Primary Source


ORT Level 6 More Stories B Bk 2


1. Why did Biff have to pick up the apples in the garden?

2. Which words show Biff did not like touching the bad apples?

3. What do we know about Harry Smith?

4. What did the horse eat a whole box of?

5. What did Harry do to try and slow down the horse?

6. What made the horse drunk?

7. Did Harry Smith mind that the horse was drunk? Why?

O.R.T. Level 6 More Stories B Book 1

Dad’s Grand Plan

1. How many days was it before the holiday?

2. What was Dad’s grand plan?

3. Why had Dad not packed?

4. Why was Kipper fed up in the car?

5. Why were they not allowed to stop for a drink?

6. What had they realised they forgotten?

7. After the bump in the road what happened?

8. Draw the holiday cottage and label it. What was it?

O.R.T. Level 6 More Stories B Book 1 - Answers

Dad’s Grand Plan

1. It was two days before they set off for holiday.

2. Dad’s grand plan was a list of jobs for everyone to share so that no one got cross.

3. Dad had not packed as he could not find his socks.

4. Kipper was fed up in the car because he did not want to sit in the middle.

5. They were not allowed to stop for a drink because it would make them late.

6. They realised they had forgotten Floppy.

7. After the bump in the road Dad’s bag fell off the roof and into the road.

8. Drawn holiday cottage labelled - rope swing, stream, patio table arch window.

O.R.T. Level 6 More Stories B Book 2


1. Biff had to pick up the apples so Mum culd cut the grass.

2. The words which show Biff did not like touching the bad apples are ‘yuk’ and ‘rotten’.

3. Harry Smith is liked by everyone. He makes people laugh. He wears top hat and a red coat. yHe sells things from his cart.

4. The horse ate a whole box of rotten apples.

5. Harry pulled on the reins to try and slow down the horse.

6. The rotten apples made the horse drunk.

7. Harry Smith did not mind that the horse was drunk because people were buying things from his cart.

ORT Level 6 More Stories B Bk 3

Don’t be silly

1. What was Chip’s book about?

2. What did Biff do to try and make Chip laugh?

3. What did Kipper try to make Chip laugh? Did it work?

4. What happened when Kipper dropped the teeth in front of the King?

5. Why did the dog stop running?

6. What do you think made the Princess laugh?

7. What makes you laugh?

ORT Level 6 More Stories B Bk 3 - Answers

Don’t be silly

1. Chip’s book was about a princess who couldn’t laugh.

2. Biff made a funny face; she told a funny joke and put on a funny wig.

3. Kipper showed them his new joke teeth, they made everyone laugh.

4. A dog caught the teeth in his mouth and ran off with them when Kipper dropped the teeth in front of the King.

5. The dog stopped running when he saw a bone.

6. What they felt mad the princess laugh.

7. What makes them laugh.


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