
The Netherlands Programme for Cooperation with Countries in Eastern Europe (PSO)

Project overview PSO Serbia and Montenegro 2001 - 2003

Project overview PSO Serbia and Montenegro 2001 - 2003


PSO project officers for Serbia and Montenegro:

Ms. Saskia Hallenga, tel. +31 70 778 8509, email: hallenga@evd.nl

Industry / technology projects, Serbia

Ms. Anita Wemmenhove, tel. +31 70 778 8504, email: wemmenhove@evd.nl

Agriculture and food processing projects, Serbia

Industry / technology, Agriculture and food processing projects, Montenegro

Regional coordinator for the countries Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Hungary, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia and Montenegro

Mr. Aad de Koning, tel. +31 70 778 8283, e-mail: koning@evd.nl

As of September 2004: Ms. Judith Arends, e-mail: arends@evd.nl

Manager Central and Eastern Europa

Mr. Jasper Wesseling, tel. +31 70 778 8282 e-mail: wesseling@evd.nl

Total PSO funds for Serbia and Montenegro per year

|Serbia | | |

|Year |Number of projects |Budget in Euro |

|2000 |0 |0 |

|2001 |7 |3,711,000 |

|2002 |8 |4,081,000 |

|2003 1st tender |4 |2,630,000 |

|2003 2nd tender |3 |2,297,801 |

|Total 2000 - 2003 |22 |12,719,801 |

| | | |

| | | |

|Montenegro | | |

|2000 |1 |907,000 |

|2001 |2 |908,000 |

|2002 |1 |448,000 |

|2003 1st tender |1 |444,000 |

|2003 2nd tender |0 |0 |

|Total 2000 - 2003 |5 |2,707,000 |

| | | |

|Grand Total |27 |15,426,801 |

|2000 - 2003 | | |

Total number of projects per theme over 2000 – 2003:

|Theme |Number of PSO projects |

| | |

|Serbia | |

|Agriculture / food processing |11 |

|Industry / technology |8 |

|Total |22 |

| | |

|Montenegro | |

|Agriculture / food processing |4 |

|Industry / technology |1 |

|Total |5 |

| | |

|Grand Total |27 |

Projects in 2000

|Project code |Title |Recipient |Dutch contractor |Status (end-date)|Budget |

| | | | | |(in Euro) |

|Serbia | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Total Serbia |0 | | | |0 |

| | | | | | |

|Montenegro | | | | | |

|PSO0/MN/1/10 |Integrated Pig Production |Konzum d.o.o. |Agriplan BV |Concluded |907,000 |

|Total Montenegro |1 | | | |907,000 |

| | | | | | |

|Grand Total Serbia and | | | | |907,000 |

|Montenegro | | | | | |

Project number PSO0/MN/1/10

Location Podgorica

Sector Agriculture / food processing

Project title Integrated pig production

Contractor Agriplan bv

Recipient Konzum SDD

Partners GK Holding Nederweert B.V.

Total budget 907,000 euro


The agricultural secor is characterised by old fashioned methodologies that are not compatible with present day market developments. The average farm has about five hectares on which different agricultural activities are performed. About 75% of the pig production is realised on small private farms. These farms have on average some 2-3 pigs that are rased for home consumption. Those pigs that are sold on the market are of low quality.

Most of the piglets are imported from Serbia, but due to the import ban import has stopped.

The project aims at the development of an integrated production chain for pigs. To this end improvements in breeding, fattening, feed quality and slaughter are needed. The most important player in the local market is Konzum d.o.o..


To increase the efficiency of the pig production in Montenegro through the introduction of a modern and commercial structure for integrated pig production on a large scale production farm and small private farms.

End products

• an operational production farm with 420 sows and 14 boars;

• re-construction of three stables for pregnant pigs;

• renovation of manure pit;

• installation of a farm management information system;

• trained staff of production farm;

• installation of a second hand laboratory for quality control pig feed.

Projects in 2001

|Project code |Title |Recipient |Dutch contractor |Status |Budget |

| | | | |(end-date) |(in Euro) |

|Serbia | | | | | |

|PSO01/SB/1/16 |Reproduction of layer chicks |Yugokoka d.o.o. |Hendrix Poultry Breeders |Ongoing |454,000 |

| | | | |(31-08-2004) | |

|PSO01/SB/1/24 |Private farmer development |Association of Dairy |Farmco |Ongoing |436,000 |

| |Vojvodina |farmers | |(31-12-2004) | |

|PSO01/SB/1/29 |Horticultural sector |EOL/Radovanovic UPMSPP, |IPC Ede |Ongoing |655,000 |

| |development |Aleksandar d.o.o. | |(30-06-2004) | |

|PSO01/SB/1/31 |Support structure for organic|EKOrporation |Nehem International |Ongoing |436,000 |

| |agriculture in Vojvodina | | |(30-09-2004) | |

|PSO01/SB/2/12 |IFQ Organic Fruit and |Den Juro |Tradin Organic |Ongoing |680,000 |

| |Vegetable Project | |Agriculture B.V. |(15-07-2004) | |

|PSO01/SB/2/13 |Production of Contemporary |Andrijaševic d.o.o. |Dunlopillo Nederland B.V.|Ongoing |669,000 |

| |Sleeping Systems | | |(30-04-2004) | |

|PSO01/SB/2/21 |Strengthening the Farm |RC Radinovic DOO (RCR) |Kverneland International |Ongoing |381,000 |

| |Mechanisation Industry | |B.V. |(31-03-2004) | |

|Total Serbia |7 | | | |3,711,000 |

| | | | | | |

|Montenegro | | | | | |

|PSO01/MN/1/11 |Seed potato development |Trebaljevo d.o.o. |Agriplan BV |Concluded |363,000 |

|PSO01/MN/2/11 |Renewable Energy |Mezon d.o.o. |Mainwind BV |Ongoing |545,000 |

| | | | |(30-06-04) | |

|Total Montenegro |2 | | | |908,000 |

|Grand Total Serbia |9 | | | |4,619,000 |

|and Montenegro | | | | | |

Project number PSO01/SB/1/16

Location Belgrade

Sector Agriculture / food processing

Project title Reproduction of layer chicks in Serbia

Contractor Hendrix Poultry Breeders B.V.

Recipient Yugokoka d.o.o.

Partners Arcadis Euroconsult B.V., Abbi-Sun B .V., Hifeed B.V., Poultry Consult

Total budget 453,780 euro


Hendrix Poultry Breeders, a basic genetic breeding for egg production company, wants to support its major Serbian reproducer of layers in his investment and development programme, Yugokoka, which is hindered by the recent evolution of the economy. The project is carried out to increase the local availability and improve the quality of Dutch hatching eggs and layer chicks in the region. This support does not only consist of the supply of breeders but also of farm and chick-transport technology and training and assistance so that the company can grow to become a qualified distributor of Dutch egg layers. By means of a good local reproducer and distributor of a quality product, namely Yugokoka, credibility can be gained and a market share obtained.


To contribute to Yugokoka’s expansion plan and establish them as a strong, private quality and market oriented distributor of Dutch layer chicks and hatching eggs in the region with the ability to become an integrator in the chain.

End products

• production capacity of Yugokoka will be expanded with two breeder production houses of representative technology;

• production of quality layer chicks from international breeding stock increases availability in the country;

• Yugokoka’s market leader position as distributor and as integrator is defined and developed;

• Yugokoka’s managerial capabilities are developed as a top-class HPB distribution business;

• widespread awareness of Yugokoka’s commercial abilities based on Dutch technology and know-how.

Project number PSO01/SB/1/24

Location Cerevic

Sector Agriculture / food processing

Project title Private farmer development Vojvodina

Contractor DeLaval B.V.

Recipient Association of Dairy Farmers

Partners Larive International B.V., Praktijkonderzoek Veehouderij B.V., Schaap Agro Holland B.V.,

G17 Plus, Farmco B.V.

Total budget 433,863 euro


There is good potential for dairy development in the private sector, but development is yet constrained by lack of modern dairy equipment and inputs, agricultural machinery, high quality genetics, etc. The purpose of the project is that dairy farmers in Vojvodina will adopt modern dairy production technology and invest in modern dairy equipment, machinery and supplies suitable for their circumstances. This applies for emergent /progressive small to medium scale private farmers and for the new large scale joint stock companies /with new ownership. The project will provide equipment and technology required for modern dairy production in combination with demonstration and support services. The support services include an input supply service and training and extension activities on technical and economical matters.


To strengthen the Serbian dairy production by realising sustainable business relations between Serbia and The Netherlands, opening the local market for the export of Dutch technology and an institutional improvement of the Serbian dairy-business sector.

End products

• modern dairy technology established on 5 to 8 medium scale private /or newly privatised dairy farms, the demo farm will play a central role in practical dairy training for farmers and for students of the Agricultural faculty of the University of Novi Sad;

• operational private dairy extension services incorporated in the Dairy Association of Vojvodina;

• operational farm input supply unit at the Novi Sad milk plant;

• model developed regarding improvement of dairy farms and business plans for financing. Activities to this end (formulation of technical improvement plans and farm investment plans) are incorporated into the farm support unit at the Dairy Association.

Project number PSO01/SB/1/29

Location Ivanjica

Sector Agriculture / food processing

Project title Horticultural sector development Serbia – Holland

Contractor IPC

Recipient EOL/Radovanovic, UPMSPP, Aleksandar d.o.o.

Partners Nunhems Zaden B.V., Brinkman B.V.

Total budget 608,139 euro


This project aims to contribute to further development of the horticultural sector (in particular under protected conditions) in Serbia and strengthen the links with the horticultural sector in the Netherlands at several levels: business to business and supportive organisations/institutes.

The project will contribute to sustainable development of the horticultural sector in Serbia by which:

• an increase in the in long term trade opportunities for the Dutch horticultural supply sector will develop;

• institutional strengthening of the horticultural sector in Serbia is established;

• the institutional strengthening of the educational sector in horticulture is established.

The project will be supported locally by the G17 Institute/network, Universities and Agro Technical Schools. A Horticultural Platform will support the linking process between the horticultural sector in Serbia and Holland.


The project will realise pilot projects where Serbian farmers are able to obtain knowledge to produce starter material and vegetables economically with expertise, and within an environmentally sound production environment.

End products

• production of crops at the pilot locations has started;

• horticultural production methods modernised and technology modules implemented;

• relations between Serbian and Dutch horticultural sectors established.

Project number PSO01/SB/1/31

Location Backa Topola

Sector Agriculture / food processing

Project title Support structure for organic agriculture in Vojvodina

Contractor NEHEM International B.V.

Recipient EKOrporation

Partners Handelsonderneming Revaho B.V., Skal, Agricultural Production & Handling (APH), Dutch Organic International Trade (DO IT) B.V., Agro Eco Consultancy B.V.

Total budget 406,060 euro


Opportunities exist for Serbia for the exports of organic products. The vast agricultural areas between the Danube and Tisza rivers have high quality soils and ports and decent roads for transporting goods. These conditions facilitate Serbia to export organic products in bulk. This project will support a group of Serbian farms in the production of 360 hectares of organic soybeans, red kidney beans, maw-seed, sunflower, pumpkins, popcorn and lentils. A Dutch trading company in organic bulk produce will purchase the products after having reached successful results in a small-scale pilot project. EKOrporation, a commercial trading and marketing company, will be strengthened in order to supply the farmers with hardware and provide essential technical assistance a.o. through providing extension services to the farmers. EKOrporation will be the acting representative organisation of the farmers group. The project has been set up in order to cover the whole supply and retail chain (‘from stable to table’).


This project aims to contribute to upgrading Serbian agriculture introducing low input sustainable agriculture promoting the use of Dutch technology and knowledge transfer and projectmanagement.

End products

• certification of smallholders as organic producers;

• founding of an organic agricultural service;

• one yield per annum of at least five crops;

• post harvesting service up and running, ready-to-export produce;

• upgrading of local control organisation Terras;

• promotion and dissemination of organic agriculture, including project results.

Project number PSO01/SB/2/12

Location Pozar Blace region

Sector Industry/Conversion/Technology

Project title IQF Organic Fruit & Vegetable Project

Contractor Tradin Organic Agriculture B.V.

Recipient Den Juro d.o.o.

Partners Food Industries Research & Engineering (Holland) B.V.

Total budget 680,670 euro


Organic frozen fruits sales out of Serbia is stagnating due to processing/quality problems. There is not a proper high-quality IQF (Individually Quick Frozen) processing plant available. The project will solve this and can increase the quantity of IQF frozen fruits produced. In addition new (fruit and vegetable) products can be added, with further possibilities for growth and investments by the partners. The purpose of the project is to start a new venture for integrated growing of organic fruits and vegetables, processing these by IQF freezing and exporting through Tradin to Western markets. Many (new) private small farmers will benefit by growing more organic fruits and vegetables at good prices. This will be done in a Vertical Integration model, the independent position of the farmers will be guarded by a Vertical Integration Council with farmers and independent representatives.


The project has the aim to start up a new venture with significant investments for integrated organic fruit and vegetable production at private farms, collection from these farms, processing and marketing.

End products

• the area and number of farms, participating in the production, has been increased;

• widen the scope of fruits in order to expand the volumes and to extend the season;

• a system for Vertical Integration has been set up, including a working Integration Council;

• Vertical Integration participants are receiving inputs/loans and technological advic;

• farmers guided and trained in a profitable way of growing organic fruit and vegetables;

• an effective system for collection has been set up;

• Dutch agricultural machinery has been introduced and demonstrated.

Project number PSO01/SB/2/13

Location Ruma

Sector Industry/Conversion/Technology

Project title Production of Contemporary Sleeping Systems in Serbia

Contractor Dunlopillo Nederland B.V.

Recipient Andrijasevic d.o.o.

Partners Larive International B.V.

Total budget 669,325 euro


Dunlopillo developed a wide range of sleeping systems covering all needs and income brackets. Due to fierce competition in the branch Dunlopillo is forced to outsource production, to survive and meet the challenge of highest quality at competitive prices. Since 1997, based on thorough market studies, Dunlopillo invested in establishing representing and sales offices in several CEE countries, anticipating the establishment of local productions sites in a later phase. Dunlopillo will set-up a joint venture with Andrijašević d.o.o., to become the single largest producer of Dunlopillo sleeping systems for the Balkan region inc. Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. It is the desire of Dunlopillo to duplicate this type of project in other CEE countries such as Russia and the Ukraine.


The aim of this project is to realise commercially successful production of all Dunlopillo low-end products in Serbia, and to market, sell, and distribute them all over the Balkan region. The final goal will be to produce and market all Dunlopillo products.

End products

• the joint venture is producing high quality low-end sleeping systems on a profitable basis;

• adequate knowledge of modern Dunlopillo sleeping systems production equipment;

• adequate knowledge of marketing, sales, and distribution of Eco-labelled Dunlopillo sleeping systems;

• a bankable business plan for further expansion of the Andrijašević-Dunlopillo joint venture and access to financial resources.

Project number PSO01/SB/2/21

Location Stara Pazova

Sector Industry/Conversion/Technology

Project title Strengthening the Farm Mechanisation Industry in Serbia

Contractor Kverneland International BV

Recipient RC Radinovic d.o.o.

Partners IPC

Total budget 381,175 euro


The farm mechanisation industry in Serbia was strong developed before the crisis, especially in Vojvodina area. At this moment technology is not up to standard and professionals in the sector are not familiar with the current state of technology. This project will realise production capacity for selected items in the Serbian Farm Mechanisation Industry: mais-choppers and fertilizer-spreaders. Setting up local production capacity at RCR in Serbia for mais-choppers and fertilizer-spreaders, will be a pilot-project with great potential for further expansion, since farm machinery can be produced in Serbia at rather moderate costs. Pre-requisite for competitiveness at international markets is certification according to EU quality standards. In co-operation with IPC Ede, a reputable centre for innovation and practical training, Vicon, member of the Kverneland group and its local partner RCR will join forces to make this pilot project successful.


To have realised a pilot project in setting up production capacity for promising farm machinery: Mais choppers and fertilizer distributers at RCR in Serbia. Dutch technology is applied in a beneficial managerial and entrepreneurial environment at RCR.

End products

• local production capacity at RCR for mais-choppers and fertilizer-spreaders;

• starting-up maintenance and renovation of second-hand agricultural machinery and aftersale service;

• establishment of local production of new machinery at RCR;

• establishment of a testing station for tractors and agricultural machinery.

Project number PSO01/MN/1/11

Location Kolaŝin

Sector Agriculture / food processing

Project title Triple A&T Seed Potato Development Project

Contractor Agriplan Consultants B.V.

Recipient Trebaljevo d.o.o.

Partners Agrico Coöperatie b.a., AgroVent Systems B.V., Biotechnical Institute

Total budget 363,024 euro


The Triple A&T Seed Potato Development Project is aimed at realising improvements in the potato sector in Montenegro. Through the design and implementation of a potato seed multiplication programme, tailored to local conditions in the Kolašin region, the project will realise improvements in yields and quality of seed potatoes for further multiplication. The PSO project will enable the partner Trebaljevo to realise improvements by using Dutch starting materials, appropriate and efficient field mechanisation, and the control of the product quality during the growing season, post-harvest and during storage. The project will serve as a reference for improvements in the Montenegrin potato sector, based on Dutch inputs, and will provide a platform for continued commercial co-operation between Dutch and local partners and the follow up of spin-off sales.


To implement and demonstrate a programme for seed potato production, from seed to table, integrating top quality seed potato varieties with modern cultivation techniques, and up to date post-harvest and storage technology.

End products

• an economically viable and market oriented seed potato multiplication programme in Kolašin region;

• increase yields per hectare in the first and second year;

• new seed potato varieties registered in Montenegro;

• upgraded potato storage at Trebaljevo with additional potato handling equipment;

• local specialists and private farmers trained on several subjects concerning (seed) potato production.

Project number PSO01/MN/2/11

Location Podgorica

Sector Energy/Environment

Project title Developing Renewable Energy in Montenegro

Contractor Mainwind B.V.

Recipient Mezon d.o.o.

Partners Larive International B.V.

Total budget 544,536 euro


Montenegro has a fundamental need for additional energy. In meeting the demands all potential sources must be addressed, especially the renewable ones. Montenegro is particularly well endowed with wind resources. The goal of this project is to provide a cost-effective, technologically efficient and reliable supplementary and sustainable energy source. The objectives are to:

• install and operate a pilot wind turbine plant;

• develop a public-private partnership mapping out rights, responsibilities and risks;

• prepare an Individual-Power-Producer (IPP) concept that suits local circumstances to encourage follow-up (Dutch) private investments for large wind farms.


Demonstration of Dutch renewable energy production equipment and knowledge, creating a solid base for sustained Dutch-Montenegrin commercial relations.

End products

• optimum energy supply;

• high quality wind energy generating equipment;

• transfer of Dutch knowledge on renewable wind energy production;

• opening of the Montenegrin energy market for Dutch equipment;

• public-private partnership leading to access to (Dutch) private capital;

• bankable IPP-concept enabling Dutch private capital to be invested in similar projects.

Projects in 2002

|Project code |Title |Recipient |Dutch contractor |Status |Budget (EUR) |

| | | | |(end-date) | |

|Serbia | | | | | |

|PSO02/SB/1/12 |Strengthening the horticultural |Garden Centar, Belgrade|Blumex bv |Ongoing |476,000 |

| |chain for flowers and plants | | |(01-11-2004) | |

|PSO02/SB/1/13 |Certified Seed Potato |Agro-Mobil d.o.o. |Agriplan |Ongoing |560,000 |

| |Multiplication | | |(01-11-2004) | |

|PSO02/SB/1/16 |Collection and processing of |Solanum Kommerc d.o.o. |APH, Joure |Ongoing |536,000 |

| |vegetables and potatoes for | | |(30-09-2004) | |

| |Top-Segment Supermarkets | | | | |

|PSO02/SB/1/17 |EU Export Oriented Fruit & |Yukom d.o.o |Koeleman Foods BV |Ongoing |557,000 |

| |Vegetables Cannery | | |(31-12-2004) | |

|PSO02/SB/2/10 |Establishing an Industrial |Industrial Computer |Anoxsoft BV |Ongoing |556,000 |

| |Production Systems Design, |Control Engineering Ltd| |(31-12-2004) | |

| |Programming and Maintenance | | | | |

| |Company | | | | |

|PSO02/SB/2/14 |Serbian Shipbuilding Industry, |Numeric Marine d.o.o. |Metalix BV |Ongoing |556,000 |

| |improved by Dutch innovative | | |(31-12-2004) | |

| |technology “SERINNED” | | | | |

|PSO02/SB/2/16 |Production of quality shoes |Premix d.o.o. |Schoenfabriek Wed. J.P.|Ongoing |480,000 |

| | | |van Bommel B.V. |(31-07-2004) | |

|PSO02/SB/2/17 |Manufacture, reconditioning and |Bulovic d.o.o. |Lenssen Vul- & |Concluded |360,000 |

| |servicing of agro-processing | |Sluittechniek B.V. | | |

| |machinery | | | | |

|Total Serbia |8 | | | |4,081,000 |

| | | | | | |

|Montenegro | | | | | |

|PSO02/MN/2/12 |Modernizing Animal Feed Supply |AgriBisnizSistem d.o.o.|Agriplan BV |Ongoing |448,000 |

| | | | |(30-11-2004) | |

|Total Montenegro |1 | | | |448,000 |

| | | | | | |

|Grand total Serbia and|9 | | | |4,529,000* |

|Montenegro | | | | | |

* excl. a 20% own contribution

Project number PSO02/SB/1/12

Location Belgrade

Sector Agriculture / food processing

Project title Strengthening the horticultural chain for flowers and plants

Contractor Import Blumex Export BV

Recipient Garden Centar d.o.o.

Partners Arcadis/Euroconsult BV, C&J Bosman BV

Total budget 476,000 euro


Import Blumex Export BV, established in 1968, is one of the five largest flower exporters in the Netherlands. Blumex aims at expanding its activities per region through growth of its clients and the number of high value products it can offer its clients. The company has seen strong growth figures in Eastern Europe during the last decade. For the past twelve years, Garden Centar is Blumex’s main client in Serbia and has been supplying cut flowers and potplants to the retailers in the mayor cities – it has four outlets for flowers, plants and garden equipment. Recently, Garden Centar has won contracts for public property maintenance such as parks and gardens at public buildings. Blumex’s strategy is to strengthen its client’s position and to introduce the client to specific companies in the Netherlands that have innovative products and state-of-the-art technology for plant production. In doing so Blumex stimulates the development of the sector and ensures that the client maintains its leading position. Blumex wants to further develop the partnership with Garden Centar to increase the local production of cut flowers and the supply of flowers and garden attributes from the Netherlands.

End results

• construction of a greenhouse on an area of 1500 m2;

• an increase in the number of contract growers;

• innovation in services and products;

• promotion of Dutch technology.

Project number PSO02/SB/1/13

Location Guca

Sector Agriculture / food processing

Project title Certified seed potato multiplication project

Contractor Agriplan BV

Recipient Agro-Mobil d.o.o., Guca

Partners Agrico b.v., Emmeloord, AgroVent Systems b.v., Woerden, Nederlandse Algemene Keuringsdienst (NAK), Emmeloord, Bruinsma en Samon BV

Total budget 557,000 euro


The Certified seed potato multiplication project aims to improve the potato sector in Serbia. Through the design and implementation of a certified seed potato multiplication programme the project will realise improvements in yields and quality of seed potatoes for further multiplication. By means of an integrated approach the PSO plus project will enable the partner Agro-Mobil to realise improvements by using Dutch materials, appropriate and efficient field mechanisation, and the control of the product quality during the growing season, post-harvesting and storage. The project will start with an analysis of market preferences to select suitable varieties and with determining the socio-economic implications of new farm equipment for potato production. The project will serve as a reference in improving the Serbian potato sector, based on Dutch inputs. Furthermore, it will provide a platform for continued commercial co-operation between Dutch and local partners and generate follow-up from spin-off sales.

End results

• improved storage facility for potato seeds in the area;

• establishment supply of certified potato seeds;

• introduction and application of modern potato agronomy;

• effective and improved coverage of health control services;

• modernised potato production (and processing) techniques.

Project number PSO02/SB/1/16

Location Guca

Sector Agriculture / food processing

Project title Collection and processing of vegetables and potatoes

Contractor APH

Recipient Solanum Komerc d.o.o.

Partners HZPC, Konnax, Agriment

Total budget 536,000 euro


APH is increasingly becoming a trade company in agricultural machinery and food processing equipment. With a total turnover of EUR 4 million, APH is the market leader of machinery for potato production and storage in Eastern and Central Europe. The strategic interest of APH is to strengthen its market position in Serbia for the supply of seed and machinery. In Serbia, APH will establish a co-operation between all the important players in the vegetable and potato sector. This will ultimately lead to a commercially viable Collection, Processing, Marketing and Distribution Centre (CPMDC) for vegetables and potatoes, resulting in guaranteed availability of packed vegetables and table potatoes.

End results

• year-round supply of potatoes and vegetables to retail customers;

• an established contracting service under the CPMDC;

• modern know-how and management skills;

• imported seeds and seed potatoes;

• imported vegetables and table potatoes;

• an agreement on long term-co-operation has been elaborated;

• an effective and efficient project organisation is implemented and operational.

Project number PSO02/SB/1/17

Location Tavankut

Sector Agriculture / food processing

Project title EU export-oriented fruit and vegetables cannery in Serbia

Contractor Koeleman Foods BV

Recipient Yukom d.o.o.

Partners none

Total budget 557,000 euro


In the Netherlands, price fluctuations of fruit and vegetables only slightly determine the price of processed products. The main determining factors are labour, capital and land. The fruit and vegetable processing sector in the Netherlands is increasingly being confronted with both a greater demand and rising production costs. In this respect, Serbia offers good opportunities for production considering that the price of labour and land are low, and production capacity is sufficiently available. Above all, Serbia is located within an acceptable distance from the West European markets. In view of the net food imports and the high unemployment rates, Serbia advocates export-oriented industries. Against this backdrop, Koeleman Foods BV and Yukom d.o.o. have decided to set up a joint venture for fruit and vegetable processing for export to the EU markets.

End results

• establishment of a joint venture;

• production of 1.3 million jars of fruit and vegetables;

• a bankable business plan for further expansion of the joint venture.

Project number PSO02/SB/2/10

Location Belgrade

Sector Industry / technology

Project title Establishing an industrial production systems design, programming and maintenance company

Contractor ANOX Software B.V. i.o.

Recipient Industrial Computer Control Engineering Ltd.

Partners Sigma Systems NL Pvt.

Total budget 556,814 euro


The trend in industrial production processes to prevent loss of business as a result of high production costs, long lead times, and slow delivery is pushing companies toward more production automation. The demand for specialists to analyse and design production processes, programme PLCs, iPCs and robots to replace inefficient and/or hazardous activities, interface with other manufacturing processes, and perform maintenance is exceeding the availability in the EU and the USA. This project aims at establishing a joint venture between ICCE and Anoxsoft/Sigma Systems. Training of the new employees will be provided and entails the following:

• acquiring know-how to meet the requirements of EU and USA companies for PLCs;

• iPC and Robot programming;

• production process design;

• simulation and work cell integration;

• implementation and maintenance tailored to production processes and needs.

In addition, the project aims at specialising in the PC open-architecture hardware and Windows operating-system controller programming providing accessible man-machine interfaces. The project will integrate Internet and Ethernet communication software by Anoxsoft with controller programming tools. This will enable the new joint venture experts to design, programme, implement, service and maintain industrial processes from locations other than that of the customer. The communication software will allow a design, implementation and service technician to access PC-based process controllers anywhere in the world through the Internet or Ethernet.

End results

• a joint venture that provides high-tech, top-quality industrial production automation and efficiency services related to design, implementation and maintenance;

• adequate knowledge of modern hard- and software tools to provide industrial design, programming, implementation and maintenance services;

• adequate sales of industrial production design, implementation and maintenance services;

• a business plan for further expansion of the joint venture and access to financial resources.

Project number PSO02/SB/2/14

Location Belgrade

Sector Industry / technology

Project title "SERINNED" (Serbian shipbuilding industry, improved by Dutch innovative technology)

Contractor Metalix B.V.

Recipient Numeric Marine

Partners none

Total budget 556,000 euro


The Serbian shipbuilding industry has the potential to recover in the next few years. Numeric Marine provides technical documentation and numeric information for the shipbuilding industry. To support the recovery, Numeric Marine proposes, with help of her strategic partner Metalix – formally known as Nube&Staal – to extend the present activities up to the concept of "Ship Kit". This will be achieved by improving and expanding services for numeric information through the introduction of new software. In addition, a new centre for pre-fabricating steel components to supply the shipbuilders will be established.

End results

• transfer of know-how and technology;

• aquisition of new business;

• training of staff on the latest developments in modular shipbuiling, design, engineering and production;

• lower production costs through the introduction of modern equipment and technology;

• an increased share of the global shipbuilding market.

Project number PSO02/SB/2/16

Location Subotica

Sector Industry / technology

Project title Production of quality shoes

Contractor Schoenfabriek Wed. J.P. van Bommel B.V.

Recipient Premix d.o.o.

Partners Advance Consulting B.V.

Total budget 480,000 euro


Van Bommel BV and the Serbian company Premix d.o.o. intend to produce high-quality shoes in Subotica, Serbia. The companies will establish a joint venture to set up a modern production line. The resulting activities will generate new employment. The joint venture will be developed on the basis of applying high standards for labour conditions, quality and the environment. A business plan will be compiled aimed at entering the central and Eastern European markets. Spin-off is expected through the diversification of production facilities and the production of high-quality leather in Serbia. The latter will be manufactured in close co-operation with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and International Finance Corporation (IFC) who have shown a sincere interest to invest in follow-up activities.

End results

• an established joint venture by Van Bommel and Premix;

• a new shoe production line;

• training of staff and personnel. It is expected that the new joint venture will consist of staff of approximately 35;

• a developed regional sales and marketing strategy;

• a business plan geared towards follow-up investment.

Project number PSO02/SB/2/17

Location Stanisic

Sector Industry / technology

Project title Manufacture, reconditioning and servicing of agro-processing machinery

Contractor Lenssen Vul- & Sluittechniek B.V.

Recipient Bulovic Maschinenfabrik d.o.o.

Partners Advance Consulting B.V.

Total budget 360,000 euro


Serbia has a long-standing tradition in processing meat, vegetables and fruit. Moreover, the Serbian Government supports strongly the recovery and development of this sector. Most of the companies concerned will have to improve and upgrade their packing lines to adhere to international production and quality standards. Lenssen Vul- en Sluittechniek (LVS) and Bulovic Maschinenfabrik have proposed to set up a joint venture for the production, revision and servicing of production lines in the food processing sector.

The present workshop of Bulovic Maschinenfabrik will be upgraded with new state-of-the-art metal processing equipment. Staff and production personnel will receive training both locally and in the Netherlands. Special attention will be given to the introduction of quality standards, and fine-tuning of the production and logistical organisation of both companies.

The local management will receive special training to manage the company efficiently resulting to increased revenues. A market strategy will be developed to penetrate the market outside Serbia.

End results

• an established joint venture between Bulovic en LVS for the production, revision and servicing of production lines for food processing;

• a realised modern workshop in Stanisic;

• transfer of know-how and technology;

• promotion and marketing in other Balkan countries.

Project number PSO02/MN/1/12

Location Niksic

Sector Agriculture / food processing

Project title Modernising animal feed supply

Contractor Agriplan BV, Almkerk

Recipient ABS Niksic d.o.o.

Partners Ottevanger BV, Pricor BV

Total budget 448,000 euro


The project aims to provide a stimulus to the livestock sector in Montenegro. Feed forms the bulk of the production costs in the animal husbandry. An improvement of the feed conversion rate combined with a reduction of complete feed prices would give the livestock sector in Montenegro an incentive to commercialise and prepare itself for international competition. The realisation of a ‘sustainable animal feed production unit in the Republic of Montenegro’ that produces a higher and consistent quality complete feed for the animal sector at lower prices would put Dutch know-how in this field on the map in the Balkan area. As such, it would create a considerable amount of multipliers or spin-off effects for the Dutch livestock industry. A sustainable animal feed production will have to be attained through the installation and operation of new feed equipment that accurately determines the dose of premixes and macro elements (uniform contents) and correctly weighs the bags (standard volumes). The quality of the feed ingredients will improve by replacing locally produced feed components by premixes from the Netherlands. The efficiency and effectiveness of ABS, the recipient will improve by means of a new computerised monitoring system and an improved after-sales service.

End results

• operational new feed equipment;

• production of high quality feed ingredients or components;

• an internal and external computerised monitoring system (MIS) of the business operations;

• improved after-sales services for the animal feed sales.

Projects in 2003

Business to business

|Project code |Title |Recipient |Dutch |Status |Budget |

| | | |contractor |(end-date) |(EUR) |

|Serbia | | | | | |

|PSO03/SB/1/4 |Development of |GIT-J d.o.o. |H. van den Berg |Ongoing |682,000 |

| |Floriculture in Dobanovci | |Handelskwekerij BV |(30-11-2006) | |

|PSO03/SB/1/5 |Garden Plant Packaging and|Slaves d.o.o. |Horatia BV |Ongoing |440,000 |

| |Distribution Facility | | |(31-05-2007) | |

| |Development | | | | |

|PSO03/SB/1/7 |An integrated pig |SZMKR "Golija" |GK Holding |Ongoing |810,000 |

| |production project from | | |(31-08-2007) | |

| |stable to table | | | | |

|PSO03/SB/1/9 |Establishment of |PlantLand D.O.O. |Multiverde B.V. |Start |815,109 |

| |decorative Plants nursery | | |(30-06-2007) | |

| |in Serbia | | | | |

|PSO03/SB/1/11 |Establishing the |Multi Fruit d.o.o. |Heutinck Hortonomics |Start |922,692 |

| |Serbia-Netherlands Supply | |B.V. |(31-12-2007) | |

| |chain of soft Fruit | | | | |

|PSO03/SB/2/1 |Production and export of |Infinity Craft d.o.o. |De Prins van Oranje |Ongoing |698,000 |

| |Dutch-Serbian motor yachts| |Jacht Management BV |(30-04-2007) | |

|PSO03/SB/2/5 |Quality Chain to the |MPAD/Valjetska Pekara |v.o.f. |Start |560,000 |

| |Serbian Milling and Bakery| |Kretzers-Spelt-Roebroek|(31-12-2007) | |

| |branch | | | | |

|Total Serbia |7 | | | |4,927,801 |

| | | | | | |

|Montenegro | | | | | |

|PSO03/MN/1/2 |Introduction of the |AgriBisnizSistem d.o.o.|Agriplan BV |Ongoing |444,000 |

| |broiler sector | | |(31-07-2007) | |

|Total Montenegro |1 | | | |444,000 |

|Total B2B Serbia & |8 | | | |5,371,801 |

|Montenegro 2003 | | | | | |


|Project code |Title |Recipient |Dutch |Status |Budget |

| | | |contractor |(end-date) |(EUR) |

|Serbia | | | | | |

|PSO03/SB/1/90 |Zuivel sector ontwikkeling|Ministry of Agriculture|Campina International |Ongoing |867,000 |

| |in Servië |and Water Management | |(31-12-2005) | |

|Total Programmatic Serbia |1 | | | |867,000 |

|2003 | | | | | |

|Grand total Serbia & |9 | | | |6,238,801 |

|Montenegro 2003 | | | | | |

Project number PSO03/SB/1/4

Location Belgrade

Sector Agriculture

Project title Development of floriculture in Dobanovci, Serbia

Contractor Handelskwekerij H. van der Berg VOF, Lisse

Recipient GIT-J d.o.o., Dobanovci

Partner(s) Coöperatieve Bloemenveiling FloraHolland U.A., Rijnsburg

Total budget 682,000 euro


Handelskwekerij H. van der Berg VOF grows cut flowers and pot plants in the Netherlands. The firm has been exploring possibilities to expand its activities abroad because expansion in the Netherlands is constrained due to the high costs for labour, energy and land. Handelskwekerij H. van der Berg VOF maintains good business relations with GIT-J d.o.o. in Dobanovci. Both companies have agreed to establish a new joint venture to start production of sunflowers and cut flowers.

In 2001 the companies had previously started the production of sunflowers on an area of 9 hectares and consequently a joint venture for the production of sunflowers and cut flowers will be established. GIT-J d.o.o. will contribute a production area of 20 hectares which will be sold to the FloraHolland flower auction in Rijnsburg. The flower auction in Rijnsburg, an official partner in the project, will provide technical assistance and prepare all the flowers for the auction. The project will supply plastic tubing, a cool store and a processing and packing line.


• the established joint venture Berg Beograd d.o.o.;

• construction of 4000 m2 tubing and 400 m2 cool store;

• installation of a processing and packing line for cut flowers;

• delivery of agricultural machinery;

• production of 570,000 garden plants;

• production of 4,700,000 cut flowers.

Project number PSO03/SB/1/5

Location Senta, Vojvodina

Sector Agriculture

Project title Garden plant packaging and distribution facility development in Serbia

Contractor Horatia BV, Tegelen

Recipient PTP Slaves d.o.o., Senta

Partner(s) ZZ Ostojicevo Slaves, Novi Sad, Leja B.V., Tegelen

Total budget 440,000 euro


Horatia BV is the sales organisation of a cooperative of rose growers in the Dutch province of Limburg. The organisation has established a good business relation with PTP Slaves d.o.o. in Senta, Northern Vojvodina. Slaves d.o.o. is a supplier of prepacked bush roses for the company Leja B.V. in Tegelen, which is owned by Horatia BV. The packing of bush roses is no longer economically feasible in the Netherlands and therefore Horatia BV wants to set up a joint venture in Serbia to pre-pack the bush roses that will be grown by Slaves d.o.o. The market for pre-packed bush roses in Western Europe is good and Horatia needs to have the bush roses supplied from countries where production costs are attractive. Apart from the favourable demand of the Western European markets, Horatia also sees opportunities to serve the local and regional markets in Eastern Europe.

The project will provide for a processing line to pre-pack the bush roses, a cool store, technical assistance in how to grow bush roses and quality control. The new joint venture will be supported in becoming a professional company with special attention to planning and administrative procedures. The project will also start to develop the local and regional markets.


• the established joint venture LejaSlaves d.o.o.;

• a packing and distribution centre;

• delivery of 350,000 pre-packed rose bushes to Leja BV;

• production of 500,000 rose bushes.

Project number PSO03/SB/1/7

Location Belgrade

Sector Agriculture

Project title An integrated pig production project from stable to table in Serbia

Contractor GK Holding B.V., Nederweert

Recipient SZMKR ‘Golija’, Belgrado

Partner(s) TOPIGS International B.V., Helvoirt / Agriplan Consultants B.V., Almkerk

Total budget 810,000 euro


The aim of the project is to establish an integrated pig production chain in Serbia. GK Holding B.V. will establish a joint venture with Golija, a meat processing company with 27 fresh meat outlets in Belgrade. The Dutch consortium is active in the field of breeding and production of fattening pigs.

GK Holding B.V. is active in the Balkan area and has ample experience with the development and management of pig farms, and the development of the pork chain. Topigs is a pig breeding company that produces high-quality genetic material. The partners aim at developing a complete integrated chain for pork. The market in Belgrade shows a demand for better quality meat than what is presently processed by Golija. This is the main reason why the slaughterhouse of Golija operates at a mere 60% of its capacity. Through this project, Golija hopes to

be assured of a continuous supply of high-quality pork that meets market demand enabling them to use the full capacity of the slaughterhouse and gain a substantial part of the market for high-quality pork.


• an established joint venture ’Profarm-Serbia’ by GK Holding B.V. (49%) and SZMKR Golija (51%);

• construction of two stables for Grand Parent stock;

• an established AI centre;

• delivery of 150 Grand Parent stock;

• production of 13,000 sperm doses, 2,000 fattening pigs and 320 sows.

Project number PSO03/SB/1/9

Location Novi Sad

Sector Agriculture

Project title Establishing a decorative plants nursery in Serbia

Contractor Multiverde B.V., De Kwakel

Recipient Plantland d.o.o., Novi Sad

Total budget 660,110 euro


Multiverde B.V. imports plant material from Latin America and sells most of it to Dutch growers. A small part of the plant material is exported to Eastern Europe where the market for tropical pot plants, such as Dracena, has expanded substantially over the last five years. Multiverde B.V. already exports to Serbia and sees good opportunities to expand its operations even further. The project aims at establishing a joint venture with Plantland d.o.o., a garden centre, in Novi Sad. The joint venture will take over all activities of Plantland d.o.o. and develop the production of tropical pot plants. The project will assist in establishing the new company and provide for a new greenhouse, an outdoor shaded area and a cool store. The pot plants produced will entirely be sold on the local and regional market.


• an established joint venture;

• construction of 2500 m2 greenhouse;

• construction of a shop of 1000 m2 and an outdoor shaded area of 2000 m2;

• a cool store of 140 m2;

• delivery of plant material;

• a developed production and supply chain.

Project number PSO03/SB/1/11

Location Sabac

Sector Agriculture

Project title Establishing the Serbia-Netherlands supply chain for soft fruit

Contractor Heutinck Hortonomics BV, Veldhoven

Recipient Multi Fruit d.o.o., Sabac

Total budget 912,693 euro


The project is aimed at taking advantage of the excellent growth conditions for soft fruits in Serbia, as well as the

relative low investment and labour cost. The markets in Western Europe are showing a growing demand for out of

season fresh fruits. However, there is a lack of supply in the period between June and October, which could be covered by the production in Serbia. Until now, Serbia has failed to capture the high-end fresh market for berries for reasons of noncompliance with EU quality standards in the post-harvest phase and because the market demands different varieties.

The project partners will set up a joint venture which will fully operate according to the HACCP and EuroGap procedures. A packing station will be constructed, equipped with a packing line and cool store. The partners will work out a mutual export strategy for the Western European markets. They will also support local farmers with the introduction of new raspberry varieties, provide training in the field of post-harvest handling, implement HACCP and EuroGap procedures, and optimise the berry fruit orchards.


• an established joint venture;

• construction of a packing station for soft fruits;

• installation of a packing line and cool store;

• introduction of a new raspberry variety;

• production of 320 tons of raspberries and 160 tons of blackberries;

• production of soft fruits according to HACCP and EuroGap procedures.

Project number PSO03/SB/1/90

Location Sabac, Nis

Sector Agriculture (Programmatic tender)

Project title Development of the dairy sector in Serbia

Contractor Campina International, Veghel

Recipient Veterinary service and private farmers, Nis and Sabac

Total budget 867,000 euro


This project has been implemented under the framework of the PSO programmatic. The dairy sector is an important sector of the Serbian economy, but has seen a limited development over the last few decades. The average dairy farm is small with only 5 milking cows. The dairy factories are old and obsolete and severely need to be modernised. The milk purchased from the farmers is paid based on fat content and not on quality.

Therefore the dairy sector will have to be restructured. Over the past few years, foreign investment has shown interest to re-capitalise milk factories. In addition, the Dutch dairy industry has shown interest to invest in the Serbian dairy sector, particularly investment in dairy factories.

The project has been initiated to support future Dutch investment in the Serbian dairy industry and will focus on

improving the quality and quantity of the primary production thereby strengthening the position of the Dutch dairy industry.

The project will be implemented in de regions of Sabac and Nis.


• a support and advisory unit with the veterinary services of Sabac and Nis;

• modernisation of 10 private dairy farms to serve as demonstration farms;

• a dairy sector review of Sabac and Nis.

Project number PSO03/SB/2/1

Location Belgrade

Sector Industry

Project title Production and export of Dutch-Serbian motor yachts

Contractor De Prins van Oranje Jachtmanagement, Heeg

Recipient Infinity Craft, Belgrade

Total budget 697,800 euro


In 1974, De Prins van Oranje (DPVO) was established as a Dutch company in nautical supplies. Taking into account the growing number of activities, DPVO intends to spread its risks and start producing motor yachts in Serbia. The Serbian partner is a young private enterprise that also produces motor yachts.

Because the company has skilled employees, conditions are good to manufacture wooden, aluminium and steel yachts. However, the company is in need of capital investments and knowledge transfer. New production facilities in Belgrade are planned for different types of motor yachts though upgrading, increased efficiency, CE quality levels and international marketing will need to be implemented. The core of this project will be an intensive collaboration in a joint venture with DPVO, including investments in hardware and technical assistance. The project will focus on the production and marketing of different types of CE-certified wooden motor yachts for the top segment in Western Europe, and aluminium yachts for export. All this will have to be in conformity with

Dutch standards.


• a joint venture between De Prins van Oranje Jachtmanagement B.V. and Infinity Craft d.o.o.;

• investments in hardware and installation;

• production phase.

Project number PSO03/SB/2/5

Location Valjevo

Sector Industry

Project title Quality chain to the Serbian milling and bakery sector

Contractor V.o.f. Kretzers-Sittard-Roebroek, Sittard

Recipient MPAD / Valjevska Pekara /15 September, Valjevo

Partner(s) DLV Subsidieadvies / DSM Bakery Ingrediensts B.V. / Dutch Used Bakery Equipment / Trading B.V., KSR Valjevo d.o.o.

Total budget 560,000 euro


V.o.f. Kretzers-Sittard-Roebroek (KSR) in Sittard was established in January 2002 with the aim to sell bakery

products to the Serbian grain processing industry and bakery sector. Moreover, the company is active in knowledge transfer and participations in the bakery sector. KSR has a broad network in this sector in the Netherlands and intends to enhance sustainable relations between Dutch and Serbian companies. KSR also participates in the recently privatised Serbian company Mlinsko Pekarsko Actionardi Drustvo/Valjevska Pekara (MPAD/VP). They are the biggest supplier of bread and bakery products in Serbia with a mill, a bakery and sales department. The project is focussed on modernising the production process at MPAD/VP, including development, production and marketing of a wide range of flour products. Clients will consist of among others bakeries in the region that are in need of half products and bread improvers. In addition, the transfer of knowledge will be an important part of the project. Finally a training and expertise centre and a department for the revision of equipment will be established, where other bakeries can benefit from it as well.


• a modernised bakery, mill and expertise centre;

• verification of the new production process, educated staff and a modernised sales chain;

• fully modernised production and marketing.


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