A misplaced modifier is just that: a phrase, clause, or word placed too far from the noun or pronoun it describes. As a result, the sentence fails to convey your exact meaning. But misplaced modifiers usually carry a double wallop: They often create confusion or imply something unintentionally funny. This is not a good thing when you want to make a competent impression with your writing.

For Example: “I went out with only Emily once.” Vs. “I only went out with Emily once.”

The first sentence implies that you went out many times with many different people and one time you were just with Emily. The second sentence states that you went out with Emily one time. Imagine the trouble this technicality could cause in a relationship!

Directions: Write what the sentence actually means. Correct the sentence.

1. The writer read from his new book wearing glasses.


2. You’re welcome to visit the cemetery where Russian composers, artists, and writers are buried daily except Monday.


3. As we begin, I must ask you to banish all information about the case from your mind, if you have any.


4. A superb and inexpensive restaurant; fine food expertly served by waitresses in appetizing forms.


5. Many of the trustees congratulated him for his speech at the end of the meeting and promised their support.


6. For sale: An antique desk suitable for a lady with thick legs and large drawers.


7. For sale: Several very old dresses from grandmother in beautiful condition.


8. Wanted: Man to take care of cow that does not smoke or drink.


9. For sale: Mixing bowl set designed to please a cook with a round bottom for efficient beating.


10. We almost made a profit of $10.


11. Lying on a stretcher, they carried him out.


12. Mollie came over while I was playing the piano with a piece of pound cake.


13. Although very spicy, Dana managed to finish the enchilada.


14. The dog house was built by my cousin in the backyard.


15. Covered with thick, dusty cob-webs, Scott decided to clean his bookshelf.



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