10 Commandments Skit

10 Commandments Skit

Commandments 1&2

Pastor Joe- Right now we have a special guest who is going to teach us about our commandment for the day.

(Theme music- Moses makes his entrance)

Moses- Hey! What’s up boys and girls! I am so excited to teach you about our first 2 commandment today!

Teen: ( come on stage and interrupts Moses, distracted by looking at his/her cell phone) O hey everyone…(looks at Moses) Who is this?

Moses- The names Moses. It’s good to meet you! (holds out hand to “shake hands”)

Teen- (does shake hands and does not even really acknowledge that he introduced himself) Oh. Hi. Kids I just got this new phone and it is so cool. I can do everything on it, I can check facebook, but the best thing is I can keep up with the Steelers! And especially Troy Polamalu, he is the best player on the Steelers team. He is like a football god, my whole room is covered in Polamalu’s stuff. I have his jersey and his posters, I would rather watch Polamalu play football then do anything else.. He is a good runner and catcher, he lead the team in interceptions last year……

Moses: (take authority) Hold on! Did you say that he is your football god?!?!

Teen: Who are you again?!

Moses: Didn’t we cover this already. My name is Moses…Don’t you know who I am?

Teen: Are you that guy that built the big boat?

Moses: No…that was Noah

Teen: O I know now, you’re that guy that killed that giant….

Moses: No…that was David. I got to talk to God and get the Ten Commandments

Teen: What are the Ten Commandments?

Moses: The Ten Commandments are ten rules that God wants us to follow so that we can have a better relationship with him

Teen: So what does that have to do with me?

Moses: Well the first commandment is No others gods, and you said that Troy Polamalu was a football god

Teen: I guess I did say that

Moses: The second commandment is no idols. And your room seems to scream Troy Polamalu and the Steelers

Teen: I guess I have been putting the Steelers and Polamalu before God. But does this mean that I can’t like the Steelers?

Moses: No…it’s all about balance and putting God first in your life always

Teen- I guess I have been spending more time watching the Steelers and thinking about Troy that I do praying, reading my bible and thinking about God. I should really make some changes!

Moses- See! Now you’re thinking like Moses!

Teen: So those are 2 of the commandments. You said there were 10. There is NO way I can remember that many. What should I do?

Moses: I’m glad you asked…. I want to teach you a song.

(teach and lead “The Perfect 10”)

The Ten Commandment skit

Commandment 3

Pastor Joe- Right now we have a special guest who is going to teach us about our commandment for the day.

(Theme music- Moses makes his entrance)

Moses- Hey! What’s up boys and girls! I am so excited to teach you about our third commandment today!

Teen: (he/she storms on to the stage) I just can’t believe he did that!!!!! How dare he!!! There has to be some law against this!

Moses: What is wrong?

Teen: My friend got his lunch stolen by a bully today at school. And then the bully picked on him at recess. It’s not far … O MY *** (Moses cuts him/her off before saying it)

Moses: WOAH!!! WOAH!!!! Woah! Calm down now. I know that you are upset about your friend being bullied but that is not a reason to use God’s name in vain

Teen: I am just really mad that he got bullied and it’s not fair, and what’s wrong with O MY *** (Moses cuts him/her off again)

Moses: Woah! It goes against commandment number 3 which says that we are not to take God’s name in vain

Teen: I never realized it went against the commandments

Moses: God created us and he deserves our respect and a good way to show our respect and love is by not using his name in vain

Teen: Your right Moses I was hurting God by using that word and other hurtful words, from now on I am going to use my words to be helpful not hurtful. Thanks Moses

Moses: You got it! Now you’re thinking like Moses

Teen: Moses what should I do then about my friend and the bully

Moses: We’ll go talk to your teacher right after we sing the perfect ten song, which will help you remember what the ten commandments are

(teach and lead “the perfect ten”)

Ten Commandments Skit

Commandment 4

Pastor Joe- Right now we have a special guest who is going to teach us about our commandment for the day.

(Theme music- Moses makes his entrance)

Moses- Hey! What’s up boys and girls! I am so excited to teach you about our fourth commandment today!

Teens: Hey Moses, you won’t believe what I get to do!

Moses: It must be good cause you are pretty excited about it.

Teen: I am going to Disney Land for a whole month with me family! There is going to be rides and games and shows.

Moses: That’s cool, I know a great church you can go to while you’re there.

Teen: UHH… there won’t be any time! There is going to be too many things to do. Didn’t you hear me earlier there are rides and shows and games! There is not going to be anytime to go to church. God will understand, I mean there are roller coasters!

Moses: I heard you, you’re going to be there a month there will be plenty of time to do all the fun things.

Teen: Yeah only a month!

Moses: Do you remember the fourth commandment?

Teen: ummm…..maybe….it’s something about…. O I don’t know

Moses: The fourth Commandment says to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. That means we need to go to Church every week. Church is not just a time that we have to sit and listen to God it’s a way to grow closer in our relationship with God. When we choose to do other things instead of go to church, we are choosing to put those things before God

Teen: I think I am starting to understand. I really love God and for me to show him that love and to have a better relationship with him I need to put him first and make sure I go to church even while I am on vacation

Moses: You’re a quick learner and Now you’re starting to think like Moses

Teen: Hey Moses what is the name of that song that talk about the ten commandments

Moses: It’s called The Perfect Ten, why don’t we sing it so that you can remember all the commandments while your vacation

(teach and lead The Perfect Ten)

Ten Commandment Skit

Commandment 5

Pastor Joe- Right now we have a special guest who is going to teach us about our commandment for the day.

(Theme music- Moses makes his entrance)

Moses- Hey! What’s up boys and girls! I am so excited to teach you about our fifth commandment today!

Teen: Hey everyone (with a sad voice)

Moses: Why are you so sad?

Teen: My mom said I can’t go to my friend’s house after school. It’s not fair!!

Moses: Why can’t you go to your friend’s house?

Teen: Because I forgot to clean my room….(looking like they are thinking) but my mom doesn’t get home till six tonight, I could go to my friends and then come home and clean my room before she even gets home! I’ll get the best of both worlds.

Moses: But that goes against commandment number five

Teen: Which is?

Moses: Honor your father and mother

Teen: I am honoring them my room is still getting cleaned

Moses: Yes, but your mom told you to clean your room AFTER school. When we listen and do what our parents ask us to do we are also honoring God.

Teen: Okay, Okay your right, I need to listen to my parents because that is what God wants me to do. And if I go home right after school and clean my room maybe my mom will let me go to my friends house and play

Moses: Good thinking….Now you’re thinking like Moses….now let’s sing our commandment song so we won’t forget to honor our father and mother.

(teach and lead The Perfect Ten)

Ten Commandment Skit

Commandment 6

Pastor Joe- Right now we have a special guest who is going to teach us about our commandment for the day.

(Theme music- Moses makes his entrance)

Moses- Hey! What’s up boys and girls! I am so excited to teach you about our sixth commandment today!

Teen: (comes storming on to stage not paying attention mumbling to him/herself….stops for a quick moment) Hey everyone (goes back to mumbling and storming around)

Moses: (stops the teen) Stop! What is wrong?

Teen: I got in a fight with my best friend….well ex best friend. I just….(starts to build up with anger)…just HATE HIM!!!! I am never going to play with him ever again

Moses: Wow! Hate is a strong word…Did you know that God says in the bible if you hate you brother or sister it is like murdering them….

Teen: He’s not my brother…he was my friend….so what does that have to do with me?

Moses: When God says brothers and sisters he doesn’t just mean you actual brothers and sisters, he means everyone. Everyone is our brother and sisters in Christ.

Teen: O so when I say I hate him is as though I wished he was dead?

Moses: Yes now you’re getting it

Teen: Isn’t there some commandment about this……don’t hate?!

Moses: You’re close….it’s DON’T MURDER

Teen: O yeah that makes more sense…I better go apologize to my friend…I don’t want him dead and it was a little dumb of me to get mad over a video game

Moses: Now you’re starting to think like Moses…why don’t I teach you a song so you will remember to not murder

(teach and lead The Perfect Ten)

Ten Commandment Skit

Commandment 7

Pastor Joe- Right now we have a special guest who is going to teach us about our commandment for the day.

(Theme music- Moses makes his entrance)

Moses- Hey! What’s up boys and girls! I am so excited to teach you about our seventh commandment today!

Teen: (Walks on stage staring at a piece of paper, thinking deeply)

Moses: Heeey, whatcha doing?

Teen: (head pops up and paper goes behind their back quickly) Nothing…(in a guilty voice…looks away from Moses)

Moses: That paper behind your back must be something you seem a little jumpy.

Teen: I am not jumpy ( as he looks around and acts nervous)

Moses: (grabs the paper) Really then you won’t mind if I take a look at this.

Teen: (tries to get it back…then looks away very nervously)

Moses: Who is Vanessa?!?!?!

Teen: Ummmmm……

Moses: Sounds to me like you have a girlfriend!

Teen: NOOOOOO! Well, I really do like her.

Moses: Now boys and girls, I recommend that you wait until you are my age to have your first boyfriend or girlfriend.

Teen: How old is that?

Moses: I am about 4,385. I really don’t know. I lost tract around 2100.

Teen: What!?!

Moses: Maybe that is a long time to wait to have a girlfriend, but the important thing is that once you find the right girl and get married that you stick with her.

Teen: MARRIED! I just wanted to sit with her at lunch time!

Moses: Don’t rush into things, but when you get married the Bible tells us to stay with that person for the rest of our lives. That is commandment #7. Be true to your MATE.

Teen: I got a long time before I have to think about that, but it sounds important. I will remember that!

Moses: Now you’re thinking like Moses

Teen: Before I go tell my teacher what I did can we sing that song about the commandments

Moses: I was hoping you would ask

(teach and lead The Perfect Ten)

Ten Commandment Skit

Commandment 8

Pastor Joe- Right now we have a special guest who is going to teach us about our commandment for the day.

(Theme music- Moses makes his entrance)

Moses- Hey! What’s up boys and girls! I am so excited to teach you about our eighth commandment today!

Teen: (comes running on to the stage) MOSES!!!! MOSES!!!! You gotta try one of these!

Moses: What is it?

Teen: This is the candy that was out there for the kids when Crosstown is over.

Moses: so why are you eating it?

Teen: because it is AWESOME! You gotta try it.

Moses: Do you know what commandment #8 is?

Teen: Something about don’t do something or else you will have something happen.

Moses: You have not idea do you?

Teen: Not a clue!

Moses: It says don’t steal

Teen- Well, I would never do that!

Moses- Whose candy is that?

Teen- It was in the bucket out there.

Moses- Is it yours?

Teen- no, but it was just out there

Moses- Did you take it?

Teen- I think I know what you are saying. Anytime you take something that is not your is it stealing. It’s not always the big stuff, it can be very small things that you take without permission.

Moses- You know what you have to do right?

Teen- Spit it out and give it back to Pastor Joe?

Moses- Now you’re thinking like Moses! Before you do that, let’s do our 10 commandments song!

(teach and lead The Perfect Ten)

Ten Commandments Skit

Commandment 9

Pastor Joe- Right now we have a special guest who is going to teach us about our commandment for the day.

(Theme music- Moses makes his entrance)

Moses- Hey! What’s up boys and girls! I am so excited to teach you about our ninth commandment today!

Teen: Hey Moses!...Hey Everyone…

Moses: Hey where were you yesterday…we missed you at the basketball game.

Teen: (looks like he/she is thinking) Yeah…ummmm well it’s a crazy story. I was gonna come but on my way out the door I slipped on the front step and I fell and sprained my leg and had to go to the emergency room all night. They gave me a brace for it and some crutches.

Moses: Wow I am really sorry….but where is your brace and your crutches?

Teen: ummm….it felt better today so I didn’t wear it….it’s a miracle

Moses: (his/her name)________ Did you really go to the hospital yesterday? Because I saw you running around earlier with the kids.

Teen: Well ummm….You see… What had happened was… Ummmm…. It’s a Miracle!

Moses: Did you lie to me?

Teen: I didn’t know how to tell you that I didn’t want to come. I’m sorry!

Moses: Lieing is never the right thing to do, just like the ninth commandment says Don’t Lie!

Teen: I forgot about that one….Lying just seemed easier

Moses: But when we lie were aren’t telling the truth and we are just make a problem even bigger.

Teen: I guess so…I am sorry for lying to you and I promise from now on I will always tell the truth.

Moses: Now you’re thinking like Moses…sense you are having trouble remembering the ten commandments lets sing this song so you can remember what they are (teach and lead The Perfect Ten)

Ten Commandment Skit

Commandment 10

Pastor Joe- Right now we have a special guest who is going to teach us about our commandment for the day.

(Theme music- Moses makes his entrance)

Moses- Hey! What’s up boys and girls! I am so excited to teach you about our tenth commandment today!

Teen: (has a piece of paper in hand) Hey everyone….

Moses: What’s that in your hand?

Teen: It’s really cool, it’s the add for that new 600 giga hurt HTC phone that has that 3D capability….it’s so cool I want one really badly…my friend has one and I want it. It’s so cool…He’s so lucky…I wish my parents would just buy me one…. I want one so badly I would do anything to get one.

Moses: What is wrong with your phone?

Teen: It’s old and slow, I can only get the internet on it and tweet, it’s doesn’t even do 3D…it’s so lame….

Moses: Have I told you about the tenth commandment yet

Teen: No…but what does that have to do with my dream phone?

Moses: It has everything to do with your dream phone. The tenth commandment is Don’t Covet

Teen: Again what does that have to do with my dream phone?

Moses: Covet means to want something that is not yours and you will do anything to get it. Just like you want your friend’s phone and will do anything to get it. It’s okay to want something new but to be so obsessed with something that your friend has is not okay.

Teen: I never realized that I was doing that, but you are right. Wanting what others have makes me not appreciate what I have. I really need to remember my commandments better so I can have a better relationship with God.

Moses: Now your thinking like Moses…lets sing a song so that you can remember the ten commandments

(teach and lead The Perfect Ten)


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