Adobe Captivate - Oracle

Slide 3 - Oracle Sales Cloud Release 12


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Hello and Welcome to training for Oracle Sales Cloud Release 12.

In this session we will talk about what’s coming in R12 CX Enterprise Mobile App.


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Slide 4 - Agenda


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For the enhancements covered in this training, we’ll give an overview, followed by more detail to explain how you can use them, and what business value they bring.

Then we’ll walk you through a demonstration.

Next we’ll explain what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to know to set them up.


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Slide 5 - Enhancements Overview


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In R12, we are introducing the brand new CX Enterprise Mobile app, which has several new features. The CX Enterprise Mobile app is role based, and is targeted for Direct sales reps, Partner sales reps and Channel managers. The layouts and features are optimized based on role. The app is available for iOS and android devices.

The task-based designs optimized for smart phones enables Sales Reps to

·    View the schedule at a glance and review upcoming appointments

·    View sales activities in a visual timeline showing complete interaction history

·    Automatically capture outbound calls and e-mails as an activity

·    Track call reports that need to be logged for past customer visits and quickly log call reports with meeting minutes

·   and  Harness your device’s native capabilities to dictate notes, take photos, videos or record audio and upload as notes & attachments


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Slide 6 - Enhancements Overview


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·    Let's look at the enhancements for the Enterprise Mobile App.

Easily Access relevant sales records with saved searches and find them using search and sort

·    View nearby sales records in the map view, plan meetings and get directions

·    Create, edit and get complete 360 degree view of accounts and contacts

·    Create leads with net new prospects and accept, reject, qualify, convert leads

·    Review, create and update opportunities along with product lines

·    View Service Requests from Engagement Cloud in context of sales records


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Slide 7 - Enhancements Overview


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·   Also use simple voice commands to navigate and search for sales records

·     View real-time analytics reports and search for additional reports from the BI catalog, and mark as favorites for easy access

·     Associate Conversations to one or more Social Objects and collaborate

· View Oracle Sales cloud information even in areas with no network connection

And finally, Sales Admins can use the visual Mobile App Composer to customize the mobile application.


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Slide 8 - Prepare for Daily Appointments and Plan the Day


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Upon opening the CX Enterprise Mobile App as a sales rep, you will see all of your appointments in a list view.

You can swipe up to view your past appointments, and swipe down to view your future ones. Your next appointment appears as an expanded card displayed at the top of the screen.

The appointment card displays the appointment location, primary contact, and the associated account. If you want to contact the customer, you can tap on the contact’s initials to bring up their information.


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Slide 9 - Prepare for Daily Appointments and Plan the Day


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With the appointments list, you can review your schedule at a glance and better prepare for your upcoming appointments. With 360 information about the customer and the opportunity, you can easily reach out to the primary contact in the way you prefer.


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Slide 10 - View Aggregated Activities in a Visual Timeline


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The Activities Timeline shows previous and future sales activities including appointments, call reports and tasks in chronological order. You can view the activity timeline in the context of a sales record like Account, Opportunity etc.

You can mark a task complete directly in the timeline, and even search across all activities for an account or an opportunity.


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Slide 11 - Slide 9


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Having quick access to previous and future sales activities enables you to be better prepared for your upcoming customer meetings.


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Slide 12 - Auto-capture Outbound Calls and E-mails as an Activity


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Tapping on a contact’s initials anywhere in the app brings up their information.

With one tap, quickly call, text, or locate a contact without navigating away from your task at hand.

After making a call or sending an e-mail, you can log the interaction immediately as a completed task.


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Slide 13 - Slide 11


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There is an automatic prompt to log an interaction immediately after a call or e-mail, increasing the likelihood that the sales rep will update their CRM sooner.

Auto-populated values save time that would have otherwise been spent re-keying data. With the additional insight into sales activities as soon as they occur, a sales manager can more accurately forecast future revenue.


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Slide 14 - Log Call Reports and Meeting Minutes


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You can view all of your calls to log in one place. These are past appointments for which you have not logged a call report yet. You can dismiss a call from the list if you don’t want to log a call report, and it will be removed from the calls-to-log list. You can create a call report directly by simply tapping on a call to log.

In addition to creating call reports from scheduled appointments, you can create call reports for ad-hoc activities. By tapping the plus icon at the top of the Calls-to-Log page, you can easily create an ad-hoc call report. Because an ad-hoc call report is not created from an appointment or task, you will need to enter the sales activity details you want to capture.

You can review all of your completed call reports at any time by switching the view from Calls to Log to My Call Reports. Or, you can navigate to the Call Reports subtab in an appointment to easily access all of the completed call reports associated with the related account or opportunity. From the completed call reports list, you can drill down to view call report details and share the report.


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Slide 15 - Log Call Reports and Meeting Minutes


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You can utilise the calls to log list as a to-do list to track the calls you need to log for past customer visits. With the completed call reports list, you can easily access all of the call reports you have logged, and review the outcome of your past sales activities.


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Slide 16 - Capture Notes (speech-to-text) or Attach Documents to a Record


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After a meeting, you can easily capture notes using speech-to-text. And if needed, flag a note as private.

You can upload pictures, videos or audio clips as attachments to sales records. You can either choose existing pictures and videos from your phone library, or capture a photo, video or recording while creating a record.

You can also review all attachments in context of sales records, and choose to share content on social networks.


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Slide 17 - Capture Notes (speech-to-text) or Attach Documents to a Record


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The beauty of the call report is its task-based design, enabling you to update the related appointment, opportunity and contacts in one page view. The ability to harness the native device’s speech to text capabilities to record meeting notes saves time and speed up the reporting process.


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Slide 18 - Find Sales Records Using Saved Search Filters, Search and Sort


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You can use a pre-defined set of saved searches to filter and access relevant sales records. You can even flag a frequently used saved search as your default, providing ready access when using the app again.

In addition, you can tap on the search icon from any landing page list to search for the corresponding sales record. For example, from the Account List, you can tap on the search icon and search for an Account. And you can drill down from the search results to view complete details.

All Lists have a default sort order. However, you can choose to sort lists differently based on any field you see on the list.


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Slide 19 - Find Sales Records Using Saved Search Filters, Search and Sort


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You can now easily access your most frequently used sales records while on the go. With simple tools such as search and sort, you can quickly find any sales record and take action.


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Slide 20 - Map and Get Directions to Nearby Leads, Contacts etc.


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In the updated Around Me feature, you can view your accounts, contacts, leads and opportunities in a map by simply toggling from the corresponding list to the map view. The map shows you sales records that are in a 20 mi radius from your current location. The same saved search filters that are available in the list are also available in the map.

Nearby accounts, contacts, leads and opportunities show up as pins in the map view. You can tap on a pin to get a quick overview of the corresponding sales record and drill down for more details. You can also get directions by punching out to the native map app.

You not only get to see sales records in the vicinity of your current location, but also in another region. Simply zoom out, zoom in or pan the map to find other relevant sales records. Or You can enter a location in the search box


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Slide 21 - Map and Get Directions to Nearby Leads, Contacts etc.


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You can quickly locate accounts, contacts, leads and opportunities that are nearby and meet with them while in the vicinity.

Time in the field is optomized by meeting more prospects and contacts, converting more leads, and closing deals faster.


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Slide 22 - Manage Accounts and Contacts


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With the CX Enterprise Mobile app, you have a complete 360-degree view of your Account and Contact. You can see all related leads, latest opportunities, open service requests and any notes and attachments that are captured. You can also see a chronological view of the interaction history with the account and contact including past, recent and upcoming activities. And you can review the call reports logged for the completed meetings. You can also see the relationships that your accounts and contacts have with other accounts and contacts.

Besides reviewing the 360-degree view, you can manage your accounts and contacts while on the go. When creating an account or contact, the duplicate check feature will alert you if a duplicate account or contact already exists. You can easily create new leads, opportunities, activities, notes etc. in context of the account or contact. You can also manage the team members on your account and contact. It is now very easy to associate a new or existing contact to your account.

Simple right swipe actions enable you to indicate a primary or favorite contact, or a team member as an owner.


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Slide 23 - Manage Accounts and Contacts


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You can gain useful insights into your Account and Contact with a complete 360 degree view. For example, you can review the hot leads, the opportunities with highest win probability and plan your sales activities accordingly. And you can tap into existing relationships to progress your deals faster. It also helps you effectively prepare for customer meetings by reviewing the interaction history, notes and service requests - all in one place. No need to piece together information from multiple sources.

You don’t have to wait to get back to your office to capture key account and contact information. You can manage all your account and contact related information on the go.


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Slide 24 - Accept, Qualify and Convert Leads by Age


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You can now view all your leads sorted by age, with the latest lead appearing on top. You can also create leads for net new prospects. i.e. create a lead for a contact or account that doesn’t yet exist in the app.

You can take action on a lead directly from the landing page. For example, just swipe left and tap “convert” on a lead to convert it into an opportunity. Calling or emailing the contact on the lead is just one tap away. Simply tap on the initials to call, text, e-mail or locate your lead.

You can accept or reject a lead, qualify it and retire or convert a lead to opportunity. You can even set up important activities like appointments or tasks for a lead.

If you are travelling, you can view leads around you in a map view, reach out and plan to meet them right away.


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Slide 25 - Accept, Qualify and Convert Leads by Age


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With the CX Enterprise Mobile app, you can focus on the hottest leads first and increase conversions.

As a follow-up to a customer meeting, you can qualify or convert a lead, and update score, rank, products etc. on the go. This helps you cut down on menial data entry tasks and focus more on lead conversion and bring down lead-to-opportunity conversion times.

The mobile app presents up-to-date information on a lead via an easily accessible interface, thus equipping you with the right information, essential to making that first interaction successful.

And the location based map view of leads helps you plan your schedules better and also view new leads in your vicinity. This maximizes your face time with clients and helps you utilize any unplanned time in the field, more effectively.


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Slide 26 - Manage Opportunities and Product Lines


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You can view all your opportunities sorted by win probability and at glance, see the associated sales stage, close date and revenue. You can get quick access to all the opportunity related information and reach out to key contacts of the opportunity by simply tapping on the initials. As you progress your opportunity, you can easily update the opportunity details including but not limited to sales stage, win probability and close date.

You can also manage the opportunity products with access to the complete product catalogue.


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Slide 27 - Manage Opportunities and Product Lines


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Increased focus on key opportunity details and related information helps you to close deals at a faster rate. You can update the opportunity details on the go and align with the company defined sales process.

Managing opportunity products using the standardized product catalogue improves data integrity.

The more upto date the opportunity details are, the more useful the Business Intelligence reports are. This will help in tracking progress and making strategic decisions.


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Slide 28 - View Service Request Status and Updates


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CX Enterprise Mobile app is integrated with Engagement Cloud. You can now view all Service Requests in real time.

You can view all Service Requests, filter the Service Request List using saved searches such as Service Requests I logged and search for a specific Service Request.

You can also view all Service Requests in the context of a specific Account or Contact

You can get complete details about the Service Request such as status, service agents working on the issue, the contacts involved in the issue, related message interactions, full activity timeline, notes etc.


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Slide 29 - View Service Request Status and Updates


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You can quickly get the latest status and updates on all open & critical Service Requests related to an Account before meeting with a Customer. You don’t have to piece together information about customer concerns from various sources. This helps you prepare for customer meetings more efficiently and progress deals faster!

In addition, you can centrally review the status and interactions for all the Service Requests related to the Accounts and Contacts you manage. It enables you to stay on top of the customer issues and provide updates & ETAs promptly to customers.


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Slide 30 - Voice-Powered Search and Navigation


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The CX Enterprise Mobile app has built-in Voice capabilities. Voice is enabled throughout the app. You can launch Voice from anywhere in the app and speak a command.

You can use simple commands to navigate to any list such as Accounts list, Task list, Analytics etc. You can also launch integrated apps such as Incentive Compensation and OSN.

You can also use Voice to search for any sales record from anywhere in the app. Simply say the name of the sales record and the type of sales record. For Example: Open Account Pinnacle Technology.


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Slide 31 - Voice-Powered Search and Navigation


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Voice Jump enables you to complete their sales tasks faster by reducing the no. of taps required to navigate within the app.

Voice Search enables global search. You can quickly find any sales record from anywhere in the app with a simple Voice command.


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Slide 32 - Review Quota, Pipeline & Sales Commission Reports


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CX Enterprise Mobile app provides real time access to analytics reports via the Analytics dashboard. All your favorite reports will automatically appear on the Analytics dashboard.

In addition, you can search for a report from the BI Catalog and view it. And you can mark frequently accessed reports as your favorites so that it will always appear on the Analytics page whenever you access the app.

You can also view reports in the context of accounts, opportunities etc. And share these reports with your colleagues or peers via email and message.


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Slide 33 - Review Quota, Pipeline & Sales Commission Reports


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You can view your Quota attainment, health of your Pipeline, commission you have earned etc, all on the go. Real-time access to key reports helps you gain useful insights around Leads, Opportunities, Accounts etc. which in turn help in sales decisions.


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Slide 34 - Collaborate Using Oracle Social Network


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Oracle Social Network provides a highly capable set of social tools designed to enhance, capture and preserve information flowing between teammates. It brings a Facebook-like user experience to the enterprise user.

You can collaborate on your accounts, contacts, leads, opportunities and activities using the rich, interactive tools of OSN. You can share sales records to OSN as Social Objects, join a Social Object’s wall and participate in conversations.


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Slide 35 - Collaborate Using Oracle Social Network


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The integration of R12 CX Enterprise Mobile app into the OSN app will help build smarter teams by connecting people in real time to enable quick and spontaneous collaboration on your sales records. Smarter collaboration leads to smarter teams, smarter decisions and consistently better results.


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Slide 36 - Access Sales Information While Offline


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The R12 Enterprise Mobile app now supports an offline mode, so you can continue to work with your Oracle Sales Cloud information even in areas where you don’t have network access. Administrators can configure filters to synchronize the data to the device. Once synchronized, you can continue to use Oracle Sales Cloud data in the mobile app if you happen to be in an area with no network connection or explicitly set your mobile device to airplane mode. You can view your standard or custom objects in offline mode.


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Slide 37 - Access Sales Information While Offline


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With offline access sales reps can complete their frequent tasks within the mobile app without having to depend on the network availability. The offline mode also reduces the cost of deploying the mobile app since it reduces the requests that the application makes to Oracle Sales Cloud over the cellular network.


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Slide 38 - Mobile App Composer


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The Mobile Application composer allows you to visually customize the mobile app to meet your specific business needs. You can customize the layout for either standard objects or custom objects by defining layouts for specific roles, record type or using an advanced expression. Within the layout you can add remove standard or custom fields, reorder the fields, add/remove related objects. All these changes can be done within a sandbox so you can test and verify the changes before publishing them for all users. Once published, customizations are then available to all users on all the devices that the mobile app can be deployed.


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Slide 39 - Mobile App Composer


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Mobile App Composer helps you tailor the app to meet your specific business needs. Visually customizing the mobile app allows business users to customize the app in a very simple and intuitive tool with no code. This helps keep the cost of mobile deployment low. The full lifecycle support helps test configuration changes without affecting your current users therefore supporting the lifecycle as your business needs changes.


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Slide 58 - Summary of Enhancement Capabilities


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Here is the summary of the features I have talked about today…

• Prepare for daily appointments and plan the day

• View my schedule at a glance and review upcoming appointments

• View aggregated activities in a visual timeline

• Prepare for upcoming customer meetings by reviewing complete interaction history

• Auto-capture outbound calls and e-mails as an activity

• Log ad-hoc customer interaction as a completed task

• Log call reports and meeting minutes

• Track call reports that I need to log for past customer visits

• Capture notes (speech-to-text) or attach documents to a record

• Harness device’s native capabilities to dictate notes, take photos, videos or record audio


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Slide 59 - Summary of Enhancement Capabilities


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Here is the summary of the features I have talked about today…

• Find sales records using saved search filters, search and sort

• Access relevant sales records with saved searches and find them using search and sort

• Map and get directions to nearby leads, contacts etc.

• View nearby sales records in the map view, plan meetings and get directions

• Manage accounts and contacts

• Create, edit and get complete 360 degree view of accounts and contacts

• Accept, qualify and convert leads by age

• Create leads with net new prospects and accept, reject, qualify, convert leads

• Manage opportunities and product lines

• Review, create and update opportunities along with product lines


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Slide 60 - Summary of Enhancement Capabilities


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Here is the summary of the features I have talked about today…

• View service request status and updates

• View Service Requests from Engagement Cloud in context of sales records

• Voice powered search and navigation

• Use simple voice commands to navigate and to search for sales records

• Review quota, pipeline & sales commission reports

• Search for analytics reports from BI catalog, view and mark them as favorites for easy access

• Update and collaborate using Oracle Social Network

• Associate Conversations to one or more Social Objects and collaborate

• Access sales information while offline

• View Oracle Sales cloud information even in areas with no network connection


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Slide 61 - Summary of Enhancement Capabilities


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Here is the summary of the features I have talked about today…

• Mobile App Composer

• Visually customize the app work per your unique business needs with no code


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Slide 62 - Additional Information


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The Voice feature is currently only supported in English.


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Slide 63 - Implementation Advice


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In this implementation advice section we will go through what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to know to set them up.


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Slide 64 - Feature Impact Guidelines


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This table depicts key setup information for the new features covered in this training.

The ability to

1. Prepare for daily appointments and plan the day

2. View aggregated activities in a visual timeline

3. Auto-capture outbound calls and e-mails as an activity

4. Log call reports and meeting minutes

5. Capture notes (speech-to-text) or attach documents to a record

are all automatically available when you download the R12 Enterprise Mobile app.

There is no additional setup required to use these features. They are included as part of the shipped job roles.


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Slide 65 - Feature Impact Guidelines


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You can readily

1. Manage your accounts and contacts,

2. Accept, qualify and convert Leads,

3. Manage opportunities and product lines

4. Find sales records using saved search filters, search and sort

once you have downloaded the R12 CX Enterprise Mobile app. They are included as part of the shipped job roles and do not

require any additional setup.

The feature “Map and get directions to nearby Leads, Contacts etc.” is also automatically available once you have downloaded

the R12 CX Enterprise Mobile app. However, additional setup that involves geocoding and generation of latitude and longitude

is required for the sales records to show up as pins on the map. The setup specifics are covered later in this section.


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Slide 66 - Feature Impact Guidelines


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You can leverage the integration with Service Requests if you have purchased Engagement Cloud. The ability to view Service Request status and updates will be available to users that have the appropriate “Service” roles. There is no additional setup required.

Voice powered search and navigation is turned off out of the box. You need to enable Voice using setup task to access the Voice feature.

The ability to access the real time analytics reports in the Analytics dashboard is available once you download the R12 CX Enterprise Mobile app. However, additional configuration is required to view reports in context of sales records.

You can leverage the integration with Oracle Social Network only if you have purchased Oracle Social Network (OSN). Additional setup is required before you can update and collaborate using OSN with the R12 CX Enterprise Mobile app.

Ability to access sales information while offline is automatically available to you and does not require any additional setup.

Note, the setup details for Voice, Analytics and OSN Integration is covered later in this section.


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Slide 67 - Feature Impact Guidelines


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Mobile App Composer will be automatically available in R12 and is included in the shipped job roles. There is no additional setup required


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Slide 68 - Setup Summary – Map and Get Directions to nearby Leads, Contacts etc.


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The setup for Map and Get Directions to nearby Leads, Contacts etc. is achieved by first Enabling Geocoding for a Country

To enable geocoding for a country, complete these steps:

• From the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for Manage Geographies and click Go to Task.

• Search the country for which you want to enable geocoding. You can either search by the country name or country code.

• Click Search. The search results for the matching country names are displayed.

• Select the country for which you want to enable the geocoding option.

• Select Geocoding Defined for the country.


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Slide 69 - Setup Summary – Map and Get Directions to nearby Leads, Contacts etc.


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Next, you have to Populate Location Latitude and Longitude Information

To schedule the geocoding feature to run at regular intervals, complete these steps:

• Navigate to the Scheduled Processes work area, and click Schedule New Process.

• Click the Name drop-down and search for Populate Location Latitude and Longitude Information, and then click OK.

• Enter the parameters such as Start Date and End Date, and click Submit.


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Slide 70 - Map and Get Directions to Nearby Leads, Contacts etc. - Setup Detail


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Here is snapshot of what you would see when scheduling a new process using the Scheduled Processes work area. First, search for “Populate Location Latitude and Longitude Information” and then enter country code, start date, end date etc. and submit the job.


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Slide 71 - Setup Summary – Voice Powered Search and Navigation


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The setup for Voice powered search and navigation is achieved via Setup and Maintenance.

• The Voice feature is turned off out of the box. You can turn it on using below steps.

• Go to Setup and Maintenance

• Open “Manage Administrator Profile Values”

• Find Profile Option “ZMS_MOBILE_VOICE”

• Set site level value to “True” and save


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Slide 72 - Voice Powered Search and Navigation - Setup Detail


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Here is a snapshot of the Manage Administrator Profile Values UI. First search for the profile option ZMS_MOBILE_VOICE and then set the site level profile value to “Y”.


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Slide 73 - Setup Summary – Review Quota, Pipeline & Sales Commission Reports


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The setup for Review Quota, Pipeline & Sales Commission reports via Mobile App Composer.

• The Analytics subtab is hidden out of the box for all sales records. You can enable it using below steps.

• Go to Application Composer

• Go to Mobile Application Setup under Sales Application

• Expand the sales record for which you want to enable the Analytics subtab and select the Analytics subtab

• Drag & Drop a report from the Available Reports list on the right side pane to the mobile canvas

• If there are no reports added, Analytics sub-tab wont show up in the mobile app


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Slide 74 - Slide 56


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The Analytics sub-tab can be enabled from the Mobile Application setup, which is available under Application composer for Sales application.The screenshot above is what you see when you select Mobile Application setup.

Under each of the top level objects viz. Accounts, Partners, Contacts, Leads, Deals and Opportunities, there is an option called Analytics.

After selecting it, if there are reports added from the Available Reports list, it would show up on the mobile app as well.If there are no reports added, the Analytics sub-tab will not appear on the mobile app.


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Slide 75 - Slide 57


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The setup for Update and Collaborate Using Oracle Social Network is achieved via Setup and Maintenance. First, you have to enable the Opportunity object for sharing. It is disabled out of the box.

You can set up the Opportunity object for sharing by completing the below steps.

• Go to Setup and Maintenance

• Find the Manage Oracle Social Network Objects Task

• Scroll down to Opportunity Management, open it and select Opportunity as the object you want to enable

• Click Enable Object

• Since you want users to manually integrate each new opportunity record with Oracle Social Network, click OK

• Click Save


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Slide 76 - Setup Summary – Update and Collaborate Using Oracle Social Network


Slide notes

Next, you have to enable the Opportunity object attributes for sharing. It is disabled out of the box.

• You enable the attributes that you want to share by:

• Under Attributes, click the New button

• A list of attributes for the Opportunity is displayed

• Select the attributes you want to make available to share by clicking the checkbox

• Click OK

• Click Save


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Slide 77 - Update and Collaborate Using Oracle Social Network - Setup Detail


Slide notes

This is a snapshot of the Manage Oracle Social Network Objects Task. Select Opportunity as the object you want to enable and click Enable Object.


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Slide 78 - Update and Collaborate Using Oracle Social Network - Setup Detail


Slide notes

And under Attributes, click the New button and select the attributes you want to make available to share by clicking the checkbox and click Save


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Slide 79 - Job Roles


Slide notes

This table details the shipped job roles that will access the new capabilities covered in this training.


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Slide 80 - Associated Release Training


Slide notes

Other training modules that are related to these new capabilities and are recommended viewing are R12 CX Enterprise Mobile App for PRM and R12 Analytics.

This concludes this presentation, thank you for listening. You can easily pause and rewind any of these slides if you require additional time to take in the detail.


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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