Math Writing Prompts

Math Writing Prompts

|Prompt no. |Affective/Attitudinal |Mathematical Content |Process |

| |(How do you feel?) |(What is about?) |(Explain how!) |

|1 |Explain how you feel about mathematics now as|The difference between... and |The most important part of solving a |

| |compared to before you took this class.  |... is...  |problem is...  |

|2 |My best kept secret about math is... |I think a ... is... (I thought a|Write instructions for a fifth grader|

| | |... was...)  |to follow when (adding fractions, |

| | | |finding percentages, calculating |

| | | |averages, etc.)  |

|3 |If math could be a color (shape, sound), it |How would you describe a ...?  |Find something that you learned today|

| |would be...because... |  |that is similar to something you |

| | | |already knew. Write about these |

| | | |similarities. |

|4 |I want to become better at math so that I... |What patterns do you notice in |Do you use tables or diagrams when |

| | |...  |solving a problem? Why or why not?  |

|5 |People who are good at math... |How do you use ... in your |You know several ways to.... (solve |

| | |life?  |an equation, factor a quadratic, add |

| | |  |fractions, etc.) Which method is your|

| | | |favorite? Why?  |

|6 |My best experience with math was when... |Make a list of objects or |How important is being neat and |

| | |figures in the room which have |organized to you in general, and when|

| | |... How can you tell?  |you are doing math?  |

|7 |My worst experience with math was when...  |Write your own definition of a |When I study for a test, I...  |

| | |...  | |

|8 |When it comes to math, I find it difficult |Explain how ... |Write a letter to your teacher |

| |to...  | |explaining what you do understand |

| | | |about the topic, and what needs to be|

| | | |clarified.  |

|9 |When I hear someone say math is fun, I...  |Write all you know about ... |When I read a math textbook, and see |

| | | |a word I don't know, I...  |

|10 |Draw a picture of a mathematician and |How many squares are there on a |The key idea of the lesson today |

| |describe what a mathematician does. |chess board? Describe your |was...  |

| | |strategy for solving this | |

| | |problem. | |

|11 |If I were better at math, I would...  |Describe the mathematics seen in|When I see a word problem, the first |

| | |a photograph. (Photograph may |thing I do is...Then I... |

| | |need to be provided).  | |

|12 |What kind of math figure are you? (Circle, |Write and solve a word problem |What are the benefits of journal |

| |square, triangle, parallelogram, etc.) Why |whose solution involves ... |writing for mathematics classes?  |

| |did you choose that figure?  | | |

|13 |Describe your feelings about showing your |Find a shortcut for ...  |How could journal writing be changed |

| |work on the board or overhead. |  |to be more effective?  |

| | | |  |

|14 |Does mathematics or math class scare you in |Explain the ... |When you get a test back, do you make|

| |any way?  | |corrections or ask questions? Why or |

| | | |why not? |

|15 |My three personal goals for this term are... |Describe practical uses for ... |How do you read your math textbook?  |

|16 |Describe how today's math class will affect |Compare and contrast the terms |Describe any computational procedure |

| |your day. |... |that you invented.  |

|17 |What did you like most about your previous |Explain everything you know |How should we use class time to the |

| |math class? What did you like the least?  |about ... |best advantage?  |

|18 |My math grade now is ...because... |Write an explanation about the |Write possible test questions for |

| | |differences between ... and ... |this unit.  |

|19 |This is how I feel about Algebra |How many dimensions does a |What is the most significant thing |

| |(Pre-algebra, Percents, Fractions, etc.)  |pencil have? Explain your |you learned this week?  |

| | |answer. | |

|20 |One mathematics activity I really enjoy |Why can't you divide by zero? |What questions are still unanswered |

| |is...because...  | |at the end of this week? |

|21 |This is how I used math this week (outside of|How can you find a number with |Explain how you can improve your |

| |school)...  |thirteen factors?  |communication and cooperation in the |

| | | |mathematics classroom. |

|22 |Draw a cartoon of the 'Math Monster' and |What is a ...? Write all you can|Describe any discoveries you make |

| |write what the 'Math Monster' is saying to |about ... |about mathematics (patterns, |

| |you.  | |relationships, procedures, etc.).  |

| | | |  |

|23 |Write a letter to a student who will be |How do you simplify...? |Describe the process you undertook to|

| |taking this class next year, giving some | |solve this problem. (Problem needs to|

| |advice about this class.  | |be provided.)  |

|24 |Design two mathematical bumper stickers, one |Why do we need proofs in |Write WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY, |

| |funny, one serious.  |mathematics?  |and HOW across the top of your page. |

| | | |Answer these questions based on |

| | | |today's class.  |

|25 |My parents feel that math is... |Why is it necessary...? |Describe the graph if you |

| | | |were explaining it to a friend over |

| | | |the phone.  |




  Scoring Rubric for Math Journal


|4 |Response is coherent and well structured.  Ideas are communicated clearly. Math topics clearly |

|3 |Response is coherent and adequately structured.    Ideas are communicated fairly well. |

|2 |Response is incomplete.  Ideas are somehow incoherent and ambiguous. Ideas are written in fragments. |

|1 |No response or ideas are completely irrelevant and inadequate. |




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