67/85/2661 87:35


I.]. &. B!:NIRO~"'7AL FI'I.O'!~C-:::)~ ,,;:;~_i

O~f:t..c:e of ?f!et!..o::i~e ~J:.I'I'.~ Rl!Isil!t.ral:icn :liv!.ion . '750~::

iOl .~. Se., s.~. "a~hing:on. D.C. 4C'~O

NO~ICE OF PESTICIDE: -Z-- Registration


s..~ ;!1M. ~:i."81 o~ Req.:.;'::::- ...'."":.t (ir.clude ZIP Code:?:

FMC CO"poratio:-. 1~35 M~rket Street Phi:adelphia, ?A 19103

279-3177 FEB 27 2(Q

!eX'Q of !&WAACQ:


Biflex SFR Termiticide/ Insecticide

on the ~s~. 0: ~4rOrmat~On ~rniohed by the %.g~.t~t, ~ .o~ ~d pee~icid. ~ t.~~ regi..l!'t.ere:i/n:lre9illl:.er9d \!l".~~ t.he Fede=a:' llU.etlci~, For~:..:::.t!A ..nd ~~entieid. 1o.C=. Reginra.t :.on iii in :-.0 vay too be eonott\l-.1 ... an QndO-~emc:. 0:::- r&C~t.i:m Of t.hJ.G p't'Qd:\!ct by tr.e hgency, In ortle,I: to p.rot8CO: haillth and the tmViro~.t. the 1.dJn!.."\1.';....-atcr. On ~ I1IOtl.OD, !fIay'.t any t::'\Ue euepend or canc51

thl : . .~st.r~tLon of a pest1c!ae in acco~dan~ with t~$~. Th~ acc~.nce ot :ny ~ in connection with th_ r0giso:u::.:.on or. .. :;roC:c.:t u:-.c.er this ).co: 1.a not ':.0 ~ cor..et:-~d . , 9b~1'l9' t.hlil ::-agu:.rar.!:. .. right to .Xc:l?..I.l~iVii ';'"e c~ '::-.o? ::'lIlTM cr to :::~ ._~'! if :'t. ~5 biO'oiI:: ceve!"e! by c::ter!

":"1i5 prOc1:.lc-: is conditiona:'ly registered iet accoraance with FIFRA sec. 3 (c) (7) (A) provided -:ha-: you:

Make the following label change before you release the product for shipment:

Revise the EPA Registraticn Number to read, "EPA Reg. NO. 279-3177.

- """t-lt" brand fax transmittal memo 7671 Co.

Insecticide Branch Registration Division (7S0SC)




Page 2 EPA Reg. No. 279-3177

2. P~ease submit two (2) copies of your final printed label:ng pri~r to releasing your product for shipment. A stamped copy is enc~osed for you records.



Product Manager (13)

RIn?esgeicsttir.caitdioenBDrainvcihsion (7505C)

i\l,i. ,I ,.,

'. '

1 \



...??? ??

? ??


..... ... ? ?

? ? ?

" ?

? ??


? ? ?


" ???

SFR Termiticide/lnsecticide

For use by individualslfirms licensed or regis-

tered by the State to apply termiticide products.

States may have more restrictive requirements

regarding qualifications of persons using this

product. -Consult the structural pest control reg-


ulatory agency of your State prior to use of thiS product. For use only by pest control operators

or commercial applicators to control pests on

lawns and ornamental plants.

EPA Reg. No. 279-3177

EPA Est. 279-FL-1

Active Ingredient:


Bifenthrin' "''''''''', "'"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ,,,.23.4'0

Inert Ingredients" ,""," '''''''''''''' '"'''''''''' ",,,76,6',


?Cis isomers 97% minimum, trans isomers 3~'Q maximum. "Contains petroleum distillates.

BifleX? SFR termiticide contains 2 pounds active ingredient per gallon.

U.S. Patent No. 4.238,505




See other panels for additional precautionary information.

FMC Corporation Agricultural Products Group Philadelphia PA 19103

Net Contents

Biflex SFR 2101 olt3


If swallowed

If inhaled

If 00 skin or clothing If in eyes

? Can poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment acMce.

? Have person sip a glass of water if able to swal* low.

? Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by the poison control center or doctor.

?00 not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.

? Move person to fresh air. ? If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambu-

lance, then give artificial respiration, preferably by mouth-to-mouth. if possible. ? Call a poison control center or doctor for further treatment advice

? Take off contaminated clothing. ? Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-

20 minutes. ? Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment


? Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes.

? Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye.

? Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.


Ha""2 the product container or label with you when calling a poison con::rol center or doctor, or going for treatment. You may also contact 41-(800)-331-3148 for Emergency Assistance.


Pes:icide Hotline (800) 858-7378. ThiS product is a pyrethroid. This proo!Jct also contains aromatic hydrocarbons. Because of the risk of hyd'-ocarbon pneumonitis if even tiny amounts are aspirated into the lun~ during emesis, consideration should be given to gastric lavage witt endotracheal tube in place. Treatment is symptomatic and suppor:?,'e. Animal and vegetable fats. milk, cream and alcohol may incr~ase absorption and should not be administered.

For information Regarding the Use of this Product Call 1-60032i-iFMC (i362).

PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS Hazards to Humans (and Domestic Animals)

Warning May be fatal if swallowed. Causes skin irritation and moderate eye irritation. Do not get on skin or on clothing. Avoid breathing vapors or spray mist. and contact with eyes. Prolonged or frequently repeated skin contact may cause allergic reactions in some individuals. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling and before eating, drinking or using tobacco. Remove contaminated clothing and wash contaminated clothIng be'ore reuse

Page 1

M? "

T r'; j'

All pesticide handlers (mixers, loaders and applicators) must wear long-

sleeved coveralls worn over a minimum of short-sleeved shirt and short

pants. socks, chemical-resistant footwear. dlemical-resistant gloves and

protective eyewear. After the product is diluted in accordance with label

ha=the directions for use, shirts, pants, socks, shoes and waterproof gloves aTe

sufficient. In addition. all pestOde handlers must wear a respiratory pro-

tection deVice1 when

concentrate or when working in a non-

ventilated spa-;:e- AI pe .. hancation and type of domestic watE" supplies and utilities.

For advice concerning current control practices with relation to specrk local conditions. consult resources in structural pest control and stat.scooperative extension and regUlatory agencies,

Subterranean Termite Control

Directions For Use

Important: Contamination of public and private water supplies must be avoided by folk>wing these precautions: Use anti-backfkm equipment c....

procedures to prevent siphonage of insecticide into water supplies. DO

not contaminate cisterns or wells. Do not treat soil that is water saturated or frozen or in any conditions where runoff Or movement from tr-e

treatment area (site) is likely to occur. Consult state and local spedficGtions for recommended distances of wells from treated areas, or if suer regulations do not exist, refer to Federal Housing AdministratioSpecifications (H.U.D.) for guidance

Note: Crawl spaces are to be considered inside of the structure.

Critical Areas: Critical areas include areas where the foundation is penetrated by utility services, cracks and expansion joints. bath traps ar,j areas where cement constructions have been poured adjacent to tr.e

foundation such as stairs, patios and slab additions.

Structures with Wells/Cisterns InskSe Foundations

Structures that contaln wells or cisterns within the foundation of a strut.ture can only be treated using the following techniques:

1 00 not treat soil while it is beneath or within the foundation or alor'oJ the exterior perimeter of a structure that contains a well or cistem. Th= treated backfill method must be used if soil is removed and treated outside/away from the foundation. The treated backfill technioue l5 described as follows:

a. Trench and remove soil to be treated onto heavy plastiC sheeti,'11

or similar material or into a wheltJarrow.


b. Treat the soil at the rate of 4 gallons of dilute emulsion per ?.0 liT..

ear feet per foot of depth of the trench. or 1 gallon per 1.0 cut?!!: feet of soil. See ~Mixing Directions section of the label. Mix thol-

oughly Into the soil taking care to contain the liquid and prever.

runoff or spillage.

c. After the treated soil has absorbed the diluted emulsion, rE-~laC the soil into the trench.

2. T.reat infested and/or damaged .....ry;xj In place using an injection teetmque such as described in the -control of Wood Infesting In~' section of this label.

Structures with Adjacent WellS/Cisterns andlor Other Water Bodies

Applicators must inspect a\l structures with nearby water sources su:::l'as wells, cisterns, surface ponds. streams, and other bOdies of wat~

and evaluate. at a minimum, the treatment recommendations listed

below prior to making an application

1 Prior to treatment. if feasible, ex.pos.e the water pipe(s) coming frOlT'. the well to the structure, if the PI~(S! enter the structure within 3 f~i of grade.


Page 2

Blnex SFR 2101 Oft3


2. Prior to treatment, applicators are advised to take precautions to iimit the risk of apptying the termiticide into subsurface drains that couki empty into any bodies of water. These precautions include evaluating whether apptication of the termiticide to the top of the footer may result in contamination of the subsurface drain. Factors such as depth to the drain system and soil type and degree of compaction should be taken into account in determining the depth of treatment.

3. When appropriate (i.e., on the water side of the structure), the treated backfill technKp;l (described above) can also be used to minimize oftsite movement of termiticide.

Prior to using this technique near wells or cisterns, consult state, locat or

federal agencies tor informatton regarding approved treatment practices in

your area.


Volume Adjustment Chart

Rate (% emulsion\



Volume allowed Horizontal (gallons emulsion!10 ft') Verticaf (gallons emulsionl10 fin. ft.)

1.0 gallons

4.0 gallons

0.5 gallons 2.0 gallons

After Treatment: All holes in commonty occupied areas into which Biftex SFR has been applied must be plugged. Plugs must be of a non-cenutose material or covered by an i~, non-cellulose material.

Pre-Construction Subterranean Termite Treatment

Application Rate: Use a O.Q6Cro emulsion for SUbterranean Termites. For other pests on the label use specific listed rates.

Mixing Directions: Mix the termiticide use dilution in the following manner: RII tank 1/4 to 1/3 full. Start pump to begin by-pass agitation and place end of treamng tool in tank to anow circulation through hose. Add

appropriate al'TlOl.lll1t of BHfex SFR termitidde/insecticide. Add remailing amount of water. 'let pump run and allow recirculation through the hose for 2 to 3 nWlutes.

Biflex SFR may aSo be mixed into full tanks of water, but requires substantial agitation to insure untformity of the emulsion.

To prepare a O.OE~,c water emulsion, ready to use, dilute 1 quart of Brflex SFR with 99.75 callons of water.

Mixing: For the desired ?pplication rate, use the chart below to determine the amount of BifleX? SFR Termiticide/lnsecticide for a given volume of finished emulsKJn'

Emulsion Concentration

Amount of Biflex SF R (Gallons except where noted)

Amount of Bill., SFR


of Water

Desired Gallons of Finished Emulsion


0.32 oz

127.68 oz.


t.6 oz



3.2 oz.



8 oz.



0.5 q1



0.75 qt.



1 q\



1.5 qt.



2 qt.




0.64 oz

127.36 oz.





6.4 oz



0.5 qt




1 ql.



1_5 qt.






3 q\






Common u:oits of measure: 1 pint::: 16 fluid ounces (oz.) 1 Quart = 2 pints::: 4 cups::: 32 fluid ounces (oz.)

'For Termite applk::ations, only use this rate in conjunction with the 2::>plication volume adilustments as listed in the section below or in the foam or underground Service application sections

Application Voh...ne: To provide maximum control and protection ag.a..lnst

termite inf ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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