Pearson English | ELT courseware & assessment

Discover English Exam Correlations

|Title |Starters |Movers |Flyers |CEF |

|Discover English Starter | | | | |

|Discover English 1 |( | | |A1 |

|Discover English 2 | |( | | |

|Discover English 3 | | |( |A2 |

Starters, Movers and Flyers are the three levels of the Cambridge Tests for Young Learners [CLETS]s

Discover English 1

Discover English 1 teaches language and competences within A1 level. At first view the pages are colourful and dynamic. Closer view shows that the classroom is also dynamic, with frequent use of dramatisation of stories, mime, songs, raps, activity games, puzzles and interactions. All four communication skills are developed with more attention to simple guided reading comprehension and writing than is often found in courses at this level for this age group.

The episodic picture story, Earth Explorer, involves an alien character from another planet, describing human life on Earth providing an opportunity to see everyday life from an outsider’s perspective.

Although Discover English 1 is not specifically an exam preparation course, the topics, vocabulary, tasks and exercises types match those used in the CYLETS Starters test, so if learners take this test, they will be familiar with the requirements of the test.

Discover English 1 uses a holistic approach, dedicated to the development of the whole child. There is some material which exploits and extends knowledge gained in other parts of the curriculum and many communication skills will be transferable across the curriculum, the main CLIL element comes from overcoming the parochial (small world) nature of the child’s life. Discover English 1 challenges children to compare their own lives with the life of children who live in different countries, climates and environments. In this way, Discover English 1 extends and broadens the learners’ cultural horizons. This benefits both personal and academic development. Through Discover English 1, children will learn to function in a new linguistic code, but, equally importantly, their knowledge, attitudes and sympathies concerning the wider world are extended and developed.

|Unit |CEF Descriptions |Exam and Study skills |Cross Curricular | |

|Starter |I can say my name. |I can listen and complete a chart with personal information. |Geography: countries and | |

| |I can say my age. |I can write short answers to questions using present simple of be. |nationalities. | |

| |I can say my class. |I can listen and answer T/F questions. | | |

| |I can say my favourite colour. | | | |

| |I can say my favourite possession. | | | |

| |I can ask names and ages. | | | |

| |I can read and understand personal descriptions. | | | |

| |I can use subject personal pronouns. | | | |

| |I can use present simple of be in positive and negative statements and | | | |

| |simple questions. | | | |

| |I can recognise shortened forms such as he’s, I’m etc. | | | |

| |I can read and understand a personal introduction and description of | | | |

| |objects. | | | |

| |I can use possessive adjectives. | | | |

| |I can use definite, indefinite and zero articles. | | | |

| |I can introduce myself and others. | | | |

| |I can say where I am from. | | | |

| |I can say my nationality. | | | |

| |I can use regular and irregular plurals. | | | |

| |I can talk about my favourite star. | | | |

| |I can read a short picture story. | | | |

| |I can use demonstrative pronouns this, that, these, those. | | | |

|1 |I can use appearance adjectives to describe people. |I can write simple sentences about possessions. |Family words | |

| |I can use has / have got to talk about possessions. |I can listen and complete a dialogue. | | |

| |I can use has / have got in negative statements. |I can answer Y/N questions about my possessions and family. | | |

| |I can use double adjectives like my funny family album. |I can describe personal characteristics, short hair, brown eyes | | |

| |I can use question words like where, who, what. |etc. | | |

| |I can use simple imperatives. |I can match adjectives with opposites. | | |

| |I can use possessive ’s. | | | |

| |I can use has / have got to refer to my family. | | | |

| |I can use small numbers. | | | |

| |I can write simple questions from notes. | | | |

| |I can understand a short text about Orlando Bloom or Beyonce. | | | |

|2 |I can describe rooms in a house and furniture. |I can understand an illustrated picture story. |Flats and houses in Britain. | |

| |I can use there is /are and negatives. |I can isolate words in a word snake. | | |

| |I can use the preposition in. |I can listen and complete a dialogue. | | |

| |I can listen and understand a situation. | | | |

| |I can uses articles in sentences like There’s a TV in the kitchen. | | | |

| |I can use any and some with plurals. | | | |

| |I can play a game and make sentences about rooms and furniture. | | | |

| |I can form questions is/ are there ...? | | | |

| |I can read a letter describing a house and furniture. | | | |

| |I can use in, on, next to, under, behind. | | | |

| |I can use negative imperatives with Don’t! | | | |

| |I can use simple verbs as imperatives: hurry up, sit down, talk, be | | | |

| |nice, stay, open, listen, wait, touch. | | | |

| |I can give instructions. | | | |

|3 |I can name exotic animals. |Read short texts. |Exotic wildlife. | |

| |I can understand short texts about animal abilities. |I can complete a chart about animal abilities. |Animal abilities. | |

| |I can use can / can’t to refer to abilities. |I can answer T/F statements. |Robot animals. | |

| |I can use basic action verbs. |I can do a simple crossword. | | |

| |I can identify animals from descriptions of their abilities. |I can understand a postcard describing a visit to an aquarium in | | |

| |I can name parts of an animal’s body. |Lisbon. | | |

| |I can use adjectives to describe a long neck etc. |I can give short answers to Y/N and WH comprehension questions. | | |

| |I can use tooth / teeth – irreg plurals |I can listen and complete sentences using multiple choice options. | | |

| |I can understand a picture story written in play script format. |I can ask and answer spoken questions about animals. | | |

| |I can use can to indicate permission or prohibition. |I can write a description of my favourite animal. | | |

| | |I can join familiar words divided in two parts. | | |

|4 |I can listen and place pictures in sequence. |I can read short letters describing how different children travel |Routine activities. | |

| |I can talk about routine activities using simple verbs. |to school. |Using different means of | |

| |I can talk about clock times. |I can write about how I and my friend travel to school. |transport. | |

| |I can form positive and negative statements in Present Simple. |I can listen and tick boxes on a chart. |Eating patterns: what time do you | |

| |I can form 3rd person sing of Present Simple. |I can insert correct verb forms in a text using infinitives as |eat different food? | |

| |I can use but to form contrasts. |clues. |Routines, time and food in the UK.| |

| |I can understand a picture story about routines on imaginary planets. | | | |

| |I can form Present Simple questions using notes. | | | |

| |I can insert spaces incompressedsentences. | | | |

| |I can make an illustrated poster about my diet and meals. | | | |

|5 |I can match pictures to names of different sports. |I can read a picture story and give short answers to comprehension | | |

| |I can guess a sport from a description of the activity and location. |questions. | | |

| |I can read a factfile about an athlete written in q/a format and answer|I can discuss sports in a group and record in a chart what people | | |

| |T/F questions. |like or dislike doing. | | |

| |I can talk about periods of the day, days in the week and seasons of |I can ask information questions. | | |

| |the year. |I can make simple suggestions. | | |

| |I can use WH question words to ask information questions. |I can write appointments in a diary. | | |

| |I can talk about activities I like or dislike doing. |I can make a poster about an activity camp. | | |

| |I can discuss sports in a group and record in a chart what people like | | | |

| |or dislike doing. | | | |

| |I can write sentences about my friends and the sports they like and | | | |

| |dislike. | | | |

| |I can read a picture story and give short answers to comprehension | | | |

| |questions. | | | |

| |I can understand and use object pronouns. | | | |

| |I can read posters, letters, web pages and notes about activity | | | |

| |holidays. | | | |

|6 |I can listen to a story and follow actions on a town map. |I can describe what is happening in a picture. |Shops and facilities in a town. | |

| |I can say what people are doing. |I can follow and give directions (using a simple map). |Property and theft. | |

| |I can describe what is happening in a picture. | |Map reading. | |

| |I can describe the clothes people are wearing. | |Spies and detectives in English | |

| |I can complete a simple letter with correct verb forms. | |literature. | |

|7 |I can talk about personal, national and religious celebrations. |Reading a pie chart. |Celebrations in the UK and other | |

| |I can talk about dates and months of the year. |I can write events on a calendar. |cultures. | |

| |I can use frequency adverbs to describe weather and activities. | |How birthdays are celebrated in | |

| |I can understand short texts about Easter celebrations in Poland and | |the UK. | |

| |Chinese New Year. | |Also Holi in India and the Snow | |

| |I can use dates written in words or numbers. | |Festival in Japan. | |

| |I can listen to a weather report and draw weather symbols on a country | | | |

| |map. | | | |

| |I can understand a diary entry about carnival celebrations. | | | |

| |I can write a diary entry about what is happening, what people are | | | |

| |wearing, what people are listening to, and the weather on the day of my| | | |

| |own favourite celebration. | | | |

|8 |I can talk about different lessons on the school timetable. |Geography: tsunami in Thailand. |Private boarding schools and state| |

| |I can speak and write about past events using was / were and regular |I can write a letter describing my school. |schools. | |

| |verbs. | | | |

| |I can use time expressions referring to past times. | | | |

| |I can read a web page recording personal experience of the 2004 tsunami| | | |

| |in Thailand. | | | |

| |I can ask questions about past events. | | | |

| |I can use adjectives to describe my feelings. | | | |

|9 |I can talk about different kinds f entertainment. |I can retell a story using pictures as prompts. | | |

| |I can read a summary of a well-known film and understand comments made |I can use sequence markers when telling a story. | | |

| |about the film. |I can write a brief biography of my favourite film star. | | |

| |I can use some key irregular past simple verbs in positive and negative|I can give my opinion about films, events, celebrations etc. | | |

| |forms. |I can give short information answer to comprehension questions. | | |

| |I can ask Y/N questions about past events. |I can find words in a word search square. | | |

| |I can use adjectives to express my opinion about films and TV | | | |

| |programmes. | | | |

| |I can read and understand a brief biography of a famous film star. | | | |

| |I can give short information answer to comprehension questions. | | | |

|10 |I can match photographs to descriptions I hear. |I can answer Y/N and information questions in a variety of tenses. |Geographical features in the | |

| |I can understand a web page describing a holiday using a variety of |I can listen to a recording and answer questions by circling words.|landscape. | |

| |present and past tenses. |I can tell (and write) a story using a choice of pictures as a |History and Geography: Captain | |

| |I can say what I want and don’t want to do. |stimulus. |Cook and the discovery of | |

| | | |Australia and New Zealand. | |


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