Big Bang Formation of Matter - SpikerSystems

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Big Bang Formation of Matter

By Marty Wollner


This Paper is Strictly Scientific



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This paper:

1. In no way discusses or elaborates upon God, religion or creationism.

2. Details how matter forms during the first few moments of a big bang.

This is based upon “Marty’s simple model of a Universe”.

3. Defines a mathematical model describing principles common in the creation of Digital Universes.

4. Elaborates upon the model, discussing scientific implications derived from it.

This includes some *amazing new and shocking revelations.

“Marty’s simple model of a Universe” is described in the book “Perpetual Life: The Eye of the Octopus”.

I‘ve attempted to include all pertinent information from the book right here, so


Easy reading


Color codes are assigned for readability, depending on your background:


Green Anyone who can read

(if you can’t read, we have a paradox on our hands)


Yellow High school math and science


Purple College / industrial level math and science


Red Geek computer type

Light Blue Footnotes

*Grey An Amazing Revelation,

at least yellow or more difficult

Italics Stupid stuff for humor

$$$ Indicates work in progress

Skip the sections you don’t understand!

Footnotes are important, don’t miss them!![2]


We’ll first quickly review the scientific premises set forth in the book, and then take off into detail describing the formation of matter during a digital rendition of a big bang.

If you don’t understand this review, please refer to the book via the “Science-ONLY topics links”[3].

Everything in UPPER CASE UNDERLINED BOLD in this paper is a new term or concept, hopefully making sense because I’ve tried to introduce them in an understandable order, building one concept upon another, as the table of contents reveals.

Quick Jump Links are also in place for fast navigation.

To skip the Table of Contents, Click HERE.

Table of Contents

Introduction 3

This paper: 3

Easy reading 4

Navigation 5

Table of Contents 6

Availability 12

Quick Jump Links: 13

Additional resource : “Closed Loop Programming” 14

Additional resource : Download of 14

*A List of Amazing Revelations 22

Quick review of the Scientific premises from the book 24

Overview of Marty’s Simple Model of a Universe 24

Finite Limitations 24

Ordered Definitions of the Components of a Universe 25

Pseudo-code Showing the Simple Declarations for Components of a Universe 26

States of a Universe 27

State Transitions 27

Three Factors that determine the next position of a particle 28

1 - Sharing the exact same location at the same time with other particles (NUCLEAR FORCE) 28

2 - Close proximity to a set of other particles (QUANTUM FORCE) 28

3 - Speed and direction relative to only one other particle… classical physics and relativity (NEWTONIAN FORCE) 28

One force at a time and Prioritization of which force to use 29

Nuclear Forces 29

This document now takes off !!! 30

The Formation of Matter During a Digital Big Bang 31

Assumptions 31

Particle Spreading and Virtual Matter 32

Could This Apply to Our Universe? 32

*Time Frames: The Death of a Horse and a Pony 33

Virtual Computing 34

The King 35

The Chess Game 36

Definition: How Computer Simulators Work 37

Is there a point? 38

Can We PLEASE Get to the Point? 39

Time Frames 39

Relative Terminology of the Chess Game 40

A Long Day in My Computer Lab 41

*A Not so Obvious Thing 43

Demonstration of a Simple Universe: M7P1DPOU 45

You can follow this example along by running Octopus_2.exe, found inside of, freely distributed with this paper. 45

*Visualization of the virtual M7P1DPOU 45

Visualizing virtual multi-dimensional M7P1DPOUs 46

Representing the Initial State of M7P1DPOU as a Data Table 47

Visualizing states of virtual M7P1DPOU 47

Kicking off M7P1DPOU with a Bang! 49

The first tick of time in M7P1DPOU 49

NuclearMove Algorythm Used in M7P1DPOU 49

Ready?GO! 50

Visualizations of M7P1DPOU 51

The second tick of time in M7P1DPOU 52

The Formation of Atoms 52

The Formation of Atoms in M7P1DPOU 53

Algorithm for the Formation of Atoms in M7P1DPOU 53

Eligibility for Movement by Quantum Forces 53

Next step: Determination of What Kind of Atom will be Created 54

Next step: Fusion 55

We now have matter in M7P1DPOU!!! 56

Refined Definitions 57

Matter 57

Formation and Persistence 57

Marty’s Definition of Digital Existence: 58

The List of Atoms That Exist at Any Moment in Time: 58

*Can we all just agree on… 59

*The Bridge to Reality 60

*How Much Affect? 60

*Assigning Mass … Where Energy Comes From in a Digital Universe 61

*And so, in my Universe, the Bridge to Reality 62

Marty’s Algorithm for Assigning Mass at Element Creation 63

Getting ready for Newton 63

Next Step: The Motion of Atoms 64

Eligibility for motion by Newtonian Force 64

Considerations for Newtonian Motion 64

Drag 65

Digital Implementation of Newton’s Law 66

Verbal Expression of Newton’s Law: 66

Newton’s Law as a Math Equation: 66

Newton’s Law Applied to a Set of Masses 67

Digital Rendition of Newton’s Law 67

Start With Only One Dimension 68

Algorithm for Drag Between 2 Digital Atoms 68

Algorithm for Drag on an Atom by All Other Atoms in a Universe 69

Pseudo Code for Calculating Drag on a Single Atom: 69

Multiple dimensions… there’s your square! 70

Calculating Speed 71

Algorithm for Newtonian Motion in M7P1DPOU 71

By the way,… 72

Generalizations derived from M7P1DPOU 73

Phases of the Creation of M7P1DPOU 73

Startup 73

Plasma 73

Matter Creation 74

Motion of Matter 74

Moving Matter Away from the Center of the Universe 74

More Elements 75

Unaccounted Behaviors, SHOCKING News 76

*The Hidden Twist… Digital Truncation and Rounding… 77

*Clumping and Infinity 78

But why do they clump??? 78

Modern Science’s best shot .. the “Space-Time-Continuum” 78

Marty’s Opinions on the Theory of Space-Time-Continuum 79

In the Near Future: The Final Proof 79

The Unifying Thread: WORD SIZE and Finite Limitations 80

How Finite Limitations Changes Newton’s Law 81

Marty_Pockets 81

Digital Renditions 82

Pseudo Code for Calculating Average Drag Upon a Single Atom: 82

Purity Of Essential code 83

So, ANYWAYYY, Where’s the Marty_Pocket? 83

Example Universe:M57 84

Pseudo Code for Calculating Average Drag Upon a Single Atom:in M57: 84

How Finite Limitations Change Newton’s Law 85

Effect Upon the Denominator: Digital Truncation 85

Effect Upon the Numerator: Digital Rounding 85

Why Not Try Using Floating Point Numbers? 86

The Proof Is In The Shape Of The Universe!!! 86

The Arm of Dave 87

The Wrath of Dave’s Stumble 88

Is this Example a bit too Far Flung? 89

Not Obvious – the Consistency and Predictability of Unpredictability 89

The shape of the Universe of the Arm of Dave 90

The shape of a Universe virtually created using consistent patterns of inconsistency 90

OK,OK, I think the lizard is dead by now. We have Clumps. Now what? 91

Marty’s Strong Opinions On Living In A Digital Universe: 91

Coming up next, stealing my own show about Radiation 92

*Crossing the Bridge Between Newton and Einstein 93

*An Instant Revelation About the Speed of Light 94

Radiation 95

Radiation Has Zero Mass 95

Marty’s World Radiation 96

Radiation Events 97

Propagation 97

Propagation Through a Digital Universe 98

The Tricky Part 99

Propagation Through a Digital Medium Over Multiple Tick Durations 100

Step by Step Progression of the 2 Tick Stream 101

Where do all of these “Effective Wave Particles” go? 101

*Real World Analogies 101

Definitions for a Radiation Event 102

What’s missing? 103

*Marty’s theory on the Speed of Propagation through a digital medium: 103

Radiation Frequencies 104

What’s next? 105

*This is a work in progress, but here are PREDICTIONS 106

*A new goal: 107

*What am I Trying to Prove? 107

*The Cart Needs to Stop Pulling the Horse 108

*What if? 108

Oh No, Here Comes the Nut Case… 109

*Point of View 110

Request for Code 111

*Quest for Parameters 112

*What Would Happen? 112

*Bolt, The Wonder Dog!! 113

The Universe’s Digital Framework 113

Where Are We? 113

Where Are We Going? 114

How Is Our Planet Oriented Towards The Center Of The Universe? 114

Finding The Center Of The U. 114

Marty? HELP!!! 115

Assumption: Using The Digital Grid As A Transport Conduit 116

Bolts! 116

Is The Bolt Straight? WHY NOT ??? 117

Universal Map Locator: The Bolt Invention 118

The Road Map Tools 118

More Than A Tool? 119

Comparing Characteristics Of Bolts 119

Taking Mohamed To The Mountain! 120

Permutations and Correlations 120

Examining Bolts For Physical Characteristics 121

Conclusions We Can Draw From The Characteristics Observed 122

The Future Looks Bright 122

Unifying Principles 123

*If Statements 123

*Looking for If Statements 124

*Implications of not finding any If Statements: 125

*Just Wondering… 127

In Any Case 127

“Mission Accomplished” 127

Analysis of “Historical Religious” Interpretations 128

The Notebook 129

Final thoughts: 130

Appendixes and notes: 135

Note_BBF_1: Compression of all Matter Into a Single Location 135

Note_BBF_2: Representing a 3-D Universe Using Only 1-Dimension Numerical Representations 136

Note_BBF_3: Computer Word Sizes and Addressing Limitations 137

Note_BBF_4: Pseudo-code for a run of the Universe: 141

Note_BBF_5: Comments on Pseudo-code for a run of the Universe 144

Note_BBF_6A: Prime Numbers and PrimeDentites 145

Terminology definition: Prime Number 145

Marty terminology definition: PrimeDentity 145

Note_BBF_6B: Pseudo-code for DetermineNext : 147

NOTE_BBF_7: A few notes on the NuclearMove function code: 150

Note_BBF_8: Marty terminology definition: Force and Energy 151

*Note_BBF_9: Benefits of discovering the formula… 153

OK, but how does that help Mankind? 153

Architectural Sequences 154

Axis’s of Evil? 154

If you really think about it… 155

Breaking the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principal 156

Harvesting the knowledge… new machines of the future 157

Tiny Widgets 157

Tiny Tools that build Tiny Machines 157

Tiny Grid-Snap Perpetual Radiant Energy Machine 157

Osmosis-Reel Heat-to-Mechanical Energy Conversion Machine 157

Ultra Concentrated Data Storage Units 158

Universal Map Locator: Bolt 158

Ultra Capacity Computers 158

Note_BBF_10: Simulators 159

Note BBF_11: A Discussion About Hidden Particles. 160

Note_BBF_12: E = MC What??? 162

Note BBF_13: The Hack 164

Note BBF_14: What happened during the “Big Bang”? 166

Marty’s Theory on Maximum Particle Motion in the History of the Universe: 167

The Flow of the Universe 168

Marty’s deduced solutions for a continuously re-cycling Universe: 169

Student Assignment 171

Periodic table of the Elements 172

About the author: 173


This paper, the book, and all of the accompanying resources are to always remain freely available for anyone to read for free. I will not accept donations for it.[4]

Quick Jump Links:

1. To Jump to the Octopus_2 DOWNLOAD, Click HERE


2. To Skip the Review, Click HERE

3. To Jump Directly to the MEAT of this Discussion, Click HERE

4. *To Jump Directly to a list of New, Shocking Revelations, Click HERE.

Additional resource : “Closed Loop Programming”

For another scientific point of view on this, please read the paper “Closed Loop Programming”, freely available from .

Additional resource : Download of

A set of computer program modules accompanies this paper, all written in MS VB. This is SAFE CODE, I wrote it all myself! [5] is freely distributed with this paper. It contains Octopus_2.exe which can be run directly without installation on any Windows capable computer. also contains the MS VB project files including all component source code and form modules.

Feel free to examine and run it, and even make modifications, but DO NOT re-distribute it in any form or I will hunt you down and beat you up!

Octopus_2 features adjustable parameters for:

• The Count of particles in your Universe

• The Tick Rate you can make the Universe execute at

• The number of Dimensions you want your Universe to be created in

• The number of Concurrent Sets you want to use to implement perfect reproducibility

• The Duration (maximum number of ticks) your Universe will run for

• The Detail Level you want your output to be generated in (by run, by tick, by particle, etc.)

• The maximum Range of your Universe

• The Output Format you want produced – visual or comma delimited, Excel-Ready

This is a work-in-progress, so expect nice new additional features very soon.

You can run this right now directly from within the .zip: just Click HERE

Note: You might get a pop-up blocking the download. It IS SAFE!!

Then click Open (instead of Save),


then click through the Z_Octopus_2 folders,


then double-click on the Application Named Octopus_2.exe,


Click Run… (you don’t need to “Extract all” unless you’re programming),


Click Run… I am the unknown publisher (in more ways than one!)


This program ACTUALLY WORKS!!

You can run the program along with reading this paper as a visual aid.


Here, Octopus_2 just completed execution of M7P1DPOU, the Digital Universe used in this paper as a lengthy example (below):


You can change parameters on-the-fly to a running program, pause and restart a universe at any tick in time, and toggle levels of reporting detail.

You can cut and paste the output into Excel or into a graphics package, and see what kind of monsters you unknowingly created in the deep, dark bowels of your Universes. Not responsible for anything that results within any universes you create. Don’t forget to set the captives free!! Batteries not included. Void in Livonia, Michigan., USA, and some strict Peanut Butter Lover-only countries. Par value nearly infinitesimal. All right reserved. See store for details. Good luck, Jim.[6] This message will self-destruct in 10, 9, 8, …

*A List of Amazing Revelations

Here’s a list of amazing revelations as quick jump links … ENJOY!

1. *Time Frames, *A Not so Obvious Thing

Relative time frames between Inner and Outer Universes.

2. *Visualization of the virtual M7P1DPOU

Visualize a real virtual world created before your eyes.

3. *Can we all just agree on…, *The Bridge to Reality, *How Much Affect?, *Assigning Mass … Where Energy Comes From in a Digital Universe, *And so, in my Universe, the Bridge to Reality is:

Can we all just agree that matter is only real if it can affect other matter? E = MC WHAT???

4. *The Hidden Twist… Digital Truncation and Rounding…

Fascinating, riveting, a must read!

5. *Crossing the Bridge Between Newton and Einstein, *An Instant Revelation About the Speed of Light

Filling the gaps with a simple set of explanations.

6. *Clumping and Infinity

(All sections) How digital rounding creates galaxies.

7. *Real World Analogies

Describes how light has the “power” to continue indefinitely though space.

8. *Marty’s Theory on the Speed of Propagation

Clarifies how a digital universe must have a finite resolution used to gauge particle movements… The “Speed of Light” in a Digital Universe? ONE LOCATION PER TICK.

9. *Predictions, *A new Goal, *What am I trying to Prove?, *The Cart Needs to Pull The Horse!!!, *What If?, *Oh, Oh, Here Comes Nut Case…, *Point of View, *Quest for Parameters, and *What would happen?

Marvelous insights on using the theory of digital rounding to model and explain our own universe.

10. *Bolt, The Wonder Dog!!

(All sections) Describes using electrostatic charges to locate the Universes Digital Grid. Very interesting and promising!

11. *Note_BBF_9: Benefits of discovering the formula…

(All sections) A science fiction speculation on what is possible in a digital universe.

12. *If Statements, *Looking for If Statements, and *Implications of not finding any If Statements:, *Just Wondering…

Scientific based philosophy about the history of our universe. A nice way to close.

Quick review of the Scientific premises from the book

This paper starts right here. Enjoy!

Overview of Marty’s Simple Model of a Universe

Marty describes a UNIVERSE as being DIGITAL in nature, and thus can be defined in terms of COMPUTER DATA STRUCTURES that get manipulated by COMPUTER ALGORITHMS.

Finite Limitations

Being digital in nature implies that there are FINITE LIMITS to the sizes of these computer data structures and to the capacities of various numbers used in the computations.

And, so, the term INTEGER is used to describe an integer number in computer terms, implying that it has a finite WORD SIZE[7].

Ordered Definitions of the Components of a Universe

A Universe consists of a SET OF LOGICALLY DEFINED OBJECTS called PARTICLES. Each and every particle has an identical set of ATTRIBUTES associated with it, however, the VALUES currently ASSIGNED to these attributes can vary from one particle to the next.

Here is a complete[8] list of the attributes associated with particles:[9]

1. An ARRAY INDEX NUMBER uniquely identifying it from other particles.

2. A LOCATION (an integer number, or a set of integer numbers if the Universe has more than one DIMENSION), relative to the CENTER of the VIRTUAL UNIVERSE that implicitly results from the definitions.

3. A VECTOR, which consists of a SPEED (an integer number) and a DIRECTIONOBJECT (DirectionObject), the Array Index of another particle, or the value null).

4. A PRIMEDENTITY (PrimeDentity), which is a unique prime number assigned to each particle in a set of particles.

A LIST OF PARTICLES thus makes up a Universe, and the attributes assigned to these particles at any point in time represent the current STATE of the Universe.

The relative locations of particles in the list enact the formation of STRUCTURES which can be VISUALIZED as constituting MATTER within the virtual universe.

This describes how a Universe can consist of a set of POINT-SIZE particles; they act a set of MARKERS delimiting relative locations that REPRESENT material within the virtual U.

Pseudo-code Showing the Simple Declarations for Components of a Universe


‘ (This is a comment line)

‘ (A continuing comment line) …


Constant UniverseObjectCount = 10 ka-jillion

‘ The count of objects (particles) in the Universe

Constant UniverseDimensionCount = 3

‘ The count of dimensions in the Universe


Type Definition: LocationType

‘ A data structure used to describe an object’s location


Xyzloc as positive integer (UniverseDimensionCount)


End Type Definition


Type Definition VectorType

‘ A data structure used to describe an object’s speed and direction.

’ Note that the direction is not defined in terms of grid location;

’ the DirectionObject is the index of another object in the U.,

’ and set to NULL if speed = 0. Note also that

‘ speed is limited to the speed of light.

‘ This is how relativity is implemented in the Universe.


Speed as integer

DirectionObject as positive integer or NULL


End Type Definition


Type Definition UniverseObjectType

‘ A data structure used to describe an object’s

‘ PrimeDentity (described in

‘ Note_BBF_6A: Prime Numbers and PrimeDentites below)

’ and it’s state; its location and its vector


PrimeDentity as Integer

Location as LocationType

Vector as VectorType


End Type Definition

Dim UniverseObjects (UniverseObjectCount, 2) as UniverseObjectType

‘ Sets of Arrays that define the states of all objects in the Universe.

‘ This is where our Universe actually exists.

States of a Universe

The state of a Universe at any point in time is defined by the values of all of the attributes associated with all of the particles in it. By making CHANGES to the values of these attributes, we effectively create NEW STATES of the Universe. Additionally, these changes implicitly enact changes to locations of particles marking out the material structures within the virtual Universe, resulting in VISUALIZATIONS OF PERCEIVED MOTION OF MATERIALS within it.

Changes made to the list of particles are implemented in a DIGITAL manner such that all are enacted at the same instant, thereby changing the state of the Universe in a set of discrete PULSES or TICKS OF TIME.

The motion of matter in a universe over a period of time can thus be described as an ORDERED SET OF INDEPENDENT STATES. We refer to the changes that occur from one state to the next as “STATE TRANSITIONS”.

State Transitions

Ok, now let’s review how these states transition from one to the next in Marty’s simple model:

At any point in time, all of the particles that make up a Universe are in a particular set of states (locations and vectors).

The next state of each particle is calculated by applying a simple set of RULES enacting only according to the present states of all the particles in the list.

This means each particle is considered for motion according to the relations of its state with the states of all other particles in the Universe at any particular moment in time. I’m calling these considerations a set of FACTORS.

The pseudo code for a run of the universe is included below in Note_BBF_4 and an in-depth discussion follows in Note_BBF_5.

Three Factors that determine the next position of a particle


Only three Factors cause a particle to move into its next state, and each has an associated “FORCE” enacted by a different ALGORITHM:



1 - Sharing the exact same location at the same time with other particles (NUCLEAR FORCE)


[pic] [pic] [pic]

2 - Close proximity to a set of other particles (QUANTUM FORCE)

[pic] [pic]


3 - Speed and direction relative to only one other particle… classical physics and relativity (NEWTONIAN FORCE)



[pic] [pic]


One force at a time and Prioritization of which force to use

Marty believes that only one of these forces is applied to a given particle in any moment in time. Each particle is considered according to the PRIORITIES listed above.

We first consider if the particle is ELIGIBLE for Nuclear force, if so, it is moved by Nuclear force rules. If not eligible for Nuclear force, then we consider using Quantum force, or if not, then the particle is moved by Newtonian force.

Lets knock off nuclear forces right now.

Nuclear Forces


When more than one object occupy the exact same location[10] a set of “Nuclear force Rules” is applied as a first priority in calculating the next positions for all of these co-occupying particles.


The objective is to move each particle away from the position it shares with any other particle(s), into different positions; if we don’t get them into different positions, there might be a repeating co-occupation in the next tick of time, and this could repeat indefinitely, causing the program to infinitely loop, thus suspending all subsequent movement of all of the particles in the entire Universe. Which is a bad thing.


In order to prevent an infinite loop, we’ll use the PrimeDentity specified for the array index number of the particle being considered to grant uniqueness to the calculation of its next position.

Please see Note_BBF_6A for a description of PrimeDentities.

Please see Note_BBF_6B and Note_BBF_7 for pseudo-code and an in-depth discussion of the NuclearMove code.

This document now takes off !!!

[pic] [pic]

I might retro-fit this stuff back into the book some day, but for now, this document takes off where the book stopped, providing vastly greater detail and insight into the creation of materials during a digital big bang.

The reasons I wrote the book are explained within it. The scope of the book really precludes me from adding too much more technical stuff, although the book formed the origins of this paper. Let’s just call this “a separation of philosophy and science”.


The Formation of Matter During a Digital Big Bang


In review, there are 3 exclusive “Forces” that enact upon the present state of each and every particle in the U. as they transition into the next state. I describe them as “Nuclear”, “Quantum”, and “Newtonian” forces. Nuclear forces are first considered, if not, then Quantum, and if not, then finally Newtonian forces are used to re-assign a particle into its next state.

We’re assuming that all of the particles are all logically assigned to be located in the center of the U. as the big bang began.

This represents a perfect ultra-concentration of particles, all “squeezed” into a single point size location.

Please see Note_BBF_1: Compression of all Matter Into a Single Location in your spare time.

Particle Spreading and Virtual Matter

Subsequent states of the U. will then have these particles spreading out away from the center, so particles will be located apart from one another, and THAT is how matter takes up SPACE in within the virtual reality thus created.

Could This Apply to Our Universe?

Instead of thinking about our Universe’s big bang as consisting of actual tiny bits of matter exploding away from the center, try to think of it as numbers counting their way outward from the number zero.

The set of point-size bits that scientists today call QUARKS map out relative positions that create the spatial relations that compose matter, EXACTLY THE SAME as can be done with a list of numerical pointers… the results are identical.

The conceptualization of this is difficult until you consider how things might appear from within a digital Universe. It’s simple to visualize it if you understand what I’m calling TIME FRAMES. Once you cross that hurdle, its easy the see that in reality, we’re all swimming in a sea of numbers. Put another way, reality IS numbers.

Click HERE to skip the lengthy discussion on time frames.

*Time Frames: The Death of a Horse and a Pony

I’m going to spend a lot of time on this. The book beats a horse to death discussing it, but here, we beat a horse AND a pony to death, because understanding Time Frames (as well as Word Size) are key!

Virtual Computing

Note: The next 3 sections are YELLOW only if you can’t do basic arithmetic. Of course, I’m assuming in this statement that at least you can count to 3.

If you need to add some numbers together, you can get the job done in any of a number of ways, the most obvious is to sit down and use a pencil and paper. Or, you can speed things up, and even automate the process by using a tool like an adding machine.

When using a tool to perform some calculations, it doesn’t matter if you’re using an abacus or a slide rule. It doesn’t matter if it’s an adding machine that uses gears, sand, or fluids with valves. You could use an old SR 10[11] pocket calculator, or you can use a computer; any kind of computer. The same set of calculations can also be made visualizing the answer, by looking at a set of charts, by asking someone to give you the answers, etc., etc., etc.

[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]


Whatever tools you might be using, whatever way it gets done, the correct results will always be the same. The only difference might be the speed at which the job gets done, but in the end the results of the calculations are identical. Nobody can argue about this, it’s as simple as it sounds.

The King

Lets take this a step further; King Bennett needs to perform 18 calculations, and he demands that the results must be correct. To be absolutely certain, his highness orders 9,000 of his closest disciples to somehow perform all of these calculations and report the results back to him in a list. Here is The King’s list of calculations to be performed:

1. 2 + 0

2. (The result of 1) + 3

3. (The result of 2) + 2


Each of the 9,000 disciples use whatever methods they have available to them to complete the task and report their list of results, for example:

1. 2 + 0 = 2

2. (The result of 1) + 3 = 5

3. (The result of 2) + 2 = 7


Again, the methods the disciples use to determine these calculations have no effect upon the correct results. The correct lists from all of the disciples are identical because all of the calculations were made by virtually identical methods. Anyone with incorrect results is battered to death with flying discs by the king himself.


The Chess Game

We can compare The King’s sequence of calculations to another sequence; the moves players of a chess game make. Today’s chess players use “Standard Algebraic Chess Notation” to record the sequence of moves made in a game:

[pic] [pic]

Here is an example of a report listing of a full game’s sequences of moves:

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. Bb5+ Bd7 4. Bxd7+ Qxd7 5. c4 Nc6 6. Nc3 Nf6 7. O-O g6 8. d4 cxd4 9. Nxd4 Bg7 10. Nde2 Qe6 11. Nd5 Qxe4 12. Nc7+ Kd7 13. Nxa8 Qxc4 14. Nb6+ axb6 15. Nc3 Ra8 16. a4 Ne4 17. Nxe4 Qxe4 18. Qb3 f5 19. Bg5 Qb4 20. Qf7 Be5 21. h3 Rxa4 22. Rxa4 Qxa4 23. Qxh7 Bxb2 24. Qxg6 Qe4 25. Qf7 Bd4 26. Qb3 f4 27. Qf7 Be5 28. h4 b5 29. h5 Qc4 30. Qf5+ Qe6 31. Qxe6+ Kxe6 32. g3 fxg3 33. fxg3 b4 34. Bf4 Bd4+ 35. Kh1 b3 36. g4 Kd5 37. g5 e6 38. h6 Ne7 39. Rd1 e5 40. Be3 Kc4 41. Bxd4 exd4 42. Kg2 b2 43. Kf3 Kc3 44. h7 Ng6 45. Ke4 Kc2 46. Rh1 d3 47. Kf5 b1=Q 48. Rxb1 Kxb1 49. Kxg6 d2 50. h8=Q d1=Q 51. Qh7 b5 52. Kf6+ Kb2 53. Qh2+ Ka1 54. Qf4 b4 55. Qxb4 Qf3+ 56. Kg7 d5 57. Qd4+ Kb1 58. g6 Qe4 59. Qg1+ Kb2 60. Qf2+ Kc1 61. Kf6 d4 62. g7# 1-0

This example is Kasparov versus the World, a game played by Garry Kasparov over the internet against the rest of the world, with the World's moves being chosen by popular vote under the guidance of a team of grandmasters.

Definition: How Computer Simulators Work

Some of the most useful computer application programs we have are called “computer simulators”. For example, IBM made a ton of money in the 60s and 70s with its “mainframes”, which are really big, fast and expensive computers. To keep IBM’s mainframe market competitive as the cost of hardware began plummeting in the 80s and 90s, they came up with the “Virtual Machine” (VM).

It sounds like hardware, but the VM is really a set of computer programs each of which behaves exactly like a different kind of computer. A single mainframe can run multiple VMs all at the same time, simulating a collection of disparate computer systems. So then, as cheaper mid-range computers like the AS-400 were introduced, IBM kept its mainframe market share by providing a VM program that acts exactly like an AS-400.[12]

[pic] [pic] [pic]

Is there a point?

A program designed to run on the AS-400 has NO WAY OF KNOWING if it’s running on an actual AS-400, or on a Virtual Machine running on a mainframe simulating an AS-400, or running on any other kind of computer simulator, for that matter. From the point of view of the running program, the exact same sequence of state changes is executed.

And so, the exact same results occur, and the program doesn’t care.

Why should it care, after all, its just a program. The only thing that matters is that the calculations are performed correctly, and the output and results are in the correctly expected sequences.

Please see “The Hack”, below.

Can We PLEASE Get to the Point?

Yes. To the pieces inside of the chess game (Bishops, Pawns, Etc.), it does NOT matter how the game’s players physically or logically decide on what moves are made. It does NOT matter who the players are, how many there are, or how experienced they are. It doesn’t even matter if the players themselves are actually computers!


Time Frames

Additionally, to the pieces inside of the game, it does NOT matter how long it takes the players to make the moves or whether they make them at regular intervals, because the only TIME FRAME they can relate to occurs from move to move.


Because time is based upon motion, and the only motion they ever see is the sequence of moves.

And so, just like programs running on computer simulators, and just like any ordered list of calculations, the exact same sequence of state changes gets executed within its own reality. The processing is real, even if the processor itself is simulated, the moves are real, even if the game is simulated, virtual, or “real”.

Relative Terminology of the Chess Game

When we play a game of chess on a computer, we’re really creating a virtual Universe within the memory of our running program. We can call this the INNER UNIVERSE, as it relates to the OUTER UNIVERSE in which we live.

For our game of chess, the players (in the Outer U.) take the time we need to decide the next move, and then make it all at once, even if it involves more than one piece. The chess pieces within the game (the Inner U.) only see the movement of pieces occurring as a sequence of events.

Similarly, if we created a program to simulate a Universe, what goes on within it is called the Inner U., and we still live in the Outer U.

This seems obvious until you consider the notion that SYNTHETIC LIFE can spring forth within the virtual inner world and evolve into intelligent beings, who can then go on to create computer simulation programs… can you see where I’m going with this? Inner and outer universes are relative terms. Is this starting to get creepy? Just wait!

Is the horse dead yet? OK, but here’s another analogy… let’s beat a pony to death now…

A Long Day in My Computer Lab

If you watch Octopus_2 run, you get an idea of what’s going on:

“Outer Universe Time: 12:23:24 PM”

“Inner Universe Time: 30”

“Outer Universe Time: 12:23:29 PM”

“Inner Universe Time: 31”


The “Outer Universe” is us, reading this paper, tweaking and running our Octopus_2 “Universe Maker” program, playing SRV music, and thinkin’ about hittin’ up the sushi bar for lunch. Meanwhile, the Inner Universe we created keeps chugging along, tick-by-tick (30, 31, …).

Lunch. Hmmm…. 12:23:34 PM… this seems like a good time for a lunch break…

[pic] [pic] [pic]

As time ticks away in the outer U., you eat your lunch with chopsticks, while I wait in the computer lab for you to get back ... …

… … … … … ... … … … … …

… … the next day, because you met someone at the sushi bar and one thing led to another …

“OH! Back so soon? Wipe the soy sauce off! MMKKKAAAAYYYYY… Let’s continue on…”[13]

The particles which compose the VIRTUAL MATTER within the Inner Universe’s reality are created, moved and manipulated as SEQUENCES OF NUMBERS by our program running in the Outer U.

The TIME FRAME within the perceived virtual reality results from the sequence from tick to tick…

“Outer Universe Time: 07:38:22 AM”

“Inner Universe Time: 32”

HEY WAIT, YA DUMMY!! You left the program paused while you were eating your fish and who knows what else!!!!

Oh, bugger!!! Look at the display…


Paused at tick 32 the virtual world waits, while hours and hours have elapsed in our Outer Universe. BUMMER!! Well, OK, lets just press “Resume the Universe Here” and let it continue…..

(The program takes off as expected…)

*A Not so Obvious Thing

Alright, Einstein!! What did we do to the virtual world????


Within the Inner-U, the only time frame that can be relate to occurs from tick to tick. Why? Because time is based upon motion, and the only motion ever seen is caused by the sequence of ticks.

To the characters living in this virtual Universe, time was NOT INTERRUPTED!!! The sequence continued, unnoticed, undetected. While the program was paused overnight, the Inner-U was unaware of any pause in time whatsoever!!!

You can take off for lunch for a whole week next time. Months, years, it doesn’t matter!!! THE SEQUENCE IS ALL THAT MATTERS inside the virtual U. It’s the only thing they can base their time frame upon. Each sequence change appears to have been executed exactly one tick apart, and it appears absolutely fluid and real from with the Inner Universe.

Dead Yet? NOOO??? OK, Just One More…

In the outer U., while the calculations are being made to move the inner U. into the next step in the sequence (the next grain of time), time is not perceivable; they’re frozen in a state of indefinite suspension because nothing moves in their Universe; Their sense of time passing is based only upon the relative motion of particles in their Universe occurring, as their brains acting as SIMULATORS[14] are programmed to respond to their sensory input of such.

What they feel as they perceive time pass is their brain’s perception of these changes.

Creepy, right?


OK. OK.!

Demonstration of a Simple Universe: M7P1DPOU

Lets start with a simple U. to demonstrate my theories. It contains only 7 particles, and for simplicity sake, only one dimension, meaning that the locations of these particles are defined as a single number[15]. And because this is a DIGITAL universe, that number must be an INTEGER. To make it even simpler, let’s only use positive integers, so particles in this U. expand outwards only in one direction.

Let’s call this Marty’s 7 Particle, 1 – Dimensional, Positive-Only Universe, or M7P1DPOU for short.

You can follow this example along by running Octopus_2.exe, found inside of, freely distributed with this paper.

*Visualization of the virtual M7P1DPOU

We can visualize the virtual M7P1DPOU as a long straight ruler, where each of the “inches” marked off delineate a discrete location along it. It looks as simple as it sounds:

|0 |1 |

|1 |Sex |

|2 |Drugs |

|3 |Rock |

|4 |And |

|5 |Roll, |

|6 |That’s |

|7 |What |

|8 |Makes |

|9 |Us |

|10 |Crazy! |

|11 |Sex |

|12 |Drugs |

The index of the second object in this list is 2, allowing us to use #2 to uniquely identify it, even if the object’s value (“Drugs”) is not unique, as shown in #12.

For reasons described below, we will need to make use of prime numbers in some of our calculations. Like the array index, each prime number is also unique. Marty calls the distinct prime number associated with each distinct array index the PrimeDentity:

|Array Index |PrimeDentity |Object Value |

|1 |1 |Sex |

|2 |2 |Drugs |

|3 |3 |Rock |

|4 |5 |And |

|5 |7 |Roll, |

|6 |11 |That’s |

|7 |13 |What |

|8 |17 |Makes |

|9 |19 |Us |

|10 |23 |Crazy! |

|11 |29 |Sex |

|12 |31 |Drugs |

Within a non-contiguous (by array index) group of particles, we use the relative array index to assign PrimeDentities to:

|Array Index |PrimeDentity |Object Value |

|1 |1 |Sex |

|2 |2 |Drugs |

|3 |3 |Rock |

|5 |5 |Roll, |

|9 |7 |Us |

|10 |11 |Crazy! |

|11 |13 |Sex |

|12 |17 |Drugs |

Note_BBF_6B: Pseudo-code for DetermineNext :

Function DetermineNext (CurrentObject as integer, _

CurrentSet as integer,

Done as Boolean) _

as UniverseObjectType

‘ Called from main(), this function determines if

‘ the end of the run has been reached, or if not,

‘ determines the next state (PrimeDentity, location

‘ and vector) of a particle and stores it in the

‘ associated object in the alternate set.


Dim FirstRelatedIndex as integer



If (IsDone) then


‘ Call to IsDone determined the run is finished,

‘ ending time and existence, as we know it.


Done = True

Exit Function

End if


If (IsPositionShared (CurrentObject, _

CurrentSet, _

FirstRelatedIndex)) then


‘ Call to IsPositionShared returns true,

‘ so use nuclear force rules to move it


DetermineNext = NuclearMove (CurrentObject, _

CurrentSet, _



‘ Move the particle using nuclear force rules

Exit Function




If (IsPositionClose (CurrentObject, _

CurrentSet, _

FirstRelatedIndex)) then


‘ Call to IsPositionClose returns true,

‘ so use quantum mechanics rules to move it


DetermineNext = QuantumLeep (CurrentObject, _

CurrentSet, _



‘ Move the particle using quantum mechanics rules




‘ Must be part of a cluster, so use classical physics


DetermineNext = NewtonMotion (CurrentObject, _



‘ Move the particle using Newtonian physics




End Function DetermineNext


Function IsPositionShared (CurrentObject as integer, _

CurrentSet as integer, _

FirstSharedIndex as integer) _

as Boolean

‘ Determines if a particle shares its position with others:

‘ If not, returns False.

‘ If so, determines the first particle

‘ sharing its position and returns it as

‘ FirstSharedIndex, and returns IsPositionShared as True.


Dim index1 as integer


For index1 = 1 to UniverseObjectCount

‘ Loop through all particles in the U


If (UniverseObjects (CurrentObject, _

CurrentSet).Location = _

UniverseObjects (index1, _

CurrentSet).Location) Then


‘ We found the first particle sharing

‘ the same location


FirstSharedIndex = index1

‘ Save it


If (CurrentObject NOT= index1) then

‘If this is not the same particle


IsPositionShared = True


Exit Function





IsPositionShared = False

‘ No shared particles found


End Function IsPositionShared


‘ Can you believe how easy this is?

‘ Just one more simple function,

‘ and we’re done with nuclear forces!

Function NuclearMove (CurrentObject as integer, _

CurrentSet as integer, _

FirstSharedIndex as integer) _

as UniverseObjectType

‘ Function to move a particle by nuclear force


NuclearMove.Location.Xloc = _

UniverseObjects (CurrentObject, _

CurrentSet).Location.Xloc + _

UniverseObjects (CurrentObject, _


‘Set next location


If (CurrentObject NOT= FirstSharedIndex) Then


NuclearMove.Vector.DirectionObject =_



NuclearMove.Vector.Speed = _

UniverseObjects (CurrentObject, _


CurrentSet).Vector.Speed + _

UniverseObjects (CurrentObject, _



End if


End function

NOTE_BBF_7: A few notes on the NuclearMove function code:


1. In this example, we are only moving the particle along the X-axis, and always away from the center of the Universe. We are also simply setting its next speed using only the PrimeDentity. It is a very crude and simple implementation, but it works.


2. We could do all kinds of things in this code to make the Universe dance, sing, sit up and bark like a dog. For example, we could have considered the number of co-occupying particles, and use it as an exponential factor in calculating each particle’s next speed and location, thus asserting the influence of all the other particles sharing the position. Ka – BOOM!!!


3. The first particle in a set of particles sharing the same position is treated different from the others; it is used as the DirectionObject in the vectors for all of the other co-occupying particles. Since no particle can act as its own DirectionObject, its DirectionObject value is set to NULL and its speed set to 0. This is also done to implement the laws of relativity.


4. Not shown are the QuantumLeep routines for Quantum mechanics, and the NewtonMotion routines for classical Newtonian physics and relativity. Ready?Go! The routine for Quantum mechanics looks for clusters of particles within certain proximities of others. It then keeps these particles close by locking them all into a tight arrangement, thus making up the various sub-atomic structures for all of the elements in our U. All of the PrimeDentities are re-assigned starting from 1 relative to the other particles in the cluster, and all of the vectors are duplicated, making the entire atom behave as one mega-particle, when considered for Newtonian motion. Once locked in, the cluster no longer remains eligible for Nuclear or Quantum forces; subsequent moves are then calculated simply by moving the whole atom around according to its vector, and thus, the Newtonian laws of physics occur. By using another object as a relative reference for speeds (rather than the center of the U.), and limiting each particle’s next speed to a maximum of c (the speed of light), Newtonian motion also obeys the laws of relativity. Chemical reactions can then subsequently occur by virtue of collisions between atoms, due to the introduction of external particles into the close proximities of each cluster, or, much more rarely, into shared grid positions causing subsequent nuclear reactions. Not bad for one paragraph, eh?

Note_BBF_8: Marty terminology definition: Force and Energy

Note_BBF_8_Note:::This Chapter Discusses my wild postulations about force and energy and where they’re not stored…


Our Universe seems to exhibit a myriad of forces and energies. Physicists really struggle to reverse-engineer these observations into a continuously changing set of theories trying to explain what they see. They try to describe and classify them, as if they’re some kind of strange category or some weird alternate state of particles, and as such, make up part of the Universe in and of themselves. E = mc2 is a great example of this confusion[72].


Marty says this is all hogwash! Neither FORCE nor Energy is CONTAINED WITHIN OUR UNIVERSE AT ALL!

[pic] [pic]

First of all, Energy is actually a measurement of the magnitude of the potential to move matter from one place to the next.

What we observe to be “Force” is simply the manifestation of changes in the positions and vectors of particles as the Universe ticks off grains of time. Period! In other words, Force only comes from the computer that’s running the show, its not part of the show itself.

I still use the term “Force” because that’s how we describe and quantify what we see when observing changes in the position of matter. But just to be clear about it, Force does not come from matter, nor is it stored in anywhere or any way in our Universe.

Force is really the computer algorithm used by the big box the runs the U. Isn’t that a lot less confusing? To me, this is a bone-chilling revelation.

*Note_BBF_9: Benefits of discovering the formula…

These are chapters taken from the book, with all of the religious opinions removed….

NOTE_BBF_9_NOTE::: This chapter discusses theoretical benefits…

For now,


OK, but how does that help Mankind?


Besides explaining how our Universe actually works, explaining Infinity, reality, and time, there are also practical benefits we can now harvest

We can also come up with a new way to re-define all of the laws of chemistry, physics, and relativity simply by figuring out this very simple formula, and extrapolating generalizations that precisely explain the behavior of matter. As previously stated, we can solve these riddles by working from the inside out, rather than taking the long way home through observation and theorization.

Purdy schweet, huh?

NOTE_BBF_9_NOTE:::The book then goes on elaborating that it might be possible to actually run a simulation of our own Universe and thus be able to use it to review our own past and maybe even predict the future.

NOTE_BBF_9_NOTE::: This chapter and all of its included sub-chapters discuss possibly developing new technologies based upon the discovery…

For now,


Architectural Sequences

Axis’s of Evil?

In my technical description and pseudo code, I stated that I only described the location of a particle in the Universe in 3-D, just to make is easy to visualize. In the actual code, I only use the X-axis to define a particle’s location; I didn’t even use Y or Z-axis’s at all.

Its not that they are axis’s of evil, its just that we really don’t need them.

I don’t know if you can understand this without being able to see it in 3-d, but my simple model of the Universe can really work just like this. The next position calculations could all simply occur in 1-d space, kind of like a line that is growing. The line is composed of a set of discrete segments, like a ruler with inches delimiting each. Each segment corresponds to a discrete location away from the center of the universe. It’s all done in one-dimensional space, kind of like a simple RISC[73] processor functioning to run much more complex instruction sets.

Please see Note_BBF_2: Representing a 3-D Universe Using Only 1-Dimension Numerical Representations for recent insights on this.

If you really think about it…

If you really think about it, the state of the entire universe at any given moment can be defined simply as a number, and the motion of the universe can be defined simply as a sequence of changing numbers.

If you can figure out exactly which parts of the number changes and when it changes, you can map this to physical changes at an exact place and time in our universe, and you can thus precisely predict the exact sub-atomic behavior of matter. I call this Architectural Sequencing. It’s accomplished similar to the way programmers use memory locations to map to physical or virtual structures[74], or the way geneticists map genetic characteristics to certain pieces of DNA sequences.

[pic] [pic]

Breaking the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principal

The current thinking, according to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle for exactly locating a particle is, it is impossible, because:

1. It is believed that, at best, an area of probability can be established in which a particle might exist.

2. Any attempts to locate a particle “must” fail because it “must” introduce external locator particles which affect the location of the particle being sought.

However, if my theories are correct, using Architectural Sequencing technology (working “from the inside out”), we will soon:

1. Be able to predict exactly where a particle will be at an exact time.

2. Be able to shatter the barriers that make the digitally discrete operations of particles at the quantum level appear to be continuous motions; we will be touch with the actual pulse of our Universe.

And, since we won’t be introducing any external locator particles[75], nothing will be “disturbed by examination”.

As a result, we will very quickly gain a complete understanding of the exact motions and paths of these particles, and this new knowledge will then help us forge the tools we need to master the manipulation of matter in a myriad of new and exciting ways.

Harvesting the knowledge… new machines of the future

Once the science of architectural sequencing becomes developed, we will be able to invent new ways to manipulate matter into anything we want. Soon, many new and very useful inventions will be created, harvesting this new knowledge:

Tiny Widgets

We will begin by creating tiny widgets that can be used as physical building blocks. We have already started using carbon nano-tubes for these purposes.

Tiny Tools that build Tiny Machines

Next, we’ll create tiny tools which can then be used to further manipulate tiny widgets, building them into tiny machines so small, they can actually work directly upon motions of particles at the quantum-level.

Tiny Grid-Snap Perpetual Radiant Energy Machine

The first tiny-size machine is a “grid-snap” perpetual radiant energy machine that creates energy from “nothing” by taking advantage of the digital rounding off of calculated next locations to move quantum-level size particles into positions from which various forms of radiant energy can be extracted.

Osmosis-Reel Heat-to-Mechanical Energy Conversion Machine

Marty contends that the phenomenon of osmosis occurs when atoms in close proximity get moved around by the Newtonian laws as the Universe ticks off grains of time. Occasionally the relative position of these atoms makes some of the movements repeat in cycles, like waves splashing back and forth in a small tub. We observe this as the “vibrations” your science teacher blindly told you about. Thus, osmosis results from the ticking of time in our virtual world.

Next, an “osmosis-reel” that latches onto an oscillating structure, and uses the force of motion to move a tiny leaver and spin a tiny reel, pulling a tiny string (like a carbon nano-tube) along, creating huge amounts of mechanical energy from small amounts of heat (which generate the oscillations). These can be used to construct “heat activated synthetic muscles” of unimaginable strength.

Ultra Concentrated Data Storage Units

The smallest particles of matter can be lined up into physical configurations and used to store information using micro-sized info-mapping. These configurations can also be chemically locked up into extremely secure micro-size data storage units.

Universal Map Locator: Bolt


(New as of 21-Nov-2010) This is like a GPS on steroids… it points out your exact location within the Universe! I have created a separate chapter for this discussion called “Bolt, the Wonder Dog”. Check it out!!!

Ultra Capacity Computers

Finally, “atomic” computers of unheard-of capacity and speed can be created.

Note_BBF_10: Simulators

I describe human and animal brains as being simulators. Simulators? Is this getting a bit willy-nilly? NO!

An adding machine can be constructed with gears, with fluids and valves, from moving blocks, in the form of abacus. Etc. It is a simple matter of constructing a physical machine that performs calculations by virtue of its shapes and motions.

Within the virtual Universe, matter spring up and forms the cosmos, life springs up, and advanced anatomic structures, including brains, evolve.[76]

What are brains? They are simply computers. Fancy adding machines with the capacity to store and recall information. Simple and pure, this is accomplished by anatomic structures that can physically perform calculations

A computer simulator is a computer program that behaves as though it’s another computer. It’s beyond the scope of this paper to fully describe that, but the point here is that the simulator “exists” purely within the virtual world of a computer program.

Brains in a virtual world are made of the same “virtual material” they perceive, the same way a simulator program exists within the same virtual world it enacts upon.

Because of this, we can call them simulators, and rightly so.

Note BBF_11A: A Discussion About Hidden Particles.

(Review from above…)

So anyway, I assign mass to atoms as they’re created by fusion of multiple particles, thus making them real.

Before assigning them any mass, these particles had none (they had to be eligible for fusion, meaning they couldn’t be locked into any arrangement), and they certainly didn’t take up any space, because, for one thing, they don’t exist!

But even if my program required all particles to be assigned to a grid location at all times, which is reasonable, I could make it so they occupy it or even co-occupy it, without affecting anything else. I could do a lot, and yet still keep things simple by just sticking to one simple rule:

Until a particle is assigned mass, it doesn’t affect anything else when making considerations regarding the movement of matter.

And thus, the equations that describe these motions remain pure and simple, operating only on real matter; pre-fused, persistent atoms..

Because of this, I also stated (above) that particles “become real” when they’re assigned mass.

But that doesn’t make them “unreal” in the meanwhile! They are real, of course, we just can’t see them; they’re HIDDEN.

Hidden particles seem to be just freely darting around waiting to be fused into atoms, and there can also be hidden particles there for other reasons, for example, as place markers, as pointers or as flags, or as filler.

Please see the discussion under Radiation about particles behaving as pointers.

I suppose its safe to say that if a hidden particle never affects any other particle, its “unreal”. But these “unreal” particles are, in fact, real to the program. They could have always been around as part of the Universal flow of particles, and still not be detectable as existing. They may or may not effect anything, perhaps required just to be among the stack of all particles, simply to make the program run the way it does. Filler, just to line things up for other particles to fall into the correct places way on down the line, become fused, acquire mass, and become real.

These are the unseen particles, the silent workers, the givers, never the takers. They sacrifice themselves without any recognition for the good of the program as a whole. Free radicals, and yet castaways who are never seen or heard from.

Modern physicists have come up with the need to have such things as antimatter and dark matter. Are these simply gaps that need to be filled by magical conjuring? Apparently so, however, in Marty’s world, these activities are predicted, they make perfect sense, and not magic in operation, they’re really straightforward.

The strange part is that whatever these unaccounted for particles function to do, cannot be distinguished from functions programmed into the algorithms or anything else, occurring underneath it all. Its yet another part of the black box that we must figure out.

But my thing is, instead of inventing black matter and dark energies, lets go back in the other direction,,, finding a simple basic underlying explanation and build outward from there. And when we consider everything, lets not forget to consider those poor, poor particles who get no consideration whatsoever. Perhaps that is their purpose, after all.

Please see the section discussing “The Doorways to Chaos”, below.

Note BBF_11B: The Doorways to Chaos

Programmers know what it means to be running in the ghost state… when a program losses its bearings and runs amuck, executing random instructions in random areas of memory. When we encounter it, well, lets just say it’s not something we’re not proud of. For the program, it’s as close to chaos as it gets.

Here is a quick explanation of how computers operate:

1. Computers are capable of executing a set of instructions, for example, “ADD”, “SUBTRACT”, “MOVE”, etc.

2. These instructions are PROGRAMMED into lists, kind of like sets of steps used, for example, as driving directions to the party store (drive straight 3 blocks, turn right, buy MD-20/2 at drive-through, start drinking, drive back un-straight, etc.), or to the morgue (drive straight 3 miles, turn right, park, ask for room 22, etc.).

3. The computer stores these instruction lists into memory locations, just like it stores data.

4. To run a PROGRAM (a particular list of instructions), the computer needs to LOAD the list of instructions into a free chunck of memory, point to the starting instruction in the list, FETCH it, execute it, fetch the next, …

They really aren’t all that complicated! The computer needs to be careful of where it


Note_BBF_12: E = MC What???

Just an aside here, nobody is really saying exactly where mass suddenly comes from when quarks join up. Of course I’m aware of E=MC² but it doesn’t make any sense in the context it’s presented in.

Is the energy stored within an atom, and released in a stationary position? Or is the energy somehow released by virtue of its relative speed, as the equation implies?

That’s how they describe nuclear reactions … they say the energy results from the sudden acceleration of matter, causing a partial gradient in speeds which the equation then neatly fills as energy being released.

They say partial, because theoretically it would take an infinite amount of energy to actually accelerate even the tiniest bit of matter to the speed of light, so they start talking about partial speeds and what happens as we approach the speed of light.

But then you got to ask, where does light come from if it takes an infinite amount of energy to make it?? And just exactly where is it turned back into matter? And how?

I am not disputing this theory, as far as being useful for calculating how much energy you can get from one pound of fuel. I am, however, suggesting that the mechanisms they ponder upon are both ridiculous and inconsistent.

Scientists now believe that matter came into existence from a point size object, and yet, they insist that it had to be accompanied by a “near-infinite” amount of energy at the same time. Why can’t they consider that as matter was created from nothing, its motion and its mass created energy as well?

I am stating it all simply!! There is no energy contained within our U. at all.

In my description of fusion and creation of atoms, I say, they simply become real by virtue of the algorithm assigning them mass, and then they get moved around by the algorithm, so there’s your energy. And that’s all there is to it.

In other words, there is no magic conversion between matter and energy as the equation suggests. They are separate and for the most part, unrelated entities.

Isn’t that a lot simpler?

Note BBF_13: The Hack

Discusses how formulas can be implemented in a variety of ways, but all boil down to pure math equations.

“Marty, you called me a hack”.

In programming terms, hacks are lazy jerks who don’t take their time to make the code they work on maintainable. The definition of that is beyond this paper, however, lets just say that these guys do sloppy work.

However, did you know that there are nearly[77] an unlimited number of ways to write the same program? The code can look completely different, have unnecessary looping processing that flail and waste time, can drag along a lot of unneeded and/or obsolete data structures, etc. etc.

Please see the very lengthy discussions (above) about processing sequences of numbers.

As is turns out, it doesn’t matter if the code is hacked or perfect. It doesn’t even matter what computer language it’s written in or even if it runs on a computer at all! The exact same sequences can be generated as a set of hand written letters over the course of centuries.

If the numerical sequences generated by whatever methods follow an underlying math equation that’s correct, that’s all that matters. If a program’s functions result in the correct sequence, it is correct regardless of how hacked and inefficient the code may seem.

The point here? Well there’re 3 of them:

1. Whatever means are used to produce the correct sequences, be it a list of hand written instructions or a 10,000 line 8080 assembly language program, if it works it’s right.

2. The common thread is being able to express what the numerical progressions are as a set of math functions. Hopefully, the functions can be reduced down to an uncluttered set of “pure” equations and that means converging upon the simplest way of expressing it.

3. What boggles my mind is whether a sequences has to actually go through the physical act of being processed at all, or if the mere existence of the equation implicitly makes all of the possible states that can result, real.

But that’s not scientific. Is it?

Note BBF_14: What happened during the “Big Bang”?


Scientists have recently tried to figure out what happened during the big bang. I don’t know much about these sciences, but I have heard some suggest that within the first few milliseconds of the big bang, some major changes occurred to an incredibly huge amount of matter, most of which are not possible under any of our understandings of the laws of physics and relativity.

However, in Marty’s simple model of the U., these changes are not only possible, they are predicted by the algorithm for nuclear movement, simply by initializing the location of every particle so they all logically occupy the same position in the first moment of time.

Marty’s Theory on Maximum Particle Motion in the History of the Universe:

During the very first grain of time, the very first movement in the Universe was the biggest single event ever, as far as maximum movement of objects in the history of the Universe.

This is based upon my simple model of the Universe, which uses co-occupation (nuclear force) rules as a first priority in calculating the next positions of all particles. If, as I suspect, the initial state of the Universe was that all particles occupied the exact same position at the same time, this represented the maximum concentration of particles possible.

Any subsequent movements almost certainly have to occur with particles separated from one another, resulting in less overall movement.

[pic] [pic] [pic]

Here is the catch…

I said “almost certainly” because it is possible for all of the particles to wind up in the same position sometime in the finite future! This will end time as we know it, and trigger the next big bang. As WILD as that seems, again, lets think it through…

Marty’s Theory on Perpetual Gambling:

My cousin Larry and me often wonder what it would be like to hang around the casino and just play craps forever. One day we’d be up 10 va-va-villion on the house, the next day we’d owe “Vito Gallastoletti” even more in markers and fingers. Depending on our bankroll and the house edge, over a long time statistics will rule the day. Lets face it, Vegas was not built by winners.

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Now lets imagine that we have a HUGE bankroll, I mean, like, the entire Universe is gold and we own it. And not only that, let’s say that there is no house edge, so theoretically, we could play forever. BUT, let also imagine that NO MATTER WHAT, THE HOUSE CAN NEVER BUST.

It might take what seems like an eternity for the house to finally win all of our money. However, it is a mathematical certainty that eventually, it MUST occur because infinity always eventually wins over finite.

The Flow of the Universe

My theory on gambling, about the house always eventually wining if it has an infinite bank, can that explain how and why all of the particles in the Universe can eventually wind up in the same place at the same time? Because it is a possible next state, and there is a lot of time to encounter it? Oh, and don’t forget, taking place by design, not by chance, it results from a precisely pre-determined sequence of state changes.

In any case, this allows for multiple big bangs to occur, and addresses another bunch of scientific questions, like how long has time really existed?

Marty’s deduced solutions for a continuously re-cycling Universe:

Using my simple model of the Universe, I’ve deduced some simple solutions to re-cycle the Universe by getting it back to its initial state, whilst answering the questions of infinite space at the same time! In deciding the next position of moving particles using finite numbers, lets consider those particles for which the next position will be located out of the Universe’s finite range; the particles way out near the edge of the Universe…


We can, for example, simply move them back to position zero and then accumulate them until they are all there. This way, the Universe starts in an initial state, runs until its done by virtue of all particles being back in the initial state, and this could be the state that triggers another big bang, thus re-starting the U. ump-teen times over again.

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Or, we could just let these re-positioned particles continue to move from position zero as they arrive there, making the Universe flow like a big fountain, where water that gets to the edge goes back to the center. This way, the U. continues to flow until one fine day when all of the particles in it happen to all hit position zero at the same time, and we repeat our banging that way.

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Hey, another question is answered; how can the size of the Universe be infinite? What’s on the other side of that wall? Answer: It doesn’t matter because only the finite size of the fountain within it is ever occupied.


In other words, don’t sweat it!

Student Assignment

A nice assignment for a student of computer systems modeling is to determine which set of parameters are required to create the first 200 potential elements that can exist (persist for at least 2 ticks) in a Universe.

I know, only about the first 100 are stable enough to persist for more than a 2 ticks, but if enough mass is present in the big bang, they could exist and persist longer.

The equations used to make such a determination are based upon a time continuum, and thus not digital.

The assignment is to try factoring in the digital nature of my approach, and use the numbers 1 and 2 to denote a finite time scale.

Next, try to re-evaluate these determinations by working backwards, figuring out how many particles would be required to created these elements. See if this calculated number works out to be a prime number. I bet it does!!!

And while you’re at it, make the simple correlations between what happens in quantum mechanics work by figuring out the right set of parameters and tweaking Octopus_2. Childs play?

Maybe this will help….

Periodic table of the Elements

About the author:


Martin S Wollner was born in Detroit in 1953, and has earned degrees in the disparate fields of Physiology and Computer Science from Michigan State University. He has worked in the Medical profession and as a long-time production-engineering systems architect for Ford Motor Co.

Marty’s father, Max Wollner was born in Berlin, Germany in 1921. His mom Helen was born in Detroit in 1923.

Marty now travels, sells flying discs, designs chip-less casino games, invents, writes, and tries to live a clean life by staying in shape and following the Golden Rule. Max would have wanted it this way.

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[1] In your spare time, Perpetual Life: The Eye of the Octopus is available entirely for free from . There are “Links to Science-ONLY topics” provided if you’re primarily interested only in science. It also describes my wacky and delusional ideas about why the Universe might exist. Marty recommends that you should do yourself and everyone else in the world a favor and read it. In your spare time. Right now, let’s stick to real science.

[2] You pass. Now there’s a good little student… We’re gonna get along just fine, you and me.

[3] It won’t hurt to look, I don’t have any horns.

[4] Please see the section “Availability of this book” in the book for a few disclaimers and to find why I want it to always be free.

[5] Safe program means I wrote every line in it, and packed it for distribution myself. Each program is a very simple, stand-alone MS Windows program, non-networked, non-invasive, non-destructive, virus-free.

[6] All is just FINE, jmaddox1.

[7] Word size is described in great detail in Note_BBF_3: Computer Word Sizes and Addressing Limitations.

[8] Complete for the example Universe described below. Our U. might be a bit more involved. Or not, hey, it just might work as is!

[9] If you’re a geek programmer type, you might want to look at the code before the description… it seems more straightforward!

[10] For example, in a 3-Dimensional Universe, sharing the exact same X, Y, and Z matrix location.

[11] The Texas Instruments SR 10 (Slide Rule 10) was he first popular hand held calculator.

[12] If you already had a $1,000,000 mainframe, and were given the choice of buying 10 new AS-400s for, say, $50,000 each, it made more sense to buy the “VM simulator for AS-400 software, costing $10,000” and use it on your old mainframe to simulate the 10 AS-400s, than to buy the actual AS-400s and scrap your old mainframe.

[13] (Sarcasm)

[14] Simulators? Is this getting a bit willy-nilly? NO! Please see Note_BBF_10: Simulators when you have some spare time.

[15] Please see Note_BBF_2 in your spare time, discussing multi-dimensional Universes.

[16] Please see Note_BBF_3 in your spare time, discussing how big Universes have to be.

[17] The “Center of the U.” in this case is location 0, … kinda’ off to the left in the visualization, but you get the idea. More aptly, it should be called the “HEART OF THE UNIVERSE.”, instead.

[18] Limited to the speed of light.

[19] I’m skipping over the use of alternate sets, but that’s how it’s really implemented, as described in Note_BBF_5, below. Only the results are shown here.

[20] Turns out, this applies to all Universes that conform to Marty’s simple model, its just the way the math works out.

[21] For now. We will add radiation and other functions later.

[22] Please see the discussions on this in Note_BBF_5: Comments on Pseudo-code for a run of the Universe.

[23] In virtual reality, but you get the point…

[24] I know E = MC², but I have my own opinions on this, as revealed below…

[25] OK, I’m trying to make it run like the real thing, that doesn’t make me nuts! .. … Does it?

[26] Not yet fused plasma state particles, particles unlocked in fusion and fission reactions, invisible particles, etc…

[27] Only 1 dimension is show; 2-D would be at .Location.yLoc, 3-D at .Location.zLoc.

[28] Here we first determine what the direction object is, and (if not null), then subtract its location from our present location. We need to do this in case the location of the DirectionObject has changed.

[29] See Formation and Persistence, above

[30] Current… no pun intended…

[31] The Atomic Weight (AW) of an atom is the same as its mass. The mass of a chunk of an element = number of atoms in it times the element’s atomic weight.

[32] ABS is the Absolute Value function, which simply makes the result always a positive number.

[33] In craps, the house often offers “Stacked odds”, 3x on the 4 and 10, 4x on the 5 and 9, and 5x on the 6 and 8. I see the numbers 3, 4, 5 as representing Pythagoras: 3 squared = 9, 4 squared = 16, and 9 + 16 = 25, you guessed it, 5 squared. But there are much deeper implications here that require a thorough understanding of the mathematics of dice. This happens to be another specialty of mine. Please see the gaming information links from .

[34] This is called Integration.

[35] The word “Indefinitely” is way better than the word “Forever”; it’s realistic!

[36] It’s bullshit.

[37] This is discussed in great detail throughout the book; Leucippus and his much more famous student Democritus pioneered the theory of atomism way back around 400 BC; they figured that matter could only be sub-divided down to a finite “Atomic size”.

[38] For another point of view on this, please read “Closed Loop Programming”, freely available from .

[39] What The Heck?

[40] P.O.E... research General Jack Ripper

[41] 4 bits long equals a maximum capacity of 32

[42] Get ready for one of Marty’s length, dry and obscure, yet humorous analogies. Here, we will beat a lizard to death…

[43] A quote by the late Carl Sagan

[44] Did you just get a creepy feeling run down your spine? Good… it means you’re in tune with what I’m saying and this is a normal reaction!!! We’re gonna’ get along fine, you and me…

[45] Octopus_2 prototypes PROVE THIS, just as you would intuitively imagine. The math works as advertised, the concepts and implementation are simple, AND, it works in any number of dimensions!

[46] Only persistent fused atoms have mass

[47] (there are 1-d, 2-d implications, we talk later).

[48] The book says there is no energy contained within our Universe at all! What we perceive to be energy is just the manifestation of the algorithm that drives the motion of particles. In other words, energy is not contained within the Universe, it’s the computer moving virtual matter around by making sequential changes to the states of data structure that represent the virtual Universe.

[49] Right now I’m thinking it really is a flow of particles each assigned a mass of –1. In a 3-D world, this would bend light around large masses just a bit, but the light wouldn’t affect any masses. The math actually works correctly without any modifications to the code.

[50] Don’t make me beat another horse to death, please!

[51] Sorry I had to slip that in, Ever see the movie YellowBeard? Your father’s a pirate? A gardener? A Yellowbeard gardening? We’ll see about that when I get out!

[52] In both directions at once, in this case, because in a 1-Dimensional Universe there are only 2 ways to go!

[53] If you don’t understand this question, please review Particle Spreading and Virtual Matter. It’s not really that complex at all.

[54] Hey, at least I’m not talking about G. O. D. !!!! Seriously, THIS IS SCENCE!!!!

[55] Please see the chapters in the book that discuss “Trail and Error” approaches to creating Universes.

[56] I’m not going out on any limbs here, so I’m not saying shit about religion. Use your own judgment.

[57] The zero size of quarks, the known limited mass of the U., etc.

[58] Chaos theory states that the behaviors of an experiment whose states randomly interact and evolve over time are highly sensitive to variations in initial conditions. It is said that a buttefly flapping its wings can result in a hurricane occuring 100 years later.

[59] Please research the terms “computer ghost state” and “ghost in the machine”.

[60] Which follows that mathematical equation as best as possible, given the limitations imposed by the granularity used in the implementation.

[61] We beat a pony to death discussing this (above).

[62] We are assuming this is not a flying lizard, or if it is, it is flung in a vacuum.

[63] Terminology: Lets call the equivalent of processing that results in a Brillion years in a virtual U as “1 B”, which is the number of cycles it takes to create it, given the resolution being used by the box.

[64] Please see the section “Catalogs of Possible Universes” in the book.

[65] The book obviously discusses these issues; this exact scenario is posed, but in terms of “You Know Who” sitting down, rolling up his sleeves and writing a bit of code.

[66] Please see the section “Availability of this book” in the book for a few disclaimers and to find why I want it to always be free.

[67] Oh Ohhhh, not another length Marty analogy!!!

[68] I happened to have supervised a team of specialist who looked for and corrected millennia bugs in production code at Ford Motor Company. The threat was real, and Ford’s money well-spent for the 1.2 man-years it took me to modify 13 million lines of code into a millennia bug-free success story.

[69] Our numbering system is called “Base 10” notation.

[70] The Binary numbering system is called “Base 2” notation also known as “Binary Notation”.

[71] The Champ, Ken Climo demonstrates perfect fluid transfer of force via perfect form

[72] Marty does not dispute the equation e=mc2, however, if matter of mass = m were accelerated to near c (the speed of light), the universe would not shrink by m, it wouldn’t shrink at all!

[73] Reduced Instruction Set Computer

[74] One of my first jobs was programming a set of 4 huge stacker crane storage units using macro-11 assembly language in 28 KB of memory back in the 70’s for Oldsmobile, in Lansing, Mi. Programmers quickly develop skills allowing them to visualize programming structures that virtually represent physical structures.

[75] Who needs ‘em?

[76] This is a scientific paper. If you don’t like the term evolved, tough shit. In this context there aren’t any debates about how brains function, anyway so get over it.

[77] Please see the discussions in the book about “The Finite Number of Possible Universes”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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