
I. Vocabulary(每題3分,共30分。)

1. We had to r t this plan because it did not meet (達到) our standard.

2. I am sure I can do the job well. B s, I can use the money.

3. The cause of Marilyn Monroe’s (瑪麗蓮.夢露) death is still a

m y.

4. Lisa took her mother’s h t that it’s late and quickly went to bed.

5. The man proposed (求婚) to the woman in public; it is so r c.

6. Mary told me in an i t way that she won’t come to my party.

7. Amanda s ms worried. Is there anything wrong with her?

8. Jason is outgoing and friendly, and he gets along with other people well.

(A) shy (B) funny (C) active (D) pleasant

9. You’re far behind the times, John; you’re so old-fashioned.

(A) hard to please (B) up to date

(C) out of control (D) out of date

10. Because of the war, many countries and people went through great difficulties.

(A) guest (B) fighting (C) peace (D) task

II. Grammar(每題3分,共15分。)

1. I cannot imagine you on my way to work! It’s a small world!

(A) to meet (B) meeting (C) to meeting (D) to met

2. I think Brian is interested me because he looks at me all the time.

(A) on (B) at (C) in (D) of

3. Alan decided to school on foot because he couldn’t get on the bus.

(A) to go (B) going (C) to going (D) went

4. When I was a child, I was afraid lost in the department store.

(A) to getting (B) to get (C) to be getting (D) gotten

5. If Judy here next week, we will go out together.

(A) come (B) coming (C) will come (D) comes

III. Speaking(每題3分,共6分。)

1. Kathy: Are you going to the library with me after class?


Kathy: Great. I’ll see you then.

(A) It’s about a 10-minute walk. (B) I’d love to.

(C) My class is in the library. (D) It looks like that.

2. Tom: Do you want to see a movie with me tonight?


Tom: Alright. Maybe some other time?

(A) Yes, its’ my favorite one.

(B) Sorry, I’ve got people coming over.

(C) Of course, let’s meet there for dinner tonight.

(D) Why not? Can I take a rain check?

IV. Cloze(每題3分,共15分。)

I like a boy at my school, and I think he likes me, too. I plan 1. him out. I think it’s so old-fashioned to wait 2. for my Prince Charming. You know what they say: “All’s 3. in love and war.” I will give him the chance to meet a nice girl like me. 4. , I will be happy to ask the boy out because I like him. 5. , it’s not like I’m talking about getting married! It’s just a date.

1. (A) ask (B) asking (C) to ask (D) in asking

2. (A) around (B) in (C) on (D) against

3. (A) perfect (B) fair (C) secret (D) common

4. (A) For example (B) However (C) After all (D) In fact

5. (A) Anyway (B) At last

(C) At least (D) On the other hand

V. Reading(每題3分,共9分。)

|Dear Evan, |

|Should women ask men out on first dates? Is it true that a man is “really not that into you” if he’s not asking you out? |

|Thanks! |

|Lisa |

|Dear Lisa, |

|My answer is “No! No! No!” If women ask men out on first dates, they may seem too pushy* or too wild. Women should never say, |

|“Would you like to go out with me?” to a man because there’s a great difference between asking a man out and getting a man to |

|ask you out. For example, when you are at a party, there is a cute guy across the room. You want to ask him out. Here is what |

|you are going to do: You can take some action to make HIM take action. You may stand or sit in a place to let him see you. And|

|when the man sees you, you can smile at him as a way of inviting him to come over and introduce* himself. See? It’s that |

|simple and convenient. |

|Evan |

|*pushy adj. 急迫的;introduce vt. 介紹 |

1. According to Evan, should women ask men out on first dates?

(A) Yes. (B) No.

(C) That depends (看情況). (D) It isn’t mentioned in this reading.

2. According to Evan, if women ask men out on first dates, they seem .

(A) different (B) lovely (C) straight (D) wild

3. According to Evan, what can a woman do to show her interest in a man?

(A) Ask him out. (B) Give him her phone number.

(C) Smile at him. (D) Introduce herself first.

VI. Sentence Structure(每題5分,共20分。)

1. [pic]

2. [pic]

3. We/to finish/the job/need/in two months

4. enjoy/you/me?/going to a movie/Will/with

VII. Blank Filling(每格1分,共5分。)

1. 今天你誤會我了。希望你能給我機會解釋。

You misunderstood me today. I hope you can

a to explain.

2. 我認為你不應該喝飲料。畢竟,大多數的飲料都太甜了。

I don’t think you should have any drinks. ,

most drinks are too sweet.

VIII. Bonus Questions(每題5分,共10分。)

1. 中翻英:如果女生約男生並不表示他們將結婚。

2. 簡答題:Do you agree that a girl should ask a boy out if she likes him? Why or why not?






Should a Girl Ask a Boy Out?

Candy practices speaking English with her teacher every day.

If it rains tomorrow, Dennis will go to work by car.

We need to finish the job in two months.

Will you enjoy going to a movie with me?

If a girl asks a boy out, that doesn’t mean they are going to get married.

參考答案:Yes, I do. I think that if a girl likes a boy, she should give him a chance to meet her.



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L2  Should a Girl Ask a Boy Out?


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