1.35 p.m.:-

“Anonymous said...


The way I see it, NST reporters can now indulge in business. Courtesy Kalimulah. Afterall, Kalimulah is a businessman. The minute he steps into his office at the NST, he looks at his shares -- what's up, what's down. He uses his NST position to boost his business. What do you expect then? And then you hv the GEIC helping his wife gets business thru Berita Harian.

Brother, times have changed. Rules are menta to be broken. and that's the truth.

Kalimulah has re-defined newspapering. And this is not said in complimentary tone.

Journalism at the NST is at a low.

If I were a reporter at the NST now, I'd be making money on the side. and nobody can preach to me about ethics.

I am just emulating the top bosses.


1:35 PM”

(xxii) 15.22 A post entitled “Forgiving Kiasu Lee” dated 1.10.2006:-


"Tis the season of forgiveness and friendship, Lee. Seek and ye shall find." - Kalimullah Hassan, today's Sunday Times (Sunday Column: Growing Legion of the Unfooled).

He seems anxious to forgive Lee! But you have to have the stamina to reach para 26 (yes, 26!) of this piece by the former Singapore Straits Times journalist before you come to the first reference to LKY.

In contrast, guest writer Paddy Bowie, in her 26-para piece ("Sorry Minister Mentor, but you got it wrong"), took on "kiasu" Lee from start to finish.

Kalimullah seems more concerned with convincing the reader that what Pak Lah did, vis-a-vis what the previous admin used to do, was the write thing:

"Only, this time, Malaysia reacted in proper and civil fashion — seeking an explanation from Lee on what certainly was an ill-thought, inconsiderate and provocative statement. Had Malaysia reacted in any other way, it would have only lent credence to Lee’s assertions of a "bullying big brother". "

P.S. Didn't Kalimullah say he was going to stop writing The Sunday Column (soon after the "errors" in his June 11 piece was exposed)? This week's piece is the third in a row so it does look like we've been had, again!

And, by the way, he has not apologised for the June 11 column. Well, "tis the season of forgiveness, Kali. Seek and ye shall find".”

(xxiii) 15.23 A post entitled “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” dated 11.10.2006:-


Mirzan Mahathir. It must be good upbringing that teaches Mirzan, the ASLI president, to apologise for an obvious error without being asked to [for the controversial findings of an ASLI survey that riled many, including his own dad, Dr Mahathir].

Which is more than what you can say about Kalimullah Hassan and Khairy Jamaluddin, who refused to apologise for their mistakes even when those who were grievously hurt by those mistakes demanded for an apology.

In Kalimullah's case, his June 11 article was not even an error but a deliberate spin that soured ties between the PM and his predecessor. Yet, he has not apologised for the passages of untruth he wrote in that article. Instead, he misled readers again and again; including the time he wrote that he was going to stop writing for the Sunday Column in the New Sunday Times!

In KJ's case, the racial remarks he made could have led to ugly consequences. He was lucky that cool heads and common sense prevailed. If he had apologised, Lee Kuan Yew wouldn't have been able to use it against his father-in-law, the Prime Minister, which he did to great effect.

If Abdullah could forgive LKY, it'll be a sin if we won't forgive Mirzan for what the economists at ASLI did (or didn't do).

After all, didn't someone write in that Sunday column that Ramadhan is the season of forgiveness; seek and ye shall find? Now, let's see if he practises what he preaches”

(xxiv) 15.24 A post entitled “Brendan, Hishamuddin Aun Sued” dated 19.10.2006:-


Raja Kamarul Bahrin Shah strikes back. In an article on 24 August 2006, the NST planted a line about the "fact" that Raja Kamarul Bahrin had taken another wife two weeks - yes, TWO WEEKS! - after his second child, with his then wife Jacquelin, was born.

Now, what would you think of a man who would do such a thing to his wife?

Exactly my sentiments. Those who were familiar with his celebrated custody battle for his two children in Australia and his subsequent daring rescue of the kids, after reading this article, were likely to change the way they look at Raja Bahrin. I mean, only a jerk would do such a thing, right?

But that line NST inserted in the article was a LIE. It is NOT a fact.

Raja Bahrin sent a letter of demand to get NST to print a front-page apology, to disclose the source of the lie, and to pay RM1 million. [I was told that in the letter of demand, Raja Bahrin said the money will be channeled to an institute to run training courses to produce good and ethical journalists].

NST sent two top officials, accompanied by a lawyer, to meet Raja Bahrin. On 20 Sept 2006, the tabloid published an apology.

But it was an apology-that's-not-an-apology. [Remember Lee Kuan Yew's "apology"?]

NST, under the former Singapore Straits Times operatives Kalimullah Hassan-Brendan Pereira regime, has gotten away with such an apology, as in the case of the Prophet Muhammad caricature's case. It has even gotten away, so far, by refusing to apologise for an outright lie in the case of the June 11 article by Kalimullah Hassan on the meeting between PM and Dr M in Tokyo.

Not this time.

Brendan Pereira, the NST group editor, has been named as the defendant in the defamation suit filed by Raja Bahrin about 2.30pm today at the High Court in Kuala Terengganu. Hishamuddin Aun, the GEIC for NSTP, has been named as co-defendant.

Raja Bahrin is seeking RM1 million in general damages as well as aggravated and exemplary damages to be determined by the court.”

1. The defendant has further published or allowed for publication, to members of the public the following comments to the post entitled “Brendan, Hishamuddin Aun Sued” dated 19.10.2006 (bold and highlighted passages being defamatory of the 2nd plaintiff):-

i) A comment by ‘madonna’ at 6.12 p.m.:-

“madonna said...

i have said it once (perhaps too many times before) and i'll say it again -- NST has gone to the dogs.... no longer a paper NST journalists can be proud of. Kalimullah, like all weak and insecure "leaders", has put not-so-capable editors to run the paper.

6:12 PM  ”

ii) A comment by ‘journo’ at 7.28 a.m.:-

“journo said...


i share your views. Let me enlighten you on how it works in the NST.

Funny you should mention the NST board. Oh,it is powerful in everything else in the company BUT the editorial. Let me put it this way. The all-powerful person in the NST, tne numero uno, the supremo is the person put there by the Prime Minister. So, right now, neither the board chairman, the CEO nor the GEIC has any power to change things -- in the editorial or anywhere else in the NST. But, Kalimulah who was regretfully appointed by the PM to take charge of the NST is not interested in anything else except the NST editorial.

So,if you think the board should do somehting... yes, I'm with you. But the reality is, the board which is under Kalimulah's thumb,will not be able to do adamn thing.

Sad, isnt it? someone like Kalimulah whose shady background EVERYONE knows, has many learned and respectable people under his thumb.

No, it is not sad. It is so sickening.

7:28 AM  ”

iii) A comment by ‘Anonymous’ at 1.52 p.m.:-

“Anonymous said...

journo said...

Sad, isnt it? someone like Kalimulah whose shady background EVERYONE knows, has many learned and respectable people under his thumb.

No, it is not sad. It is so sickening.


Cant agree more with you.

Indeed, it is so sickening.

1:52 PM   ”

iv) A comment by ‘Anonymous’ at 1.54 a.m.:-

“Anonymous said...

what kind of newspaper will NST be reduced to when the GEIC is only concerned about becoming a millionnaire? and this joker has kalimullah's blessing. a lot of jokers would have kalimullah's blessing because they are the jokers whom he sorely needs.

my advice to the mediocre GEIC -- be careful. You trip and fall, you will find Kalimullah running as far away from you as he can. You should know by now the kind of creep that he is. the time will come when you will be of no use to him or when you become a liability, he will drop you like a ton of hot bricks. And let me tell you that there will be so many people ready to kick you.

if you are so pre-occupied with becoming a millionnaire,dont use your office-lah. quit and become a businessman. go learn from kalimullah how to make your first million easily.

1:54 AM  ”

v) A comment by ‘nt-sin’ at 12.26 p.m.:-

“nt-sin said...

pascual and anakmsia, bingo! nst editors are privy to some state secrets. those spore operatives pass on the secrets to their masters. they also use the papers and tv/radio in the nstp/mediaprima group to spin, to back spore ventures, promote their leaders, quash anti-spore elements, etc.

i'd say that if rocky's bru doesn't write about anything else other than those "clowns" in nst, he'd be doing a great service to this nation.

but then, he does delve into other issues and expose other clowns, too.

12:26 PM”

(xxv) 15.25 A post entitled “PM Meets Dr M 3pm Today” dated 22.10.2006:-


KJ and his Fourth Floor apparatus from Putrajaya have been busy planning BIG things for the economy, which will include inter-GLC mergers and acquisitions and putting the "right" people at key institutions like the EPF.

One of the plans is to make Kalimullah Hassan, the former Singapore Straits Times operative and now editorial adviser of the NSTP, the Chairman of the Permodalan Nasional Berhad.

If Dr M had his way at today's meeting with KJ's father-in-law, Kalimullah won't get anywhere near enough to smell the leather on Ahmad Sarji's power seat and the RM50 billion in funds that the PNB manages.

If not, everything else is possible, too. Expect them to quickly try, once again, to also have a new governor for Bank Negara.”

1. The defendant has further published or allowed for publication, to members of the public the following comments to the post entitled “PM Meets Dr M 3pm Today” dated 22.10.2006 (bold and highlighted passages being defamatory of the 2nd plaintiff):-

i) A comment by “ocper” at 11.40 a.m.:-

“ocper said...

Kali briefly served the late Tun Ghafar as press sec. He never got the job with Ghafar because Special Branch never “cleared” him.

Reason: They found him working for the Singaporean government and recommended that it will be a security risk/breach to the country if he worked for the no2 and accessed some of the most confidential files. Now KJ and the 4th floor boys are thinking of appointing him as PNB chairman? Are they mad!...Well, only when you got a PM that sleep all the time…Tidurlah lagi… Paklah....I hope Dr M will jolt him this afternoon and hopefully, he will get up from his slumber....

11:40 AM  ”

ii) A comment by “Anonymous” at 4.42 p.m.:-

“Anonymous said...

haq said...

Kali we look down on you.


May I add:

Kali we look down on you & if I were to bump into you I will spit at yr ugly face. Tiada maaf bagi mu, you traitor & a sell-out to your country!

4:42 PM  ”

iii) A comment by “Anonymous” at 10.45 p.m.:-

“Anonymous said...

How blind could Pak Lah be if Kalimullah really gets

appointed chairman of PNB. Not to say insensitive to the

feelings of the Malays.

It’s like putting a robber & a thief in charge of yr money.

It is an act of betrayal to the trust the Malays put in the Govt as custodian to safeguard their investments.


10:45 PM  ”

(xxvi) 15.26 A post entitled “Shattered Hopes or Shitting Bricks” dated 24.10.2006:-


I'm not surprised that Kalimullah Hassan had to spend the eve of the Eid making sure his machais Brendan Pereira and Hishamuddin Aun work overtime and get the NST to kill any flickering hope of a patch-up between the PM and his ex-boss. [read here for the tabloid's front page editorial masquerading as a news report entitled "Shattered hopes"].

The former Singapore (Straits Times), who cooked up the June 11 article lies, has everything to lose if Abdullah and Dr M make up.

Anyone who reads the "extracts" of the Dr M press conference could see that all is not lost between Dr M and the PM, not as the NST editorialised. My word, Dr M would even consider a second term for Pak Lah if the PM could perform better!

The spin by NST will get from bad to worse. Kalimullah and his two stooges are getting more desperate. They are no longer spinning the news to promote the PM, or to manage perception of Umno members and the public, or to reassure foreign investors.

They spin to save themselves.”

(xxvii)15.27 A post entitled “Mahathir, Unspun” dated 27.10.2006:-


Click here for Dr M's two-page statement, "Why did I criticize the Prime Minister?".

He wrote of a current PM who cannot at all be commented upon, criticized or advised ("He is almost a saint who is free from any human weaknesses and wrongs"), of a climate of fear enveloping the nation, and the fact that the questions and issues he raised have not been answered. "What is being questioned is my right to comment and criticize. Attempts are made to disparage me so badly that I am made out to be of unsound mind."

Of the living, the Tun mentioned only two persons by their names in his statement. The two are Kalimullah Hassan and Brendan Pereira, former Singapore Straits Times operatives who now have control of the NST, once the mouthpiece of the (Malaysian) government and Umno.”

(xxviii) 15.28 A post entitled “Of Venom and Snakes” dated 27.10.2006:-


Kali and Brendan. Why did Dr Mahathir implicate the two in his latest statement?

A. Because they are former Singapore Straits Times operatives who wrote affidavits for the PAP government?

B. Because one is a Singapore Permanent Resident who is turning the (Malaysian) government's mouthpiece into a joke?

C. Because the other is a published liar and uses the Umno-owned media conglomerate to serve his and his real political masters' interests?


D. Because these are very bad people?

Whatever Dr M's reason, do know this: the word "venom" had never been in Abdullah Badawi's vocabulary. No journalist or politician I spoke to remember the man formerly known as Mr Nice to have used "venom", let alone "doses of venom", for his adversaries.

Certainly, Malaysians did not expect the PM to have thought of using venom to describe one of the fathers of Malaysia.

Incidentally, Brendan has been known to prefer this V word in his commentaries on Umno and Dr M's leadership, even since his days as correspondent of the Singapore government's mouthpiece. Just some samples to get you to Google on:

"When Abdullah does speak ... his words are not likely to be steeped in venom." [8 June 2006]

"No one was spared his venom." [11 Dec 2005]

"Some of the most venomous attacks .. on (KJ)." [11 July 2004]

"He sounds bitter and makes no attempt to disguise his venom." [15 Dec 2000]”

(xxix) 15.29 A post entitled “The Letter the Plagiarist Won’t Print” dated 31.10.2006:-


Before his plagiarism was discovered, Brendan Pereira received an e-mail from a reader who must have puked after reading the plagiarist's piece. The Datin wrote:

Dear Mr Pereira

I refer to your column of 30 October 2006.

It's amazing how you and your colleagues in NST are launching a concerted campaign against Tun Mahathir under the guise of love for the country and deep nostalgia for things past. It's staggering how much voice is vested in journalists like you who, like many unthinking politicians, use their privileged positions to sway the unsettled emotions of the people.

When it is your duty and mandate to present information fairly and as objectively as you possibly can, newspaper people like you prefer to be prejudiced and biased. When you can bring about positive change in attitudes and morals among Malaysians, you are in fact exacerbating what we do not like about ourselves, namely our pettiness and backbiting and hitting below the belt. Instead of trying to abate rising political temperatures, you are adding fuel to fire! When you should present reasoned argumentation you are resorting to melodramatic interpretation!

Malaysians, young and old, must be allowed to think for themselves and assess their leaders without instigation and incitement. We know what we see and hear, do not doubt that! Do not patronise us by filling the newspapers we pay for with emotional hype!

Executive Editor Kamrul Idris responded to say that the NST was not going to publish her letter because she was emotional, judging by the number of exclamation marks she used in her mail. He suggested that she, instead, writes to the Times of London (which carries an NST-like editorial against Dr M today):

Dear Datin:

It would be helpful if you were a bit more specific about your substantive objections to Brendan's column, instead of appearing emotional yourself (which I detect from the number of exclamation marks in your e-mail). If we were to publish letters to the editor about how newspapers should be run or what columnists should write about, we would have to be prepared for 25 million different responses. I agree that we have to approach the Mahathir insurrection with cooler heads, so here is the Times' Oct 30 editorial about him:

. Perhaps you might care to drop them a note, too.”

(xxx) 15.30 A post entitled “Disgraced Editor Resigns” dated 2.11.2006:-


Long chat with The Plagiarist. Hishamuddin Aun and Syed Faisal Albar had a long chat with disgraced NST group editor Brendan Pereira at the Balai Berita yesterday.

This morning, what they discussed appeared in the news here: "New Group Editor for NST".

Will this be a turning point for NST? Dream on. For as long as the other Singapore-trained operative Kalimullah Hassan who planted Brendan at the NST, who is responsible for the NST's current state and who is the author of the June 11 lies, remains as the Editorial Adviser and Deputy Chairman of the NSTP, and continues to rule men like Hisham and Syed Faisal, the decline continues.”

1. The defendant has further published or allowed for publication, to members of the public the following comment to the post entitled “Disgraced Editor Resigns” dated 2.11.2006 (bold and highlighted passages being defamatory of the 2nd plaintiff):-

(i) A comment by “Anonymous” at 11.36 p.m.:-

“Anonymous said...

Bro Rocky,

This is a fantastic news for many weeks. One ular, the plagiarist, down but there is another ular-mulah, the liar, is still running loose in the NST. All Malaysians must step up the pressures by boycotting the nst until the ular-mullah, the liar and the singapore operative, is removed from nst.

Please don't worry for Brendan, the plagiarist, he can always run to his singaproe master for help. I am also sure that ular-mullah will be able to slot him into ECM Libra or KJ can also slot him into the ministry of finance.

I do agree that nst was in such a sorry state with circulation dropping by the day was all due to the incapable leadership of ABB, the PM. Nst was never in such a sorry state until ABB appointed ular-mullah to run it. I am also certain that other UMNO or government controlled organisations are facing the same problems as NST. So NST don't you are not alone.

Syabas bro Syed Nadzri. I have spoken my mind that bro Syed must not fall into the trap of Brendan, the plagiarist and ular-mullah, the cheat, by resigning from NST. Bro Syed I am with you all the way. Please don't kowtow to ular-mullah and company, just be a professional journalsit like what you have been all these years.

Bro Syed, we are proud of you and we know that you will definitely do a good job.

Congratulations to Bro Rocky, Jeff ooi, AKJ and other bloggers. You all have done a good jobs in exposing people like Brendan the plagiarist, ular-mullah and his master, the PM.

11:36 PM”

(xxxi) 15.31 A post entitled “Ah, Syed Faisal!” dated 3.11.2006:-



"Our position is very clear; it is not (plagiarism). The other (Mitch Albom's) piece did not revolve around the Prime Minister of Malaysia or former Prime Minister. Our content was original." - Syed Faisal Albar, CEO of NSTP, on Brendan P's plagiarism scandal.

In major editorial crises like this one, you'd expect Kalimullah Hassan as the NSTP Editorial Adviser or Hishamuddin Aun as the Group Editor-in-Chief to stand up for the profession. Instead, they have left it to Syed Faisal to come out with a most pathetic defence.

Syed Faisal's defence of Brendan P was also left very late in this NST on-line article about a threat by the NSTP to sue the BBC if it does not retract the news story its correspondent in KL had sent out yesterday on the plagiarism issue and Brendan P's resignation.

The CEO said Brendan P's resignation had been announced at a regional correspondent meeting on 18 August this year. Some of these correspondents will no doubt contest this claim. I remember Kalimullah announcing Brendan P's resignation on two earlier occasions; one of them was right after he had made the announcement about the appointment of the Singapore-trained Brendan P as the new Group Editor of the NSTP!

Meanwhile, the world is reading about NST and Malaysia, here and here.”

32. The defendant has further published or allowed for publication, to members of the public the following comment to the post entitled “NST’S New Journalism Order” dated 3.11.2006 (bold and highlighted passages being defamatory of the 2nd plaintiff):-

i) A comment by ‘journo’ at 12.16 a.m.:-

“journo said...

just when you think it cannot get more stupid, any worse, and wham, kalimullah wants to shut the NST reporters up.

except for lee siew lian, wan hamidi, joan lau and kamrul idris,to name a few of only a few, you can bet that the rest of editorial department are just laughing (and sniggering) at this. no no. they must be crying, in shame, in disgust and in despair.

as for syed faisal, the man has no inkling of what he has been saying and issuing. he is a blind and deaf servant of kalimullah. incredibly weak. disappointed so many NST journalists who thought he was nice, and therefore should be strong, brave. no no no. being nice is just that. nice. it does not (necessarily)come with strong qualities. i don't know why they should be surprised that syed faisal has turned out to be a the man he is -- an absolute weakling. some say he is plain stupid.some say he is a willing fall guy. for whatever he is, in my view, he has lost all my respect. sheesh! allowing yourself to be used and abused by the likes of kalimullah!

gagging NST journalists must be the pits of the pits in all this. Right now, any decent journalist in NST must be wishing for the swift exit of Kalimullah.

enough is enough, they must be saying.

plagiarism is a subject journalists openly discuss without fear or is a good subject to discuss.

how terrible it is to have someone like kalimullah to set the rules and call the shots. to shut you up.

12:16 AM”

(xxxii) 15.33 A post entitled “NST Journalists: We Live in a Police State” dated 4.11.2006:-


Climate of fear at Balai Berita. At a Deepavali Open House last night, the conversation revolved around Brendan P's plagiarism, why the NSTP condones it, the attempt to intimidate the BBC, the gag order on our colleagues from the NSTP. Just then a young journalist from the NST walked up. "Hi, I'm xxx from, er, Bernama (giggles). Er, no, actually I'm from Singapore Straits Times (lol)."

There are some 1,000 journalists at Balai Berita, professionals who wield an instrument said to be mightier than the sword but whose mouths have been stuffed by yesterday's unprecedented gag order.

... no employees of the company are allowed to engage in or provide comments to the public, Press (international or local), television stations or any other media organisations except for the Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and the Group Editor in Chief."

After the shock discovery that their group editor had plagiarized the work of a American journalist and has quit amid that scandal, the journalists at Balai Berita wanted answers. They wanted Brendan P to face them and give them his excuses. They wanted to ask the CEO why Brendan should not be sacked and why his resignation takes effect on Dec 31. They wanted to talk about plagiarism, the BIG sin. They wanted the GEIC to tell them if they, too, can use their positions as journalists to secure a small business contract for their spouses.

No one saw the gag order coming. "When Tun (Dr Mahathir) said Pak Lah is turning this country into a police state, our editors rubbished him," a young editor from the NST said. "Our papers rubbished him. Heck, some of us rubbished him! But now, what gives? We are journalists and we are not allowed to talk about these things? They are going to sack me if I talk about plagiarism with Tok Najib (the Deputy Prime Minister) and with my drinking buddies?"

"The company views this seriously and will not hesitate to take action should this be compromised."

I have read about gag orders on journalists and the media by governments in Iran, Poland and several other countries widely considered as "police states".”

(xxxiii) 15.34 A post entitled “Smut Syed says Sorry” dated 6.11.2006:-



"Smut" Syed Faizal Albar did not apologise for Brendan P's plagiarism because it would be seen as an admission of guilt, an embarrassing defeat for Kalimullah Hassan. The CEO of NSTP is made to say "WE ARE SORRY" in bold on the front page of the (New) Malay Mail today because it will be an admission of guilt on his part (and nobody else's, not the Editorial Adviser Kalimullah Hassan nor the Group Editor-in-Chief Hishamuddin Aun).

But Smut Syed has been around long enough and should, therefore, know that saying sorry does not absolve him of liability and responsibility.

The on-going inquiry into this "offensive and distasteful" chapter will find "editors" like "Mojo" M. Zul and "Sick" Simon Burgess guilty of carelessness, which is as serious a sin as plagiarism, or outright disregard for the acceptable notion of decency. But like I said in my last posting, Smut Syed is the one really in charge here. If they have to go down for this, he must go down with them.

SO, WHO IS THIS "SICK" SIMON BURGESS? When Smut Syed did the bidding for Kalimullah to squeeze me out of the Malay/Sunday Mail, the official line he gave me was they wanted to turn The Paper That Cares into a rag like FHM and they could see that an editor like me would not fit in. Truth is they had already spoken to Mojo M Zul from the FHM soon after my fallout with Kalimullah and the Mail did that expose on Pantai.

Sick Simon came into the picture much later and I was aware of him only a couple of months ago. In this country, we have "Mat Salleh" expats making good money and a name for themselves as editors of various lifestyle magazines.

But a "Mat Salleh" as editor of an Umno-owned paper? Singapore operatives running an Umno paper? We are learning.”

1. The defendant has further published or allowed for publication, to members of the public the following comments to the post entitled “Smut Syed says Sorry” dated 6.11.2006 (bold and highlighted passages being defamatory of the 2nd plaintiff):-

i) A comment by ‘patriot’ at 1.05 p.m.:-

“the patriot said...

Coward Kalimullah and hay-making while the sun shines Hishamudin aun are making smut syed take the fall. coward kali will have nothing to do with this sleazy sorry paper. if it goes down, it will have to take smut syed with it. no sir, not coward kali.

and smut syed will put the blame squarely on his editors. Not Mojo M Zul. But yushaimi, yusri and saiful.

it's like saying: "i apologise for the smut but it isnt my fault. blame my editors. blame them."

syed faizal, you have learnt well from Kali -- to never never take the fall.

1:05 PM  ”

ii) A comment by ‘Anonymous’ at 11.05 p.m.:-

“Anonymous said...

Bro Rocky

I just do not understand after so many years of NEP and yet there is no Melayu good enough for NST and the UMNO controlled NST under Kali, the liar of the famous June 11 article, had to appoint a Mat Salleh to run it. Malulah UMNO!!

UMNO under teh present PM is most disappointing and disgusting. He had to appoint a Singapore operative - Kali, who is also a mamak and liar, to run NST and he in turn appoint a plagiarist, Brendan Pereira, to be the Group Editor.

Rocky, please do not be too happy that Brendan, the plagiarist, had tender his resigtantion effective on 31-12-06. If I am not mistaken, there was no report of NST accepting the plagiarist's resignation. May be the resignation and appointmetn of Syed NAdzri was just a plohy to take the heat out from Brendan, the plagiarist and fellow Singapore operative. Anyhting can happen between now and 31-12-06. The liar Kali, can always come out with all kind of reasons to keep the plagiarist Brendan, who is also a fellow Singapore operative.

I just want to caution you and the readers about it. Let not be distracted by Smut Feizal's apology. Kali, the liar, as the nst advisor and de facto GEIC, should be hte person who should apology and instructing Smut Feizal a small little fly, to take the wrap.

I do not understnad why there are so many "Smut Feizal" in the NST to carry all the shits on behalf of Kali, the liar. MELAYU TAK ADA MARUAH?????

Brendan Pereira, the plagiarist, should apologise and resign now for plagiarising other people work - beside lying like Kali, is the worst type of "crimne" in journalism. Brendan, arn't you ashame of yourself and stay on working inthe nst when everyone know that you are a plagiarist.

I sam wating to see whether Kali (the liar) controlled nst dare to sue the BBC. I bet Kali has no ball to sue. BBC, well done, you have called Kali his bluff!!!

11:05 PM”

iii) A comment by ‘Anonymous’ at 1.14 a.m.:-

“Anonymous said...


The Melayu at the NST are the most pitiful. Where is the Ketuanan Melayu? Down the drain that's why the Singapore operative, kali - the liar mamak, had to appoint a mat salleh to head the Melayu.

The UMNO boys are also asleep like their President, Mr undurLAH.

Syed Feisal apologised. That was not good enough. The CEO of NST, Kali, should be brave enough to take the responsibility and resign. But Kali cannot resign because he had to be there to spin the stories to defmae others for his poltiical master, Mr undurLAH. Kali cannot resign because he had to be there to protect himself over the ECM Libra scandal. Kali cannot resign because he had to protect many of his friends in business otherwise they will be exposed. One of them is Datuk Tony Fernadez of AirAsia.

Problems with MAS will be highlighted in NST but none on AirAsia - like flights delay as long as 6 hours never got reported. The NST was publishing postive articles after articles before AirAsia got listed.

Please observe that problems with AirAisa never seen print in the NST or Star. They are all controlled by Kali indirectly.

No one is infallable. Trust me Kali, you have done a disservice to journalism in NST and you have bled our wealth through the ECM Libra scandal, your final home is in SUNGEI BULUH!!! Of course, you will have Kamaludin and Khairy as your cellmates.

1:14 AM”

iv) A comment by ‘pasquale’ at 8.59 a.m.:-

“pasquale said...


I am angry and a sceptic now! Are you also a Singapore agent!? Why are you blowing up this Malay Mail or Smut Mail or Smut Syed Faisal issue out of proportion! Are you trying to deviate the real issue here? And again to make the Malays forget about the real issue! You bloody well know how emotional this sex mail issue will be, but enough already as the government will now do its part. But, let you not allow the people to forget that the causeway will now be allowed by Singapore to be reconstructed or demolished for a new one since Malaysia, or rather KJ and Kali using Pak Lah persona, has given Singapore a new metropolitan which is three times bigger than the island republic! Yes we are talking about the South Johore Regional Economic Region (SJER!) to be part of Singapore and this is the real and the main issue that all Malays and Malaysians (if they care that is) to take up upon so that this SJER must not be allowed to materialise! We are not talking about Limbang to be sold to Brunei! (at least they are Malays) We are talking about the "sale" of out territorial integrity to Singapore Chinese under a guise of economic venture, cheating the people again! So Rocky forget the Smut Mail I know you are angry, put a cap to it! Please! We are facing a bigger isue here we are going to lose a big chunk of Johore Bro!

8:59 AM  ”

34. A post entitled “Mojo Zul Gang-Banged” dated 7.11.2006:-


Dirty threesome suspends Editor. Former magistrate M. Zul was a contributing editor with a small men's magazine when they took him earlier this year and threw him to the deepest end of Malaysian journalism.

Late yesterday, the loathsome threesome of NSTP chief executive officer Syed Faizal Albar, Group Editor-in-Chief Hishamuddin Aun, and Editorial Adviser Kalimullah Hassan decided that M. Zul should drown alone. Absolving themselves of any blame, the three ordered M. Zul to be suspended from his job pending the outcome of an inquiry into the "smut" issue of Weekend Mail, which is edited by a foreigner.

The suspension came just hours after the PM, who put Kali at the NSTP in 2004 to mess things up, commented from from Islamabad on the "smut" issue. [Click here to read the PM's response].

Plagiarise again, Plagiarist. In the meantime, no disciplinary action has been taken against Brendan P, The Plagiarist. There will not be a domestic inquiry, either. On the contrary, Syed Faizal and gang published yesterday Brendan's weekly column, now wholly dedicated, it seems, to taking potshots at Dr M . By now, of course, Brendan P shoots blanks.

Who'd believe what a plagiarist writes?”

1. The defendant has further published or allowed for publication, to members of the public the following comments to the post entitled “Mojo Zul Gang-Banged” dated 7.11.2006 (bold and highlighted passages being defamatory of the 2nd plaintiff):-

i) A comment by ‘Anonymous’ at 2.51 p.m.:-

“Anonymous said...

Bro Rocky

You are great bro. you always has juicy stuff for Malaysians. The rate you are going, we do not need the mainstream media anymore for they are either lying or telling 1/4 truth. It is a waste of our money. We better contribute to you getting a new computer where you can get the news to us faster.

Sacking the small again in NST. The buck stops at Kali, the liar of June 11 article, desk. He must not abdicate his responsibilities by pushing to his subordinate. A good boss always take all the responsibilities for the faults of his subordinate. A liar boss will push the responsibilities to his subordinate. This is the difference between a good boss and a pariah boss.

Rocky, are you sure Brendan, the Plagiarist, will defintiely resign from his shameful act of plagiarising other people works? Can you post a short article on this subject as I do not believe the Liar-Mulah would really let Brendan, the plagiarist, to go just like that. Then Liar-Mullah has no more Plagiarist to defame and attack others in the UMNO newspapers.

Where are the Melayus in UMNO and NST? Please stand up be counted. SUrely the UMNO boys and NST Melayu have some pride and not let the Liar-Mullah (Mamak), Brendan Pariah and the Sick Burgess Mat Salleh ruining nst before the Malaysians.

The Melayu in UMNO and nst have no balls - may be Oklah! but no pride as well???? Malulah my fellow Melayu!!!! Please stand up and tell Lair-Mulah, the mamak, that leave NST alone and play with ECM Libra - there are more moneies there.

2:51 PM”

ii) A comment by ‘Anonymous’ at 12.41 a.m.:-

“Anonymous said...


Please do me a favour to inform Raja Petra of Malaysia Online to nto to waste more time to include article from Michael Vatiokotis, who was the editor in chief of Asia Week and at one time was appointed Columnist in NST like George Varghuese, the Singaproe operative, by Kalimulah, the liar of June 11 article.

Please informed Raja Petra that MIchael Vatiokotis may be commissioned by Tingkat Empat boys with the help of Kalimulah, the liar, to write articles from outside Malaysia to inflict maximum damage against Tun. We, Malaysian must beware of the connection between the Tingkat Empat boys with the so-called foreign writers like Michael Vatiokotis and George Varghuese to "kill" Tun so that the Tingkat Empat boys and Kalimulah, the liar, can carry on to bleed the country wealth for themselves.

Please infolrmed Raja Petra of the above and I am sure you know who is Michael Vatiokotis and George Varghuese.

12:41 AM”

(xxxv) 15.36 A post entitled “Malay Mail’s 9/11” dated 9.11.2006:-


Will anyone miss the Weekend Mail?

Before the smut, the Weekend Mail was printing just about 70,000 copies. Given the Mail's traditionally high return rate of unsold copies, we can safely estimate that some 50,000 people paid RM2 each every weekend to read the rag: 25,000 on Saturday and another 25,000 on Sunday. Not too many. The (murdered) Sunday Mail, which was edited by Aishah Ali until April 23 this year, was doing 50,000 copies on a bad day and the (old) Malay Mail was cruising at over 40,000 copies easily before there was Kalimullah Hassan


Syed Faisal Albar will miss the Weekend Mail. Those 50K copies mean RM100k in circulation revenue. If the suspension lasts till the end of the year, that would mean more than RM1 million down the drain.

And with The Malay Mail (Mon-Fri) struggling to stay above 20,000 copies a day and with little advertisement coming in, a prolonged suspension of the Weekend Mail could ruin the NSTP chief executive officer's already badly-tainted KPI.

Consolation will come in the form of not having to pay Simon Burgess and M. Zul the fat salaries that they draw should the company decide to roast both raw editors. Syed Faisal could bring back the Sunday Mail. He should also demand a refund for the US$1 million they paid the consultants for this troubled "re-invention" of the Mail.”

(xxxvi) 15.37 A post entitled “Kali’s Fall Guys” dated 13.11.2006:-


Editors of smut rag take the rap. The writing was on the wall. Former magistrate M. Zul and expat Simon Burgess have quit the Malay/Weekend Mail. Their departure was announced by Syed Faisal Albar late yesterday through a memo pinned on the notice boards of Balai Berita. The future of The Weekend Mail, launched hardly five months ago and suspended by the Internal Security Ministry last week after the "smut" issue, remains unclear but for the remaining editors that isn't their biggest worry. Their primary concern is to save the 110-year Malay Mail, the country's oldest English-language daily, from further decline. To foolishly carry on the "new" Malay Mail's spirit is to head for certain and sad end. To go back to what the Malay Mail used to be would require some of the directors will have to eat humble pie.

M. Zul and Simon Burgess probably never knew half the story of how and why they had been there in the first place, plucked from obscurity to spearhead what just two years ago was the fastest-selling English-language rag in the country. Not that they would have cared then (and now it's none of their business anymore). They must be told now, however, that they are scapegoats. The real culprit for all this mess at the Mail is Kalimullah Hassan, Editorial Adviser and Deputy Chairman of the NSTP. This man is still around, playing dumb while others take the fall, and taking home a real fat salary for doing nothing but harm to the NSTP from the first day he arrived as its GEIC in 2004.”

1. The defendant has further published or allowed for publication, to members of the public the following comment to the post entitled “Kali’s Fall Guys” dated 13.11.2006 (bold and highlighted passages being defamatory of the 2nd plaintiff):-

i) A comment by ‘nstloyalist’ at 9.22 a.m.:-

“nstloyalist said...


Kalimullah will NEVER take the fall. He is a COWARD thru and thru. we all know that for a fact.

He didnt want the Malay Mail to be in the way of the compact NST, so he got the Malay Mail to close its bureaus. Then he wanted you to NOT do certain things in the Malay Mail as only an idiot unprofessional dunggu would want to have done. You ducked him off. You knew your stuff. You knew/know how to run the MM. You knew/know how to make the paper grow. Kalimullah, the b#$#$%d, did not want that. Why should you listen to an asshole like Kalimullah? Who was kalimullah? Man, you have taken on BIGGER and MORE POWERFUL people in yout time.. And, bro, you had way more experience than that ducker and his ducking slave had, put together. Huh! Even or in spite of his powerful connnections, He COULD NOT TAKE YOU ON. so he had to get rid of you. so he told the NST board that he wanted to sell off the Malay Mail, a 110 year-old paper, an institution, a paper with a glorious history -- KALIMULLAH WANTED TO SELL OFF THE MALAY MAIL. you know why? because he has not attachment to the paper. The Malay Mail or for that matter, even the NST, means NOTHING to him. The Malay Mail was simply in his way. the NSTP was just too small for two tabloids, and the MM was threatening to be leader. or was already. we know he gave you so much trouble, bro. So, GETTING RID OF THE MALAY MAIL was killing two birds with one stone -- 1. a strong competition and 2. YOU. we were there. we know. BUT THE NST BOARD OBJECTED TO THE SALE OF THE MALAY MAIL. you must know that Kalimullah called and still does call the shots. a COMPROMISE. Media Prima to take over. Kali gave media prima (Rahman) an ultimatum -- new Malay Mail to be in different form and ROCKY MUST BE OUT. SO, VSS for MALAY MAIL. How terrible was that? These people were forced to quit the NSTP. You could say that they were given a choice to take the VSS. But really, was there an choice? They were not wanted. These old discards. You must know that scums like Kali and his servant, Brendan HAS NO RESPECT FOR EXPERIENCE, PROFESSIONALISM and MERITOCRACY in the NSTP. How could the long-time, very experienced, professional, some very senior, some not-so=senior journalists of the Malay Mail remain with the new Malay Mail? Many left. Those who stayed did so for many reasons. So, when Rahman took over the Malay Mail, what choice did he have? Any apppointee of the Prime Minister is the most powerful man in the NST. Sad but true. Sadder when the appointee is a scum like Kalimullah whose mission in life (and in the NST) is to enrich himself, his friends (so that he can continue enriching himself), get rid of the smart and professional ones at NST, appoint raw/green or useless reporters to high positions (in the name of fasttracking them -- a mistake, as we can see) so that they can be controlled and jump when he says "jump", and eventually make NST a pawn of the SIngapore Straits Times. People like you, bro, and Shamsul Akmar (who knows him so well -- even to where Kali's "bisul" is) and some very old friends are ANATHEMA to his very existence at the NST. You dont have an ounce of respect for him because you see him as worthless as do many many many many others too.

WE can blame Syed Faisal, Rahman and M Zul.. but they are all (with the exception of RAHMAN), idiots.

The real CULPRIT IS KALIMULLAH. LET'S NOT FORGET THAT. the culprit is not the board, not anyone else. for as long as his line to Putrajaya is undisrupted, he calls the shots. THAT IS THE TRAGEDY. As far as we are concerned, he is to be blamed. remember, he wanted to get rid of the Malay Mail. What has happened to the new Malay Mail/Weekend Mail is the consequence of Kalimullah's doing. He should be the one to be SACKED.

9:22 AM”

37. The defendant has further published or allowed for publication, to members of the public the following comment to the post entitled “Group Editor Designate” dated 30.11.2006 (bold and highlighted passages being defamatory of the 2nd plaintiff):-

i) A comment by ‘Anonymous’ at 11.49 p.m.:-

“Anonymous said...

Dear Rocky

Knowing the plagiarist, Brendan P, and his immediate boss, Kalimullah, I am not sure that Brendan P (a.k.a Singaproe Operative) will really leave NST especially he was been well taken care of in NST with fat salary an perks. Further, Brendan P, the plagiarist, is the only Indian and SIngaproe operative, who was able to be the boss to many Melayu in an UMNO controlled company.

Until the plagiarist finally leave NST then I will congratulate Syed Nadzri, who is an honest professional journaslist. I am concerned that Syed Nadzri may not fit into Kalimullah set up. Unless Syed Nadzri was prepared ot lie like what Kalimullah did in his famouse Juen 11 article concerning the meeting between Tun and ABB in Japan - just in case you have forgotten , Rocky.

So sorry Syed Nadzri because I feel it is too premature to congratulate you because of the current administration in NST as well as government.

My advice to Syed Nadzri, please "kow tow" to the Son-In-Law and you will defintely be the Group Editor of NST.

Knowing Syed Nadzri he will not succumb to such character. So Syed Nadzri please keep up with your principles and be the Syed Nadzri that we know for many many years.

11:49 PM  ”

(xxxviii) 15.39 A post entitled “Making up a quote or two” dated 23.12.2006 and:-

“Making up a quote or two

Of Mukhriz Mahathir, Media Ethics and Mercenary Editors. Every newspaper carried the piece on Mukhriz Mahathir being given that stern warning never again to criticize the PM and party president, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

But none except the NST had this purported quotes from Mukhriz:

Asked why he took so long to apologise to Umno Youth, Mukhriz said he was told to give his side of the story at yesterday’s exco meeting.

"I now wait to meet Pak Lah to personally apologise to him."

The Bernama reporter and others who covered the meeting last Thursday must be wondering where the NST reporter got that one-liner. Mukhriz's one-liner, as quoted by Bernama and the others, was:

Meanwhile, Mukhriz, when met by reporters later, said he concurred with what was said by Hishammuddin.

Asked what was he going to explain in his meeting with Abdullah, he said:

"Let that be between me and the prime minister."

The above may be trivial to someone like Zahid Hamidi, who seems concerned only with blogging ethics. But such intentional misreporting, like Kalimullah Hassan's June 11 fabrication, is meant to inflict maximum damage and is detrimental to society.

Which is why the deputy minister should take a hard look at the ethics of the current crop of pro-government mercenary editors and why he should speak up and not let Utusan Melayu go down NSTP's way.”

1. The defendant has further published or allowed for publication, to members of the public the following comment to the post entitled “Making up a quote or two” dated 3.12.2006 (bold and highlighted passages being defamatory of the 2nd plaintiff):-

i) A comment by ‘Anonymous’ at 1.36 p.m.:-

“Anonymous said...

Dear Rocky

Ethic strictly applies to NST, Star, Berita Harian and Utusan - more so NST.

NST has been used by KaliUlar and Brendan for the last 2 years as their toys to play and to provide disinformation, lies and plagiarised articles. Taht is waht NST is good for.

NST, under KaliUlar, is working hand in glove with Son-In-law not to defend the "I do Not Know" PM strictly but more to protect themselves by keeping the "I do Not Knwo PM" at the realm as logn as possible.

So KaliUlar had to lies and lies - this is ethic to KaliUlar. This is how he survive all these years. That is why he got a "Leg On" through ECM Libra! A small company can take over a govenmetn owned comapny - KaliUlar you are an economic genius!

1:36 PM”

(xxxviii) 15.40 A post entitled “Blog ethics” dated 2.12.2006:-

“Blog ethics

Deflect the blogs. Zahid Hamidi does not want the public to be deceived by incorrect information and accusations by bloggers and wants the mainstream media to help government in putting the record straight. The Deputy Information Minister also wants bloggers to adopt good ethics and be responsible in their writing.

"They should have ethics ... everyone have ethics and self-respect. We hope the bloggers will also have ethics and self respect."

I am all for positive ethics and taking bloggers to account. Zahid, however, should be reminded that the mainstream media in this country aren't swell in the ethics department. Senior editors appointed by the Prime Minister to head the NSTP write blatant lies in their columns and plagiarize, and Zahid has never lifted a finger. He should know better than ask unethical journalists to deflect the blogs for the government when they could not even defend themselves against these blogs!

[read Zahid's call for blogger ethics here]”


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