The Orphan of Ellis Island Comprehension Questions

The Orphan of Ellis Island Comprehension Questions

Chapters One - Four

1. Why is Dominic’s caseworker looking for another family for Dominic?

2. What 2 names has Ellis Island also been called?

3. Describe Dominic’s most prized possession.

4. What is Dominic’s terrible secret?

5. Why did Mr. Howard look at Dominic with a raised eyebrow when Dominic said his family was from Italy?

6. What did Dominic do when the others went to see the memorial?

7. Explain why Dominic was so scared when he woke from his nap.

Chapters Five – Seven

1. What did Dominic do when the flashlight went dead?

2. Who was Dominic talking to on the phone?

3. What did the old voice on the phone compare coming to a new country to?

4. Name 3 things that Francesco mentioned that he had to leave behind.

Chapters Eight – Ten

1. Why do the boys that Dominic meets think that he is the son of one of the bosses?

2. Where is Dominic now?

3. Explain why Dominic felt a shiver run down his spine as he heard the boy say, “And I’m Francesco. Francesco Candiano.”

4. What 2 possible causes do the boys suggest for Dominic’s question about what year it is?

5. Why do the boys start filling Dominic’s pockets with stones?

6. How many stones did they say were needed?

7. The boys compared Italy to what shape?

Chapters Eleven – Thirteen

1. Why does Antonio think that a goat makes a better pet than a dog?

2. How did the boys come to own the net?

3. What did Francesco warn Salvatore about when Salvatore was eating the cherries?

4. What does the word famiglia mean?

5. Dominic realized that he had never been as poor as these boys. What 4 things are mentioned that made him feel this way?

6. Who did Dominic and the boys run into at the end of chapter 13?

Chapters Fourteen – Sixteen

1.Why do you think that Dominic took the blame for stealing the cherries?

2. What words had Dominic waited his whole life to hear?

3.Where are the boys to live when they get to America?

4.What is Salvatore accused of doing?

5. Why was it important to Father Tomaso for Francesco to “mention” Rome?

6.What town are the boys traveling to so they can board the boat?

Chapters Seventeen – Twenty

1. How does Antonio want to share the shoes?

2. What dream does Salvatore have about America?

Antonio and Francesco tease Salvatore about his stomach by pretending to see what?

3. Why did Francesco not understand why Dominic said, “You never ell someone on the street what you’ve got on you?”

4. What did Dominic discover at the end of this chapter?

5. Write a prediction of what you think might be the reason for this “find”.

Chapters Twenty-One – Twenty-Three

1. How did the initials SC get on the key?

2. What do the initials stand for?

3. Why didn’t they take Salvatore to the hospital?

4. Why do you think that Dominic was sorry for not giving Salvatore the Buffalo nickel sooner?

5. What did Francesco offer to Dominic to repay him for taking the whip for Antonio?

Chapters Twenty-Four – Twenty-Seven

1. What disappointment did Francesco have when they reached the boat?

2. Describe the boat that they were traveling on.

3. Why did no one complain or ask for their money back for such a rotten trip?

4. How long have they been at sea when American land was been spotted?

Chapters Twenty – Eight – Thirty

1. Who is “Lady Liberty”?

2. What happened to the immigrants that did not pass the batteria?

3. What were Francesco’s plans for the key?

4. Why are they now called the “Cantori Brothers”?

5. What conclusion does Dominic come to about Francesco?

6. What did Dominic want to do at the end of chapter 30?

Chapters Thirty-One – Thirty-Three

1. Where is Dominic now?

2. Why was Dominic speechless when he saw the cracked piece of plaster of a goat with wings? Do you think he dreamed it or was he really in 1908?

3. What kind of pet did he hope that they would have?


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