Video Extra Credit Project Guidelines

Video Extra Credit Project Guidelines.

Videos not meeting these guidelines can be rejected by the course instructor if the following guidelines are not met, and no extra credit will be given.

All video submissions MUST:

Adhere to all reasonable safety (ie classroom rules) guidelines. Proper safety must be demonstrated (ie safety glasses, cautions, and warnings). Proper vehicle safety must be observed at all times.

Contain absolutely no copywritten material. (ie, other video clips, music, lyrics, photographs, commercial content, or graphics) from outside sources other then self created content may be used.

Be rated for all audiences (ie “G” movie rating) absolutely no; foul language, pornographic, drug references, sexuality explicit, racial, hand gestures, gang signs, may be present in any part of the video presentation.

Be presented in English.

Contain a “title” at the beginning of the video, stating what it is your demonstrating (ie – How to check a battery). It must also contain a “cast” listing at the end of the video. Please use only your FIRST name for casting info. Each video may not contain more then two cast members. Only cast members get credit for working on the video and will receive extra credit for the project.

Your video should be 2-10 minutes long. It must not be a “talking head” (lecture) presentation. It must use real tools, vehicles, and follow proper service guidelines as gone over in class, your books, or in lab. Use of school vehicles, tools, space, and equipment must come fro the permission of the class instructor. If a video is produced using any school equipment, it must be done inside the shop or lab areas. If a student wishes to use their own vehicle and tools for a demonstration it may be produced anywhere that is a safe work environment (this means, not on the street, and not in the school parking lot!). Your video must FIRST be approved by the course instructor. YOU MUST FILL OUT THE LAST PAGE OF THIS FORM!

Videos must be based on classroom reverent material for the class at the time of production. (ie - this means, you cannot make an engine repair video when you have not had engine repair, nor are you in the class – likewise, if your not in the engine repair class, you cannot make a video for extra credit in another class that is on engine repair..)

The video may be in any computer based video format (AVI, WMV, MOV, MPEG). The video will be shown in the current class, as well as future classes. By submitting your video for extra credit you give permission to broadcast your likeness over the internet, Channel 53, and be shown in class. Your video must be copyright and royalty free (meaning you cannot charge money for it). Your video file will be uploaded to a public video service such as .

Grading Criteria

All videos in all categories will be judged on the following criteria:

1. Content (35 points)

Does your video have a title and credits? (7 pts)

Is the video technically accurate? (7 pts)

Are you using correct tools and procedures for the task demonstrated? (7 pts)

Do you show all the proper key steps? (7 pts)

Are you doing everything safely? (7 pts)

Do you explain what you are doing, and why it needs to be done? (7 pts)

2. Creativity: (20 points)

Is the video engaging? (5 points)

Is it boring? (5 points)

Is it so over the top that its main point gets lost? (5 points)

Did you show the procedure in an interesting manor? (5 points)

3. Execution: (25 points)

Is the video camera too close or too far away from the person speaking? (5 points)

Did I move the video camera too quickly (making the viewer dizzy)? (5 points)

Is the image on the video clear (well lit, easy to see, blurry, grainy)? (5 points)

Appropriate for all audiences i.e. "G" rating? (5 points)

Is editing smooth and in order? (5 points)

4. Effect: (20 points)

Is my voice too loud / soft / fast / slow? (5 points)

Can I be clearly understood? (5 points)

Are any text, diagrams, or pictures easy to read or see? (5 points)

Did you get the main point across? (5 points)

Remember to avoid using any copyrighted music or other copyrighted audio/visual materials.

All final extra credit points and/or use and distribution of the video are subject solely to the instructor who is grading it. You video may be turned down, or asked to be re-edited for any reason that the instructor sees fit.

Please do not work on your video during class time, this is extra credit – and is to be done outside of your regular class time.

A student may submit up to a total of 3 videos per semester. Students that have missed then 4 classes per semester are not eligible for the video extra credit project.

Students, while you must follow these rules, please, have fun with this project! Make your video as serious, silly, funny, or whatever method you can think of to make it a fun project to create and have others to watch!

Value of project

A video that meets 100 points of the scoring requirements will be equal to 4 points added to your final grade. This is the same value as 25 points added to any test, when factored into the final grade.

A video that meets 90 points of the scoring requirements will be equal to 3 points added to your final grade. This is the same value as 20 points added to any test, when factored into the final grade.

A video that meets 80 points of the scoring requirements will be equal to 2 points added to your final grade. This is the same value as 10 points added to any test, when factored into the final grade.

A video that meets 70 points of the scoring requirements will be equal to 1 point added to your final grade. This is the same value as 5 points added to any test, when factored into the final grade.

Videos that do not meet at least 70 points of the scoring requirements will not be eligible for extra credit.

Remember, this means, it’s possible, if you submit 3 videos – you _could_ increase your final grade by 12 points!

Tips and Pointers for Success

Use good light.

Do not have your back to the camera while you are talking or working.

Speak clearly and slowly.

Use a tripod to keep the camera still.

Most point and shoot digital cameras can shoot decent video, far better then most cell phones.

Windows and Mac based PCs have free built in movie maker programs (iMovie and Windows Movie Maker).

Follow a lab, or you book as a guide when demonstrating a project.

Make sure you get the point across.

Use off screen cue-cards, or a script.

Edit out bad parts/mess ups/mistakes.

Show your final video to a classmate, and ask them what they think about it.

Show close ups of diagrams, or drawings to help get your point across.

Have fun!

Video Extra Credit Paperwork;

Name/Cast Member(s). __________________________________________________

Community College of Philadelphia

Release Form

By signing this release, I am giving Community College of Philadelphia permission to use photographic, video, and/or digital images taken of me, as well as quotes provided by me at its sole discretion, in any of its publications, advertisements, promotional materials, or audiovisual productions associated with marketing and/or student recruiting. I waive all rights I have or may obtain in the future in all such uses. I am aware this video may be uploaded to a public web server visible to the general public. I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of the extra credit project.

Name (please print) _______________________________________________________

Signature _______________________________________________________

email _______________________________________________________

Date _______________________________________________________

Name (please print) _______________________________________________________

Signature _______________________________________________________

email _______________________________________________________

Date _______________________________________________________

Project Title _____________________________________________________

Estimated Length ________________

Instructor Approval

Signature _________________________________________

Date ___________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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