PDF If you wish to make apple pie from scratch, you must first ...

 Discourses on The Immaterial ? Book I ? The Bridge

If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe -Carl Sagan


Discourses on The Immaterial ? Book I ? The Bridge

Herein lies a novel existential ontology of the highest abstractness. Causality of internal and external events of the human condition is followed using a limited number of axioms in order to analyze the perception of existence. Using observation and contemplation of the present, we gradually develop a theory which is potentially one of the most abstract reflections of Reality described by the essence of human consciousness thus far. The theory not only resolves paradoxes of existence commonly caused by modern philosophical, theological, and scientific modes of thought, it too resolves ancient paradoxes like Zeno's Paradox. Furthermore, a new form of symbolic logic is developed that is simple, effective, and inclusive of fundamentally overlooked axioms involving the very act of the perception of logic itself. Similar to how a scientist should first know how a microscope works before making observations from it, one must know thyself before making observations from the scope of one's self. Modern scientists are urged to read this because it provides a method of thinking that broadly opens the horizons of possible scientific experimentation. As reason dictates, atheists are encouraged to read the book first for understanding, then having understood more of the theory, read again to criticize it. Theologians, logicians, and philosophers most certainly should read the book in order to gain a deeper appreciation of causality and how truly elegant Reality is on the most abstract levels fathomable. All others who are interested in a thought-provoking -- yet fruitful -- literature


Discourses on The Immaterial ? Book I ? The Bridge

should read for contemplation of existence and self-reflection. Effectively, this book will help end implicit ignorance of modern atheistic, theistic, and scientific modes of thought and bridge the knowledge of humanity to point our eyes ravenously skyward where the pursuit of knowledge compels one. Forget everything that you hold to be true and watch the spools of the abstract transcendental unravel before your eye.


Discourses on The Immaterial ? Book I ? The Bridge



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