Forsyth County Schools

Forsyth County Schools

Special Education Department

Board of Education, Room 380

1120 Dahlonega Highway

Cumming, Georgia 30040

Contact: 770-887-2461 Ext. 202362

Free Parent Training Series   (REVISED 3-1-2015) (No Registration Necessary)



|September 25 | |Parents of Students with |Any parent wanting to know about Project LIFE, the referral process, businesses that |

|6:00–8:00 pm |Project LIFE: What is it? |Developmental and/or Intellectual |partner with Project LIFE and how to prepare your son/daughter for Project LIFE – this |

| | |Disabilities |workshop is for You! |

| | |Grades 8-12 | |

|September 30 |Setting Routines & Schedules At Home |Parents of Students with Intellectual |Parents of students with intellectual disabilities will learn how to set up routines and |

|6:00 – 7:30 pm | |Disabilities |schedules at home to help with their child’s behavior and overall daily living skills. |

| | | |Topics that will be covered during this session will be morning routines, bedtime |

| | | |routines and defining & teaching expectations. |

|October 2 |Setting Routines & Schedules At Home |Parents of Students with |Parents of students with autism will learn how to set up routines and schedules at home |

|6:00 – 7:30 pm | |Autism Spectrum Disorder |to help with their child’s behavior and overall daily living skills. Topics that will be|

| | | |covered during this session will be morning routines, bedtime routines and defining & |

| | | |teaching expectations. |

|October 23 | |Parents of Students with |A rep from Region I GA Dept. of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) |

|6:00 – 8:00 pm |NOW and COMP Waivers |Developmental and/or Intellectual |will speak to provide parents with current information about the NOW and COMP waivers, |

| |AVITA - Family Supports and Adult Services |Disabilities |application process, legislation, etc. The NOW and COMP waivers provide transitional and|

| | | |lifelong services for individuals with developmental disabilities to help increase |

| | | |independence and quality of life. There is a waiting list; it’s important to get on this|

| | | |list well before the student graduates. A representative from AVITA will also be present |

| | | |to discuss their services through the Family Supports Grant which provides assistance to |

| | | |individuals with developmental disabilities and their families to encourage a positive |

| | | |and supportive living environment in the home. |



| |Challenging Behavior at Home |Parents of Students with Intellectual |Parents of students with intellectual disabilities will learn how to handle challenging |

|November 4 | |Disabilities |behaviors at home. Topics that will be covered during this session will be giving your |

|6:00 – 7:30 pm | | |child choices, determining the function of the behavior, and using planned ignoring when |

| | | |appropriate. |

|November 5 | | All Parents of Students in | We have created this workshop to help parents and/or students to understand their part |

|6:00 – 7:30 pm |IEPs 101 |Special Education |in the IEP process, with the belief that the most effective IEPs are where the parent, |

| | |Grades PreK-12 |the student, and the school staff collaborate to write an individual plan to help the |

| | | |student succeed in school. |

|November 6 |Challenging Behavior at Home |Parents of Students with |Parents of students with autism will learn how to handle challenging behaviors at home. |

|6:00 – 7:30 pm | |Autism Spectrum Disorder |Topics that will be covered during this session will be giving your child choices, |

| | | |determining the function of the behavior, and using planned ignoring when appropriate. |

|November 19 |Communication at its Core: Developing |Parents of minimally verbal or non-verbal |Why do many of our minimally verbal or nonverbal students continue to have significant |

|6:00-7:30 pm |Communication Skills for Life |students |difficulty communicating and generalizing the skills they have learned? How do we develop|

| | | |language for communication at school, at home ... and for life? AND WAIT … what is the |

| | | |difference between language and communication? Join us for the answers to these questions|

| | | |as we look at fostering communication skills using “core vocabulary.” Strategies and |

| | | |activities to develop communication using core vocabulary via a variety of methods to |

| | | |support our students’ current abilities will also be highlighted. |

|January 15 |Challenging Behavior at Home |Parents of Students In Preschool |Parents of preschool students will learn how to handle challenging behaviors at home. |

|6:00 – 7:30 pm | | |Topics that will be covered during this session will be using visual cues, functional |

| | | |communication and using the natural home environment for teaching skills. |

|January 27 |Dyslexia Parent Training | |More info to follow (Paul West, 770-887-2461, Ext. 202330) |

|7:00 – 9:00 | | | |



|January 29 |  |Parents of Students with |Speak with the Special Needs Financial Dept. of MetLife and hear how families can best |

|6:00 – 8:00 pm | |Developmental and/or Intellectual |plan for their child’s financial future.  Understand how income (gifts, donations, |

| |Special Needs Financial Planning (Revised |Disabilities |earnings, and inheritance) can affect one’s benefits status. This is strictly information|

| |Topic) | |with no obligation on parents to use the MetLife services in the future. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|March 5 |Challenging Behavior at Home |Parents of Students with Emotional/Behavior |Parents of students with emotional/ behavior disorders will learn to how to handle |

|6:00 – 7:30 pm |WILL BE HELD MARCH 5th |Disorders |challenging behaviors at home. Topics that will be covered during this session will be |

| |(Postponed earlier due to snow) | |teaching your child coping skills, using self-monitoring tools and the importance of |

| | | |positive parenting. |

|March 26 | |Parents of Students with Developmental |Does your child with a developmental disability want to attend college after graduation? |

| 6:00 - 8:00 pm |Post-Secondary Inclusion Programs |and/or Intellectual Disabilities |There are many colleges now offering post-Secondary Inclusion Programs for students who |

| |At Colleges and Universities | |received a Special Education Diploma or who did not meet the HS standards for college |

| | | |readiness.  These programs are tailored to the unique needs of the students and focus on |

| | | |job readiness, building self-esteem, immersion into the college academics and social |

| | | |settings and much more.  Speaker:  Susanna Miller, GA State University |

|April 30 |  |Parents of Students with |Mark Biernath, Attorney at Law returns to speak about the application process and how |

|6:00 – 8:00 pm | |Developmental and/or Intellectual |your decisions now - could affect decisions later in life.  He comes with a wealth of |

| |Guardianship and Conservatorship (Revised |Disabilities |knowledge and unbiased suggestions and helpful hints |

| |Topic) | | |

| | | | |

| |WILL BE HELD APRIL 30th | | |

| |(Postponed earlier due to snow) | | |

|May 7 | |Parents of Students with Developmental | |

|6:00 – 8:00 pm |Vocational Rehabilitation |and/or Intellectual Disabilities |Vocational Rehabilitation is a program for individuals with disabilities who are willing |

| | | |and able to work - who might also need assistance in fulfilling their vocational goals. |

| | | |Services vary by the need of the individuals and the goals they hope to achieve.  Hear |

| | | |from the counselors who contract with FCS and support our students. |




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