
Teacher: ____P. Brady_____________________ Week 0f:__Dec10-Dec.14__________________________

Course/Grade/Period: Beginning Guitar__________________ Unit Title: _Key of G ____

|List daily lesson topic and learning target (related to |Briefly outline daily instructional |Check all instructional strategies that apply each| Check all Critical Vocabulary that apply each week: | | |

|KCAS/CC 4.1) |activities/agenda: |week: | | | |

| |Agenda: |θDaily rehearsal and practice that involves |θ Accidental |θVoice parts | | |

|I can… | |drills, |θSharp |θInstrumentation | | |

|θ I can identify and play/sing pitches in treble and/or bass |1. I can do the hand positions for players G, |θ repetition, |θFlat |θImprovisation | | |

|clefs. (K,S,P) |Cadd9, D, and players Em |θimmediate feedback, |θNatural |θPulse/beat | | |

|θ I can identify and apply note values. (K,S,P) |2. I can play basic rhythm/strumming patterns |θlearning by imitation as well as reading symbols,|θPitch |θAdagio | | |

|θ I can identify and apply all dynamic markings. (K,S,P) |3. I can sit in proper posture with correct hand | |θTreble clef |θAndante | | |

|θ I can identify and apply all tempo markings. (K,S,P) |position. |θquestioning and self-evaluation |θBass clef |θLargo | | |

|θ I can play pieces in proper positions based upon my |4. I can keep a steady beat and play through Good|θrecitals/concerts |θLedger lines |θAllegro | | |

|instrument of choice. (K,S,P) |Riddance by Green Day |θListening to recordings of other group |θGrand Staff |θVivace | | |

|θ I can interpret a composer’s intent by combining knowledge | |performances as well as the students’ own followed|θKey signatures |θPresto | | |

|of pitch, note values, dynamics, tempo and style markings. |Announcements: |by group and individual discussion of correct |θModulations |θPianissimo | | |

|(K,S,R,P) | |style, pitches, rhythm, tone quality, blend and |θMeter signatures |θPiano | | |

|θ I can perform music in a recital/concert setting. (K,S,P) |Study and look ahead at Gmajor, CMajor, and Em |balance and articulation. |θDuple meter |θMezzo Piano | | |

|θ I can perform music in a group/solo setting. (K,S,P) | |θRehearsals/practice in front of others, |θTriple meter |θMezzo Forte | | |

|θ I can distinguish between good and poor tone quality. (R) | |θSolo and Ensemble Festival |θSimple meter |θForte | | |

|θ I can distinguish between good and poor blend and balance. | |θLarge Group Festival |θCompound meter |θFortissimo | | |

|(R) | |θCommunity Performances |θMixed meter |θCrescendo | | |

|θ I can distinguish between good and poor articulation. (R) | |θusing feedback from judges’ sheets θrecord |θMeasure |θDecrescendo | | |

|θ I can distinguish between good and poor intonation. (R) | |rehearsals and evaluate |θBarline |θRitardando | | |

|θ I can distinguish between good and poor performance of my | |θ Guest speakers and performers |θWhole note/rest |θAccelerando | | |

|own and others. (R) | |θUsing Projector and Video |θQuarter note/rest |θFermata | | |

|θ I can support my opinion of a performance using proper | |θUse computer lab |θEighth note/rest |θGrand Pause | | |

|vocabulary. (K,R) | | |θSixteenth note/rest |θRubato | | |

|θ I can judge and critique any performance. (K, R) | | |θDotted rhythms |θRallentando | | |

|θ I can write a critique of any performance. (Product) | | |θSyncopation |θTimbre | | |

| | | |θTies |θTonal Center | | |

| | | |θSlurs |θSolfege | | |

| | | |θPolyrhythm |θTessitura/Register | | |

| | | |θMajor |θResonance | | |

| | | |θMinor |θVibrato | | |

| | | |θLeading tones |θSyllabic emphasis | | |

| | | |θSuspensions |θAccent | | |

| | | |θArpeggios |θStaccato | | |

| | | |θScales |θLegato | | |

| | | |θForm |θMarcato | | |

| | | |θWhole Steps |θAllargando | | |

| | | |θHalf Steps |θDiaphragm | | |

| | | |θScale degree |θChromaticism | | |

| | | |θTutti |θWhole Tone Scale | | |


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