
German 1 Online Name:

Practice Quiz, Chapter 1 (Kapitel 1)

At the end of the fourth week of class, you will take a short quiz on the CONNECT website covering the material in the first chapter of the textbook (“Kapitel 1”). Below is a practice quiz for you to complete at home and study with. The answers to this practice quiz are available on Blackboard. Please note: the format below is very similar or nearly the same as the actual quiz on CONNECT, so you can see what types of material you need to know and how it will be tested. The actual quiz will be at the CONNECT website for you to complete online.

IA. Hören: Ein neuer Student. Lars is describing a new exchange student. Click PLAY to listen to what he says about the new student, and choose the correct answer for each question below. (16 points)

MP3 file:

1. Wie heißt der Student?

a) Kurt Becker b) Kurt Pfeiffer c) Kurt Förster

2. Woher kommt er?

a) Heidelberg b) Freiburg c) Leipzig

3. Wie groß ist er?

a) 1,68m b) 1,60m c) 1,86m

4. Wie alt ist er?

a) 22 b) 23 c) 32

5. Was studiert er?

a) Germanistik b) Anglistik c) Tanzen

6. Was sind seine Hobbys? (choose all that you hear)

a) Bücher lesen b) Fahrrad fahren c) Karten spielen

d) Kochen e) Tanzen f) Wandern

7. Wie ist seine Persönlichkeit? (choose all that you hear)

a) ernst b) fleißig c) nett

d) ruhig e) sympathisch f) unfreundlich

IIA. Wörter: Ein Telefoninterview. Provide the first word of each question in the interview. (10 points)

INTERVIEWER: heißen Sie?

GAST: Ich heiße Flula Borg.

INTERVIEWER: kommen Sie?

GAST: Ich komme aus Erlangen.

INTERVIEWER: ist Erlangen?

GAST: Erlangen ist in Westdeutschland, in der Nähe von Nürnberg.

INTERVIEWER: wohnen Sie jetzt?

GAST: Ich wohne jetzt in Los Angeles.

INTERVIEWER: alt sind Sie?

GAST: Ich bin 33 Jahre alt.


GAST: Ja, ich arbeite. Ich mache populäre Videos auf YouTube.

INTERVIEWER: machen Sie gerne?

GAST: Ich sehe gern Videos und ich tanze sehr gern.

IIB. Wörter: Eigenschaften. Match each of the following words with its English equivalent. You have more words to choose from than you need. (10 points)

1. alt A. big

2. ernst B. boring

3. faul C. curious

4. fleißig D. funny

5. groß E. hard-working

6. klein F. lazy

7. nett G. loyal

8. langweilig H. nice

9. lustig I. old

10. ruhig J. quiet

K. serious

L. small

M. young

IIIA. Grammatik: Fragen. A visitor from Germany has some questions for you and your friends. Complete the answers to her questions by inserting the appropriate personal pronouns in the spaces provided. (16 points)

1. Woher kommt Martin? — kommt aus Augsburg.

2. Wo wohnt Angela Merkel? — wohnt in Berlin.

3. Wie heißen die Studenten? — heißen Jan und Klaus.

4. Was studierst du? — studiere Physik.

5. Spielt ihr heute Karten? — Ja, spielen Karten.

6. Wie ist das Deutschbuch? — ist sehr gut.

7. Wie findest du die Musik? — ist wunderbar!

8. Wo spielt der Film? — spielt im Kino CineStar.

IIIB. Grammatik: Sätze. The following are sentences with verbs left out. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of suitable verbs from the list. (20 points)

arbeiten • finden • gehen • heißen • hören • kommen • machen • sein • spielen • studieren

1. Ich gern Basketball.

2. Wie du mein neues Haus?

3. Wir aus Deutschland.

4. Sie Deutscher oder Österreicher, Herr Professor?

5. ihr am Samstag ins Kino?

6. Meine Schwester sehr gern Jazz-Musik.

7. Der neue Student David.

8. Was du als Hobby?

9. Hans Physik an der Uni.

10. Lisa für Mercedes.

IV. Lesen: Ein Studentenausweis. Scan the ID card below and answer the questions in English. (12 points)

1. What is this person's last name?

2. What is his date of birth?

3. Where was he born?

4. What is his address during the semester?

5. At what university does he study?

6. What subject does he study?

V. Kulturjournale: Andere Länder, andere Sitten. Read the following statements about German customs and facts and indicate whether they are true (das stimmt) or false (das stimmt nicht) based on the activities you completed for the cultural reading in your book. If they are false, provide a correction to make the sentence true. (16 points).

1. The population of Germany is about 300 million. correction?

2. There are 23 federal states in Germany. correction?

3. The largest city in Germany is Berlin. correction?

4. The most common family name in German is Keller. correction?

5. Germans often greet each other by shaking hands. correction?

6. The most popular sport in Germany is soccer. correction?

7. Dogs are the most common pets in Germany. correction?

8. The largest immigrant ethnic group in Germany is Polish. correction?

9. Other immigrants from Germany come from Greece. correction?

10. One in 2.5 people in Germany have an immigrant background. correction?

11. A recent study by TNIS Emnid showed that young people in Germany find that immigrants in Germany make life more interesting. correction?


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