Thought Provoking Bible Studies

Thought Provoking Bible Studies

Lesson 0352 ? 2011 My Name ___________________________________ Date __________

THOUGHT PROVOKING BIBLE STUDIES are written by Fred D. Whitelaw. Download free of charge but only from our website: bible- Make as many copies as you desire. Use them freely. These lessons are designed to promote independent thought in classroom and individual studies. Hole punch and store in 3 Ring Binders. Copyright is to preserve integrity. Each lesson must be reproduced in its entirety with no changes or partial reproductions. Unless otherwise noted all quotes are from the KJV for consistency.


1. Why This Question? Widely traveled observers of human nature and seasoned preachers have likely seen enough "people antics" to fill a book. Effective preachers will demand attention when proclaiming the gospel of Christ but that is rapidly becoming a big order in many places. We find (7X-7V KJV NT) the expression, "He that _______ an ________, let him _______ what the _________ saith unto the __________" (Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 29, 3:6, 13, 22). One cannot hear (SEE: TPBS Lesson #0030, Hear the Gospel) unless he pays attention and is receptive.

2. God Won't Hear For Us The multitude said of Jesus, "He ______ ______ all things ______" (Mark 7:37). We know that "every _______ gift and every __________ gift is from _________, and cometh down from the _________ of _________" (James 1:17). The omniscience and omnipotence of God has no limits but He will not do for us those things we are commanded to do for ourselves. Jesus said: "Take _______ therefore _____ ye ________" (Luke 8:18). Also: "Take heed _______ ye _______" (Mark 4:24).

3. No Hearing = No Faith The bundle (ie: system) of teachings that Bible-believing Christians live by is called "the ________" (Jude 1:3). Since "the _________ of ________" is "the ________ of God unto ___________" (Romans 1:16). It produces faith in the hearts of everyone who "___________." Paul asks: "How shall they _________ in him of whom they have ____ __________?" (Romans 10:14). Let's be rational; it is impossible to believe something you've never heard. Does that make sense? _______.

4. Am I Accountable If I Don't Hear It? There are two answers. It could be yes, or it could be no, depending on whether you have capability and opportunity to hear. We recommend TPBS Lesson #0094, The Sin of Neglect; #0190, Accountability; #0200, Accountability--What It Means, and #0204, Introspection. God "is __________ than _____ heart, and knoweth _____ things" (1 John 3:20). He knows whether or not we could and should know this or that. If we could and should, then we are accountable. If we can't and didn't, we are unaccountable. God knows which it is!

5. Why Didn't I Hear? Was it because you weren't listening? The English word "listen" is found only in (Isaiah 49:1) but to listen is implied and commanded throughout God's Word. The phrase "take heed" is found 55X-55V KJV. One capable of paying attention must take heed when God speaks; in the NT Age God has "_________ unto us ____ his Son" (Hebrews 1:2). Perhaps your mind is on something else; maybe your priorities are out of order. The command is "that ye be _____ slothful" rather "___________ of them who through _______ and patience _________ the _________" (Hebrews 6:12).

6. Is It God's Fault When I Don't Pay Attention? How absurd! God wills "that _____ should come to ____________" (2 Peter 3:9). Russell Kelso Carter (1849-1928), a Methodist minister turned doctor, wrote the words "Standing on the promises I cannot fall-----Listening every moment to the Spirit's call" in the hymn Standing on the Promises. Are you listening for the Spirit's call?

7. What Else? Are you listening for the dinner bell; your boyfriend's knock on the door; the telephone; the election results, or any of a score of other things? God said, "Yet _____ have ________ me" (Malachi 3:8). This was monetary larceny but you can rob God of your talent, time, and treasure.

8. Called By Our Gospel Paul: "Whereunto he ________ you _____ our _________" (2 Thessalonians 2:14). The "words of Christ" are Spirit inspired because "he whom God hath ______ speaketh the


______ of ______" (John 3:34). The apostles were the recipients of Holy Spirit baptism as promised by Jesus (Acts 1:4-5). They gave us the NEW Testament containing the gospel of Christ. If we are "listening every moment to the Spirit's call" the result is that we are paying attention (ie: taking heed) to the spiritual things of the gospel of Christ. Jesus: "he that followeth me-----shall have the ________ of life" (John 8:12). 9. Attention Span We've had any number of people, young and old, tell us that they have so much going on that they can't focus on anything very long; that they're just too busy; they don't have time, or (worst of all) that they would like to do more for the Lord but they have (other) pressing responsibilities. We ask: "What shall a man ______ in ____________ for his ______?" (Mark 8:37). What is my most pressing duty? "______ God, and ______ his commandments: for this is the whole ______ of ______" (Ecclesiastes 12:13). Nothing else will matter if you don't pay attention to spiritual matters and end up losing your soul eternally. 10. During The Lord's Supper The centerpiece of our Sunday gathering is to remember the sacrifice of Jesus in the fellowship of the Lord's Supper. "For as often as ye ______ this ________, and ________ this ______, ye do show the Lord's _________ till he come" (1 Corinthians 11:26). Does your mind wander during this "remembering period?" ______. If it does you eat and drink unworthily (V27) because you are guilty of "not ____________ the Lord's body" (V29). Concentrate on this every Sunday. 11. During Hymn and Prayer Services Do you think about what you are singing, or what the prayer leader is saying? ______. Can you sing and pray with the ________ and with ________________ (1 Corinthians 14:15) when you look out of the window, watch other people in the audience, whisper, flip through the songbook, or make funny faces at babies, instead of mentally participating? _____. 12. Do You? Do you ever forget to mentally (or audibly) participate? ______. Will lack of attention cause you to forget to "_______ the __________ of ________ to God ____________, that is, the ________ of our ______ giving thanks to his name" (Hebrews 13:15)? _____. Will God excuse such conduct? 13. Do You Pay Attention To........? Your wife (husband) and children? Your brethren in Christ? Your neighbors? The spiritually lost? The needy of this world? "We then that are strong ought to _______ the __________ of the ______, and not to ________ ourselves" (Romans 15:1). That's the key--not to please ourselves, but to "bear ye one another's _________" (Galatians 6:2). Why? "And so ________ the _____ of Christ" (Ibid). Failure to pay attention frequently results in broken homes, alienated children, brethren, and neighbors. Those you could have helped will go wanting; souls may be lost because of your ineptitude. It could be your soul, or those of your children that your lack of attention damns! 14. Do You Pay Attention To Business? Are you attentive and courteous, assisting others and never knowingly making them have to wait on you? _____. Paul: "In honour ____________ one another; not ___________ in __________" (Romans 12:10-11). We are "___________ together ______ God" (1 Corinthians 3:9). Do you pay attention when working with God? Is lethargy acceptable to Him? ______. Do you pay attention on your secular job? ______. More importantly, do you pay attention to your spiritual _________ (Ephesians 4:1)? _______. Our spiritual vocation is working for the Master. 15. Is It Sinful To Not Pay Attention? James' answer: "To him that _________ to do good, and ________ ___ _____, to him it ____ sin" (James 4:17). Now you answer: Do you know to do better than you do? ______. Are you capable of paying better attention? ______. Do you "miss" things because you weren't attentive? _____. Dare you plead ignorance, or are you guilty of the sin of omission? ______. 16. Warning Adaptation of this Old Testament scripture makes our present day point: "The ________ of thine heart hath deceived thee" causing thee to ask, "Who shall ________ me _______ to the ground?" (Obadiah 1:3). Jesus puts us on notice: "Take _______ therefore that the light which ______ in _______ be not darkness" (Luke 11:35). This can happen all too quickly in today's runaway society. 17. More It's easy enough to get side-tracked and so true that "a double minded ______ is unstable in all ______ ways" (James 1:8). If this has happened let us resolve to "be no more children, tossed _____ and ______, and carried about with every _______ of doctrine" (Ephesians 4:14). The remedy is "speaking the ________ in love" (V15). This facilitates the goal to "grow up" spiritually in Christ. Are you heaven bound? Truly, "The steps of a good man _____ ordered by _____ LORD" (Psalm 37:23).



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