Fun and Funny Questions - Smartsheet Inc.

Fun and Funny Questions:

1. If someone made a movie about my life, it would be a __________ (genre), and I'd be played by __________ (actor/actress name).

2. While on a date, what's your biggest pet peeve? 3. What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten? 4. Who is the quirkiest person in your family? 5. Tell us about one of your quirks. 6. What is your favorite joke? 7. If you were on Mars, what would you do for fun? 8. I'd hate to be stuck in an elevator with __________. 9. Where would you go if you were invisible? 10. When I dance, I look like __________. 11. Tell us about a person you've met and wish you hadn't. 12. What's your biggest pet peeve in general? 13. If I had a yacht, it would be named __________. 14. What's the best thing about being really tall? 15. If you could change your nationality, what would you change it to? 16. How long do you take to get out of bed? 17. Which TV sitcom family would you fit into best? 18. What is the best insult you can think of? 19. What fashion trend do you just not understand? 20. If I were a dictator, I'd name my country __________. 21. If I could give myself a nickname, it would be __________. 22. Tell us about the worst haircut you've ever had. 23. How would your worst enemy describe you? 24. What one sentence would you most like to hear from your boss tomorrow

morning? 25. Which TV game show would you have the best chance of winning? 26. If you were a chef, your least favorite dish would be __________. 27. Who is your favorite comedian? 28. What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud? 29. Which famous person do you think you look like? 30. When I write my autobiography, I'm going to call it __________. 31. What's the most exotic dish you've ever eaten? 32. What is something about you most people would find funny if they knew? 33. How would you describe what you do for a living to a bunch of five-year-olds? 34. What never fails to make you laugh? 35. What would you name your pet monkey? 36. If you had a Second Life avatar, what would they look like? 37. What makes you geek out? 38. Which famous person would you ask to autograph your cast? 39. Which city in America should not be included on a map for tourists? Why? 40. When did you last get the giggles in an awkward place? 41. How can you tell if someone's a nerd? 42. If you had the chance, would you choose to stay your current age forever?


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