A Perfect Day for Bananafish by JD Salinger

A Perfect Day for Bananafish by JD Salinger

AP English Literature/ Mr. Mendelsohn/ Verdugo Hills Multimedia Magnet High School

DIRECTIONS: Complete the following activities based on the short story, A Perfect Day for Bananafish. Word-process or write all work on your own paper in blue or black ink only. Identify each section of your work using the headings below.

A) VOCABULARY WORDS/TERMS: Look up the definitions of the words below and write them down. Also, look up the definitions of any words you didn’t understand in the story and add them to your list.

• monopolize • mules • protrude

• puberty • millener • vigorous

• accentuate • oblique

B) READING: Read the attached story at least twice: once for general ideas and once for specifics. Highlight or underline any ideas, quotes or words you think are important.

C) EXTENDED RESPONSE QUESTIONS: Answer the questions below in complete sentences. Use CDs (quotes) from the story and from your own observations and experiences.

1. What does Salinger imply about Muriel Glass’s personality based on narrative and her conversations?

2. Why is the mother concerned about Muriel’s husband? Based on the mother’s concerns, what

assumptions do you make about the husband?

3. Based on information in the phone conversation, what is implied about Muriel and Seymour’s

relationship before, during, and after the war?

4. How does Salinger portray Sybil’s mother? Which aspect(s) of American culture might the women in

this story symbolize?

5. How does Salinger portray Seymour Glass? Find two (2) CDs to support your answer.

6. How do you interpret Seymour’s interaction with Sybil? Does anything about it concern you or make

you uneasy?

7. What are two (2) indications of Seymour’s child-like state of mind? How would you characterize his

behavior (e.g. strange, playful, weird, entertaining, funny, bizarre, etc.)? Why?

8. How do bananafish serve as an analogy? Explain briefly.

9. Given Muriel’s conversation and Seymour’s interaction with Sybil, how do you make sense out of the

ending of the story? Why do you think Salinger chose to end the story this way?

10. Briefly discuss how Salinger uses diction and tone to explore the themes of innocence lost and the

emptiness of materialism.


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